Deepest Darkness

Chapter 7: •§• 7. The Little Moments

7. The Little Moments

He found himself staring through the open windows of the classroom. Palm to cheek. Elbow to desk. All with eyes of ennui. Yes, Anos was positively bored.

Something Sona Sitri tended to note during their only shared class of the day; their last class of the day. His face did communicate a contentment at the scarce moment, perhaps appreciating such a dullness compared to something of harsher weight.

He also looked rather appealing like this. She could see how the girls of this school noticed him with such ferocious attraction. Admittedly, for her, it was rather strange watching him in such a manner, but Sona only got a few chances to see his face be this at peace.

Ever since the meeting of the two peerages and Anos, the Sitri was very much interested in her fellow King's relation to this man. She was skeptical, and rightfully so.

As far as she was aware, no one aside from herself and Akeno were on a first name basis with Rias. Conventions of Japanese dialect was Rias' bread and butter so the redhead would have said something as to why Anos now joined that very short list. She didn't. So who was Anos to suddenly catch the redhead's attention?

Even from the way Rias described the events during the meeting— everything that had happened that night, it couldn't warrant such a casual dynamic between the two. She'd even invited him to the ORC for goodness sake!

Sona of course had her inquires. She remained suspicious of her rival, especially when Rias brushed her off after the meeting. Sure matters with her new Pawn came up, but Sona knew that it was only a convenient— albeit, understanding excuse.

In other words, she needed answers. And while Rias dodged her questions, she had a sense to believe that Anos wouldn't be so unreasonable.

As if on cue, the bell chimes and the class falls into merriment. Whether for the end to yet another class period or for their own personal joy, Sona didn't know. What she did know was that the yells increased when she got up.

Eyes of her fellow classmates viewed her with endearment. Praises left their mouths and some even bowed. Being the third most sought after girl in all of Kuoh Academy gave rise to such boisterous behavior from her peers.

The Sitri discreetly watches a crowd of girls surrounding the cerise-eyed anomaly at the corners of her bespectacled view. It seems even Anos wasn't spared from his own hordes of fans. It was slightly amusing to the heiress.

The young devil gave a small smile to ward off the growing crowd before she gently excused herself. As expected, some of them squealed at the simple action, and subsequently, the lot of them dispersed and left the class.

Turning her attention and seeing the crowd of girls around Anos fall to zero, Sona waits for them to leave the room before she waded over to the man. Her violet eyes focused on him and she halted her stride when he suddenly spoke in a knowing tone.

"So what do I owe the pleasure?" Anos' words aren't spoken, not so much as they flow. He's not even looking at her, yet, he makes it so obvious as to who he is addressing.

'Smooth.' She thinks. Sona has to wonder if Anos makes a conscious effort to be this winsome.

She at least isn't so lost in thought as to miss his subtle invitation for conversation. Just as she suspected, he didn't really care for an actual response. She thinks he's looking for something more out of this interaction just as she is. She'd be right.

"Let's skip the pleasantries. You. Me. In the council room in the next five minutes," Sona spoke no more.

Upon hearing her words, Anos looks at her, just looks, and she nearly turns away. Sona was careful not to visibly shudder in a mix of anticipation and fascination with the enigmatic gaze that Anos sent her way.

If she backs down now then it is a concession on her end. She couldn't allow that. At times like these, small victories counted.

As for the Anos himself, he was rather glad Sona hadn't beaten around the bush with her words. The sooner his and her business was done and over with, the sooner he'd make decent time in visiting the ORC.

Now let it be known, his time wasn't something he owed to either Rias or Sona but both the blooming young ladies had connections and influence that he could work with in the long run. Until then, he'll indulge them. It wasn't like he had much going on otherwise.

"Very well then," Anos got up and Sona was left with a small few amount of questions.

She was expecting more resistance from him. Was he waiting for something like this to happen? Did Rias give him a heads up about her?

She didn't get it, and it annoyed her. Anos had this odd way of making one doubt themselves; with only a glance mind you.

The two were roughly the same age— with Anos having a few months over her— yet it felt like he had an air of experience and wisdom beyond their years.

Maybe... she could test him in a way? Yes, a mostly friendly game of chess would swing things in her favor. The violet eyed girl contemplates this as they walked to the doorframe with Anos holding the door open for her.

"Thank you," Sona feels herself saying as evenly as she could, with not only Anos to accompany her, but many chess moves devised by the tens, if not hundreds, as well.


Light knocks echo on the wooden door of the student council room. Sona lowers her hand as she waits along with Anos. On their way to the office, she was pleasantly taken aback upon Anos deciding to actually make small talk with her.

Nothing serious, just general conversation. It helped that he wasn't like all the other like-minded individuals they called peers; he actually had some intellectual sense to call his own.

But whatever might be the case. Sona's own instincts would be scandalized, though she could see how Rias could take it easy around him.

The door had almost immediately been parted by Sona's Queen, Tsubaki Shinra. Another bespectacled girl, but one with knee-length black locks that fell like curtains and a pair of heterochromatic eyes. Anos had her in his study hall period.

"Good afternoon, Kaichou," She looks to Anos next, and she does so with an analytic eye, which he found amusing. She seemed genuinely stunned at his presence in this room for the second time in the same week, "And good afternoon to you too, Anos."

"Afternoon to you, Shinra," Anos gave her a small nod.

After the greetings had ended. All three began walking inside to another part of room, passing the other members of Sona's peerage who looked on in budding interest. Tsubaki stood off to the side as Sona led Anos to a table, preset with a chessboard and a full set of pieces — even if disorganized.

Sona felt a smirk bloom onto her face, "Are you familiar with the game of chess by any chance, Anos?" 

"Loosely," Anos looked to have recounted an early memory, "the church that took me in called it the devils game so I wasn't formally taught," He continued, taking a seat on the other side of the table when Sona offered him a chair.

Sona fell quiet before replying, "That's rather unfortunate. I would assume that such an activity would be your specialty with you boasting the highest grades among all students in the district. But I understand the circumstances."

"It doesn't matter, really," Anos spared only a glance at the board, "it won't deter me from winning."

Oh? They hadn't even started and he was already assured of even the chance of a victory? Was that his renowned arrogance speaking? Or was it something else?

"Confident," Sona's lips hummed inquisitively.

"I trust in my own ability, yes." Anos clarified for her. That was simply all there was to it.

"Many players do." Sona could feel Anos wave off the quip. She guessed the subtle warning didn't reach him.

"How many have succeeded?" Anos got comfortable in the patterned chair. Sitting like a monarch.


"Then I will be the first."

The young devil felt her eyes shimmer into an intense gaze, "I'll revoke my earlier statement," Sona replied a bit mirthful now, "you're very confident."

Anos decides to comment with his famed grin to follow, "let's get started."

Sona cracked a delicate smile to draw open the sudden lightness of the mood and atmosphere. Even she couldn't help but match his energy. This was unknown territory and she didn't know how much she'd enjoy it.

And so it was, with a flick of Sona's fingers, all of the pieces arranged themselves into their proper position on the board. The pieces of white falling into Anos' corner while the pieces of black fell into her corner.

There is a simple reason why Sona did this. One of the most basic rules of chess -- the white side always went first. Giving Anos the starting move would allow her to analyze whatever strategy he could come up with and make the appropriate adjustments later down the line.

'How generous.' Anos recognizes the play in an instant.

He didn't peg Sona as one to care for such a meager illusion of an advantage. But it didn't matter in the slightest. As long as Anos knew the rules of the game then Sona had no chance of winning.

"So what is it that interests you?" Anos idly shifts a pawn after scanning his ivory pieces while doing the same for Sona's ebony pieces.

"Care to elaborate on what you mean?" Sona moved the pawn on the far right side of the board.

"With the way you stole glances at me in class, I take it you aren't fully satisfied with our meeting prior. Don't be shy, if you have something to say then simply ask," Anos spoke as he moved his knight ahead of his line of pawns.

He rested his cheek on his hand as he signaled Sona to make her move, "Did you think I hadn't noticed?"

The Sitri pauses just long enough for Anos to guess that his assumption was correct. Sona made no change in her expression, but she was off balance now; flustered even. The softest stroke of red crossed her cheeks at Anos' accurate assessment.

She should not be this easy to read; she was no Rias.

"Anos," Sona managed to get a hold of herself but Anos can still hear the blush in her voice, "you only speak when it's time to say checkmate. There are a few things I want to ask you, yes, but it's not anything that can't wait until after our game. I'll advise we stay silent until the end."

"True," He'd let her have that much, "but I'm sure we can make things more interesting," Anos advances his knight, preparing to control the center. He knows devils are greedy by nature so his words should entice the girl.

"I'm listening," Sona pushing another pawn piece as she speaks, obviously hooked at his words and over her brief folly.

"If you do succeed in beating me then I'll reward you with whatever you wish." Anos simply said. A short pause in their game after he replicates her earlier play.

"A bold declaration that works in my favor," There is a stoppage in Sona's movement, "and pray tell, what would your reward be?" She inquires.

"Triumphing over a Grandmaster is sufficient as its own reward." Anos didn't seem to want anything and Sona noted this in mild but well-hidden surprise.

"Of course if you accept then we'll have to seal the agreement."

"In a Zecht, I assume?" Sona interjected.

"Yes," Anos looks at her, a gaze strong enough to raise the neck hairs. "I see you remember the details of our meeting well."

"Naturally," Sona responds as Anos draws the magic circle that the pair promptly sign.

The game was on. All the foreplay chatter made them both the tiniest bit impatient in gratifying the other for the moment.

Sona made her move in guiding her pawn two spaces, and Anos instantly knew they'd have the same strategy. Both were trying to control the center and open lines for their bishop and queen respectively. Which is what Anos made clear when his bishop finally found some motion.

The Sitri acted, guiding yet another pawn, aiming to lead on a specific square now.

The game that followed was a silent one. Anos deployed his opening lines for both his bishop and queen as Sona captures one of his sacrificial pawns. He pays no mind to this beyond using his knight to capture Sona's own pawn in retaliation.

Sona opts to use a knight to take out Anos' rook. She needs to expand on the queenside but Anos retaliates with his bishop to immediately pin her knight to her queen.

'He's already has me using my queen. If nothing else then he's at least better than my peerage.' Sona thought with unsure hands. She used her queen to attack the closest pawn.

She'll have to get rid of his bishop. An act better said than done. Sona observed the man before her using his queen now to connect his other rook. She grabbed another one of his pawns.

Anos attacks her queen with his rook and Sona moves her queen to retreat but not before claiming his bishop on the way. Though, as Sona took his bishop away the violet eyed beauty began to sweat slightly at Anos' next, unexpected, move.

The man before her moves his ivory king forward.

'He's already using his king...' Sona pushes the hair out of her eyes and looks at the board in full. Looking over every cardinal direction, twice.

Did she miss something? She couldn't have... And at that moment, a panic nearly takes her.

Sona's collar of her school uniform felt too tight and her eyes were beginning to hurt. The game wasn't in her favor anymore. The sad truth of the matter is that Anos forced the game into either a stalemate or his win.

She moved her queen to snag Anos' other bishop.

A draw was better than defeat.

She couldn't afford to lose. They were somehow nearing the end and Sona could no longer foresee a way to turn the game anymore. She'd be late by two steps if she attempted to control the match now.

Anos possessed profound skill, there was no discernible weakness in his style of play. She half wondered if he had lied about ever playing chess before. She doubts that this was his first performance but she also saw the minor improvements in between plays. The development he showed in such short breaths was terrifying.

Ordinarily, growth on this level came through a multitude of games but Anos had taken it a step further with growth every single turn.

"Check." Anos uttered as he placed his queen to directly face her king.

Sona was without words at his call, she couldn't freely move further at this point, blocked by her own pawn, hence, she moved her king back to the leftmost corner of her side, taking out his last rook.

That did very little to help herself.

Gradually, every single one of her pieces that wasn't her king or knight were taken out, one by one. Painstakingly by a pawn Anos had promoted into a queen.

Sona was now stuck between prioritizing her king or trying to round her knight closer for protection. Her pieces were on one side as she tried to play an asymmetric game and failed.

Instinctively, she looks towards Anos, her violet marbles reflecting in his cerise orbs. Sona broke eye contact soon after. She needed to persuade herself into thinking it was just a matter of coincidence and that even the semblance of victory was possible.

After Sona reluctantly moved her king. Anos placed his actual queen directly in front of it again, she couldn't eliminate it by any means as it was both protected by his two pawns. She didn't have any single piece to block its way either.

The ebony king had been caught, trapped from every side, no move available except those which would result in defeat.

Anos had nulled even the illusion of victory for the poor devil. Sona had lost the game.

"Checkmate." Anos finally declared.

Sona stilled herself as she hung her head slightly. She'd looked as if she'd been slapped in the face. Taking in those words that signified defeat. That sealed her fate.

A long silence passed.

"I must admit, it was a good game," Anos breaks the silence. His voice is impressively casual, but soft. He holds out his hand to shake.

Sona takes it with a faint smile.

"It was, truly," Sona says in a defeated tone that didn't fit her at all, "May I have you for another round?"

"I would, but I'm short on time. The game we played lasted longer than even I anticipated," Anos nudges her attention to the clock in the room.

The Sitri meets it, and then, she stands in disbelief. Over an entire hour of play.

"I'll be leaving if that's all you have for me." No one replies and no one dares to stop Anos' exit.

Sona weathered the shock and finds herself looking around at her peerage who had been spectating the game. It was hard for anyone to control their gazes away from the match, granted its not like they were trying to. But the bottom line is... they also watched their beloved King bemoan at the impossible loss before accepting it with rhythmic grace.

"Sona..." Tsubaki voiced her concern. Hesitant in speaking, as if it is a skill she had just learned to do.

The violet eyed beauty held her hand up to silence her Queen.

Pondering and pensive were the words one would use to capture Sona in this moment. But it is only a moment.

"Tsubaki..." Sona called to her Queen who was standing patiently all this time.


"Get the Main house on the line."

"Right away!" Tsubaki suddenly exclaimed with unmatched urgency.


He'd given up a considerable amount of time to Sona. This complicated things for him, but not by much. He had a prior engagement with the ORC -- though not guaranteed, so he decided to meet them another day. He hadn't had the time to now.

Business before pleasure. He had a restaurant to open in about twenty minutes after all.

It's past the end of the school day, and even the students who attend after school clubs are flowing out to get home. Three of them walk into their friends when they spot him, and one group of females stop entirely to gawk in awe.

Anos has admitted to not understanding a small list of things in this world. This was one of them. Who knew being conventionally attractive would be such an advantage? Then again, they're teenagers. Even the ones that aren't pure would likely act this way.

Gremory, Himejima and Sitri are beautiful enough to make these girls jealous—and tempted, too— and Anos suspects he was the male equivalent.

He locks off the thought, contemplating its vestiges even when he runs into Akeno – or, more accurately, Akeno runs into him. Purposefully, mind you.

Oddly enough, her amethyst eyes seemed a bit down. That is until she saw him in her line of sight. They visibly brightened then. She walks over.

"You're here?" Akeno greets, piecing together that he had just exited the student council room.

"Sitri invited me over for a game of chess." Anos says it how it is.

"Sona did that?" Akeno smiled a bit. "Sounds like an experience. How did it go?"

"I won." Anos stated in a rather boring fashion.

The Himejima blinks. "What?"

Anos knows she heard him.

"Is there something wrong?" He asks and Akeno's face wrinkled. A rare sight.

Surely Anos was aware of the ramifications of besting Sona of all devils in chess? If he truly didn't then she wasn't going to tell him; no matter how tempting the opportunity was. It wasn't her place to do so.

"No," Akeno decided to shift the conversation, "Buchou wanted to see you today, at the ORC. But seeing the time now... I'm assuming Wind of the Sun is where you're headed."

Anos nods. It made sense in Akeno's head, he did have a life outside of just meeting up with her and the rest of the devils.

"Do you need help tonight?" Akeno asked.

"Not tonight, no." Anos denied the kind gesture.

Akeno sometimes came by the restaurant to help him. She was a good waitress and an even better cook, all things considered. He offered to pay her for the extra hands in the store but she always stubbornly declined.

The fallen-devil hybrid looked less chirpy at his response until an idea came to her, "That's fine. Have a good afternoon, Anos," She left quicker than he could say it back.

'What a strange girl.' Anos leaves the thought as is. Turning his heel in the direction of his store. Minutes pass and once he is completely sure prying eyes aren't on him, the silvery glow of a magic circle takes him to his destination -- Gatom.

He appeared within his restaurant. Just it in time for opening hours. When he arrived, it's a murmur of conversation for a few customers waiting outside.

While his establishment was without a doubt the only mushroom gratin spot in Kuoh, it was fair to say it was also one of the most popular places in town amongst all ages.

Kuoh students and students of other schools especially used it as a hotspot so Anos simply adapted to the benefits. He had no problems with that. Complaining about more buyers was a fool's errand.

That said, he opened Wind of the Sun and prepped for the afternoon. Turning the sign to the side that said open, he put on his apron before letting the customers in. Strolling behind the counter, he asked for their orders.

Several minutes of idle prattle and the subsequent exchange of food for money started as usual. The time passed and it didn't take long for a silence to take over when the last few customers left.

The last of them being a girl who found out the hard way that Anos wasn't too receptive to flirting. The poor girl.

Flipping through the wads of cash, Anos pockets it, satisfied.

The weekend was around the corner so he never cared to open for too long on a Friday afternoon. It's when the customers were less in number and the hours would smooth by quickly.

Hearing the door open, Anos directed his gaze. A gruffly looking man. He was wearing a suit, gloves and fedora. He held a stoic expression on his face and a fierce look in his eyes.

As it just so happens, this was another fallen angel.

Dohnaseek — according to the memories Anos took from Raynare— that was this man's name. He was part of her posse in their silly operation.

"Welcome," Anos greeted, no reason to not be cordial. For all one knows the fallen man might actually just be hungry. "What will you be having today?"

"I've never tried mushroom gratin." The fallen angel walked closer while he scratched at the nape of his neck. "Would you say it's good?"

"It's food like you wouldn't imagine," Anos says, he would know. His current and previous reincarnated body had a penchant for it, but he was sure any incarnation of himself would find its love in mushroom gratin, "Get seated, I have a good dish for first timers."

Anos went to the kitchen when he saw the false angel nod and sit down on a stool. There was an already prepared dish in the kitchen so it just needed to be heated and plated.

"You have a nice place here," Anos heard him say.

"I know," Anos replies, coming back to the counter and setting the bowl with the steaming dish down, "Enjoy."

The man took the spoon and dug into his bowl, his fierce features seemed to lighten with every mouthful. Anos wasn't surprised when he finished the food quite quickly.

Reaching into a pocket from his coat, he took out some notes then placed it on the counter top. He put a little extra in because it was genuinely better than a lot of the crap human's served under the guise of food.

"It's quite good," The fallen got up and was heading to the door, until he wasn't. The man turned around, stern eyes really looking at who had just fed him.

"You find yourself at the park often these days?" Dohnaseek makes his words sound tenser than they had any right to be.

"Once a week," Anos says, "why ask?"

He saw the fallen stare at him for some time before answering, "Careful yourself out there. The world isn't kind to those who wonder where they shouldn't."

Dohnaseek raises his hand to the knob of the door before he shifts his weight and a gesture passes. Light coalesced as the formation of a spear sailed through the room.

Anos sees once again how slow light in this world is moving and merely laughs. The insignificant act of doing so creates wind pressure dense enough to crush the sad excuse of a light construct.

But the fallen creature wasn't done yet. Not deterred either, he quickly — quick being relative — shortens the distance and throws a punch at Anos' face.

The punch doesn't even halfway extend before Anos propels his hand forward like an arrow tip and returns it to his side instantly.

Only a moment and Dohnaseek's throat has been slit and in Anos' hand is Dohnaseek's source. Held by blackened fingertips, he'd swiftly used Vebdoz.

The fickle fallen slumps down, he had no choice, his arms and legs had also been taken. How could a creature who reveled in war be this fragile, he didn't know.

"I do happen to agree with you on one thing," Anos clarifies, "the world isn't kind enough to those who wonder where they shouldn't."

Dohnaseek's source slowly cracks like paltry glass in Anos' grip. The fallen man had his eyes roll back into his skull, salivating excessively like a maddened dog. His screams were barely audible under the spillage of blood.

The reaction is appropriate. The demise of his infinite incarnations are occurring all at once— and then some. It is an indescribable pain that makes an ordinary death look like a miracle.

"It seems the world has outgrown you, and I've had enough of you."

A little more pressure and everything that Dohnaseek ever was had come to an end. The mind, body, and soul were vanished from existence and his source had been demolished without a trace.

Anos doesn't even relent his actions, he taught himself not to. He mustn't think like that, ever. He used to have so little mercy and gave no warnings. Compared to the atrocities he'd done in his old life, Dohnaseek had got off easy.

Anos has mantra for those who incurred his wrath in such a way: If things ended this way, never show any emotion. They must know, they must be sure their actions caused their misfortune and they must feel regret. For that to happen, Anos must feel nothing at all.

The power that Anos possesses is truly terrifying. Even in just his fingertips was there the physical might to move the universe.

Naturally, the moment everything calms down is also the moment further excitement stirs up.

A red glow manifests and sprawls across his floor. Anos turns his cherry eyes to its formation. Magic power forming in his palm, just in case. Soon a symbol is visible and Anos is fully aware who it is.

This should be interesting.

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