Elemental Hero in Teyvat

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Aftermath

-And so, the Stormterror threat was quelled-

Jean clarified the misunderstanding to citizen of Mondstadt, who they believed came out nowhere to attack and disappeared as just quickly.

Returning to the city, they are greeted by Amber, who reveals that while they were dealing with Dvalin, she and the other knight repelled a coordinated hilichurl attack on the city.

She wondered where Kaeya had gone during attack and tells them to meet at Good Hunter. There, they find Kaeya who tell them that he was suspicious of the attack and remain in the city while everyone else was fighting, intercepting a group of Abyss Order infiltrator and bested them. He learned from them that they are united under single princess.

Meanwhile Sekai sleeping on Diluc back was sent back to infirmary again, still recovering from internal injury from his clash against Dvalin and of course he received a lot of teasing from Lisa during his stay there.


The sun was rising and the first light shined through the window and refracted to Sekai face making him wake up.

Sekai: Ugh, what happen…

As he tries to get up then stopped when he feels something was on top of him, he shifts his gaze and saw the Knight's Librarian sleeping on his chest.

Sekai: (Y-yabe, I can feel her chest rubbing on me)

As he mentally said as he starts blushing trying to keep himself clam until Lisa finally wake up.

Lisa: Ahn~ where am I…?

She said while still half asleep as she looks around the place and finally, she realizes she had fall asleep in infirmary after caring for him all night. Her gaze falls on Sekai who currently under her with seductive smile.

Lisa: Morning cutie~

Sekai: Ohayogozaimasu… Lisa-san.

He said as his face begun to blush more as he quickly noticed that Lisa cleavage was exposed making him blush even more.

Lisa: Ara~ like what you see~

Sekai: Kyyaaa!!!

Sekai quickly pushes Lisa aside and try to turn around, but Lisa pulled his hand, pulling him back reversing the situation making Sekai now lay on top of Lisa.

Lisa: Ara~ it getting hot here.

Sekai: Miss Lisa, please calm down… I swear it unintentional.

Lisa: But you like it don't you~

Sekai: I-I…

???: Oho… you really like what?

Sekai: Crapbasket…

Sekai slowly turned around as he sees familiar blue haired woman who's leaning on the door while looking at him with malicious intent.

Sekai: H-hey Eulaa… morning?

He said with a bit of high pitch voice as his entire body is trembling with fear.

Eula: I heard you are back injured from your fight with Stromterror, and here you are flirting with Miss Librarian.

Sekai: Wait… this is misunderstanding! We're not flirting right Miss Lisa?!

Lisa: Ara~ but I'm flirting with you, cutie~

Sekai face become redder in second as he heard Lisa response. Then suddenly they hear sound of sword getting unsheathed as the Silver-hair adventurer look back to see Eula drawing out her claymore with a wicked smile on face.

Eula: It seems you really like flirting with Miss Librarian… So, I will make you never leaving infirmary again~

 Sekai: Eep!!

He then raised his hand in defense trying to reason with her.

Sekai: Wait, this not even my fault!

Eula: Too late, Vengeance will be Mine~!

Sekai: AAHHHH!! WHY ME?!!


-Inside the Adventure Guild-

The Silver Adventurer is currently inside Adventure' Guild laying down on table with his face have slap mark on both side after. Thanks to Eula who beat him up with blunt part of her sword. And for the cherry on top, he got slap by her after he get kiss by Lisa on cheek.

Sekai: Damnit… She really one unreasonable person.

The Adventurer heard another footstep coming from behind him as he turned around and see Aether with multiple kiss mark on his face and neck.

Sekai: What the hell happened to you?

Aether: I could ask you the same things.

As he went next to his travel buddy and laid down to the table as well as he groans.

Aether: Eula?

Sekai: Amber?

As the two males stared each other for a moment before letting out sigh in dismay as both nod to each other. Suddenly they heard another footstep from behind as they turned and see a young woman.

She has short, neck-length pale lavender hair with straight fringe and lopsided locks of hair framing her face. A section of hair braided over her bangs and pinned down at the right side of her face with gold shield clip. As for wear, her has typical maid ensemble with the exception of priest hat, a cravat and many fuchsia roses. Her fuchsia dress has two bows. At her hip her Geo vision.

Sekai: Hey Noelle, fancy seeing you here.

Noelle: It's been a while, Master Silver.

Aether: Morning Noelle.

Noelle: Morning and hello Honorary Knight.

Sekai: Anyway, what brings you here?

As he asked this Noelle pulled out large bag full of Mora inside shocking the duo as Paimon appeared out of nowhere.

Noelle: Master Silver, this the full payment of your service for Mondstadt.

Sekai: Huh? I thought I will never get paid after the destruction I made.

Paimon: WHOA! REALLY?!

Aether: H-how much?

Noelle: Five million Mora.

Both Paimon and Aether jaw drop when they heard the amount of mora that Sekai received.

Aether: That a lot of money, what are you planning to do with it?

Sekai: I mean we gonna travel around Tyevat right? So, we need many supplies…

Paimon: Yeah, especially a lot of food!!

FLICKS! (Sekai Flick Paimon forehead)

Paimon: Gah! Ow! Why?!

Sekai: You start drooling Paimon…

Aether: -_-

As both Paimon and Sekai start to negotiate about her food fund, Aether stared at the two with sigh and then just smile while Noelle just stares at them. Until they heard new footsteps was heard as everyone turned and see Captain of Recon walking to them.

Eula: Sekai…

Sekai: (shiver) H-hey Eula what bring you h-here?

Eula: I came here to speak with you.

Sekai: I-I see…

Then Aether suddenly gets up and walk beside Sekai and pat his shoulder and spoke.

Aether: Good luck bro, see you later.

He leaves from the table and grab Paimon on head as Noelle followed through leaving both Eula and Sekai alone.

Sekai: So… what do you want to talk about?

Eula walks and sit next to him.

Eula: I heard you defeated Stormterror, the people of Mondstadt is hailing you and Honorary Knight as heroes.

Sekai: Maybe we just steal the spotlight from others that help us making that possible especially during our fight, Mondstadt been attack by Abyss Order, right? And I heard how Captain of Recon protect the city wall…

He said as he smiles at the blue-haired knight making her blush as she looks away and scoff at him.

Eula: Hmph, I was just doing what I was told nothing else.

As Sekai sigh while giving smug smile at her.

Sekai: Geez, you're such a tsundere.

Then Eula slammed her hand down and stand up.

Eula: I-I'm not a tsundere… BAKA!

After realizing what she just said, she quickly covers her mouth as she looks directly at elemental man who didn't give any reaction.

A heavy silence followed.

Sekai stared.

Eula stared back.

Eula: ….

Sekai: …

Eula: …

Sekai: ...

Eula: I-I… I…

Then, he smirked.

Sekai: Heh.

Eula: Why you little-!!

Sekai: Gah!

Before he could react, Eula grabbed him by the collar and slammed him onto the ground then proceed to kick him multiple time.

Sekai: Ow! Ow! Okay! You're not a tsundere! You're just an unreasonable and violent woman!

Eula: HUH?!

Sekai: Ow! Just stop! I won't tease you anymore!

Eula finally huffed, crossing her arms and looking away as Sekai sat up, rubbing his back. Still grinning, he dusted off his jacket.

Sekai: Hey, let's go.

Eula: Hey wait!

As he said, he grabs the hand of blue-haired knight and runs out from the Traven while dragging her along with him.

Sekai: Come on! You should learn to enjoy yourself more!

Before she could protest, Sekai grabbed her hand and took off running, dragging her along.

Eula blinked, caught off guard.

Eula: …. (this man is really unpredictable, I guess I can see why the Librarian like him so much)

She glanced at Sekai, who was still grinning as they ran through Mondstadt. His carefree nature felt… contagious.

As they wandered through the city, they came across an archery contest with various prizes displayed. Eula's gaze lingered on one of the stuffed toys for a brief second before she quickly turned away.

But Sekai noticed.

Without a word, he stepped forward, grabbed a bow from the stand, and registered for a turn. The shopkeeper barely had time to react before Sekai took aim and, with practiced ease, struck the moving target dead center.

Sekai: (mumbling) did the curse come with Emiya ability? If yes doesn't that mean I can cook like him?

The shopkeeper blinked in shock. "I—uh—congratulations?"

Sekai handed the bow back and accepted the prize, then casually placed the stuffed toy in Eula's hands. 

She stared at it, then at him.

Eula: W-why?...

Sekai: Huh?

Eula: Why are you so nice to me?

Sekai scratched the back of his head, looking a little sheepish.

Sekai: On the way to Stormterror's Lair, I asked Acting Grandmaster Jean about your situation…

Eula's expression stiffened. She looked down, her grip tightening on the plush toy.

Eula: You're just being nice to me cause of pity… isn't it?

Before she uttered more, Sekai grabs both her shoulder causing Eula to yelp in surprise and gaze towards Sekai who have serios expression on his face.

His usual easygoing demeanor was gone, replaced by a firm, serious expression.

Sekai: A person's worth isn't decided by their blood or family history, Eula.

Sekai: It's determined by what they do with their life. Don't let others dictate your worth. That's something only you should decide.

Eula: Sekai…

Sekai: Destiny might be predetermined, ...but that doesn't mean we can't change it. If you hate the fate that was handed to you, then cut it down yourself! Isn't that what you've been doing all this time?

Eula's lips parted, but no words came out.

Sekai grips tighten on her shoulder as he gets closer to her.

Sekai: Open your eyes, Eula Lawrence. You've already passed the starting line. You should never stop running. Never give up your faith. People are free to choose what they believe in—especially in the City of Freedom.

A gentle wind swept through the plaza, carrying his words with it.

Sekai: (Smile) ...and for me, I believe that one day, people will truly understand each other. So stand tall, Child of Freedom.

Eula bit her lip, her heart pounding in her chest. Her mind raced with memories of the people who had accepted her for who she was—Amber, Jean, the Knights who believed in her despite her name.

She exhaled softly.

Eula: Sekai… I…

Sekai: You're not alone Eula, you have friend that you find alongside your path that willing to support and stay by your side.

Her mind flashed with the faces of those who had supported her. She reminds on few people who willing to accept her and her own person.

Sekai: We keep on struggling to find that one treasure in our adventure, but we forget the treasure we find along our journey. Only when we reach the end and realize that after all...

Sekai: ...the real treasure is friend that we make along the way.

Sekai: Your friend will be there to make up for what you cannot do and prevent you from straying your path.

As Mondsdat gentle wind blew at them, Sekai gives smile to Eula.

His words resonated deep within her.

She couldn't help but smile on how much different he is, he maybe an odd ball, dense idiot, but he not kind of person who judge people by their past. 

Eula: …You're really something else, you know that?

Sekai: (muttered under his breath) you don't know how many problematic students that I have to deal with… *sigh* I wonder how they all are doing in their live…

Sekai: By the way, you look a lot cuter when you smile, should do that more often.

Eula's entire face went red. She sent a sharp glare his way.

 Eula: Are you making fun of me?!

Sekai: No, just stating fact.

He said while raising his hand as defense.

Eula huffed and turned away, still hugging the stuffed toy.

Eula: Hmph. Let's go.

Sekai chuckled as he followed after her. (Yep, she's totally a tsundere.)


The sun had begun its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over Mondstadt as Sekai and Eula walked side by side toward the Knights of Favonius headquarters.

Sekai came to a stop just outside the entrance and turned to her with a casual smile.

Sekai: Well, here we are.

Eula hesitated, her gaze shifting between him and the ground.

Eula: …Right.

Sekai: (tilted his head) See ya tomorrow then?

She nodded, but just as he was about to turn and leave—

Eula: Sekai Silver.

He paused mid-step and glanced back at her, raising an eyebrow.

Sekai: Huh? What is it, Eula? Something wrong?

The blue-haired knightess took a deep breath before stepping closer, her expression unreadable.

Eula: I just… wanted to give you something."

Sekai blinked. "What is i—mmph?!"

Without warning, Eula closed the distance between them and pressed her lips against his.

Sekai's eyes widened in pure shock. (E-EH?!)

The kiss was brief—just a moment, yet it lingered far longer in his mind.

As she pulled away, Eula's face was practically burning. She averted her gaze, but her voice remained steady.

Eula: …Thank you. For today.

Then, without giving him a chance to react, she turned on her heel and disappeared into the building, leaving Sekai standing there, frozen.

Seconds passed.

His brain finally caught up to what just happened.

Face redder than a Pyro Slime, he dropped to his knees, staring blankly at the ground.

"I—I cannot get marry anymore…"

And thus, another legend was born in Mondstadt that evening—the tale of how the infamous Spindrift Knight made a certain hero question his entire bachelor life existence with just one kiss.

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