Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Cyber-Ghoul Ambush
The first cyber-ghoul lunged.
Akira moved instantly, his cybernetically enhanced reflexes kicking in. He sidestepped, barely avoiding the creature's rusted claws as it slashed at his chest.
CLANG! Sparks flew as its metallic appendages scraped against the concrete floor.
Another one pounced from the shadows.
Akira spun, his gauntlet igniting with an electric pulse.
He struck first—a direct hit to the ghoul's head. The electricity coursed through its decayed circuitry, sending it into violent convulsions before it collapsed.
But there were too many.
Ramirez fired her pistol, three clean shots into an advancing ghoul's skull. It staggered back but kept coming.
Kael was scrambling for cover. "I told you, they don't go down easy!"
Akira's HUD scanned the creatures.
> Cyber-Ghouls
Former humans, victims of failed augmentation experiments. Mindless, driven by corrupted neural implants.
Weakness: Overloaded circuitry.
That gave him an idea.
"Kael!" Akira shouted. "Any EMPs?"
Kael cursed. "Yeah, but if I use them here, we're fried too!"
"Then do it when I say!"
More ghouls emerged from the wreckage.
One leapt straight at Ramirez.
She dodged, barely avoiding a serrated metal claw aimed at her throat. But another ghoul tackled her from behind.
Akira moved before he thought. A blade extended from his wrist gauntlet.
The blade pierced through the ghoul's head, silencing it instantly.
But the others were still closing in.
No more time.
"Kael, NOW!"
Kael gritted his teeth, activating the small cylindrical device on his belt.
A pulse of blue energy erupted outward.
The ghouls screeched. Their cybernetic limbs twitched violently, sparks bursting from exposed wiring.
Then, one by one, they collapsed.
The air smelled of burnt circuits and decay.
Akira's own systems flickered, his vision glitching momentarily.
Ramirez pushed a ghoul's body off her. "That was too close."
Kael let out a shaky breath. "Yeah? Well, welcome to the Underbelly."
Akira scanned their surroundings. More were coming. They couldn't stay here.
"We need to move," he said. "Fast."
Kael nodded. "I know a place. But it won't be free."
Ramirez raised an eyebrow. "You planning to sell us out?"
Kael grinned. "Depends. How much is your life worth?"
Akira sighed. "Lead the way. But if you try anything—"
Kael laughed. "Relax, Techno-Mancer. I like breathing too."