Chapter 18: Seven days
His silence was threatening. Ever so lightly, he lifted his gaze and glanced at the bracelet, then settled his gaze on Arlene who simply stood, befuddled.
The shocked expression on Carmella's face metamorphosed in a wicked grin- Arlene was definitely in for big trouble.
Jove rushed in Arlene's stead. "Don't get mad, Zay. I'll replace it, I promise." He pleaded, a sorry look in his eyes.
Arlene finally looked up at Zayde and met chilling eyes; it made her uneasy. "Don't give me those looks, I didn't mean to." She spoke leisurely. "Besides, it's not something I can't afford." She added, rolling her eyes.
She pried Jove's palm open and shoved the broken pieces into it, turning to walk out, but halted at his cold voice.
"Do you know it's worth?" His voice came, this time, with a teeny tiny bit of amusement in it. It barely went unnoticed.
Arlene scoffed, turning to glare at him. "Don't be all self-centered, old man. My hoodie got torn too, let's call it even. Or you want to know it's worth too?" Her calm voice was mocking.
Jove stared helplessly at them. This was all his fault. But things escalated too quickly before he could even handle it. Now Zayde's broken bracelet was in his palm. He knew it's worth- not in the cash sense, but the memories it held. It was Zephyr's. He'd given it to Zayde when he had his first kill. Zayde wasn't the emotional type, but he'd worn it all along, tucking it safely under the long arms of his coat. What then happened this time? "Zayde please..."
"I don't get why you're begging this simpleton friend of yours. It's not like I can't afford..."
"Half a million dollars."
And Arlene choked on her words, coughing violently.
Jove too, had a surprised look on his face. Five hundred thousand dollars? That bracelet was worth more than that!
" must be joking. Five hundred thousand dollars for a goshdamned bracelet?!" The bracelet wasn't even fancy!
"He isn't joking, Arlene." That was Carmella. "You think he's some kinda beggar? Pfft. My boyfriend..."
"Whoever invited you here must be really stupid. Get out." Jove's voice came, fully venomous. He hated Carmella and her guts, he couldn't even bear her rants.
Carmella casted a glance at Zayde. Wasn't he going to help her or what? She subconsciously stepped back, gave a nervous smile and walked out. Such humiliation, argh!
Jove took his gaze back to Arlene. He was practically pleading with his eyes. She wasn't making things easier on her side with all the comebacks. She was even glaring at him! He gave a defeated sigh. "I'll wait for you in the car. Please don't hurt her." He muttered submissively, walking out.
Arlene stared at his back- second time losing her Saviour. The first time he'd left, the jerk here had- "Why don't you even talk? Your voice box opens occasionally?" She flipped her head at him, a scrutinizing gaze in her eyes.
He stared down at her. "You don't know me, do you?" His voice came.
Obviously not.
She was testing his patience and this was the longest he's stood with a female.
Surprisingly, Arlene chuckled. "What? You're some deadly alien?" She asked with a jeering face.
He stared emptily at her. Was she dumb or something?
"Okay, listen here, boy. I don't give a forklift about who you are, I only want to get things straight so I won't have a guilty conscience. I spoilt your bracelet, you ruined my favourite hoodie; we both lost. Let's simply forget it."
"How much is your hoodie?"
Arlene scoffed. "Don't worry about it. I don't need your money."
Zayde pulled her by her hoodie, slamming her back hard on the wall, a slight wince escaping her lips. He stood, towering over her, his grey metallic eyes boring into hers. He wasn't too close, but Arlene could inhale the musky wet earth scent of his. He was always taking her by surprise with his next-second move. "Guess who needs yours? I get to make the rules, Dumbo. That bracelet doesn't equals the lives of ten of your generations even and you're planning to pay it off with such measly hoodie of yours?" He asked blankly.
Arlene looked up at him. He really wasn't joking when he'd said half a million. "Fine, I'll pay. Give me some time." "Also, you're invading my personal space. I know it's difficult, but once in a while try being a gentleman." She added, her gaze down. Her eyes were screaming for help from stress. She'd been glaring for ages.
Zayde looked at her hair. Was she even normal?
He surprisingly leaned closer, too close his breath tickled her ear. "Seven days..." He paused. "Or I'll handle it my way."
That was a threat.
He straightened up and took a step back, staring at her muffled face.
"Seven what?! Arlene spat, flaring up. "Do you even have a heart?"
"Seven days to get such amount of money? We're not even allowed to leave the school and you expect me to get your damned money in seven freaking f**cking days?! Do you even realise that's a week? Hey!" She'd blown up, but they were just rants as Zayde simply walked out on her.
She pulled her hair in exasperation. A week? To procure such spine-breaking amount? Where on earth could she get it?
Arlene dropped to her butt, sitting helplessly on the floor. Ruined. That was her current state. He really is a Devil. He'd never have contact with her and leave her intact; he always hurt her. Would he really never be satisfied, leaving without causing her pain?
People rushed out almost immediately, everyone trying to catch a glimpse of the exiting convoy. They only got to notice Arlene on the floor, after they'd seen the cars leave.
"What happened?" It wasn't a question out of concern, they only wanted to know.
Arlene was numb from the shock. She'd begun to reflect on her past actions. Was she that sassy? Greg pushed through the crowd and came to her, worry etched on his face. "What did he do to you?" He asked as he squatted to her front.
"He killed me." Her voice was weak.
Everyone stared puzzledly at her. "He broke up with you?" A wild gasp followed when she was mute.
"I knew Zayde wasn't a cheat."
"Well that's what you get for trying to force yourself on him."
"Why did he even agree to date you on the first place?"
"You couldn't satisfy him or what?"
"You demanded much? Yeah, much expected from someone from a poor family."
And that was it; they'd all concluded that Zayde was in school to end their relationship and soon enough, the news was all over the place.
Arlene was the least concerned. They could say all they wanted and she could care less. Greg helped her to her feet and they headed for class. Ignoring the pitiful stares, side glances and the mocking looks on people's faces, and sometimes returning them with glares, he took her to the back of the class. Arlene sat quietly, staring at nothing. She was lost.
"Why am I even here? Why did I take this school's entrance examination?" She was rhetorical.
Greg stared at her. He had nothing to say. "Where do I get five hundred thousand dollars from? In just a week." She continued, her gaze fixed at nothing. Greg gawked at her. "Five hundred what?" "That's what the bracelet cost. Now I'm beginning to regret stopping to give him a piece of my mind. What do I do now, Greg?" She was hurt. Helpless. Hopeless. There was practically nothing she could do to get that amount of money, even if she were to work like an oxen all her life. "I talked back at him when he spoke. I wanted to look tough. I really wanted..."
"Ms. Harris." The voice came again and as lazily as she could, she raised her gaze to meet the English teacher. "Are there any problems?" But she kept mute.
"She's fine, ma'am. Just some headache." Greg intervened. 'Headache from a heartbreak'. It wasn't loud, but everyone heard it, well, except the teacher. "Take her to the dispensary after the lesson. It looks serious." Arlene sat like a frozen mute. This was all too big for her to take in. "Rest Arlene. C'mon. I'll wake you up at the end of the lesson." Greg persuaded, placing her head on the desk. Thankfully, it was the day's last lesson. Arlene couldn't resist; she needed one, so she simply obeyed.
"You're yet to tell me anything, Zay. What exactly happened?" Jove pestered for the umpteenth time, snatching a cigar from him. They'd long returned and had even visited one of Zayde's firms, but Zayde had refused to talk to him.
He massaged his forehead. "You're not mad at me, are you? What's my fault?"
"Asking me to accompany you to school."
"What's wrong with that?"
"You said it was urgent, Jove."
"Wasn't it?" Jove asked with a loud voice, almost yelling as he tailed Zayde who moved from one end of the room to another, undressing. He gave an audible sigh. "Just tell me what happened while I was away, please." He pleaded, plopping himself on Zayde's bed. "I'm sorry she spoilt the bracelet. It was wholly accidental, I swear."
"You're taking sides with her?"
"Well maybe I wouldn't if you tell me what had happened."
Zayde stared at him for some time while leaning on his dressing mirror. "We'll have a new maid added to the list next month." He spoke briefly. Jove gave an eyeroll. "That's not what I want to hear." He turned quiet for a few seconds, looking a bit hesitant. He suddenly leaned away, standing properly.
"That's what I want to say." And that was it, he left the room.