Chapter 43: Chapter 43 “Who… are you?”
"That" Kenji replied, "Is a question I plan to answer when Valian gets back. " Right on cue, Valian entered through the lift, without the girl, this time.
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"Okay. " Kenji headed over to a sofa, and sat down upon it.
"Everyone sit down. This is gonna take some time.
" Everyone took a seat, Zest noticing that Valian took a seat very close to Kenji.
"Okay, time for introductions. " Kenji replied.
"This is Valian Lucifer, my girlfriend and Queen. "
"Hi. " Valian smiled at Zest, who smiled back.
"Those two are Penemue and Albedo. " Kenji said, gesturing to Penemue and Albedo.
"They're Fallen Angel-succubus hybrids. " Zest's eyes widened.
"Fallen Angels?!" she exclaimed. "You mean we're in the Fallen Angel's territory.
This is where you've been all this time?!"
"Yes, it is. And I'll explain in a moment.
" Kenji replied, raising his voice over Zest's exclamations, and effectively stopping Zest's words. "Vali, Pen, Albedo, this is Zest.
" He introduced the maid. "She was a maid for the Gremory Household back when I was there.
" After hearing those words, all three women stiffened, and looked at Zest.
"Calm down. " Kenji replied.
"You know how I said that there was a maid that actually treated me as a person and not the Heir to a household? She is that maid. " All three women relaxed.
"Zest. " Valian said to Zest, looking at her carefully.
"Thank you… for taking care of Kenji while he was still with his family. It's nice to see that someone cared for Kenji before he ended up in the Grigori.
"That's alright, Valian. " Zest replied, smiling slightly.
She looked at Kenji. "Are you going to tell me how you came to be in the Grigori in the first place?"
"Oh, right. " Kenji nodded, and began to recount his tale.
It took him a whole half-hour to recount the whole story, and Zest gasped out loud when he revealed his sixteen Devil and Dragon wings, a product of Albion turning him into a half-dragon. She blushed as deep as Kenji's hair when he said that Penemue and Albedo 'fed' off of him at regular intervals.
Once he was finished, Zest was even more amazed than she was before.
"So… that's it?" she asked.
"Yup. " Kenji replied.
"You were on the run for two months…"
"Yup. "
"And you were found by Valian…"
"And Azazel. " Kenji added.
"And taken in…"
"Yup. "
"Now all the Fallen Angels recognise you as a member of the Grigori?"
"Eh, I'd say ninty-nine… point nine… percent of them do. " Kenji replied, with a grin.
"Okay, now a good two months after that…"
"And three days. " Kenji added.
"You've had sex with Valian, Penemue and Albedo… thirty-six times?"
"Thirty-seven. " Kenji grinned.
"And you made Valian your Queen. "
"To be fair, that was her own choice. " Kenji replied.
"Any other questions?"
"Well, there is one…" Zest mumbled.
"Yes?" Kenji asked, looking calmly at her.
"Can I… can I be in your peerage, too?" she blurted out, looking at Kenji.
"Huh?" Kenji was slightly taken aback. "Why?"
"You know when you first got your Evil Pieces?"
"Mmmhmm. "
"Well…" Zest was nervous again. "I actually wanted to ask you if you would make me a part of your peerage when you got back from Ajuka's lab, but-"
"But I never did get back. " Kenji finished.
"Okay, I'll make you a part of my peerage. " Zest's face split into the widest smile Kenji had ever seen.
"Thank you, Kenji!" she said, happily. "I'll willingly serve you as whatever piece you make me, my King.
" Kenji extracted a piece from his pocket, and inserted it into Zest's chest. After a few seconds of pushing it into her chest, eight wings, four Devil and four Dragon, sprouted from Zest's back.
"Welcome to my peerage, Zest. .
. my second Pawn.
" Kenji whispered. Zest looked behind her, and jumped at the sight of the devil and dragon wings sprouting from her back.
Her dragon wings, unlike Kenji's, were white, but faded into gold, instead of Kenji's, which were white, blue, silver and red.
"Kenji, why are there both Devil and Dragon wings? I thought the Evil Pieces only reincarnated people into Devils?" she asked.
"I'm not sure. " Kenji said.
"I think the Evil Pieces are synced to the owner's magic, so when I changed from a pure devil into a devil-dragon hybrid, I think the pieces must've changed with me. " Zest nodded, and kissed Kenji deeply.
I'll admit. " Valian said to Penemue.
"Those two look so happy together. "
"Yeah. " Pen replied.
"Their relationship must go way back, before Kenji met you, even. " Valian pouted slightly at this, but stopped.
Her master, mate, King, and husband by dragon-law, was happy. And that meant that Valian was happy for him.
"Oh, Kenji?" Valian asked. Kenji broke away from Zest for a second and replied.
"That girl you brought in, she looked really sleep-deprived. I put a sleeping spell on her that'll wear off in 24 hours.
"Alright. " Kenji replied.
"I guess we've gotta wait for 24 hours then. "
Line Break, 24 hours, 1 minute and 34 seconds later…
"Hey, Kenji?" Valian asked, poking her head into Kenji's room. Kenji was lying in his room, and Zest had her head lying gently on Kenji's chest, with Kenji gently rubbing her rabbit ears.
"Hmm?" Kenji replied, looking up.
"The girl you brought in yesterday… she's awake. " She said.
"Pen told me to tell you. "
"I'm coming now. " Kenji quickly replaced himself with a pillow, so Zest wouldn't wake up, and followed Valian out of his room.
Down through the lift (where Kenji and Valian had a short make-out session to pass the time) and into a bedroom on the third floor. The girl was sat up in bed, eating some strawberry cake.
"Hey there. " Kenji said, pulling up a chair and sitting down next to the girl.
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She finished her mouthfu of cake and looked at him.