Chapter 6: 6
I sat up from my bed and rushed into my bathroom in the hallway. I reached the sink and threw up everything I had eaten tonight. My ribs and lungs ached as I continuously threw up, emptying my stomach. My chest started to hurt, and my head ached too, making me tired. I threw up more, gripping the edges of the sink for more leverage.
Once my stomach was empty, I stood straight and stared at my reflection. My eyes had bags under them, my nose was red, my eyes too. I was teary with a runny nose and feeling agitated. Why did this have to happen to me? Of all the things to happen, it had to be a random pregnancy. A pregnancy that came to me as if I had ordered it like a snack.
Angrily, I punched the mirror. I dropped my hand and stared at my distorted reflection as I panted. My fist hurt but I did not care as I knew I was hurt from stupidly hitting the mirror. But what hurt me more was my foolish decision to sleep with a man without protection.
"Why me?" I whispered and looked down at my bare feet. "I need to do something about this pregnancy."
The healthcare was lacking but I had no choice. This was my decision. I could not live like this. With that in mind, I washed my mouth and face then walked out of the bathroom and back into my room where I changed into a dress. I grabbed my phone and my bag then marched out of my apartment with the destination— The hospital.
I was sitting in the doctor's office, ready to inform him of my decision. I was anxious as this was a first for me. I was going to terminate the weird pregnancy and move on with my life and I didn't care if it took all my money and savings to do it, I just wanted to live a stress-free life.
My ears perked up at the sound of the door opening. The doctor was here and minutes from now, he was going to go ahead with what I had decided.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting," he said as he made his way to the seat then sat down. "How are you?"
He was a nice-looking man, young and cute. I knew it was not the time to admire anybody but maybe something to distract myself from the issue on ground was needed.
"So, you're here to see me?" He asked and I nodded. "What can I do to help?"
I bit my lip and took a deep breath then leaned forward on his desk.
"I have decided that I want to abort the baby."
"Why?!" He sounded shocked and bothered.
"Huh?" Why was he acting this way?
The doctor blinked and chuckled.
"I'm sorry. What I meant to say is… are you sure?" He looked nervous and distracted. "We always ask questions like this to be certain of the mother's decision."
"Oh… Well, there are a lot of reasons why I want to abort this baby and one of the reasons is major. Right now, I am not ready for this baby."
He hummed. "And the father?"
I shrugged. "Well, he is the subject of the matter, and I don't know how to explain my situation to someone without them thinking I am crazy but… no, the father is not in the picture."
The doctor stayed silent for a moment, making me feel the calculations in his head. I was tense and wanted to hear from him that there was a way out of this. All I wanted to hear from him were positive words and nothing negative.
"O-okay." He cleared his throat. '"I will have the documents ready, and a nurse will come check your vitals and scan you before we begin. Then by tomorrow or the next, you can come in for the process."
A wave of relief washed through me at his words. It was happening. I was going to be free and go back to my life.
"Thank you so much, doctor…" I didn't even know his name.
He beamed. "Just call me Andrew. Doctor Andrew."
I nodded and thanked him again then rose to my feet.
"Okay. I will send a nurse to attend to you. Come with me."
The medical checkups had been brief, which I was happy for. I had also done an ultrasound and was given a copy of the scan done on my stomach. Ever since the nurse handed me the photograph of the scan, I had not opened the envelope to look at it. I was scared of what I might see. I was scared of accepting the child. A part of me wanted to keep the baby because I needed someone in my life, someone who would bring something new into my life, but I could not bring a child into this world for it to suffer with me.
I pushed the thought away and continued to walk on the pathway to my home. I wanted to lay down and rest. I never knew how pregnancy could make someone so weak, much less a miracle pregnancy. It was as if I was losing my energy, getting weaker and weaker.
My phone rang and as I reached into my bag to take it out, I saw Light walk out of one of the rows of stores on the side of the road. She saw me and waved then made her way to me. I muted the call and smiled at her. I had a feeling it was the doctor calling as he had told me he would call to inform me about the next update.
"Hey," she said and eyed me up and down. "Are you okay? You look sicker than before."
"I'm good. I think I have some type of flu or something. By the way, what are you doing around this part of town?"
She shrugged. "Came to pick up some celebration cake for a friend."
I glanced at the small cake box she was holding before nodding with an awkward smile on my face. It was different talking to her outside the club, but she seemed nice.
"Oh. Can you come, please? I was told to bring a friend, and I really need someone to go with."
I thought about it for a moment. I was not exactly doing anything right now and I needed the distraction from the chaos currently happening. Plus, I was craving some cake now that she mentioned it.
"Great. Can we go now? The party starts in an hour, and we are already late."
I chuckled and Light took my hand then we started to make our way to a car parked on the side of the street. Once we got to it, she opened the back door and motioned for me to get in. I was confused about the fact that she wanted me to sit in the back seat but pushed the confusion away and got into the car. She waved then shut the door.
I looked around the car. There was no one else except for me and when I peeped at the front seat, there were some boxes on it. I realized why she had made me sit in the back, so I relaxed and watched her get into the driver's side of the car.
"Don't worry. It is going to be so much fun." Light laughed. "I can't wait."
Light was too cheery for my liking, but it was a good distraction. I relaxed in my seat as the car started then moved onto the road. I leaned against the door and kept my eyes on the people and buildings as we drove past them.
"Hey, Crimson."
"Hm," I answered without looking her way.
"What is your real name?" She asked and laughed softly. "I am Lina by the way."
"I'm Amaya."
"Aw. That is such a cute name… It nice to meet you by the way but I am so sad that things will end this way for us."
Confusion filled me at the sudden change in her tone and words. I sat upright and looked in her direction. She was looking at me through the rearview mirror with a look in her eyes that sent shivers through my body. She locked the doors of the car, then increased her driving speed. Something was wrong and whatever it was, I wanted to get out.
"Stop the car, Light. Stop the car. Now!"
Before I knew it, she was laughing maniacally. My heart was pounding in my chest at the turn of things. Who was she and why was she doing this to me?
"Say goodnight."
In a matter of seconds, she reached behind me and stabbed me with an injection. My eyes widened and the fear in me skyrocketed. What did she just do to me? Why was she doing this?
"Li-Light," I said, feeling drowsy and heavy headed.
Everything around me started to spin. My limbs started to feel as if they were made of butter and the urge to throw up was heavy on me. I was beginning to sweat, and my breathing became heavy and fast. Light had done something to me, and it made me feel a great fear for me and for my baby.
"Li-Light," I whispered and placed a hand on my stomach to protect my baby from any harm.
Then, darkness took over my senses.
I woke up to something cold being poured on me. My senses were now alert, and my body got filled with little energy. I looked down at my body and saw I was sitting on a chair with a rope tied around my body. In an instant, I remembered I had been drugged by Light then I looked around. I was in an old, abandoned factory with rust and grass everywhere. I moved my gaze and saw five huge men standing in the corner, each holding huge guns and looking scary. I swallowed at the sight of them and started to pray in my head to survive whatever this was.
Soft thuds reached my ears, and I looked in the direction of the sound, only to feel my heart almost jump out of my chest. Standing a few feet in front of me were three large wolves. They were so huge I never knew wolves came in such sizes. I whimpered from fear and looked at the burly men in the corner. They were unfazed at the wild animals before me. Why couldn't they shoot them?
One of the wolves charged toward me, making me scream and close my eyes, ready for the impact. When nothing happened, I hesitantly opened my eyes and screamed again when I saw the wolf so close to me, growling with its teeth bared.
"P-please," I begged. I didn't know who I was begging but I was begging for my life.
The next thing I knew, the wolf was getting smaller, bones were cracking, and the furs of the animal were disappearing with familiar human skin appearing. I gasped and tried to back away in my seat when a man was now in the spot the giant wolf had been. Squatting before me now was a man and when he rose to his full height, naked and sweaty, my heart stopped beating, which forced me into another darkness.