Elden Ring: My Ending

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Power. Oceans of power. The stream of runes flowing into Konstantin was so dense it felt like his body was ready to burst from the sheer energy. Normally, he would instinctively allocate his runes at a Site of Grace, but this time was different. He had to abandon another convention, by assigning… metaphorical stats directly on the battlefield.

But regular runes weren't the main reward for the victor.

The third Great Rune. Konstantin became the first Tarnished capable of housing so many Great Runes—keys to rewriting the very laws of reality in the Lands Between.

Radahn's Rune radiated fire, enveloping Konstantin's entire body. He felt an abnormal surge of vitality.(1) It was a sensation reminiscent of obtaining Godrick's Rune. Interestingly, Rennala's Full Moon Rune didn't evoke such a physically tangible effect. It was there, but far less… noticeable.

Countless thoughts swirled in his head, but understanding that now wasn't the time or place to ponder the mechanics of conceptual tools capable of rewriting reality, Konstantin pushed them aside.

Kosta exhaled, strolling leisurely toward the other festival participants.

Only in the calm aftermath did the Tarnished fully comprehend the destruction their battle had wrought. Numerous craters and chunks of earth, some larger than himself, were scattered across the battlefield, leaving a truly intimidating impression.

Konstantin had naively thought he had over-leveled.

A satisfied smile crept onto his face.

Thankfully, he was wrong.

For a while, Jerren silently regarded the Tarnished. Without a word, he removed his pointed hood, revealing the face of an elderly knight, and, to Konstantin's surprise, deeply bowed.

"Thank you… You… you are more deserving of the title of king than any other Tarnished, Konstantin."

The castle steward spoke with such raw emotion that Konstantin internally flinched. As if that wasn't enough, Millicent suddenly rushed forward, practically throwing herself into the Tarnished's arms and hugging him tightly.

Only after pressing her entire body against him with her single arm did Millicent realize:

Kosta was still practically naked.

Again. Only through the incredible willpower of a true warrior did Millicent manage to keep herself from screaming across the Wailing Wastes. Instead, she stammered softly and bashfully:


She had given in to her emotions too much. Guilt gnawed at her—the rot hadn't left her body; it had merely stopped spreading for now. She was a walking plague, a vile creature. Millicent was horrified by the very thought that her cursed body had touched his skin.

Just as she was about to pull away, Millicent froze again, barely suppressing a squeak. The Tarnished, completely unafraid of the curse within her, hugged her tightly in return. As if that wasn't enough, she felt his power flow into her body, filling her with sensations she had never experienced before.

The will of the unyielding warrior-woman could crumble at any moment.

Konstantin, noticing that his waifu had quickly forgotten her self-deprecating thoughts, turned his gaze to the other festival participants. If any of them wanted to comment, they wisely kept silent.

Well, almost all of them.

"And how do you manage to succeed everywhere, my friend?" Patches laughed, his tone utterly insincere.

Millicent froze in Konstantin's arms like a statue. The Tarnished's eyes turned into twin voids of nothingness.

Alexander tactfully coughed into his hand.

"He dead."

It seemed like this thought occurred to every festival participant simultaneously.

Sensing something, Patches laughed even louder, his voice dripping with fake cheerfulness.

"Buddy, I think I'll just… take a walk, yeah? Look around a bit. You know how it is—business doesn't run itself. I'll be going now, alright? Bye!"

Without waiting for a response, Patches darted off. Konstantin silently watched the retreating figure of the scoundrel.

Perhaps next time, he'd have to knock him down from somewhere again.

The observing illusion of Sellen clicked her tongue.

"What a dangerous individual…"

Melina turned her head toward the witch, who had once again taken up residence on her shoulder. However, the False Finger Maiden had no intention of arguing with Sellen's assessment: the charm of the red-haired warrior was overwhelming, leaving no room for competition.

Melina lifted her gaze toward the now-vanished moon.

It seemed Ranni had seen everything she wanted.

Though perhaps not the malicious little boy.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the festival came to an end. Soon, all of the Lands Between would hear of the Tarnished's latest feat. And if anyone still had thoughts of trying to seize his Great Runes…

After the defeat of a once-invincible demigod, even the boldest and most daring lunatics wouldn't dare challenge the monster in human form.

Well, most wouldn't.

What Kosta didn't expect was the feast Jerren prepared after the victory. Before his eyes, the castle seemed to come alive. The once cold and rot-ridden soldiers now moved about with joy, their faces no longer grim and resolute but filled with a newfound sense of relief and happiness—temporary though it might be.

Some played musical instruments; others sang cheerfully (or so it seemed) in monotone voices. Still others merely hummed contentedly, unable to contain their emotions.

Very few things in the Lands Between could unsettle Konstantin, but what he saw here was so out of place in the sweaty, punishing atmosphere of a Soulslike world—where even death offered no solace—that the Tarnished…

…simply sat through the entire celebration with a stone-cold, impassive expression, nodding at the appropriate moments during conversations and congratulations.

He knew full well it wasn't a cutscene, but Kosta still chose to treat the whole ordeal as if it were an unskippable one.

It was easier that way.

Otherwise, at this rate, aside from mindless, aggressive creatures, he'd eventually run out of enemies to farm entirely.

As wonderful and horrifying as that thought was, grinding wasn't eternal.

Kosta pondered this throughout the celebration. And even after it ended.

He snapped out of his thoughts only when everyone began to disperse.

"How's Fia?"

Lionel the Lionhearted, one of the festival participants and guardian of the waifu who comforted grieving Tarnished, brought her up unexpectedly. Konstantin hadn't thought Lionel would mention his foster daughter(2).

The Tarnished shrugged.

"The quest is still in progress."

"Excuse me?"

"She's alive and well."

'For now,' a grim thought flitted through Kosta's mind. 'The quest is still in progress…'

"What a relief…" The elderly knight truly sighed in relief. "She hasn't contacted me in a long time. I can't reach the Roundtable Hold myself, Lord Tarnished…"

"She remembers you."

Lionel smiled faintly, without malice.

"That means the world to me, Lord Tarnished."

"Just Kosta will do."

Anyone who had extended a helping hand to a waifu, adopted her, and genuinely cared for her deserved at least minimal respect, despite not having a questline. Even Edgar, the father of the blind waifu—though he had his critical shortcomings—deserved some credit.

"Oh, no, Lord Tarnished," the knight bowed his head. "Thank you for your kindness."

The strength Konstantin had displayed created an insurmountable wall between them, whether the Tarnished wanted it or not.

In the end, he spoke not only with Fia's adoptive father but with nearly everyone else—whether it was the swordsman from the Land of Reeds, the kind-hearted giant with a massive hammer, or Alexander.

To be honest, Kosta wasn't even surprised when the samurai asked him with genuine curiosity how often he cut himself with his absurd regeneration and whether he could bleed himself on command.

For blood-loss fans, this was undoubtedly a significant topic.

The Great Horned Tragoth, the kind-hearted giant with the hammer, merely wished Konstantin luck on his journey, sincerely asking him to use his power for good and occasionally help those in need.

Waifus, in Kosta's eyes, were the most in need of help. With all the seriousness of a stoic warrior, he made a solemn promise, putting the other warrior at ease—Tragoth believed him.

With Alexander, it was more challenging. The jar warrior clearly felt empty, emotionally drained. Strangely enough, it was Konstantin who initiated the conversation:

"When we meet again, I want to duel you."

If Alexander had eyes, they would have widened.

"But I'm just—"

"You're a great warrior. I know that. You just need to level up a bit. Everyone goes through this."

Alexander couldn't contain himself, wrapping his long, clay arms around the Tarnished. The hug was so strong that it would have crushed an ordinary person against the jar's surface, but Kosta barely felt inconvenienced.

"Yes, you're right, my friend!" Alexander's motivation surged. "I won't let you down!"

He was already planning to return to the battlefield. Though Konstantin and Radahn's fight had wreaked havoc on the area, finding the remains of powerful warriors wouldn't be an issue.

Alexander promised himself he'd be stronger the next time they met. And, most importantly, he would prepare a gift for the Tarnished to mark their next encounter! Something deep inside him whispered that they would meet again soon.

The puppet-like Finger Maiden didn't attempt to speak to Kosta, and the Tarnished made no move to engage with her. Seluvis's quest wasn't particularly long, and Kosta had already resolved to move past the relentless farming of anything and everything in sight.

His farewell with Jerren was surprisingly warm—or so it seemed at first.

"Where will you head next, Konstantin?"

"To complete waifu quests."

Did Konstantin realize that beings unfamiliar with him wouldn't understand a word of what he said?

To him, it was as clear as day. But…

Seeing the old man's face wrinkle in confusion, Kosta allowed himself a fleeting smile.

Being crazy had its perks in the moment.

Unsurprisingly, the Tarnished's antics hadn't escaped Melina's notice. Once again, she found herself unsure how to react to her observations.

The madman had learned to weaponize his madness. Was this controlled insanity, or…

Was he simply mocking everyone?

Melina could feel a headache beginning to form.

"I see," Jerren replied, though clearly understanding nothing. "In any case, I can now leave the fortress. I have… unfinished business. From days long past, you might say."

The False Finger Maiden rose slightly onto her toes and whispered something to her chosen one.

Not a single muscle moved on Konstantin's face.

"The business Iji mentioned? The old man asked me to tell you to visit him more often and send his regards."

"Oh, is that so?" Jerren's expression brightened. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Konstantin. I'll be sure to—"

"I won't let you kill Sellen, Jerren."

The elder knight's smile froze, his body flinching as he locked eyes with the Tarnished.

This was the last thing he had expected to hear from the slayer of his lord.

Sellen could never have imagined, not even in her wildest dreams, that the man would so openly stand up for her.

It was an oddly pleasant feeling. The Tarnished, armed with his foreknowledge, undoubtedly knew how dangerous a sorceress she was. The exiled witch freely admitted that the fear, hatred, and assassination attempts she faced were more than justified. She had few allies, and even they…

…were either minor figures from the Academy, largely ineffectual, or Seluvis, whose character she found thoroughly repugnant. If not for his obsession with those revolting puppets, she'd never have trusted him with creating a new vessel for her.

Konstantin's existence felt like a ray of sunlight piercing through endless darkness. Deep within the glintstone shard that housed her soul, Sellen felt herself drowning among corpses, sinking further into impenetrable gloom. Only her research and ambitions kept her afloat, though they also made her…

Fanatical in some areas.

Jerren's previously warm gaze turned icy. Standing off to the side, Millicent fidgeted, unsure where to place herself.

…Perhaps she should excuse herself for a walk?

"So, you know Sellen, Konstantin…" Jerren's voice grew wary. "You must not know, but she—"

"I know exactly who she is," Konstantin replied evenly. "And I won't let her quest end in another disco ball or anything like that."

The elder knight didn't evoke negative emotions in him. Jerren was honorable, steadfast in his beliefs and sense of duty. Kosta hoped, if not to reconcile him with his waifu, then at least to make him abandon this so-called "unfinished business."

Konstantin felt he was capable of this.

Jerren froze in confusion, unable to grasp what the Tarnished was even talking about, but Konstantin had said all he wanted. Turning back, he headed toward the next quest. Time was still against him.

Watching her doom's expression crumple, the sorceress's illusion smiled with surprising tenderness.

Such a pleasant feeling. Warm, comforting. Sellen allowed herself to relax, confident she wouldn't be betrayed and that the Tarnished would never lose. Not ever. 

Naive? Not in the slightest. Well, maybe just a little. But what could she do? She wasn't a daughter of a Goddess or a demigoddess. It wasn't in her nature to control everyone and everything.

A dash of fatalism wouldn't hurt the Lands Between, or even Queen Marika the Eternal herself.

How unfortunate that the man was always so busy. Sellen would've loved to spend more time with him, teaching him magic properly and learning a thing or two herself. They could've built a wonderful relationship as teacher and student. And vice versa.

Sadly, even if Konstantin had the time, Sellen herself had been preoccupied lately. At least her illusion had far fewer concerns, leaving her filled with a sea of amusement and positive emotions.

"Don't relax too much, redhead," Sellen suddenly whispered to the startled Millicent.

The red-haired warrior, still unused to the usually invisible presence, furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Relax? What do you mean?"

The miniature illusion shot a sly glance at Konstantin's back.

"You're not the only one here. I also want some of Konstantin's attention. But most of all—there's one jealous Maiden."

Melina flinched as if struck.

The sorceress smirked, watching the rot-afflicted girl's face turn the same shade as her hair. Millicent seemed ready to say something, but Sellen's illusion vanished before she could.

Konstantin reached the nearest Grace, settling down beside it. He felt a deep connection with this energy, one that had only grown stronger. Millicent carefully sat next to him.

They were preparing to move forward.

"Where are we going now?" Millicent asked softly, lost in thought.

Kosta glanced at the warrior, barely suppressing a weary sigh.

His perception had become too sharp. He couldn't physically miss Sellen's presence.

More than anything, he feared that interactions between the waifus—no, the women—might spawn quests so convoluted that even he wouldn't be able to complete them before the world inevitably destroyed itself.

The Lands Between would plunge into darkness and someone would rekindle the fire(3) before Kosta managed to complete all the potential quests born from waifu interactions.

Kosta sighed heavily, unable to hold it in any longer. However, he quickly collected himself and fell deep into thought.

"I need to fetch the half-wolf and hunt the deer. Then, Nokron…"

"Nokron?" Millicent blinked.

Immersed in his musings, Kosta extended a hand toward her. Millicent stared at it, puzzled.

Konstantin belatedly realized he had never used this… ability in front of the red-haired warrior. There simply hadn't been a need.

"Take my hand."

Millicent opened her mouth to protest but stopped herself, recalling their recent embrace. Her heart began to race slightly as she hesitantly reached for Konstantin's hand. However, any trace of shyness vanished the moment Grace's energy enveloped them and whisked them away.

Whether it was her naturally reserved nature or the unyielding will of an indomitable warrior that kept her from screaming,no one knows.

The False Finger Maiden watched as the Tarnished disappeared along with the red-haired maiden. The illusion of the exiled sorceress was likely to follow. As for Melina, she wasn't planning to join Konstantin just yet.

The False Finger Maiden opened her accursed eye.

She had held back for too long, tried to manage with half-measures, hoping the sorceress would tire of this game. But her patience wasn't infinite.

It was time to locate the slippery sorceress's physical body and have a more… direct conversation. They definitely needed to establish some kind of hierarchy. Just because she couldn't strike her down didn't mean Melina would forgive her every word.

The blacksmith should be finishing the gift for her chosen one.

Nothing would happen if…

She tested it first, right?

(1) When activated, Radahn's Great Rune increases maximum HP, FP, and stamina.

(2) There's virtually no information about Lionel the Lionhearted, nor does he have a questline. However, his phantom defends Fia at the end of her questline.

(3) There's a half joking theory suggesting that the Lands Between is a prequel to the Dark Souls universe.

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