Entwined: Stuck in Her Grip

Chapter 14: Females are difficult to handle

Arlene had long woken from her unconscious state. At first, she thought herself dead 'cause everything had appeared white as soon as she opened her eyes.

Heaven? Not really.

When her vision had eventually cleared, the place still looked unfamiliar. She was in a bedroom. Yes, 'cause there was a gigantic bed at the other end and a glassy wardrobe. It was black all through. She tried getting to her feet but was stuck- she was tied to a chair? Had she been kidnapped?!

She tried yelling but a sharp pain shot through her throat immediately and a knowing feeling washed over her.

She could recall now. She was choking before she fell unconscious. What happened thereafter?

Her eyes darted around in search of the devil; where was he? Why was she here? She struggled to release herself from the knot but was stopped by a voice.

"Save that energy for what is to come, young lady." That was Borris.

What is to come? Her eyes widened. "Where am I?" She asked with great difficulty. Her throat was hurting real bad.

Borris chuckled. "Get her some water." He ordered instead and someone left the room.

She let her gaze roam around again. Now she had a better view of the room. It was really big and some men were at the opposite end, playing cards. She brought her gaze back to the man who now stood in front of her. "Who're you working for?" Came her bold question.

Rather than an answer, Borris let out a hearty laugh.

The water came and she stared suspiciously at it. What if it was poisoned? But then her throat was on fire. However, she needed to look less desperate.

Borris noticed the hesitation. He understood. "We don't do petty stuffs like that. If we want to kill you, we'll do it. There's no big deal about it."

The drinking glass was brought to her face. She squeezed her face and turned the opposite direction in refusal. "You don't need to feed me. I'm not some baby."

"Your hands are tied, miss." It was the other man speaking.

"Then loosen it."

"If it were that simple." He replied.

"Would you drink it or should he return the water?" Borris asked. He knew what she wanted to do.

Arlene had no other option. She needed water badly, yet, she also needed to escape. With a rather defeated sigh, she parted her lips and downed the water at a go -- water first. Now that was better.

She took her gaze to Borris.

"What? You want another?" He asked, noticing her stare.

She rolled her eyes. She wasn't that pathetic to request another cup; not in the devil's den. "I want an answer." She said, regaining some energy.


"My question. Who're you working for?" She asked again, her fierce gaze fixated on him.

Borris smiled. "Don't rush things. You'll see for yourself."

So their boss was coming? She'd definitely kick him in the balls till he begged for mercy. But then, she had to free herself before anything else. She wouldn't be that stupid to kick him while still sitting, tied.

As if Nature worked in her favour, Borris received a call and had to leave. The other man had returned to his friends at the other end of the room to continue with their game. But they still checked on her time after time.

She needed a plan, and a fast one at that. She couldn't just loosen the rope and run away like some simpleton; that would be risky.

An idea struck her mind. "Psst! Hey! Mister!" She called with a broad smile.

They all raised their faces at her. Tho they played, they did so cautiously. "What is it?" One asked with a visibly irritated tone, a clear indication she disturbed him.

"I'm better at cards. Wanna try?" She asked with a smirk.

Like she'd only spit on the floor, they all returned to their game, not even uttering a word.

Arlene held back her cuss word. "How about I try just once? Please. I'm bored and..." She kept ranting God-knows-what and that did the trick.

One of them slammed his cards on the floor and glared at her. "Would you just shut up?" He fired.

Arlene was the least scared. "I wish I could. But I really can't watch people play my favourite game without me." She explained with a pout.

The trio shared a look. It was the first female victim they'd ever handled and hence, each wore a confused expression on his face. Zayde never had anything to do with females so her crime must be really heinous to must have been brought here; to his house.

One of them finally spoke after it seemed like they communicated through their eyes. "You'll play just once. If you fail, you'll really have it from us. Agreed?"

Arlene couldn't think of anything less. She nodded hurriedly and they packed the cards to her direction.

They placed it before her and handed her share of the card but she gawked at them. "My hands are tied, see?" She gestured.

With an apprehensive look, one of them went over and untied her. "Don't try anything stupid."

She took her card with a smile and the game began. At first it seemed like she was just dilly dallying. However, she took them all by surprise. She eventually won the first round.

The men gaped at her in awe. She beat them? A female beat them! "That was just a starter. Here's the real game." One of 'em said to console himself. He was yet to accept that he was beaten to his own game.

The game continued amid the noisy cheers. Two of them had backed out and she was competing with the egocentric one. He just wouldn't accept defeat.

They all had been so engrossed in the game that they didn't know when the door to the room opened. "C'mon girl! Show him who's the boss!" They hyped loudly.

Zayde stood at the door, unable to decipher what his eyes was seeing. Jove came behind and his loud laughter, of which his efforts to stifle failed, brought everyone in the room back to reality. On seeing Zayde, the men froze. Nothing came to their mind at that moment. They all fell to their knees, each pleading on his own behalf.

Arlene stood to her feet with a glare, her mood turning sour almost immediately. So he was the so called boss? With a huff, she walked over to the bed and sat, crossing her legs. She'll wait for him to finish with his men first and face him thereafter.

Jove had stopped laughing. His gaze was now completely trapped on the girl who'd kept Zayde's men in that situation. She sat confidently on the bed like it was hers and even reached for a drink from the bar. He hurriedly walked to her with a smile on his face, helping her with the drink.

Arlene looked at the guy in front of her for some time and stared down at the drink in her hands.

"What? You think it's poisoned?" He asked, amusement in his eyes.

"I wouldn't have reached for one if I'd thought that." Came her curt reply.

Jove smiled. "Who're you?" He asked as he watched her take a sip from her glass.

"That, my boy, is a lovely question befitting for your Boss who held me here. What does he want from me?" She fired, clearly annoyed.

Zayde ordered some men to take the defaulters to the cold room. He'll have to deal with them later. He took his gaze to where the girl was. She was drinking his wine? His brows furrowed slightly.

Such guts.

He walked up to her, grabbed the drink with every ounce of nobility and sleekness, and threw it out the window, his action in itself looking alluring. Her wide eyes glared at him.

"Who loosened you?" He asked, his voice as cold as ice. Jove chuckled, keeping his wine glass back on the rack. "I'll leave you two. Call me when you're done, Zay." And with that he left.

Arlene suddenly regretted being rude to him. Maybe he would've been her saviour if she'd been a little nicer. Now she's left under the devil's mercy. She stood to her feet and walked away from him, heading for the door.

"A step further and I'll have my men send your funeral invitation to your parents." He spoke dryly. Arlene chuckled mirthlessly, but then, she didn't utter another word. She simply sat back on the chair she'd earlier been tied on. "What do you want from me?" She asked, crossing her legs like Zayde was the intruder there.

Zayde walked over to the window and let his gaze travel far, heaving a silent sigh. "I'll let you off 'cause it's a first time offense. I'll ask again. Who loosened you?"

Arlene stared at his back.

"I did."

Zayde fell silent. She could boldly tell him that? "You're a new student?" He asked after some moment of silence.

Arlene chuckled. "Why?"

"Do you answer a question with a question?"

"Do you expect me to give an answer to that?!" She fired back.

Zayde didn't utter another word. Albeit he had his gaze out the window, he couldn't help but wonder who the girl was. He finally turned around to face her, his silvery metallic eyes boring into hers. He unconsciously let out a scoff. She could hold his gaze too? He walked up to her and grabbed her chin with his gloved palm, pulling it up to meet his gaze.

Arlene still tried to maintain the tough mien. She needed to put this devil in his place but his grip on her jaw was slightly tight. She winced faintly but held his gaze still.

Zayde's lips pulled up in a smirk. ''Whatever your plans are, you'd rather save yourself the stress. I don't spare people." He deadpanned, letting go of her chin. He glanced at her for sometime before walking out. "I'll have my men drop you off. Don't ever think of pulling any tricks." He spoke lastly before walking out.

As he walked down the hallway with long strides, he suddenly halted. Realization dawned on him. Did he just smirk?! And earlier he'd scoffed! Shutting his eyes momentarily, he reopened them again. It was nothing on the extreme.

Females must be pretty difficult to handle. With that, he walked out, headed for the cold room. He placed a call on Jove. "Take her back."

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