Chapter 21: Men From Hell
"You what?" "Seriously?! Did I ever complain of assisting you? You even agreed to be his friend; you just said you were going to meet him to discuss the money issue and nothing else. Arlene!"
"Jeez, Greg. Take a chill pill now, will you? Why're you so worked up?" Arlene asked, getting her books from her locker.
She had since returned and had met Greg at her door, standing like some parent who was waiting for their delinquent child. "You took way too much time, Arlene." That was the first words he used, rather than a welcome. He was already dressed for the day's lessons and had been waiting for her for over twenty minutes. "What did you guys talk about?" He'd asked as he followed her inside to get her school bag. This was her first time attending lessons since the week began; Greg had been helpful with her assignments and notes. Thanks to him, she was updated.
She had turned to him with a smile while strapping her backpack over her shoulder and trying to fix her hair. "Well, the money's mine. He said it was a token of apology for his friend.
"And you believed that? He didn't ask for anything in return?" He pried as they walked out, heading for class.
"He did. Asked me to be his friend."
Greg let out a mirthless chuckle. " I really don't want to believe you agreed to..." "Of course, I did. I had to. It'll save you the stress from using your life savings to help me." She explained. However, Greg was having none of that, and that was what led to the outburst earlier.
Greg ruffled his hair, trying to calm his nerves. "We don't know his schemes, Arlene," he said, sounding a bit calm. "We're completely oblivious of what he has under his sleeves. What if he has ulterior motives, huh?"
Arlene pursed her lips in brief thought. "He seems like a nice guy to me." She said with a shrug. "C'mon, Greg. We'll settle this later. Right now, I need to see that son-of-a-bee and shove this money up his ass."
"Like he would come."
"He should. It's the last day of his week's grace." She assured, walking into class with Greg tailing behind with a displeased look on his face.
Greg was right. It was some minutes away from the dismissal bell and the Devil was yet to show up.
Jove did, surprisingly coming without his buddy, but he'd kept pestering Arlene, and the teacher was forced to send him out. Even at that, he still made faces through the window. He was eventually sent home though, but not without some drama. Maybe school wasn't for them at all.
Greg noticed Arlene's gaze roaming around. "If you're hungry, then it should wait. Class is almost over." He spoke in a hushed tone, nudging her. "No, not that. He's not here yet."
"The boy from the Power Couple."
Greg chortled in a muffled voice. "Don't tell me you still don't know his name."
Arlene glanced sideways at him." brain is for storing reasonable information, Greg." She retorted sarcastically, eyeing the teacher to avoid them being caught.
"Told you he isn't..." Greg was cut short by a loud shriek. 'Everytime,' Arlene muttered. And amidst the lesson, everyone rushed out to have a glimpse of this demigod. "He's probably here for the money. Let's go." Greg urged, getting to his feet and packing his books.
That was it.
Lessons were ended by Zayde.
With his signature stoic face, he walked into the class, his men trying their possible best to restrain the crazy people trying to get to him.
Then his gaze met hers, however, he found the confident look her eyes held a bit amusing. What was she up to this time? He simply leaned on the door, watching her.
Arlene grabbed Greg's arm and walked up to him. "Good thing ending the class with your presence." She sneered. Greg simply stood, staring at Arlene. Her grip was still firm around his arm, a defiant look on her face.
"We have your money. Shocked?" She asked with a smug smile, dramatically bringing out her phone from her jacket pocket.
Zayde's brow tugged ever so slightly. "We?" His magnetic voice came, deep and smooth, causing a ripple outside. He finally moved his gaze to Greg who looked lost.
"Here," she called, extending her phone to him, "input your details, Mister." One of his men suddenly snatched her phone from her rather rashly, almost yanking off her arm. "Watch it, old man." She shot with a death glare.
Greg tugged her arm, garnering her attention. He gestured to her to come closer, so he could whisper something to her. Arlene leant towards him with a questioning brow. "I'll go use the bathroom. Be back in five." She dragged his ear closer, mouthing, 'coward', before releasing her grip. Greg rushed out immediately, an apologetic smile on his face.
"I want to see my friend!" A voice came from the crowd. Arlene knew that voice -Delaney. What was she doing here? "Let my friend go, you twit!" Useless. The man grabbed her arm before she could hit him and Arlene winced.
"Let her go." Zayde spoke softly. "The other one." He added, and Arlene's victorious smirk drastically fell to shock.
Delaney was freed and she wore a shy smile. "Thank you." She said sweetly, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
Zayde simply ignored her and faced Arlene who looked like she could boil from anger.
Borris was done with the transfer and handed the phone over to Arlene, but Zayde suddenly took it, even before Arlene could reach for it. "Hey! That's mine." She yelled, thrashing around in the man's grip. Zayde simply glanced at the phone, flipping it briefly, before shoving it into his pockets and walking out.
Everyone froze.
It was unusual to see Zayde interacting with someone this much.
"Can someone move a limb and help me out here?" He took her phone for Heaven's sake!
The silent murmurs finally erupted into loud noises.
"Are they back together or what? I thought they broke up a week ago?"
"What does he want her phone for?"
Arlene felt a bump on her shoulders and when she turned, she saw Delaney walk past her and disappear into the crowd like she was never there.
The man who held her looked at her for a moment. "I could snap your bones but that is simply a childish act."
"You're the puerile one here!" Arlene shot back. "You still gat some nerves to talk back, huh?" He asked, deliberately tightening his grip.
Arlene was sure. These people were definitely from the heart of hell. "I apologize, please." She finally gave in and almost immediately, her arm was released. Without another word, he simply walked out, not even sparing her the tiniest glance.
Her wrist had reddened marks on it and she couldn't help but wonder how things suddenly escalated. Coming to her senses, she rushed out, but the convoy was long gone.
Why on earth would he take her phone? This was the third attempt to kill her and she was barely sure she'll survive the next.