DXD: Inconvenient

Chapter 63: Explanations, conclusions and beginning of the plot [Part Four]





Soon the two found themselves in front of the door to Micael's room, with the latter opening the door waiting for Mari to enter first, and with the girl passing through Micael did the same closing it behind him.


Accompanied by the sound of the door closing, she was already in the middle of the room and with her arms crossed, receiving his gaze, the girl spoke next — "So, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Keeping his gaze on her, Micael spoke calmly, gesturing towards the bed — "I think you'd better sit down."

The girl replied just as calmly — "No, I prefer to stand, so what were you going to talk to me about?"

Upon hearing the girl's question, Micael's hand went to his chin, scratching it reflexively, internally he was thinking about how he could start talking about this. — 'I really can't think of a gentler method, I'd better just be direct.' — Lowering his hand and exhaling weakly through his nose, he calmly approached the girl, stopping in front of her.

Looking calmly into the girl's eyes, Micael began to speak — "Look, I don't know how to say this so I'll be direct, Rias confessed to me." — He then waited in silence to see how she would react.

The girl didn't say anything for a moment, just stared at him silently, her expression unchanged, after tense seconds of them looking at each other, Mari opened her mouth as she asked calmly — "And you accepted?"

With her eyes looking into his eyes with an unusual calmness, Micael replied — "Yes, well, technically yes."

Still with her unusually calm demeanor, Mari asked back — "What do you mean by technically?"

"Well, to be exact, she didn't confess directly to me, she was talking to herself and I heard it, but that was a suspicion I've had for a while, her saying that just confirmed it for me." — He replied while crossing his arms.

Upon hearing his response, she just looked at him silently again until she simply nodded and muttered — "I see."

That being the girl's only reaction, very different from what he initially thought it would be, Micael asked reflexively in doubt while raising his eyebrow weakly — "Is that all you have to say? Nothing more?"

Tilting her head a little, the loose strands of her hair bouncing, Mari asked back, her eyes still glued to his. — "How did you expect me to react?" 

Lowering his raised eyebrow, Micael replied. — "Well, I expected you to be more..."aggressive"."

And despite the tone of quotation marks used in his voice, he meant it in the literal sense, he expected her to at least shout while cursing him in various ways and means, such a calm reaction was somewhat surprising.

With the corner of her mouth forming an amused smile, Mari questioned him back, her eyes conveying her emotion. — "Do you want me to be aggressive?"

"Nah, I'm fine, I'd rather not suffer any emotional harm." — Shaking his head, Micael responded by uncrossing his arms and putting his left hand in his pocket.

"That's what I thought." — Straightening her head and still with a weak smile was how she responded.

And after her words, what followed was another moment of silence with the two just looking at each other.

Micael watched in silence as her eyes seemed full of emotions, the amused smile slowly fading and turning into a neutral face.

Then, those turbulent eyes seemed to calm down and transform into a single emotion, but not a good emotion.

Micael noticed how her eyes looked crystal clear, because tears began to well up in her eyes, threatening to fall.

Her neutral expression broke as she also bit her trembling lip in an attempt to keep from crying.

Naturally, faced with that vision, Micael was unable to remain still and do nothing.

Or rather, he couldn't because, after a long time, Micael's usual composure and calm behavior were broken when the weak sensation of nervousness and anxiety took over and joined them.

Of course, as quickly as it appeared, Micael suppressed these emotions by forcing calm, as panicking now would be stupid.

But still, his arms rose instinctively and reflexively as he approached Mari, frowning in concern as he tried to hug her.


However, the girl interrupted him by raising an arm and pressing it against his chest, her tearful face changing to a frown.

As his arms were raised, Micael lowered them, but did not move away, he remained at the distance of her arm that was touching him, looking at her with a frown.

The girl met his gaze with her own frown, then, lowering her head and wiping away her tears, she spoke. — "I don't want to be comforted."

Raising her head, with her reddish eyes showing, Mari lowered her arm as she spoke, still frowning. — "Do you know anything Micael? I expected something like this to happen at some point, after all you never liked me the way I like you."

Frowning even more, Micael was about to speak but was interrupted by Mari.

"No, don't say anything, let me finish." — Raising her hand, Mari spoke while facing him.

Seeing that he was quiet, she continued. — "I know that you like me and that you are attracted to me, but the feeling you have is not the same as mine, at least not to the same intensity." — Lowering her hand, she speaks with a faint bitter smile appearing on her face. — "In the past, when you insinuated that you wouldn't be with a girl your age, I thought you were just using an indirect way to reject me without hurting me."

With the bitter smile fading from her face, Mari looked down as she continued. — "But I had hope, after all you never directly rejected me, and you always insinuated that you were just waiting for me to be old enough, but over time I also started to think about that possibility."

Lifting her eyes, she looked at him, believing he could see the resignation in her gaze. — "The possibility that someone, some girl, could come and take you away from me before I was the right age."

In a weak tone, she spoke almost monotonously, imagining that her now expressionless look was noticed by him. — "It was annoying, you know, these negative thoughts, the possibility of someone getting there before me was eating at me, but what can I do, right? I'm your sister, your paranoia ended up rubbing off on me."

"But look, in the end, what I feared so much ended up happening, a random redhead came and stole you from me." — She still spoke with a neutral face, but the bitter feeling in her voice was noticeable.

Micael just remained silent, he wanted to say that Rias didn't "stole" him from her, but that would sound absurd considering what he already said about Rias' confession, not to mention that this thought was fueled by his new mindset, which obviously wouldn't have a good outcome if he spoke out.

But from what he understood so far, from the words she said, she was implying that she was giving up on him, which wasn't good.


As he thought silently, he saw how the girl lowered her head and placed her hand on her face while covering her eyes, letting out a weak laugh.

"You know something, Micael? This whole situation irritates me a lot..." — With only her lips visible, she spoke calmly, then lowered her hand and raised her head, her face set in an angry expression and a glare to match, her jaw tensed as she fought back the emotion. — "I had to put up with your selfishness, your stupid desire to wait until the right age, who knows where you got it from."

"I mean, what the fuck!? We're the same age, damn! What the fuck is this age right!?" — Gesturing with her arms and head, looking exasperated, she spoke in an irritated tone, almost shouting, seeming to complain more to herself than talking to him.

"But it was okay, after all I loved you, I was willing to tolerate your stupidity and selfishness, and in the end it would be worth it, right?" — A forced smile appeared on her face as she asked in a falsely light tone, looking at him with falsely smiling eyes.

"But of course not! Why did some random slut come and take my place! My waiting all this time was pointless, huh?! You've got to be kidding me!" — She exclaimed with clear anger, her finger pressed against his chest with each word, ending by throwing her arms to her sides.

And Micael just watched in silence, without trying to say anything, looking into her eyes and with his brow still furrowed.

With disordered breathing, Mari just stared back at him in silence after trembling her words, shaking her head she pushed the strands of hair under her forehead as she walked away from him.

"But do you know something, Micael? Now I've just come to a conclusion." — Walking away and stopping, she spoke with her back to him before turning around, her face and voice now calmer. — "I decide I'm not going to care anymore, fuck you and your stupid desire, I don't care about this shit anymore."

Micael, upon hearing her words, as if possible, his frown became even more pronounced upon interpreting this.

'It seems like she decided to give up on me, well, I can't judge her for that, in her place I would do the same.' — Micael thought calmly, despite the turbulence of the situation, he did not allow Mari's decision to affect him, suppressing any dissonant emotions.

'But there's just one problem here, Mari...' — He thought, his frown lessening a bit but still remaining as he focused his eyes on her in reflection. — 'The guy you love is a possessive and greedy bastard with yandere tendencies, after all, I'm not such a nice guy.'

'And that's why...' — Catching up with his thoughts, he exhaled weakly through his nose as he opened his mouth to speak. — 'At the end of the day, you giving up on me doesn't matter, you're my Mari, that's not up for discussion.'

Along with Micael's thoughts, the memory of Mini-Sukuna's words echoed in the back of his mind.

'The strongest do what they want.'

So, he prepared to calm Mari down, he didn't expect to convince her now, there was no problem with her being mad at him for a while, after all he was painte, there was no need to rush now.

But he barely parted his lips to speak when the girl interrupted him by speaking first.

"That's why Micael, I've already made up my mind, from today on I will also be selfish." — Mari spoke in a neutral tone, her expression matching.

'—Uh?'/"Uh?" — With his thoughts being interrupted and exclaiming both internally and externally, the frown on Micael's face disappeared as he processed the possible meaning of his words.

Ignoring the boy's astonished face, Mari continued without caring. — "Fuck you, fuck your desire and fuck this redhead bitch, you are my Micael, and nothing and no one will change that."

'...'/"..." — Micael was literally speechless, his eyebrows rising higher and higher as his mouth opened slightly, his mind struggling to process what he had just heard.

Without giving him time to process, Mari approached him again and, getting close, grabbed the collar of his shirt while bringing his face closer.

With just inches separating their faces, Mari looked him in the eye, her brow furrowed, the emotions in her eyes intense.

The air exchanged between their close breaths mixed with the hot air from her mouth as she spoke irritably. — "You're mine! Micael, not some redheaded slut with fat tits who's going to take you away from me."

And without waiting for a response, she kissed him.

If his eyes weren't already wide open, they would be now because Micael's surprise was immense.

Feeling those soft, moist lips against his, the weak breath that came from her nose and her eyes closed in his vision, Micael took a moment to regain his composure.

That chaste kiss full of emotions where only their lips touched lasted only a brief moment when Mari separated.

Red-faced and panting, Mari looked at Micael and saw how calm he looked again. Normally she would have been irritated because she was the only emotional one in the situation and because he didn't even kiss her back, but she wasn't.

She didn't stay because despite his calmness, she knew him well enough to see the emotions behind those eyes.

Then, without waiting for him to act or say anything, she kissed him again.

Her hands went to the back of his neck, grabbing a fistful of hair as she threw herself at him, her feathers gripping him.

And Micael didn't stay still this time, following her movements, his hands moved practically instinctively to her ass.

With their lips touching, Micael felt the stimulating softness and softness of Mari's breasts and belly, the heat along with the extremely soft feeling of her full ass in his hands teasing his body.

Coupled with the pleasant smell coming from her and, more importantly, her lower lips that pressed directly against his dick, the heat and softness coming from there was the most stimulating.

All of this together resulted in his growing excitement, intense beating in his heart along with his full erection.

And with Mari it was no different, the much harder feeling of Micael's chest and abdomen contrasting with hers, and his masculine smell somewhat heavy because of the sweat.

Along with the sensation clouding her mind, the feeling of the hot, long, thick phallic member pressed against her pussy was definitely the most stimulating part for her.

She could feel her growing arousal, the quickening rhythm of her heart along with the familiar pulsing in her privates and the hard nipples pushing against her bra.

With both of them losing themselves in the sensation of each other's bodies for a moment, their lips just touched without moving, until they became conscious.

Then an intense kiss began, full of emotions, but inexperienced, clumsy and a little strange.

Their lips moved awkwardly trying to find a rhythm, both of them trying to replicate what the others did, until they slowly, even more awkwardly, found one.

As the kiss gained intensity, they grabbed each other as if they wanted to merge, Mari's hands grabbed Micael's hair and the other hand pressed her nails into his back while pulling him.

Micael's hands that were firmly holding and squeezing Mari's ass pressed her against him, one of which came loose and went to the back of her head when he grabbed her.

That most intense kiss lasted just over a minute, but its meaning was clear.

Breaking the kiss, Mari pulled away as she caught her breath, the blush on her face deepening as she breathed through her mouth, her gaze intense, a single strand of saliva hanging from her reddened lips.

Although he wasn't out of breath, Micael was breathing lightly through his mouth because of the excitement, a calmer expression but with a much more intense look on his face.

They looked at each other for a moment, their breaths touching each other's faces until Mari moved away from him, letting go of her legs.

Micael almost sighed in disappointment when the soft flesh of Mari's ass came out of his hand.

Recognizing his look even with almost no change in expression, Mari let out a snort when he spoke. — "Hmph, anyway, I'll leave you to her for now, she can enjoy it a little, but make no mistake, all your first times are mine, understand?" — She floated as she pointed at him, emphasizing her point.

Although in normal situations he would have made a joke about having no choice, he obviously knew it wasn't the right time, so without saying anything he just nodded.

"Good." — She nodded, looking satisfied, then, without delay, turned around and headed towards the door saying. — "I'm going to have dinner, this whole situation just makes me hungrier."

Opening the door and turning to him, she looked him in the eye before lowering it to his crotch, huffing as the blush that was fading from her face increased, snorting, she spoke. — "Hmph, enjoy your blue balls."

Without waiting for a response, she walked through the door, muttering weakly as she closed it. — "Damn redheads."


Silence then reigned in Micael's room, with him looking silently at the closed door.

Exhaling weakly through his nose, one hand went to his waist while the other went to his head, pushing his hair back.

'That was...something.' — His thoughts spoke for themselves, this whole situation was so abrupt and unexpected that he was still processing it.

'Hah, she literally said what I thought.' — He thought referring to the possessive way she referred to him, literally how he had thought about her.

Lowering his hand from his head, he exhaled through his nose, there were many things for him to think about but for now he decided to focus on showering and eating as he is very hungry.

Lowering his head, he looks at the tent in his shorts and giving a light slap, he spoke. — "Sorry, Boner-kun, but it's not time for you to go into a cave yet."

And as if expressing his disappointment, the tent slowly shrank.

Without wasting any more time, Micael took off his shirt and threw it on the bed, going to the wardrobe and taking a towel, he went to the bathroom, thinking internally that he really had a lot of things to sort out.









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