Denial, Blood of The Fae

Chapter 52: Chapter 52 - The Wrackspurts

Raven could admit, he was slightly amused as he enjoyed his ice cream, watching as people ran around trying to get their supplies last moment before they had to leave for the Hogwarts express.

He pondered on how he was going to spend this year. First and foremost, he wanted to work on finishing his classes. He would be taking his OWL's exam during winter break at the ministry. Then at the end of the year alongside the seventh years, he would be taking his NEWT's as well.

Alongside that he wanted to do some experiments involving machines and magic, about why they don't coexist properly and magic frys the device once exposed too long. Especially wizarding magic.

He also wanted to do some deeper research into mythology this year about creation and the origins of mythological beings. Especially the ones involving the duality of creation and destruction.

He also had to write a thesis for his future masters degree in his chosen subject or subjects. What a pain. He'd also have to "study" under someone with a masters degree in his chosen field for a year, which thankfully Hogwarts had and he could use to his advantage.

So far he's tied between Runes, Defense, Transfiguration and Charms. He might just go for all of them at the same time, because why not give himself a challange and risk burnout?

Hm, perhaps for transfiguration he could write on the force of-

"Earth to Raven, anyone there?" He blinked and focused at Rose who stood there with her hands on her hips in slight annoyance.

He knew that pose, she expected a good answer or else, but he didn't care. What would she do, ignore him? Pft.

"You've reached the empty head of Raven Inanis, please leave a voicemail at the beep… tick, tick, tick… BOOM!" He cackled as he made a miniature explosion over his hand. Rose wasn't impressed with his childish actions and behavior.

"Fine fine sorry. Is it that time already?" He asked and she nodded. She had wanted to leave early to get a good spot in the train.

"Yes, we have to go now." He nodded his head as he finished off his ice cream, and finished off his cone, following her to the floo network. A moment later both were in the station and boarding the train, their trunks back to their original size and placed in the above racks.

"Raven?" Rose asked and he glanced up at her from his notebook.

"Hm?" He hummed curiously.

"Can you teach me more potent magic this year?" Rose asked and he looked at her with narrowed eyes for a moment before nodding his head.

"Sure. I can teach you all kinds of potent magic. From destroying walls, to houses to mansions. Charms of all kinds that would make charm fanatics feral. Transfiguration to change the battlefield into a horrifying experience for your enemy. Defense spells that can cause people to go green with envy and purple with hatred." Raven dramatically said, and then leaned forward, his blue eyes staring into Rose's green eyes.

"Yet, I don't think that's what you want. No, you want something else. To wield fire spells so potent you can burn even the mightiest of enemies to ash, to make even the most powerful beings hesitate to feel your flames." He said and she nodded with sparkles in her eyes.

"Yes!" She said and he stared at her with a frown now hidden by his book.

If she thought she was fooling him, she had a long way to go. He knew exactly why she wanted to learn such magic. The fear from QuirellMort must be edging her to want power.

Power like that would only be a temporary solution, he should know after all.

"Very well. I know some strong fire magics I can teach you." He said after a moment before deciding to take a nap.

Snapping his book shut thirty minutes later after finishing it, he laid down on the seat and lulled himself to sleep, right before he was out, he saw a flying car that only further increased his desire to have his own magical vehicle if for nothing other then bragging rights.


Raven opened his eyes later, the new presence in the room beside Rose was curious, a certain feel to it he couldn't quite understand. However one look into her eyes, he could see something familiar. A person with unresolved trauma.

Oh boy, another one.

"The wrackspurts seem to mostly avoid you." The girl said and he groaned as he sat up. A cup of coffee appearing in his hands as he greedily drank it up.

"Well this is one way to wake up." He mumbled. He sat up straight and introduced himself while taking in her full appearance.

"Raven Inanis, a third year. Ravenclaw. A pleasure to meet you." A fanged grin given as she only smiled not worried in the least.

Dirty blonde hair, pale silvery eyes and white skin. She wore a black uniform, so she must be a first year he concluded.

"Luna Lovegood. I must say, you have such pretty wings." Luna said and he stiffened for a moment, but quickly shook it off, she must just possess some form of mystic eyes that let her see things.

"Thank you. I do take great pride in my wings." He looked at the confused look on Rose's face and felt his amusement rise.

However before he could start quipping, the train came to a stop and everyone was directed out. He could see Hagrid waiting to direct the first years to the boat.

"I suppose this is farewell for now Luna, if you join our house, do feel free to come say hi, it is hard to find good conversation at times." He smiled before walking off.

"What an interesting girl." He murmured as he and Rose hopped in a carriage with the twins who joined up with them.

"Oh little Luna? We know her, she's a good girl, she's friends with our youngest sister Ginny. A bit weird at times, but we suspect she has some kind of mystic eyes." The twins said and he nodded in agreement.

"I came to the same conclusion. Some form of truth or true sight since she can see my wings despite not being physically here." Raven said as the twins nodded curiously.

"Mystic Eyes?" Rose mumbled trying to remember where she heard that.

"Mystic Eyes are simple to understand. Eyes possessing mystic power. Vampiric beings like dead apostles as the twins here possess The Mystic Eyes of Enchantment, plus a small bit of Charm. They can make use of hypnosis with eye contact, though their eyes are greatly weak, though due to their special nature, it could be that it's half as weak." Raven explained to Rose.

"Are there a lot of those Mystic Eyes about?" Rose asked curiously.

"No and yes. Mystic Eyes in short can be described as single action spell casting devices. Mystic eyes appear when there is a natural mutation in the magical circuits near the eyes. Inborn mytstic eyes are considered to be stronger then man made ones. However even then, man made mystic eyes are weak. Not high chances of success either. In short, you're lucky or you're not." He said as she nodded while deciding to look it up in the library later.


"I welcome all of you, those old and those new. Before we begin the welcoming feast, I have a few things I'd like to say. First, I would like to introduce Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, he will be taking over Defense Against The Dark Arts this year. Second, an updated list of forbidden items has been posted on Mr. Filch's office door. Third and most importantly, LET THE FEAST BEGIN!" Albus called out after the sorting ceremony and the usual forbidden areas and stuff.

He did notice that Luna had been sorted in Ravenclaw, so that was interesting. Good conversation was always welcome, especially from someone with curious eyes.

However he ignored it all once he finished eating and headed up to the tower that was the Ravenclaw dorm, tiredly answering the riddle asked.

"Orange." He said as he made his way to his room, providing a wave to Professor Flitwick who somehow managed to beat him here already, for a smaller person, the Professor was fast, probably goblin heritage.

Once inside his room, he waved his hand vanishing his clothes and making his pajamas, aka a pair of shorts and a shirt appear on him before he slinked under the covers, he idly noted Izzy curl up next to him contently.

He was feeling sleepy a lot more then he should be, but he'd figure that out tomorrow. For now, he'd sleep.




-Voidy, The Insomniac

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