From lowly undead to King

Chapter 11: Chapter eleven: Castle in the mountains

 Kaijo arrives at the castle in the mountains where the old baron lives. He goes down the tower and finds a fire to rest at. He oversees the plains covered in dew and snow that lead up to the castle. He approaches but is soon hit by a balista from the castle walls. "hp:30/60" Kaijo heals immedieately. "Healing flask: 4". He jumps out of the way of another shot and rushes behind some ruined walls. The ballista breaks the wall and damages him. "hp:30/60". Kaijo runs off but is hit again trying to heal. "You died!". He wakes up at the fire again and repeats the process runnning for cover dodging the ballista. He arrives at the foot of the hill leading up taking a moment to recover out of sight of the ballista. He can hear the march of a couple of soldiers and looks up seeing a small troop of soldiers walking around with lantern in hand. They wear chainmail with clothes on top with the colors red and blue. They use spears, halberds and swords as well as a trumpet to call for back up. He observes and runs past them avoiding the ballista. The ballista hits behind the soldiers, who turn around and investigate the area. Luckily Kaijo managed to turn the corner and look for a way in. The castle walls extend long and reach into the mountains. Kaijo looks around for another path. He finds a path leading into the mountains which he travels up to. Along the path are soldier camps. Kaijo approaches silently sneaking up on them. He kills a guard from behind shoots another up top a small rafter. And swings his knife into the tents killing unsuspecting soldiers. "+2.200 souls" He loots the area to find a new armor set. "Item acquired: Old baron´s soldier set. Defense: 500. Item description: A set of chainmail with clothes worn over to present the baron´s colors red and blue. Offers excellent protection agains cuts but not so thrusts or bludgeoning." He equips the set and wears a helm covering his face. He goes around and finds a back entrance on to the castle dropping down from the cliff. "Hp:15/60" He drinks two healing flasks restoring his hp to full. "Healing flask: 3." He is on the wall and walks along to a tower nearby. There are some soldiers walking around but don´t seem to recognise him as an enemy. Only when he approached to close he noticed and attacked him. Kaijo blocks and hits him with his knife able to two shot him. He goes down the spiraling stairs and arrives at the church of the castle. A small church with graves surrounding it. He enters the church and finds a corpse of an old hero. He places his coiled sword in it and rests learning a new technique. "New technique acquired: Stealth. Skill description: A technique to turn temporaly invisible. A technique developed by an assasing that old baron and became a old hero." "New spell acquired: Feather fall. Spell description: a spell that mitigates fall damage using wind magic. It will not make you immune to fall damage only decrease the damage by a lot." Kaijo loots the area and finds something. "Item acquired: Old sacred dagger. Attack: 140. Requirements: 15 faith. Item description: an old dagger used for rituals. This weapon can cast spells and posseses a passive ability: raises the potency of spells (10%) and especially any sword type ones by 20%." "What a nice pickup it´s a shame I don´t have the requirements to use it!" he says. From the rafters atop a small figure jumps down. "Oh a new customer!" it says. "And you are?" Kaijo asks the small figure wearing dark clothes and a hood covering the face only revealing a smile and two red dots for eyes. "I´m just a merchant!" he responds. "You´ve got a strange face though!" Kaijo says looking at the eyes. "Just a trait from my folk. I´m still an infant compared to my older brothers who are taller than you and have more items. You´ll notice once you hear their string instruments. Anyway I offer my services to you!" he says popping up a window showing the options. He buys a new spell. "New spell acquired: Light blade. Requirements: 20 faith. Spell description: Creates a blade made of Light that can be swung up to three times. Deals exclusively holy damage.". "Nice to have that one just in case I level up." he says leaving the area. "Pleasure doing business!" the merchant says jumping up on the rafters again. Kaijo makes his way through the graves and arrives at the courtyard of the castle. A big open area with covered in grass and with a bridge going across the middle of it. Kaijo runs up using his stealth skill to bypass the enemy troops. He finds a ladder leading up to the bridge which he takes up. Upon arriving at the bridge he notices that the bridge splits up later with a open area revealed underneath leading up to the main gates to the castle proper. He walks up the bridge encountering an old iron knight guarding the bridge. He wears full plate armor and wields a sword and a shield and is slightly bigger than Kaijo. He uses his stealth skill but he is revealed by spell that the old iron knight uses to ensure safety it reveals all enemies inside the parameter of the skill. The knight strikes at him. "Hp: 40/60". The knight intercepts Kaijo´s swing with his crossguard stopping him from gaining momentum and pushes him back. Kaijo runs in again but the knight parries him and hits him with a critical hit nearly killing him. "Hp:5/60". "Oh shit!" Kaijo says backing up taking a swig of his healing flask. He is killed by the knights charge using the blade to pierce Kaijo. "you died!" Kaijo wakes up at the fire again and runs back to the bridge ready to face the old iron knight a second time. This time Kaijo starts with an arrow at the knights head to get it´s attention. It does nothing and bounces of the armor. The knight charges in with a thrust. Kaijo steps to the side an hits the old iron knight with his knife. The old iron knight takes minimal damage and tanks trough the hit after a small flinch. Kaijo gets his shield out and parries the knights attack. He charges up powerful strike just as the knight stands up again and hits him launching him off the bridge dealing good damage and leaving the knight at 75% hp. "That didn´t kill him but should by enough time to get to the main gate. He arrives but cannot open the gate. "Unable to open from this side." He goes to the side of the castle and sees another door leading down. He opens the door and travels the steps down arriving at room with the old baron´s soldiers. He slips by using his stealth technique and arrives at a big room with spiral staircases leading up. He runs there and finds another room with wine and loot. "Item acquired: old wine. Item description: an old wine that will recover all hp." He turns back around and travels down the hallways leading behind the room. He turns right again arriving a tower leading up he scales the staircase and runs back to a room in the middle. He continues along scaling a tower leading further up and finds another set of rooms. In one room there is an old iron knight overlooking some paintings. He ignores that room and goes into the big room with soldiers which he ambushes. "+2.000 souls" He goes up front finding a staircase leading down into a big room with doors infront and two paths to each side of the stairs. He opens the doors and finds the bridge again. He goes past the path and enters trough two big gates. He finds the old baron sitting there writing something on his table. It´s an old man wearing some nice red leather clothes he looks up from his table revealing he has one red and one blue eye. He has white eyebrows and long beard. He stands up using a spell covering him in full plate armor with cloth made from blue and red fabric. The helmet covers the cheeks and the dome only showing his beard and eyes. He has two swords. The one in his left hand is blue and imbued with ice magic and in his right the other is red and rusty in dry and smooth blood. One shows his position as noble and the other his stubborness and barbaric nature which has been used a long time. The old baron slowly approaches him with cold magic flowing across slowly freezing him. Once close enough distance he strikes with his red sword. Kaijo dodges and attacks only to be met with the blue sword hitting him and dealing frost damage leaving a chilly trail. "hp:45/60" The old baron strikes again leaving only small windows for attack between his swings. The old baron raises his foot and stomps the ground freezing it. Kaijo can´t dodge the attack and is hit by the red blade. "Hp: 30/60". Kaijo backs up but the old baron rushes in with both swords. His eyes glow and he unleashes a flurry of attacks. His eyes slowly get more yellow and yellow but Kaijo doesn´t notice it getting overwhelmed by the number of attacks. He backs up into the yellow fog wall. The old baron uses ice magic to increase the length of the blade and finishes him off. "You died!"

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