Entwined: Stuck in Her Grip

Chapter 11: Detestable

It was nine in the morning and Arlene was still fast asleep. Her clothes were scattered all over the place and her box was abandoned. The knock on her window came again. That was the fifth time. Delaney hung outside almost frustrated. Why the heck was she still sleeping by now? Maybe she should simply use the front door. With one huge sigh, she leapt down the window and headed for the front door. She took the main door, walking in without looking either ways and luckily, she met neither of the devils. Walking into Arlene's room, she threw a cloth at her face and kicked her leg. Arlene only muttered inaudibly and turned to the other side of the bed. "Arlene, seriously! We're late for school already." Delaney yelled into her ear, causing Arlene to spring up immediately. Her eyes were puffy and she tried rubbing them. "What...wait, Del? What are you doing here?" She asked, trying to focus her gaze on Delaney. "Trying to get you realize it's nine already and we'd agreed on seven." "Holy! Nine?!" Her sleepy eyes suddenly cleared. "Could you help me finish the packing, please? I'll go get ready." She rushed, running into her bathroom. "What were you doing after I left?" Delaney asked no one in particular, folding the clothes into the box.

Arlene hurriedly prepared for school. "I just hope I do not forget anything. Don't want to have any reason to return here." She mumbled, looking around her room while letting down her hair. She took a quick glance at herself and then took her gaze to Delaney. "How do we leave?" With a shrug, Delaney walked towards the window and pulled the shutters open. "The window looks the safest. I'll go down first, then you lower the box and when I get it, you'll come down later." "Sounds great." Arlene affirmed.

They did as they planned and when Arlene had gotten down, both ran-walked to Delaney's car. They got in and Delaney sped off, taking the road. "You still haven't told me what kept you all night." Delaney reminded, throwing a quick side glance at Arlene who sat beside her.

Arlene gave a helpless smile. "Work. Mrs. Clair had me working extra hours 'cause I reported late to work. She drove me back home tho and gave me some cash." Arlene explained, looking out the window. Delaney's face held a slight pout. "I bet you told her after your shift. You could have simply told her earlier. Obviously, you didn't get enough sleep. Thank goodness college won't let you leave. Here, keep 'em on your eyes. They look puffy." Delaney said, handing over an ice pack to Arlene. "Thanks."

Delaney suddenly cracked up. "I wonder what Maleficent would be all like when she calls for you and don't get a response. She'll definitely file a missing report." She said, laughing at last. Arlene scoffed. "File a missing report? Pfft. When pigs fly. She won't even bat an eyelid when she finds out. Unless in the case where she badly needs money for one of her men-friends. I only worry for Michelle," she continued. "No one to help her with her stuffs again." She said with a chuckle.

"Let the dead bury themselves, Arly. Finally!" Delaney called, bringing the car to a halt in the car park. A glow lit on Arlene's face; this was another of her achievements since her mom died. She stepped out of the car to meet Delaney who already was getting their bags from the car's trunk. Both were clad in black throughout. Delaney even had dark makeup on. She looked like a vixen. Arlene had a cooler look- like some female badass. To top it all, she already quit smiling. After yesterday's incidence in class, she needed no one to tell her the people here would play one if one wasn't prepared. She wasn't going to be Miss Smiley here. Her puffy eyes had reduced a lot.

Strapping her backpack over her shoulder and gripping her luggage handle, she walked towards the Main's Office. It was a Saturday and people hung at every corner of the school, each throwing questioning stares at first, then having a realization look when they recall it was the girl who'd humiliated their Queen Bee the day before.

"Do I really look that good?" Delaney whispered to Arlene. Arlene understood. If only she knew. "Yes Del, perfect. Now increase your pace or you'll get lost. We're heading for the Main's Office." Arlene called, doubling her pace. They arrived the Main's Office and walked in after a knock, Arlene placing her form on Mr. Howell's desk. "Arlene, right?" He asked, taking a closer look at her face as if peering. "Yes Sire." Arlene affirmed.

He took his gaze to Delaney, studying her for a while. Delaney understood his gaze and introduced herself. "I'm Delaney Hopkins. My mom already sorted my documents." He input some data into his system and nodded in affirmation. "Room 38. Ms. Harris, room 32. You can get your keys from the female janitor. Now hurry so you don't miss your classes." Arlene and Delaney stilled for a moment. Classes?! On a Saturday? "Don't fret, it's a practical class." He further explained on noticing the changes in their expressions. Both finally walked out with their bags, a broad smile on Delaney's face. She really did make the right choice by transferring here.

"I guess we have to learn to cope without each other. First different majors and now farther rooms?"Arlene's voice cracked.

"We can visit each other still. Don't make it sound bad." Delaney assured with a smile. "Now c'mon, I really want to see my room." She spluttered, already skipping on her feet.

Arlene stood in front of her room. This was it. What she'd since longed for; it was here now. She just didn't feel elated like she expected. She knew she felt off - broody. With a slight sigh, she unlocked her room and walked in. Cool. The room was cool. Tho it was overly furnished, more than how a school's room ought to be and it was really beautiful, Arlene still saw it as cool. She dragged her box to her wardrobe and walked out. She'd do a proper packing in when she returns from class. She walked out and shut the door, putting her keys inside her pant's pocket while holding a book and a pen in the case where she'll need to write something. She had her headphone on her neck too. Her phone rang almost immediately. "Where are you?" Delaney asked. "I'm coming out." "Okay. I'm at the passageway. Hurry." Delaney said, ending the call. Arlene walked out almost immediately.

"Did you see the room? A-mazing!" Delaney spelt, a wide grin on her face. "Yeah. Let's go." Arlene replied with disinterest. "Why are you suddenly cold? Isn't this what you've always wanted? To go to college?" Delaney asked, noticing Arlene's mood. Arlene let out a deep breath. She just didn't want to talk. "I..." They were cut short by sudden, loud earsplitting, furniture-shaking and deafening shrieks. Arlene could bet someone lost her hearing senses at that moment. What was wrong? "Hurry. Let's go check it out. I wouldn't wanna miss on this gist for all the gold in the world." Delaney called, dragging Arlene along and running outside. Squeezing herself alongside Arlene through the voluminous crowd, she tried seeing what the commotion was all about. There was nothing. People were only screaming. "What's happening?" She asked the girl beside her, who'd been yelling like it was her source of livelihood. She was on the brink of losing her voice. "Zayde's coming to school today!" She squealed in response, beaming widely. "Who's Zayde?" Delaney asked no one in particular. The very few students who'd heard the question turned to give her an eerie stare; like she was some alien. Arlene wasn't enjoying anything one bit. "C'mon Del. Let's find a place to sit." She urged, tugging Delaney's arm. "Nope. I'm not sitting till I see this Zayde guy." She was adamant. "You'll eventually get to see him. Just..." "C'mon Arlene. Don't be such a killjoy. Go sit if you really need to. I want to see Zayde." She said, slipping her hand off Arlene's hold and went further into the crowd, already chanting his name with the crowd. Arlene stared at Delaney's back before heaving a sigh. She managed to leave the choking crowd and headed for class. She sat on her desk, taking a thorough look at the class- empty.

Zayde. The guy from the Power Couple? Yeah. It's him. Boyfriend to that female braggart, Carmella. Birds of a feather. He won't be any better. With an eyeroll, she leant her head in her desk, putting on her headphone- some music would do. The screeching and shrieking seemed to have doubled; Arlene could hear it clearly even with her headphone on! It seemed to be coming towards class, like the Zayde guy was heading for the class. Luckily, the screams went past the class and headed further. Some students rushed into the class and scrambled for their books and pens. One of 'em raised his face and looked at Arlene. "Class has been shifted to the next room, Arlene. Hurry." He rushed and left the class. Arlene lazily stood to her feet. Lessons today seems like it'll be a total disaster. Why were they like this today? Zayde hasn't been coming to school or what? Slightly irritated, she took her book and pen and followed the direction of the others. They were all running. Where the hell was Delaney? Three men clad in black guarded the door to the class- 'so what would this be called?' She asked subconsciously. They had poker faces and looked the least friendly. Arlene simply ignored them and walked into the class. She earned a few stares from the students as she walked in. She spotted Carmella sitting close to a guy, shoulders high. Carmella caught her gaze with a smirk and this time, she hung her arm around Zayde's neck. The class 'ooohh'ed. Zayde was expressionless. Stoic. Arlene smiled- for the first time since she walked into the school today; and it was beautiful. The smile was genuine and that was because she couldn't help but smile at Carmella's stupidity. Not uttering any words, she walked to the back of the class to stand. Greg snuck up to her immediately. "Hey." He called with his usual smile. "You back?" "Yeah." Came her curt response. He stared briefly at her before moving closer. "You've seen them, right?" He asked, nudging his head towards the Power Couple. Arlene glanced at them. "Yes and it definitely didn't add a penny to my account." She replied, sarcasm dripping in her voice. She saw how the girls scrambled to sit close to him. 'Pathetic'. She muttered with an eyeroll.

"Uh...Ms. Harris. Do you have a problem?" The teacher called, noticing when she'd rolled her eyes in detest. Did she do that to his lessons?! Arlene stilled. 'Busted!' "No sire. I was...uh... trying to get something off my eyes." She rushed, a tight smile replacing the scorn. The teacher stared at her for some time and returned to his lesson- such weird way to get something off one's eye. Arlene mellowed down. She had to bottle her despise within. Gosh! Her official first day was just messed up.

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