Dream a Nightmare

Chapter 25: A Trap Goes Left

TommyInnit and Tubbo were trapping the Nether portal. Dream had absently drifted along behind them, and not having a physical body, he didn't notice the change in temperature. He stared at them for a moment, then physically facepalmed. What were they hoping to accomplish? Killing the other Dream wouldn't do anything. He had just told them that he didn't have the discs on him.

Whatever. Not like it would work anyway. The worst case scenario is that the other Dream kills them and they have to spend some time getting their stuff back. How depressing. To never be able to get rid of anyone, for your enemies not to fear death. Dream watched them encase the portal in blocks, leaving a small hole and placing three beds side by side to catch the other Dream when he came through, and wondered what the point was. If no one's life mattered, then the only thing that really did was the items they had. Hence the discs.

All one had to do to get out of captivity was to not eat. You would eventually starve to death, and then you'd be free.

Leverage was the only thing that mattered, then. To get someone to set their respawn point somewhere where you could imprison them, so they couldn't easily escape. The discs were the only thing that mattered right now. That was why they were fighting so hard. As long as the other Dream had them, then he could force TommyInnit to do anything.

Dream frowned as TommyInnit sent a chat message to the other Dream telling him to come through the portal to fight. The other Dream wouldn't be that stupid, right? He couldn't possibly...

Yeah. That was exactly what he was thinking.

The other Dream had responded with, "I'm not an idiot."

Well, there goes that plan. Back to the drawing board, Dream supposed. The only problem was.... The drawing board was in the Overworld. And they were not.

Surely the other Dream had trapped the portal on his side, right? I mean, if they had thought to do it, and they had told the other Dream they were in the Nether, then he would be stupid not to trap the Overworld side. Surely they had to know that. Indeed, the way TommyInnit looked at Tubbo confirmed it. They did know that the portal had to be trapped. Was there a way to get around that? There had to be, didn't there? Maybe they could take the portal apart and rebuild it? Would that work? Maybe if they moved it? And if it would, how much would they have to move it? 

But there was a time limit, wasn't there? The other Dream had said twenty minutes. There was nothing they could do but hope they could escape the trap that the other Dream had built. It wouldn't be easy, obviously. Even if he didn't agree with him, not even TommyInnit could deny that the other Dream was the best fighter on the server.

Dream worried. That they wouldn't be brave enough. That they wouldn't be strong enough.

But wait.

Wasn't that what he had just been thinking about? It didn't matter how strong they were. Not really.

As long as they fought, the other Dream couldn't keep them down. They might not be good enough to take the other Dream down. But they could try.

And when you never gave up, trying was enough.

When no one could force you to give up, it was enough.

A small spark of hope began to burn within Dream as long as they were brave.

TommyInnit looked at Tubbo, and nodded. Tubbo gulped, but he nodded back. No one could say Tubbo was a coward. Even if he knew that it would be better to for him to stay out of it. He was a friend. A real friend, a good friend.

TommyInnit and Tubbo stepped into the portal, and held their breath as their vision began to waver and turn purple.

This would either work, or the other Dream would get what he wanted.

There was no in-between.

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