
Chapter 31: Tales and Legends

I flew over the mountains as I scanned the land below. I was looking for phoenixes on the way to a special place. Cecilia told me she just needed me for that little meet up with the knights and adventurers. They were on her side now, thanks to the evidence provided by that spymaster woman. But it would still take a while for Cecilia’s subtle machination to take root. I would be only really needed if things went to shit before the revolution or during the revolution itself. So I decided to take a little excursion in the meantime. 

Cecilia was a little concerned at first because I wouldn’t be on hand. So as a result she gave me a little magic device that I placed in a pocket I made under my armor. It was a communication device that she could use to contact me in the event of an emergency. As for why I suddenly decided to leave, it was simply because I came across something very interesting.

In the north there was a desert known as the Zariman Sands in the territory of a nation called Varakrima, apparently it used to be home of the Zariman Empire. The empire was now fragmented into several nations, much like the region that Averlon was in used to be part of the Elysian Empire. I thought back to the map I saw of the region. It was a rough map showing only the capitals, major towns and main roads. However, it was enough for me to get my bearings in this new world.

Tucked away in the desolate dunes of the Zariman Sands lay a great treasure. Within that great desert where none of the people dare tread lay a creature. Or perhaps not A creature, more like a hive of creatures. The humanoids native to that desert called the Lizard Kin by the humans in Averlon avoided the central desert because there was this strange group of monsters burrowed below the sands.

The lizard people call them the Armzaftund which roughly translates to sand demons or sand monsters. This particular type of creature had a rather unique survival adaptation. The first thing that interested me was the fact that this particular creature had an interesting adaptation whereby it could infect others with a type of parasite. The parasite would burrow into the brains of the victims and change their mental state, making them loyal to the hive. It wasn’t turning them into drones, it was more of turning them into loyal followers. There was also in fact a cult in the middle of the desert of infected humanoids that worshipped the hive and protected it.

So that adaptation was extremely useful as I could perhaps use it to make a private army. The thing is I won’t just use humanoids. The parasite could also infect other creatures, so I’m thinking… a troll army wouldn’t hurt. Those guys are tough, like a group normal schmucks would get slaughtered by them. This mountain range is huge if I grabbed every troll in this mountain and turned them into my obedient slav… erm loyal servants. I would have a reasonable military force. I could also in theory use the parasite on stronger creatures but I also read that the parasite doesn’t work on creatures of sufficient strength. Apparently the control limit was at around the gold rank of adventurers. Which is pretty high considering the average level of power in this world. That would be like 80% of the humanoid population at least.

The second thing that interested me would be that the parasite also altered the bodies of those it infected over time. For humanoids it would slowly turn them into creatures resembling the hive creatures. This change made the humanoids more resilient in combat. The beastiarians theorised that the change was based on the hive creature's physiology because different hives created slightly different changes. So… if the change was based on the base creature, could I perhaps gain a tool to modify those I infect? 

I could make the trolls stronger, grow armor, maybe even make them more intelligent. Since this ability is already well documented and the whole story I was spinning was that I am this ancient creature. It would be a reasonable sell to say that my supposed species eventually ended up as those hive creatures. Technically that wouldn’t be a lie considering the devourers were the origin point of all species...  it wouldn’t be a lie, it would be… intentional misrepresentation.

So yes you could say I was extremely jazzed about this. For now I was still soaring over the mountains, the desert was quite a distance away even by air. If I ran into another Phoenix I would see if I can take it out and get some extra food. Then again… should I wait to see if I can control any phoenixes? But phoenixes were way above the gold rank, on the other hand the ability should be a stronger version judging by what I have seen from my other abilities. There is a chance this parasite ability will merge with something I already have to create a superior version.

Hmmm… I guess I will just have to wait and see then…

When I finally arrived at the desert I looked down to see sand, stretching all the way to the horizon. As I flew I spotted the odd oasis or two, then I spotted a caravan. It was a line of what looked to be some creature similar to camels. On their backs laid whatever cargo they were carrying. They should rest soon, the sun is setting. Maybe I could listen in on what they had to say. I don’t think it’ll be wise to attack them, I don't want to risk discovery in a region I don’t expect to return to for a while. Things can spiral out of control quickly after all…

I tailed the caravan for another hour before they stopped when the sun was going over the distant horizon. I descended a short distance away from them so as not to alert them to my presence. Afterall with wings like mine, when I land I’ll kick up some sand. Once I was on the ground, I hovered off the ground with [Gravitic Hovor] so I wouldn’t disturb the sand below me and stalked close to the camp.

I saw that it was a rather well guarded caravan. The whole caravan consisted of what must be the Lizard people that I read about. They were covered in scales with long necks and digitigrade legs. The men were shorter than the females but with a stout muscular figure, the females were taller and much slimmer. They all walked with a strange grace, their bodies moving lightly over the sand. 

The armed guards were moving around planting strange sticks in the ground around the camp. Then I noticed a small child Lizard trotting over to one of the guards. 

“What are you doing sir?” the child asked curiously.

“Oh your parents didn’t tell you? These are vibration rods, they detect vibrations below ground. It helps warn us if the Armazaftund is near.” the guard explained.

I moved closer to get a good look at the rod and I saw there was a section at the top that was made of glass. Within I saw a thin rod that looked to be made of wood, attached to the top of the thin rod looked to be a small metal ball. 

“How does it work?” the child asked curiously.

“Simple really. You see this thin rod inside?” the guard explained as he pointed at the rod inside the glass compartment.

“Yeah.” the child affirmed with a nod.

“This rod goes deep into the sand, when the Armazaftund moves underground it creates vibrations. The vibrations shake the rod in the sand, the vibrations travel up the rod and shake the top of the rod. ȐάΝOBĚ𝓢

You see that metal ball at the top? The vibrations will cause the ball to shake and when the vibrations become too much it will hit the bells around it creating a sound that will warn us.” the guard explained.

“Ohh that is clever.” the child said in wonder.

I have to admit that was clever. It is a low tech way to tell if there are monsters burrowing under the sand. I read that the Armazaftund like to burrow below the sand and ambush their prey. That was another ability that would be useful although it wasn’t that alluring. I think it would have a niche use at best, flight still seemed better. Maybe as a method of escape?

Then I saw what must be the mother run over and scoop the child up. She apologised to the guard who laughed and waved her apologies away. The mother then returned to the camp as she chastised the child on the dangers of wandering off out here in the desert. She was saying some interesting things though...

“But you said the Armazaftund doesn't appear so far south!” the child retorted as he crossed his arms and pouted.

“It is rare but not impossible.” the mother snapped in response.

“Yes the Armazaftund live further north where the sand is red. But they have attacked caravans this far south occasionally. If an attack was impossible, do you think they need to place those sticks in the ground?” the mother said angrily as she stormed back over to the camp.

So these Armazaftund live further up north… that explains why the trade routes avoid the center of the desert.

The thing was, according to the books I read this wasn’t always the case. The old empire apparently had cities in the center of the desert, using the many oases as places where civilization could bloom. It was a good area considering the searing heat of the desert provided a natural barrier to invaders.

What happened? Did they lose the means to deal with the Armazaftund? I mean lots of spells and other technology were lost during this time called the great collapse. It was a time where all the empires fell because of conflict between Heaven and Hell. Apparently the two sides made war and everyone on Terra had to choose a side. Eventually Heaven won and they decided to defang Terra even the ones that stood with Heaven in the war. So all the really destructive spells and tech were taken away, all the powerful individuals were killed as well. I suspect that was the period that gave birth to the Syndicate, after all that was the best time to recruit a vast amount of powerful individuals into an organisation to oppose Heaven. Or at least that’s how the story goes...

Well questions for another time I suppose...

As I continued to eavesdrop I heard the child ask the mother for a lullaby. 

“Which one do you want to listen to dear?” the mother said gently as she stroked the top of the child’s head, their past argument forgotten.

“The Ballad of Mahaila.” the child replied.

“Good choice, there’s no story like a fallen hero.” one of the guards quipped as he polished his large axe.

“Alright. Should I carry on from last time?” the mother asked and the child nodded.

“Ok, this is the part as she topples the tyranny of the third dynasty.” the mother said and she began to sing.

Oh violence does call me, I’ve answered before

I’d made many enemies, I’d settled my scores

But I did grow weary and I settled down

And proudly bore the weight of my crown

I stayed in my lonesome away in the far

Where there was no violence to trouble my heart

I’d hung up my sword and I’d raised up my hoe

And I lied as I said that I ne’er would go

But came a cry from a friend that I’d known

Someone to whom rare compassion I’d shown

And so I opened up my door

To the man who promised me blood and war

I followed him far to a distant land

Where he had been exiled by one single man

His plans they were wicked, his power was great

And you looked in his eyes and were swallowed by hate

He took me to shelter, his humble abode

A pitiful cavern his comrades called home

He handed me bedding and bid me adieu

And I sat and pondered on what I should do 


I prepared for battle, I hoarded and schemed

But I did not know all was not what it seemed

My allies treacherous, their loyalty thin

Yes we would have victory but what would we win?

The battle was chaos, blood roared in my ears

A chain of warcries, my foes quaked in fear

They raised up a tyrant and shouted hoorays

And I shuddered and realized that I’d been betrayed

Is this what you want, corruption and power?

Well I won’t stand for it, this is my hour!

Feel my wrath, I’m now friend to none!  

If you think you’re a hero, then die like one!

Oh woe to thee, people of order

I hope your homes continue to smolder

And that you never rise again

And woe to those who called me a friend

I fled until silence was all I could hear

Their voices once screaming now hummed in my ears

The cold it was lonely but I was alone

And I promised that I’d not let blood taint my home

But then came a message from my only friend

Oh warrior hide, or else this is the end

They’ve bound up my limbs and they hunt for your head

They promised me justice; but they’ll see you dead!

They came to me with an armed battalion

Held a blade to my innocent companion

And said, now it is your turn to bow!

See how the queen has fallen now?

They raised an stone and laid me below

They thought to crush me painful and slow

But I did live, and I did flee

And I put my blade through the butcher’s teeth

Oh, Woe to thee, ye people of order

I hope your homes continue to smolder 

And that you never rise again

And woe to those who called me a friend...

Huh, that's certainly an interesting song, sounds like someone worth meeting if she doesn’t immediately try to cut my head off. Then again most of these songs usually talk about people from long ago, like King Arthur or something. She’s probably dead…


Heimdall raised his two handed claymore and brought it down hard on the wounded angel. It’s gold blood sprayed out as the blade severed one of her wings and bit deep into her back. The angel let out one last gurgled cry as her wings twitched. As Heimdall ripped his sword free, he turned to see three of his men battling a High Angel. 

The angel sent out a wave of gold light and knocked them all back. His men recovered easily enough but that attack took out a city block. Heimdall scanned the surroundings of this once prosperous city. Once a place of knowledge and commerce, now laid low because of machinations of powers far beyond them. Lady Nemesis has chosen this region for her grand distraction.

Heimdall was tasked by Nemesis to do one simple thing. Cause mayhem and start a war, draw all of Heaven’s attention to this unfortunate piece of land. This continent was in the far north while Nemesis was in the far south. The Syndicate was now split, half were at the roof of the world and the other half was at the bottom. 

In the city of Averlon something big was brewing, they knew about the prophecy and they have been preparing for years. Sleeper cells in every nation, Nemesis was ready to sacrifice this entire continent if it meant the ultimate victory. So the flames of war roared high as a civilisation began to fall from grace. Caught in the crossfire between two great powers. But at the end of the day, this piece of the world and it’s people have lived this long because the Syndicate have allowed it.

Or as Lady Nemesis said in her letter...

The people of Boreal Arm live because we allow it

They will now end because we demand it

Heimdall hefted his sword and charged at the High Angel, this skirmish was far from over. They needed to at least wound that angel in order to antagonise Heaven. Heimdall had just finished off the Angel’s second in command. With the right hand gone, now it was time for the head.

“Sofiel!” Heimdall heard the Archangel cry as his gaze landed on his right hand’s broken body.

“Don’t grieve yet angel, you will join her soon.” Heimdall growled as he readied himself for the inevitable attack.

Heimdall saw the Angel’s face contort in anger, it’s white glowing eyes flash. It spread it’s four wings and brandished it’s twin blades. Heimdall saw his men attack and the angel spun it’s four wings glowing. 

“INSECTS!” the angel roared as his men were once again thrown back. 

These men were relatively weak compared to the upper echelons of the Syndicate. The reason he was fighting with these weaker troops was that his strongest soldiers were causing havoc in another city. He was just here to be the target and sure enough Heaven sent a High Angel, the only things stronger than a High Angel were the Principalities, the Arch Angels and then the Seven Divine Virtues that sat at the Divine Council. Those three groups had a few members and most rarely entered Terra. Technically there was still the great Dominion that sat on the throne of Heaven but no one knew anything about that entity. Whatever it is, it never interferes with affairs in Terra, the most the Syndicate knows is that the Seven Divine Virtues reports directly to the Dominion. Perhaps it was similar to Hell’s Prime Evil. The two domains were opposites of each other after all. Seven Princes of Sin and Seven Councillors of Virtue. Each world with one all powerful will ruling over all. 

“Withdraw, I’ll handle this. Go pick off the other gnats.” Heimdall said and his men nodded as their forms dissolved into shadows and they left the battle to hunt for other prey.

“Your battle is with me Angel.” Heimdall said as he brandished his sword.

The angel didn’t reply; he just dived and flew straight at Heimdall. Heimdall parried the angel’s strike and the angel pressed the attack. Heimdall waited patiently, deflecting blow after blow from it’s flaming swords. Then finally an opening, Heimdall knocked one of the swords off course and moved into the Angel’s guard. He grabbed the Angel by the neck and dragged him into the earth. He delivered a hard kick to the face of Angel drawing blood. But the Angel was undeterred, instantly channeling power into its wings as a wave of force. Heimdall tried to resist but he was still pushed back slightly and that gave the Angel enough time to recover. 

In a flash their blade met again, this time their blades locked and Heimdall looked into the hate filled eyes of the Angel.

“You pathetic rats pretend to be lords of this world. Know the will of Heaven, know what you have pretended to be.” the Angel hissed and Heimdall responded by slamming his helm into the Angel’s nose.

Heimdall tried to follow up his headbutt with a downward slash but the Angel channeled power into its wings, and managed to parry the slash. He needed to get a good hit on the Angel's wings or halo. Those were the two parts that were not easily healed, once those two were damaged, the Angel’s ability to fight was severely hampered. 

Then Heimdall felt a chill go up his spine as his danger sense went through the roof. The angel sensed it as well as his eyes widened. Heimdall immediately tried to leap back but he felt a searing pain in his tendons and he felt his legs give way. As he fell he saw a flash of steel and all four of the Angel’s wings were cut off.

The Angel too fell and behind the Angel revealed a smiling Elf. Her hair was gold like the sun and her eyes the colour of sterling silver. In her hands she held a simple spear, for all intents and purposes she looked like a common guard that staffed the multiracial organization that is the city guard. 

Hang on… Heimdall knew that look in her eyes… could it be?

“My my Heimdall, it’s been awhile. Or are you still calling yourself that?” the Elf said with a small laugh.

The Angel tried to struggle to its feet but with its wings clipped it was significantly weakened. It spun around in an attempt to slash at the Elf but her form vanished and next thing Heimdall knew the simple spear’s iron point emerged from the Angel’s belly. The elf was now behind the Angel spear in one hand. A normal spear had little chance of piercing the body of a High Angel...

“What’s wrong Heimdall? Don’t recognise me? Would you know who I am perchance?” the Elf asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes as she looked down at the Angel who was now on his knees.

The angel turned and looked up hatefully. Heimdall saw his mind turning but he came up blank. Heimdall had suspicion who this Elf really was but he hoped he was wrong.

“Maybe this will help…” the Elf said as she roughly ripped the spear free and the gold blood from the wound flowed up into her empty left hand. The blood turned to a white fog and the fog covered the Elf’s body.

When the fog dissipated it revealed a Lizard Kin with pink scales, sterling eyes and large pink fins on the side of her head. The Angel’s eyes widened in fear as it gazed at her. Heimdall wondered what she of all people was doing here. 

“A little better? I’m sure you know me, I believe the standing policy of heaven is that only an Archangel is allowed to engage me in combat. Unlucky you…” the lizard said as she smiled and her forked tongue flicked out tasting the air.

“Well now you know little lamb. You think yourself a wolf in this world? Know me, know what you have pretended to be.” the lizard said as her eyes narrowed in mischief, then in a flash the Angel’s head popped off it’s body. Where the spear was now there was a long rapier in each hand.

“So how’s life treating you Heimdall? Is Nemesis doing ok? Or is she not called that anymore, Ophelia always did like to change her name often.” the lizard said with another small laugh.

Heimdall silently casted a healing spell to heal his legs and he immediately brought his sword up in a slash. Heimdall saw a flash of steel and he found his sword knocked out of his hand and the point of one of her rapiers pointed at his throat.

“Hasty as ever Heimdall, I taught you everything you know boy. But I didn’t teach you everything.” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. 

Then the blade was removed from his throat and Heimdall watched as she calmly sheathed her rapiers in the middle of a warzone. 

“Really Heimdall, what’s your game? What is this? Open war? This isn’t the Syndicate’s style, I thought I taught all of you better than this.” the lizard said as she calmly surveyed the devastation around them.

“What do you want? Mahaila…” Heimdall said evenly.

“Isn’t it obvious I’m just wondering what all this ruckus is about…” Mahaila said with a smirk as she drew a dagger from her belt and calmly twirled it for a moment. Then without a glance she threw it straight up at an angel that was diving down from above the clouds.

Heimdall looked up to see the dagger hit home and the angel just exploded from the force of the dagger. Mahaila calmly held out a hand and after a few seconds the dagger landed neatly between her fingers.

“You’re being really noisy. It might fool Heaven into thinking you are looking for something here but I know better. This is a distraction, so what are you hiding…” Mahaila said calmly as she leaned in to look at Heimdall.

The pair paused for a moment as they just looked at each other. 

“Where is the real event? In the center of the continent? It can’t be in the south, that’s too obvious. Set a fire at the exact opposite end of Terra as a distraction? Way too obvious...” Mahaila questioned as she peered at Heimdall who stayed silent.

“Unless… that’s where it is because it’s too obvious…” Mahiala said as she raised an eyebrow, Heimdall kept his silence but he saw a smile appear on her face.

“You twitched Heimdall, you were never good at subterfuge. Well a bit of sun never hurt anybody. I was getting tired of the cold anyway.” Mahaila said with a laugh.

Heimdall internally winced as Mahaila easily deduced the truth. Mahaila just laughed as she turned away and began walking away. She walked a few steps away before turning her long neck slightly and looked over her shoulder.

I’ll tell Ophelia you said hi...

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