Chapter 545: The Rule of Power (Part 4)
The bride was always the center of attention at any wedding, and... oddly enough, this was the second time Osana had found herself in this situation, even though it was her first wedding.
Now, everyone was looking at her, waiting for her words about The Rule of Power.
It was quite simple - if she supported Adam and said that he was acting according to her will, The Rule of Power would come into effect, leading to the inevitable fight between Adam and the chosen fighter.
If she says that she has nothing to do with Adam's intentions, then The Rule of Power will not work in this situation, the wedding will continue and Adam will be severely punished for interrupting the marriage ceremony between the highest nobles.
This was an important decision that only Osana could make.
Mariel, Zarot, and members of the Marzo and Rouzet Family along with dozens of guests awaited Osana's words.
But, for some, it mattered more than for others.
"Osana...?" Nirosh muttered in a trembling voice looking at his bride, "Why are you silent...?"
Nirosh like everyone else saw Adam's appearance and Gladius's strength that stunned him, but none of that mattered now.
He didn't understand why Osana didn't say anything, not a single word.
She merely glared at Adam and slowly turned to Nirosh, staring at him with her cold gaze. Her eyes were clear and impassive, her face was devoid of any emotion and most importantly, empathy.
"Fuck it! You're my bride, you've almost become my wife! Say you have nothing to do with that bastard and we'll get married! You can't change your fate!" Nirosh exclaimed.
He may be mad, but only partially so, since his words came from his growing panic. He realized that things were out of control and the unknown future was frightening him.
"Hmm? I'm your bride?" Osana raised an eyebrow demonstratively, keeping her hands folded on her dress, "As far as I know, such a status doesn't officially exist."
"Agh...?" Nirosh's eyes went wide Osana's voice like ghostly blades pierced his heart.
Osana's gaze did not change in the slightest.
"As a woman, I can be someone's girlfriend or bride, but those are just words, however, wife is an official status. So, technically speaking, you're no closer to me than any random person at this moment."
Nirosh gulped. He didn't know what to say. He tried to act confident, but it did not affect Osana.
Then, Osana lifted her chin and her expression completely changed.
Her gaze was filled with contempt and disgust as if Nirosh was no more important to her than a cockroach running between piles of garbage in a stinking junkyard.
"What's wrong? Nothing to say?"
Osana hissed wanting to send a curse at him.
"You're nothing but a pathetic piece of shit who decided to take advantage of your superior position and possess the girl you like. Right, why try to impress someone and get close to a person when you can just use tradition and make that girl your wife, no... a slave with no rights of refusal."
Nirosh flinched as he instinctively took a step back, feeling Osana's uncontrollable anger, if she could she would tear him apart right here and now.
"Though I must admit you almost succeeded. Your father is a scumbag like you, though the same is true for my spoiled mother." Osana said harshly glaring at Mariel who flinched at her words, her face turned pale.
She knew Osana wasn't happy about the forced wedding, but it still hurt her to hear it. What mother would want her child to despise her?
Nirosh was getting more and more nervous, he glanced around before making his last attempt.
"You can say what you want, but you're my woman! Who is he anyway? I'm sure this is the first time you see him and you just want to take this opportunity to run away!" Nirosh exclaimed with a broad sweep of his arm in front of Osana's face.
Zarot smirked.
"Right, Osana, do you really have such a lack of respect for yourself and your family that you're willing to fall into the hands of the first man you meet? That young man just barged in here like some kind of madman!"
Gladius chuckled to himself.
'Oh, they're trying to trap her. Well, that might work in a different situation, with a different girl, but Osana took care of everything beforehand.'
Osana slowly turned around, pointing at Adam.
"This is Adam Vinter and we know each other. Moreover, he is my fiancé. As proof of my words, you can look at his right hand."
Everyone as if hypnotized did as Osana said.
"No way..." Mariel whispered in disbelief.
Zarot's eyes went wide and his face went pale.
Everyone could clearly see the engagement ring on Adam's finger, everyone knew what it meant and Osana decided to put a final point on it.
"Thus, Adam VInter and I share the same position and The Rule of Power will take place!"
Osana exclaimed in a thunderous voice, echoing throughout the banquet hall reaching everyone's ears.
Istrid stepped forward as thick, intimidating darkness began to emerge from her hands, from her fingertips to her shoulders.
She was the only Phantom who wasn't affected by Gladius's aura, as she hadn't used her aura against Adam, so Gladius hadn't marked her out as a target for his attack.
For a long time, she remained silent and only watched from afar, but now she heard enough to spring into action.
Step. Step. Step. Step.
Istrid stepped forward, her hate-filled gaze fixed on Adam, her bloodthirsty aura distinctly felt and almost visible.
"You... You choose to dishonor our family and ruin my brother's wedding. Do you think I'm going to let that happen? You're going to die right here and now!"
Mariel turned around abruptly, extending a hand in her direction.
"No! Istrid, stop! It's too late! Gladius will kill you!"
However, Istrid didn't listen to her as she rushed forward, turning into a deadly blast of darkness. Find adventures on My Virtual Library Empire
"It doesn't matter. I'm willing to die if I can kill that bastard! A weakling like him has no right to get in our way! He will answer for ruining my brother's dream!"
Istrid voice was filled with certainty, she believed in what she said.
In a second, Istrid swept across several tables, about to tear Adam apart even if Gladius was standing in front of him.
In response, Gladius slightly reached his hand forward, about to kill her.
But... for some reason, he decided to stop at the very last moment.
'Hm?' Gladius cast his gaze upwards as if he sensed something outside the palace.
Then, a sly smile on his face grew wider and his eyes narrowed, it seemed he was the only one who noticed it.
'Oh, how interesting. I didn't think it would happen, but who am I to prevent the inevitable?'
With those thoughts, Gladius jumped to the side, clearing a path for Isitrid, rushing straight at Adam.
Destructive darkness covered her body, capable of tearing Adam apart in a single touch.
Adam flinched about to dodge, but it was too late. Istrid was considerably faster than he was.
Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.
As Istrid got within lethal distance of Adam, a loud thud was heard from above.
Glances traveled upward to be filled with fear and terror.
Massive cracks ran along the ceiling before most of the palace roof collapsed downwards along with the largest crystal chandelier, weighing several tons.
Pieces of concrete crashed to the ground, while on the main stone where the chandelier was attached stood a dark silhouette that had enough brazenness to destroy the palace of the Rouzet Family right in their banquet hall during the wedding.