From lowly undead to King

Chapter 6: Chapter six: The captain

Kaijo makes his way towards the pirate ship resting at the dock behind the sunset and the mist. The ship is big and made from red wood reinforced with green steel and at the ships bow there is a snake idol going up the tip of the ship. The masts are high reaching as high up as the churches tower he was at. It almost seems like a big building. He goes up to the ships deck over a plank. He enters the vessel and the wood under his feet starts squeking he takes a look around and sees the canons on top of the deck and rope lying around. The ladder leading up to the masts are shorter than it used to be almost as if to scare him away from going up the mast. He goes all the way to the back where the steering wheel and captains cabin are. He comes closer and the door crashes down and the captain comes rushing out. Kaijo backs away from him. The captain is a tall and muscular man towering above Kaijo several heads and as wide as a door. And a healthbar shows up. He wears a red hat and brown and white clothes. He holds a scimitar in one of his hands big enough to be a greatsword for Kaijo and in the other he holds a gun, the gun is made from wood and metal and is adorned with a knife on it´s underside. It looks heavy and well made. He also has a pouch on his belt with bullets in it. He starts breathing heavily and looks around for Kaijo he locks eyes with him he rushes toward him in a wild manner throwing away any sense of system to his approach. He stabs at him with his knife and then follows up with a wide diagonal cut. Kaijo is surprised by the speed and manages to block the first attack with the second one throwing him backwards. He hits the guardrail and catches his breath. "hp: 30/ 50.""Whoa that hurt!" Kaijo says standing up only to be attacked by the captain who drags his sword along the ground and swings it upward he turns and uses the momentum of his previous attack to launch a cut coming downwards. Kaijo dodges it and comes closer to get in out of the swords reach but the captain uses his knife to stab him in the back. "hp: 15/50" Kaijo immedeatily jumps back. The captain knew how he would react and already cut him down with his sword. "You died!" pops up. He wakes up again at the campfire he stayed it´s dark already and the other pirates have left to patroll the area. Now the moon is out and illuminates the lost bay in an eery light. Kaijo makes his way on the ship once more now in the moonlight. The captain is waiting there. As soon as he starts walking on the creaking floor his head turns and with a loud sound he fires a bullet at Kaijo. Unexpierienced with firearms he gets hit whitout being able to see the bullet. "Hp: 35/50" Taken aback he decides to heal "Hp: 50/50. Healing flask: 4" while the captain reloads his gun putting his scimitar away putting a short stick in there reloading. He looks routined and manages to make the otherwise longwinding reload time into a manageble time. Kaijo already is in reach and swings his axe at him while he is busy reloading. He gets two hits in before the captain uses the gun to smash Kaijo in the head. The captains hp drains 85%. Kaijo steps back dodging the attack giving the captain enough time to draw his blade and attack Kaijo. The sword swooshes by while Kaijo keeps a healthy distance. The captain fires his gun again and this time Kaijo notices the sound of the hammer hitting the fuse and then the bullet comes flying out. Kaijo still gets hit unable to see the bullet. He takes the moment to heal but the captain doesn´t reload and attacks him instead. "Hp: 30/50" He follows up with the sword slashing up sending Kaijo flying into the air. "Hp: 1/50". Kaijo caught offguard spins around to attack him with the axe. The captain simply steps back and stabs him with his sword. "You died!". "Shit! He doesn´t always reload after firing his gun. That opening isn´t garanteed. I should use the masts as cover should he fire his gun again. He should think that gives him enough time to reload and as soon as he begins i rush in!" Kaijo says running back. He enters aboard and the captain fires his shot and Kaijo runs behind the mast. The captain reloads and Kaijo jumps out getting two hits in reducing his hp to 85%. The captain steps back drawing his scimitar attacking him. Kaijo backs up to not get hit and the captain shoots at him. Kaijo dodges by running sideways as soon as he hears the click and shortly before seeing the captain raising the gun. He dodges and waits behind the mast. The captain reloads and Kaijo runs back in getting two hits in again. reducing his hp to 70%. The captain attacks with his sword first and then attacks with his knife. Kaijo dodges the sword and knife. The captain starts swinging his sword around. Kaijo backs up. The captain shoots his gun. Kaijo runs in. The captain lets out a roar and his eyes glow red and he goes wild wildly swinging his sword and knife around with no regards to what he hits. Kaijo backs up once but the captain closes in on him. He gets hit a couple times barely almost dodging the attacks. "Hp: 15/ 50." The captain raises his sword slamming it into the ground shaking the entire ship. Kaijo jumped away from the sword and stays in the air for the shaking to stop. The captains sword is in the floor. He runs in and smashes the captains head in with his axe. "Critical hit" and reduces the captains hp to 40%. The captain finally gets his sword out and starts swinging normally. He stabs at him. Kaijo barely dodges and gets behind the mast and heals. "Hp: 50/50. Healing flask: 2". The captain stabs Kaijo with the scimitar with the curve from the side of the mast. "Hp: 40/50." He follows up with a stab from his gun and impales Kaijo tossing him up in the air. "Hp: 20/50" And fires his gun at the easy target. "Hp: 5/50" Kaijo throws his axe at the captain to avoid another hit. He hits him in the head reducing his hp to 15%. The captain reels in pain grabs the axe and smashes the ground. Kaijo can get of two swigs of his healing flask using it up. "Hp:50/50. The ground finally gives in and the both of them fall down into the treasury with all the loot lined up. There is some torches lighting the room. The capatin is now in posession of both his axe and a scimitar having dropped his gun somewhere. Kaijo has an flash of inspiration and gets out his bow lighting an arrow on fire. He draws the bow and runs behind some cover. The captain smashes the boxes with the axe revealing Kaijo. Kaijo releases the bow and the fire arrow hits the pouch with the ammo and detonates it reducing his hp to 5%. Kaijo gets out his dagger and runs at the captain. The captain still recovering from the axe swing uses his scimitar cutting downward toward Kaijo. He parries the attack giving him enough time to rush in out of the swords reach. He jumps up stabbing the captain in the neck. The captains hp is reduced to 0%. "Victory achieved! +3.000 souls." Kaijo lets out a sigh of relief and starts looting the area. He finds some new loot. "Item acquired: Captain´s Scimitar. Attack: 200. Requirements: Strength: 15. Durability: 200/200. Item description: an unusually big scimitar. A weapon hailed for it´s excellent cutting and slicing capabilities. This piece was imported from a sandy desert country in the east." He equips it. "Cannot be used one handed." He holds it with both hands and continues looting eventually finding the spare key to the prison tower. "Key item acquired: Spare prison tower key. Item description: a spare key to the entrance to the prison tower." "Found it!" he says putting it away. He continues looting finding another healing flask. "Empty healing flask +1". "Another great find!" he says looking for more loot. He finds some necklaces, rings and some money. "Item acquired: Red stone ring. Item description: A ring that increases fire damage by 15%. Item acquired: Smaragd necklace. Item description: A necklace that increases Luck by 10%" He equips it and finds the gun the captain used. "Item acquired: Captain´s pistol. Attack: 175 (+ 50 atk when using fire ammunition). Durability:150/150. Item description: A heavy hand pistol used by a big person. It has knife on it´s end that can be used for stabbing and slashing utilising the pistols heft and heaviness. A pistol used for shooting bullets. (Vary in element/ status). It´s only drawback is the reloading times." "I´ve found a pistol. It´s a shame it´s too heavy to wield it along the scimitar." Kaijo says going back out the ship. "You´ve really done it!" the vice-captain tells Kaijo waiting at the top. "Here´s your reward!" he says handing him a talon. "Key item acquired: Whirlwind talon. Item description: A talon from the whirlwind hawks. A valuable item that show status and allows passage to a far away land." "Great something i don´t know what it´s use is." Kaijo says. "There are people wearing coats made from feathers wearing silver armor and a helmet that looks like a hawk. They are feared warriors from a far away land where most of the whirlwind hawks live. That is all I know. I´ve got it a long time ago from a merchant wearing a feather coat. He said something about a nest and that whirlwind hawks will not attack you. I´ve got no use for it anyways." he says. "Oh and another thing. Here you go. Should you need more visit me again up north where the castle of that one baron lives." he says handing him some bullets. "Thank you. May we meet again Captain!" he says leaving the ship and going to the campfire. He decides to level up grabbing another 100 souls from dome hollows. He levels up to lvl.16 leveling up strength to 15 and health to 55.

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