Chapter 86: The Time for Action is NOW
"So, you're telling me that this 'Hydra' is now running rampant and bending the wills of the majority of Shield... And you and Natasha are the only ones left from the purge of Shield?" Fury grimaced heavily as we sat inside of my office, hot coffee gracing the table before me as Artoria and Susan now sat beside me, their eyes scanning the two men.
My plans were constantly shifting before this meeting as I considered the alacrity which was needed to save people from their Governments... Now, I was forced to escalate my usage of force and expedite my expedition to Australia. Hydra was bad news and my acquisition of Australia would allow me a base to then oppose them. Something about having to conform to other 'species' time scale grated on me. Then came the sudden realisation that I had considered Humans another species entirely from me.
'My Sidhe side is affecting me a touch more than mere physical changes, it seems...' Though it would be concerning to humans, this was simply shrugged off by a deep aspect of myself, the mere acknowledgement of the fact that I was no longer human being insignificant on a genetic level.
'If I am forced to work with these constraints then let us leverage as much power as possible and simply abandon caution to the wind.' Some genetic memory whispered deep in my mind as the system slowly crept upwards into my vision, the shop app opening. I wasn't being controlled, no, this felt more akin to my own gut guiding me to a decision with a faint tickle of fae ancestry intensifying the need for action.
An image fluttered into my view, a woman kneeling down next to a Mimosa Pudica, her eyes faintly glowing. She simply stared at the plant, entranced... Confusion billowed through me during this moment until I dropped my jaw in awe as a light passed over the plant and she instantly crushed a fly within micro-seconds of it touching her arm-hairs. That was a feature only that plant had and yet she had, adapted it to herself.
The vision ended abruptly, my hand hovering above a system upgrade option... A single line of text glowing beneath my outstretched index finger... The cost much lower than I was first expecting, only sitting at 1,000,000,000 Points.
I tapped and felt the entirety of my soul shrivel then grow as the physical manifestation of the system I was so used to faded into a transparent sheet which further minimised into a single logo on the edge of my vision.
~System Vocal Commands and Purchasing has been activated, please select a character from which to base the system's personality off of. Also, be advised, I will now be considered a personal assistant and soul-sibling of yourself... Be careful of any choices made.~
Opening the screen for my system I noted several new boxes letting me choose the personality of my personal assistant... But what shone out to me more than anything was another system upgrade.
My second billion was spent as my character creation screen was spread to my entire summon function... More so... To my purchase of any items of certain grades or above. The power of names was a massive part of my Fae nature, more so, it was tied heavily to Norse Mythology. Nidhog, the dragon was felled after the warrior who slew him discovered his name.
~Character Creation Aspect has been tied to all purchases of (&!^%(&^! level and above. All summons will now bear the full power of their peaks. Limitation of the system with regards to power level will slowly come undone. It is suggested that the host of the system quickly reach ascension in whatever manner necessary or intended. ~
The voice was robotic, non-gendered and completely dull... I would need to change that. There was no time however as my spatial awareness spoke to me of hundreds of refugees pouring into my compound minute after minute. People were coming to me for safety.
We needed to go...
"Well, gentlemen, you are onboard whether you wish to be or not as of this moment." Tony and Fury looked at one another as Artoria smiled at me in an almost devilish way. Susan was half falling asleep as the night was drawing on longer than usual.
My message was sent to the Star Destroyer hanging listlessly above my 'base'.
A shuttle flew down to us all, picking up all of my summons, my women and myself whilst the droids lit up the entire vessel... The true size and immensity of this ship now making itself apparent in the massive lights that struck the distant spires of New York, turning night into day.
The shield was raised down below and the entire Uzumaki clan was bringing in children from Xavier's school... The X-men rapidly transporting refugees as a single flash emerged below just as we docked with the Star Destroyer and began sailing through the atmosphere of Earth towards the Pacific Ocean, across the entire breadth of the USA.
"Unto war we go..."
In an apartment on the Sunshine coast of Australia, a beautiful woman with long black hair, highlights of dark red fading into bright red smatters of colour towards the very tips of her flowing hair, stared at an Aloe Vera plant.
Her eyes shimmered secretly with energy as a dark purple bang lightly swayed at the bridge of her nose, the wind outside meeting her soft almost lucid features. A clinging black top stretched out precariously over her voluptuous assets, a light jacket that one would most likely see a man wearing at a club at 12am draped over her shoulders like a windbreaker. Tight black pants clung to her luxurious curves, just the smallest segment of her stomach exposed as she kneeled down before the plant.
A sparkle of energy finally released itself from her eyes, the living flora twitching as she rose her tattooed right hand. Prickly stems met soft inked flesh, a star made out of stylised flame being prodded by the small barbs of the Aloe Vera, drawing blood... Only for it to stop a moment later as her small wound scabbed over a touch.
"This is definitely weird..." Her voice was velvety smooth, but held a feminine husk to it that would have put most voice actors out of business if she had ever wanted to go down that path. It was inconsequential however, standing up and looking over at her computer as she was, an image of her Mandalorian character acting as a screen saver for her gaming setup.
She loved SWTOR, the adventure, the challenge, the ability to copy a fan fiction's character that she adored beyond measure... It was as if she could be a normal person inside of there... Able to ignore the pressing nature of society and the disgusting corruption present in Australia.
Brushing her hand across the scars along her lip and left brow she walked over to the fridge, grabbing a quick drink of Solo before looking out over the suburbia below. Fire was ravaging several houses despite the sun rise only just occurring an hour ago.
"It seems I moved from one shithole into the next." Her words were sour, bitter and holding disdain... An American accent gracing her lips despite her attire looking entirely Australian.
"Hopefully this Freya fixes things here or else I have to go back and deal with those fuckers again..." She spoke to herself, as per usual. Having spent so much time alone she found herself the only thing willing to listen to her ramblings and thoughts.
Her parents were so far away and what were once her friends had abandoned her because of her family's past... 'Some friends those were.' She thought herself as sirens wailed below, distant cries and echoed gasps calling out from the city roads below.
Looking up from that, it was no wonder that people were reacting... Because something the size of half of Brisbane or Chicago was ominously floating through the air, bearing directly towards the Sunshine Coast.
The sun reflected off of it and rose directly behind it, a new dawn rising and potentially the start of something new, for a change.
"I guess the time for Freya's action is now? How lucky of me..." Struting up to a deck-chair she soon sat and watched the massive Star Wars vessel lurk over the top of skyscrapers, the TV flickering on as she watched local broadcast of the vessel.
~"It looks like the, ship, or whatever it is, is heading for Canberra!?"~
"You bet it is..." She laughed as the show just began in Australia.
Sorry if the chapter is short and a little disjointed... I am writing with 5 hours sleep for the last 48 hours. My eyes hurt, my body feel sluggish and much of the words felt like molten lava slipping between the clutches of my mind's eye.
I hope you enjoy nonetheless... Please don't judge this chapter too harshly.
Also, shout out to one of my most die-hard fans, friend and girlfriend. Hope you liked how I wrote your character; despite my state.
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