Chapter 185: C185: End of Cyberpunk
C185: End of Cyberpunk
Alt Title Teaser: Goodbye World
Date published: 2/6/2025.
Before we start, I'd like to mention that I changed the height of Gorgon from last chapter. She was mentioned as 20ft but that was supposed to be 20 meters tall. That is roughly 65 ft tall as compared to the 6 meters tall she was if it was feet. That's all.
"J…Jo…Johnny??!!" Rogue stutters as she is confused by the situation and has to lean back in her seat. The dead man sits down in a nearby seat as he lets out a deep sigh, his head down which makes his longer hair flow down around him. "Hey rogue" he chooses to say after a few seconds of silence.
"What is this? Why show me this?" Rogue looks at Axel who just shrugs as he explains, "He was an Arasaka prisoner for a long time, he's a bit broken, but he'll pull through. Thought a friendly face would help him. But anyways, you all mingle. I'm gonna head out, I'm sure you know how to find my number somehow. Got work to do. Don't break him while I'm gone. I got plans for him" He gives a minor explanation before simply waving goodbye to the duo and leaving Afterlife.
As a result of Axel leaving, Rogue goes into hiding as she learns all that happened to Johnny after his capture by Adam Smasher. Though Johnny is many things if not persistent. He still displayed his casual racism against Arasaka by trying to get Rogue to work with him to get the corpos dead and its tower burned or bombed.
Thankfully Rogue has gained much more experience from so long ago and she always refuses him each time. Months pass like this and Axel waves goodbye to Jackie Wells who had so kindly completed a delivery mission for him alongside a friend of his, V.
V, the male Nomad of Night City is a merc who works alongside Jackie Wells as they have been best friends since they met and completed their first gig together.
Axel got to meet Jackie through a 'chance' encounter with Padre and then after becoming friends with the Heywood boy, he got to meet V and the three did some small gigs together. Killing some animals and whatnot but after Axel left Johnny with Rogue he had been mostly focused on his own projects. The first of which was infiltrating Faraday's database to expose his dealings with Militech to the fixers of the city. Now everyone knows he is a rat dog for the corpos. But that soon blew up when a file regarding Faraday being approached by Arasaka to turn double agent and turn on his current small scale crews was leaked. Soon enough, he was found dead in the wastelands outside Night City after trying to flee the city due to the relentless pursuit of his small-scale crews and other hired mercs who wanted him gone forever.
With his major business done, Axel moved onto the next piece. With his tech, he occasionally borrowed Johnny so he could view what Axel is doing. What the AI found was that Axel was making something. Lots of wires, pipes, wheels and computer chips. After months of this work, Johnny learned Axel made some sort of robot arms and legs but doesnt know what is being planned.
Rogue assumes he is making some sort of suit of armor or something but doesnt know why as he has no real enemies, especially after Biotechnica disappeared from Night City. Only a few of its members would travel to the city as they restock their local contractors with gear or fuel for various stations still maintained but overall nobody wanted to get involved with them until the new Moon situation was sorted out.
As the world and the major governments soon learned the message Axel distributed to everyone about how the world will be available to 'everyone' soon enough. But others soon learned more detail about the red glow that occurred some months past.
All the current corporation states and countries soon found out what happened to Biotechnica as they had no real way to hide it when the location they had just outside Night City was just vaporized without a sound. Nobody noticed for days but when it came out, everything made sense to the residents.
From that point on everyone knew what happened but not the how or why as Bio Tech kept that part of the news on a lease and it would only be another 2 years after Axel left this world that Axel's own connection would be revealed. This came about when a Netrunner hacked into Biotechnica and found the reserved server that held the camera footage of Axel's appearance outside the atomized facility.
His portal work and then his words which were heard, then the advent of the new moon and red light. These details were released publicly and the whole situation of Axel's 'retirement' was now understood as it is believed he just left to return to his home. Yet it will only be much much later when the inner world releases its barriers and people are allowed to come visit, sharing culture and knowledge from their worlds to others.
But while all the countries are still concerned about the new moon, Axel has been working: gears, axles, tuners, skin. He was manually creating all this through pure technology and then machines that could make them long after he left.
The final result is quite stunning as Axel is in his car and he inserts a little something into his passengers chip slot. This seems to wake them up as their head bobs up as if they were just awoken from a dream.
"What" The passenger says as the first thing they see is a close up of Axel's own face wearing a certain pair of glasses.
Bang, "Awe fuck my hand." The passenger curses as he reflexively punches out at Axel as he has been wanting to for a long time now.
Yet a moment later the person pauses as they look at their own fist which hit Axel and the man himself who is holding a broken pair of glasses with certain small cameras on the frame. "Wait, my hand?"
"Well Johnny, your old home is gone now and I didn't make spares, so you're stuck with your new body now. Merry Christmas Johnny" Axel says as he moves the passenger side mirror down so they could see their own reflection now.
"My. my body!" Johnny says as he completely takes in his new appearance that looks like a remade version of himself. He can FEEL his skin, his signature silver left arm is gone but he can still feel the power of metal within himself.
"Who the fuck did you put me into that looked just like me?" The AI can only ask this, his tongue loosened to show the criticality of the situation.
Axel just shrugs as he gets back into his car seat, "I just found the closest bum town druggie
I could. It was just a coincidence that he overdosed before I got to him, just stuck in Soul Killer and here we are."
"Are you really serious?" Johnny questions with a frown on his face as he doesnt feel like he just od'd on some back alley drugs.
"No, I'm not." Tang tang. Axel knocks on Johnny's head and the sound of metal is heard.
"I told you, this is who you are now" Axel starts up his car and they drive off now, coursing through the great Night City as Johnny soon finds another chip inserted in him and after scanning it, he learns of the warehouse where Axel had made his bionic body. Left there are repair stations should he get damaged. He could replace his arms and legs however much he wants as long as he supplies the materials but there is already some left over.
Yet there is one machine that he finds odd but useful, the horribly named Skinner machine. It flays Johnny's current skin and replaces it should it be damaged at all. That requires even more materials as he learns that his skin is a poly-carbonate. This means that it's naturally tougher than regular skin but bullets and whatnot will still damage it. After enough damage is taken, he will look like a Terminator or some borged up psycho with red eyes.
"Why do this for me? I barely even know you, it's not like you inserted Soul Killer into yourself and I just learned about your whole life.So why?" Johnny can't help but ask as his greatest desire that arose in these past few months has come to arrive.
"I take pity on you Johnny. I enjoyed your story and that is why I can willfully take pity on you. But the surprise is not over yet." Axel speaks and Johnny listens, he frowns at the obscure meaning but he can't help but feel a closer connection to Axel as a result.
"We're here." Axel stops the car and exits it, Johnny finds they are back at the Afterlife.
"What was the point of starting me up in the workshop when I was with Rogue just a moment ago. On that note, how the fuck did you get your hands on me out of nowhere." Johnny questions Axel but he just responds by smirking and snapping his fingers.
The two are now standing inside the bar, in front of Rogue. Her bodyguards take out their pistols and point them at the two of them.
"YOU. Where is he? Give me the glasses back" Rogue jumps up from her seat as she rushes at Axel, grabbing his collar. When she demands the glasses. Axel holds up the broken pair in front of her. She goes into shock as she delicately takes them from him.
"Why did you break them?" She questions with heartbreak in her voice.
"I didn't, he did. He is so aggressive. Though ill sure you'll find that out soon enough." Axel says nonchalantly yet a hint of a teasing tone can be heard. He points his thumb at the person next to him. It's only then that Rogue looks up at the second person with Axel. Her eyes narrow as she takes in Johnny Silverhands pristine and seemingly human form.
The guards smartly put their weapons down as Rogue shakily reaches out and touches Johnny's shirt. Feeling his body, his skin.
"Whooo there, let's not get too frisky, at least not yet. We're attracting an audience. On the other hand, here is my other present Johnny" Axel snaps his fingers again and Rogue gets a heavy tremble in her pocket and digs it out. She quickly finds that a public contract to steal a certain chip called Soul Killer in the possession of Yorinobu Arasaka within his suite in Kabuki Plaza is seen.
The most noteworthy thing about this contract is that it was a 3 week contract that expires today for a whole 50 million Eddies. If the contract is not completed then the entire money goes to charities.
"Why am I only seeing this now?" Rogue can't help but ask but Johnny is the more surprised one as he knows who or what is on Soul Killer.
"I hid it from you. Consider this part 1 of my gift, here is part 2" he snaps his fingers and multiple tvs pop up all around the bar and they start playing a video. In the video is a random street with two people in it. Axel and Adam Smasher.
In the video Axel is holding a suitcase while Smasher is fully weaponized with rocket launchers on both shoulders and then one LMG in his left hand while a grenade launcher in his right. The hilt of a sword can also be seen implanted along the length of his upper right thigh.for a quick transition to melee.
Smasher himself is 9 feet tall but this was likely due to his whole body with the exception of his brain being made of metal and cyberware. His legs are quite bulky to handle all his weight, it's also exceptionally reinforced to ensure he can utilize his Kerenzikov or Sandevista (both of these power up nerves to be able to move and process hyper speed actions, essentially slowmo paired with high speed movement) to its highest capability.
From his legs, we move to his chest which is firstly covered in a single chest refractive chest plate extended from his own chest, similar plates hang on his shoulders for easy shoulder charges to break through assaults. Cybernetic organs hide behind the multiple layers of plates and organized defensive metal. These organs help break down liquidized food, breath, or at the very least process all his bodily needs so his final human organ, the brain, can get enough air, energy and nutrients to sustain itself.
Smashers arms are sleek but robust, hinting at a custom Arasaka brand styled set of Gorilla arms. His head is largely inhuman as the only known flesh part is the top half of his face starting just below his nose. Yet Axel can tell that this flesh is fake as well. The hidden layer of circuits and face plates to protect his brain.
His mouth does not seem to exist but he can still speak in a deep gruff but slightly robotic voice, similar to those who had their vocal cords surgically removed and a replacement tube set into the neck, allowing it's user to speak when they tap the implant. But Smasher has no need to do that as his cyberware does it for him. His eyes have been replaced with specialized eyes that glow a creepy dark red and give the impression that they are of insectoid design (like bees).
"Hand over the case, meat" The rough voice calls out to Axel who just shrugs and says "Sure" before tossing it over. The borg locks the edges his gun to his arm so he gets a free hand so he can easily catch it before swiftly opening it to find the Soul Killer chip is still safely stored within.
"You weaklings implant a little chrome, and start thinking you can call the shots. But before you die, little meat, tell me how you got access to the case?" Smasher declares as he sets the case down beside him and retakes the LMG attached to his arm. His eyes scanning Axel tells him that Axel has less than 10% chrome, mostly basic stuff and then some arm mods.
Yet Smasher can't help but frown more than he already does as he sees the constant smirk on Axel's face, his instincts informing him that there is a threat to him but he cant seem to pinpoint the source of the threat when all logic dictates that the boy before him is too weak to be a threat.
"The answer is quite simple. I just became you, nobody tried to stop me after that" Axel spreads his hands out as his body begins to glow and then reform to look like an exact replica of Adam Smasher except with blue glowing eyes and accents. Except the transformation is not a full one so Smasher can see the fully malicious grin on Axel's face.
Initiating combat, Smasher activates his Sandevistan, slowing down his perception while he aims both his guns, unleashing a 'nade and a flurry of bullets at Axel. Yet he underestimates Axel as he easily keeps up with Smasher, kicking the 'nade back at Smasher while his body begins to contort in impossible ways.
Axel's limbs shrink, elongate, expand, shrink or create holes in itself as every bullet passes through him without hurting him at all. "Is that all you got, Smasher?"
Smasher rushes in at Axel, using the LMG as a blunt weapon like a baseball bat. His other hand dropped the grenade launcher after dodging the initial kicked back 'nade' he shot. That same hand is now gripping the sheathed sword in his leg as his arm moves in a humanly impossible way to take it out of its sheath.
For anyone else, just being smacked with the brunt of the heavy gun would have sent them flying, especially with all of Smasher cyberware compounded on it but Axel is not intimidated by all this.
To the shock of everyone watching the video, they witness a slow motion as Axel lifts his right hand to slap away the gun before backhanding Smasher and sending him flying away by 30ft. He is still on his feet but to both his own shock as well as the video viewers that Axel begins to grow taller. His current outfit expands to match his frame until he reaches 10ft tall (3m), far from his max height that he is able to reach after absorbing Gaius' energy. All the while the previously seen 'cyberware' on his body seems to disappear as he returns to Pure.
Axel walks up to Smasher as he leans in like he would if he was whispering into someone's ear even if he lacks any actual ears. "If this is your current limit after all this chrome, then what differentiates you from the 'meat' you look down upon, scrap metal" After saying that he takes a few steps back to witness Adam Smashers reaction with a sly smile.
Smasher runs his Sandy once again as he zooms in on Axel to try cutting him in half with his now unsheathed katana. The sandy ends as Smasher stands on the other end of Axel, he slides to a stop as he looks to Axel, spotting the injury he inflicted. His katana cut through Axel's waist and left hand. Yet he never witnesses the man fall over, split in half.
In fact what he does see is a familiar looking arm with a katana in it's hand hanging off Axel's left hand. Axel turns his neck to look at Smasher, "Thanks for the gift, i've been meaning to make a smasher figurine for one of my kids, most other toys aren't too durable for them" the arm Axel is holding disappears from view as he transports it back to his territory. It's only then that Smasher notices his own lack of right arm. The cables going along the entire length of his arm roughly ripped out, leaving him only the chunks attached to his chest.
(From this part we do a bit of copycat, so if you want the rundown of the fight, watch: Sukuna vs Special Grade. The fight against his own finger in the first season 4th episode. There is a short video highlighting the interaction)
"Im sure you know a bit of japanese at this point, working at Arasaka, let's try it out. Shi-ne" Axel states before appearing next to smasher, his hand extended as he grabs Adam's face and slams him into the ground, cracking it and knocking up a dust cloud around them that takes a few moments to dissipate and the two can see each other.
Smasher who is lying on the floor coughs a bit from the force applied to him, his body in pain that he hasn't experienced in years.
Axel leans in over Smasher as he asks, "hey, whats the matter? Your not finished yet, are you?" In response Smasher grunts as he uses his one good arm to try getting up.
"That's it, Hora Gambare Gambare"(Come on, try harder) Axel lifts his foot and slams it down on Smashers chestplate, this shatters the infrastructure so much that the ground collapses, letting them both fall to the sewer system below them.
While they are falling Smasher tries to grab Axel's leg so he could slam him down and crush him under his weight like he did to canon Rebecca. Yet his vision blurs as he now finds Axel sitting cross-legged with Smasher's other arm while they are both falling, "Even a borg would miss their arm, Right?" Axel shows off the arm he just stole off with a chuckle as Smasher hopelessly falls with a 'Graaaahh" to the sewers below. His heavy body gets embedded into the rubble as more falls from above, hiding his body.
Axel lands cleanly opposite of where Smasher is. He begins to monologue, "Hey did you know, we are both considered humans, apparently" "Both you and me, man"
While he talks, Smasher slowly gets up from under the rubble, his cyber eyes seem to glare at him.
"Good job, human, Gambare Gambare (Go on, keep trying")
"Good work getting up, but I won't praise you more. I just want you to know that even though we are both humans, there is a gap between us that you are unable to cross. Let me show you what real Humanity is and it's limits"
"Noble Phantasm" Axel spreads out his left hand wide before him and then slams his other hand down like he is doing rock-paper-scissors with it ending on the scissor pose.
"Village of Origin".A light emanates from his chest as well as the two fingers that form the scissor pose, the 'V' as the miniature reality marble is unleashed. The 'new moon' outside disappears while it's active as Axel and Smasher find themselves in vibrant grasslands.
"Goodbye smasher" Axel snaps his fingers and Adam Smashers head evaporates into dust.
"Huh, so your head was indeed all that made you human, oh well. More for my kid to enjoy." The reality marble soon comes apart at Axel's demand and it returns back to the sky while Axel collects the husk that is Adam Smasher.
Rogue, Johnny, and all the fortunate or unfortunate viewers of the screens can only watch in shock. Some had already passed out halfway due to all the excitement. Others pinched themselves thinking this is all a dream. Yet nothing happened, the reality remains in front of them. They cant help but look at the child like Axel as he claps his hands together and the three of them: Axel, Rogue and johnny disappear from the Afterlife.
The trio find themselves in front of the Arasaka Headquarters, their main building that Johnny Silverhand had released a nuke in many years ago and got branded a terrorist.
Axel hands something to johnny who looks down and finds that it is a pack of Tarot Cards, there are four of them face up: The Wheel of fortune signifying change, Death signifying Johnny himself, getting a new body and life, The Empress signifying Rogue, the Queen of the afterlife. Then the last card is the Hermit, a nomad, a distant traveler meaning Axel himself.
They soon spot Axel pointing at the Arasaka building with one hand while he speaks, "Alright Ladies, melt it down for me pretty please" his words are endearing but not directed at either Rogue or Johnny. 2 new glows rise up from the 'new moon'.
The first glow showcases what looks like a water bubble yet the fumes it releases give the impression of alcohol, this bubble lands on top of the Arasaka building, it begins to melt and merge into a flood of liquid that only melts more while the other glow is a sleek red glow as compared to the ominous light the previous red glow gave. This one comes in light a meteor as it lands in front of the building itself.
When the dust settles the meteor is revealed to be a glowing red sword that releases intense heat and soon enough Lava. When it builds up enough and the underground portion of the building is melted down, the sword explodes as it returns to its owner's hands and a volcanic eruption is left in its place. The bubble devours the top half of the building and it retracts back to the village or more specifically, Shuten Douji who released her noble phantasm to melt down half the building as Ibaraki's noble phantasm causes the explosion that devours the rest of it.
The two viewers shield their faces from the intense heat and nearly run except they find the lava or loose rocks don't go towards them at all. They turn to Axel for some sort of explanation.
"Well, there you go, you're both free now, no more hate, no more threats, Cunningham is still on the other side of the Blackwall so don't go after her. Enjoy the rest of your lives" He claps once more and the duo find themselves back in the Afterlife but in Rogue's bed and naked too.
Axel did not go with them but instead began to rise as he returned to his territory, preparing for the location of his next adventure but first he wanted to spend some time with his family.
Yet as he rises, he is informed that Maine and Dorio choose to live on his land, so with a snap the two are brought over and a second snap gives them all their clothes and items along with a personal generator to maintain all their stuff. Pillar had already been moved a while ago and was watching over his sister who is now a goddess.
Falco and Kiwi are left alone as the last members of the crew. Falco was left behind but there are a few gifts for him as a reward for his faithfulness to the crew. As for Kiwi, she got some money and tech boosts she has to implant but nothing else as Axel was not close enough to her nor cared about her in the story.
And that's Cyberpunk in its entirety
Alt Title: Adam Smasher is Smashed, Arcana, Destruction of Arasaka
Word count: 4330
Drop a comment if you wanna judge my writing or the story. I'll try to respond, especially if you're confused or anything. Authors note below for what is planned next