Direct Bullet

Chapter 305: Heart Broken!

Chapter 305 Heart Broken! Part 2

Vice Lords Hideout:

Staring as the eyes of the other Vice Lords look at Diya and Kip, seeing who Kip is holding on his right shoulder as she runs up crying, Gona whimpers out, TECO! What happened?! Did that Ver bastard do that to him?!

Uneasy at Gona's abrupt approach, sweating a bit for actually being nervous about a question or remotely anything. 

Find it hard to look Gona in the eyes, but still manning up to it, right as Kip is about to let the words trickle out of his throat.

Calling out with no hesitation, Diya says, I did that to him when I lost control again. Beaming her focus at Diya now as her expression goes from forlorn, creasing as Gona's eyebrows furrow to express her slow rising anger, parting her pretty lips, Gona says with a pissed tone, what did did that to Teco.

Unleashing her orange gunergy as she removes her pistol on her left sides holster, feeling no ounce of fear at the woman before him, not even exuding any gunergy at the moment to match her, keeping unperturbed eye contact, Diya laments, yes, I did take his life and I'm sorry for that. But I understand your pain and I know my words seem shal-.


Lifting up her firearm in a fast motion, right as she is about to let her finger hit that trigger. Appearing like magic as the head of the squad is right next to Gona, placing his hand on hers as he makes her slowly inch it down.

Vice says with a composed rift in his voice as he stares into Gona's eyes, there will be no fighting in this room. If you feel so strongly about this, I suggest you take whatever this is to the arena. I get it, it hurts right now Gona, but let's be honest with ourselves, you knew this was bound to happen sooner or later. Teco is gone my dear and you're just going to have to deal with that fact and mourn his death on your own time, because plans need to keep moving.

End of Chapter 305

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