Chapter 8: Chapter eight: Prison floor 20
Kaijo leaves the fire and kills the small fry. He makes his way out to other side of the courtyard and finds a door. "Locked. Key to the upper floors needed." "Ah damn, of course the fastest way is locked." he says looking for another path. He finds a doorway leading to another corridor leading up to other prison cells. Two undead guards attack him on the way. He blocks their spears and counterattacks. "+200 souls". Moving on the corridor expands revealing multiple sets of prison cells with two floors. He explores the area finding a corpse in front of a cell. He loots it. "Item acquired: cell keys floor 1. Item description: Keys that open all the cells on floor one." He opens the cells and searches them. "Nothing!" he says until he finds an opening in the wall. He goes through and finds himself in another area of the prison tower. He looks around to see if he can find anything. He finds another door and opens it. There´s an elelvator that usually transports food but the food is long rotten. The elevator goes up. He gets out at a higher floor floor 17 out of 30 including the roof. Another set of undead guards attack him. He attacks to bait their counterattack runs behind them and kills them with a horizontal swipe. "+450 souls" He moves on through the corridor and sees a big guard standing guard at a big door he turns the other way to avoid fighting him. The other end is a dead end with an item lying there. "Item aqcuired: large soul of an undead prisoner. Item description: A unfortunate soul of an undead prisoner who has met his end. Use to get 1.000 souls" "Another soul, great." he says going back to face the big guard. "Old iron guard lvl. 20" pops up. He is bigger than the prison guards and wears full plate armor with a helmet that covers his whole head. He uses a halberd and a blue tower shield. He approaches and the guard notices him and attacks with his halberd. He blocks but the attack deals more damage thus costing more stamina to block and pushing him back. The guard raises his halberd and smashes it down vertically. Hitting him depleting of his stamina causing him to stop blocking. The guard stabs Kaijo sending him flying back. "Hp:40/60" Kaijo´s stamina is back to full and he runs in sidestepping to avoid the stab attack by the guard. He extends his right arm and uses the spears full reach holding it by the end decreasing the guards hp to 75%. The guard uses his halberd to use a sweep attack. Kaijo can´t step back nor in and has to block sending him against the wall. "Hp: 25/60" The guard sweeps the halberd again. Kaijo ducks under it blocking with his shield and runs in. He attacks the guard again stabbing him multiple times reducing his hp to 40%. The guard blocks with his shield. Kaijo attacks but the guard uses his shield to bash Kaijo catching him off guard. "Hp: 10/ 60" . The guard uses his attack window to attack with his halberd reeling it back in and piercing Kaijo´s body. "You died!" Kaijo respawns at the fire. Kaijo gets back to work killing the small fry on the way. "+150 souls". And the guards on the way "+450 souls". He reaches the area with the cells again and decides to explore the upper cells first. Some undead rush out of their cells and attack him. Kaijo blocks the attacks but is quickly overwhelmed by the tenacity of the attacks depleting his stamina dealing damage. "hp: 30/60". Kaijo is shocked at the damage they deal they are stronger than the undead he first encountered strengthened by the prison towers harsh environments. The undead attack with slower swipes now. Kaijo bashes one with his shield and kills one with his spear using it once again to finish the others off. An undead is behind him hitting him in the back. "Hp: 20/60" Kaijo turns around blocking the attack and killing him before he starts his wild combo again."+ 500 souls" "Phew, who knew undead where this strong!" he says drinking two swigs of his healing flasks. "Healing flask: 3" Before he can finish his second swig a undead dog interrups him by biting him. "Hp: 45/60" "You son of a !" he says stabbing at the dog. The dog dodges and jumps at him. Kaijo bashes it with his shield sending it on it´s back and stabs it."+ 100 souls" "Bad dog!" he says using his healing spell. The cells the undead came from are covered in black smoke. Kaijo uses his gust spell to blow it away and reveals a cell room with an item and a pot the smoke came from. He destroy the pot and loots it. "Item acquired: Black coal stone. Item description: Black coal stone that produces smoke by storing heat in it." "I guess I could use that in a pinch." he says picking the other item up. "Item acquired: Treasure chest key. Item description: a simle key used to open treasure chests.". "Must mean there´s a treasure chest here somewhere." he deducts moving into the other cell to look what´s in there. "Item acquired: Needle x 10. Item description: a normal thin needle. Can be used to sew, throw or coat with greases." "Alright might come in handy!" Kaijo says looting the last cell. "Sorcery acquired: magic orb. Spell description: A small magic orb that can deal damage. Requirements: 12 intellegence." "Item acquired: Sorcerers staff. Item description: A staff made of wood and metallic alloy capable of conducting magic and casting it as well." "My first sorcery, alright." he says going back to the opening in the wall. He uses the elevator again and goes to kill the undead guards circling around and picking them off one by one baiting their attacks. He goes back to the old iron guard. This time he uses his bow and arrow to fire at him. It reduces his hp to 89% and aggravating it. The guard moves up to Kaijo using his halberd to stab extending his arm to make use of the additional reach. Kaijo sidesteps the attack going in reducing it´s hp to 66%. The guard uses the shield to bash but Kaijo steps back. The guard uses his halberd to sweep again and Kaijo ducks under it again with his shield up and rushes him with attacks reducing his hp to 35%. The guard bashes Kaijo with the shield and when that doesn´t work he kicks Kaijo back. Kaijo blocks but consumes a large amount of stamina. The guard sweeps the halberd again hitting Kaijo tossing him further back. "Hp: 35/60". Kaijo takes a swig of his healing flask healing himself back to full. "Healing flask: 4" Kaijo dodges the stab again ducks under the halberd sweep ducks again rushes in hitting him reducing his hp to 10%. He dodges the shield bash and parries the kick toppling the giant guard. He runs up on him stabbing him through the visor killing him off. "+ 2.000 souls". He moves ahead opening the big door revealing a big room with a treasure chest inside as well as a circling staircase moving up. He opens the treasure chest with the key. "Used: Treasure chest key." "Item acquired: Executioners ring. Item description: Increases the damage of critical hits by 15%." He equips it." That´s quite the nice ring I´ve found here." he says going up the staircase which ends already at a doorway arriving at floor 20. He finds a area with a fire in the middle. He rests at it leveling up intelligence to 12 and can use the sorcerey now. He stands back up and sees a large doorway with ripped clothe hanging from it. He goes through the doorway and finds a lot of undead working cutting cloth spinning wool overseen by guards. He sees that most of the undead merely wear white clothes.