creations of aurther world

Chapter : cosmology part 2

07th Expansion Cosmology

Credit: OnlyCattoKnows/Guardian Doge(femboy)

07th Expansion Cosmology



The 07th verse is a collection of Ryukishi's works which all bare a correlation to each other either outrightly, or indirectly. The cosmology is expansive with 3 main domains, and multiple worlds called Territories, that are all their own stories. These stories contains multi-dimensional realms, spiritual worlds, classic multiverses and quantum integrated elements. Then there are higher domains above these stories, that go up infinitely on a literal metaphysical journey where there lies an ultimate endpoint that's free from all concepts called "restrictions", there resides a figurative nothing, where beings have the ability to create anything.

Human Domain

This is the first and lowest domain of the verse, which is often used as a term that implies a world with multiple "layers" or existential stratums. There are multiple references to it so we are just going to focus on the stories (within the human domain) and analyze their overall structure without unnecessary details.


To start, although this work came out after Umineko, it provides a good starting point for the relationship between tales and fragments. First, our main character tells us that three separate fragments are in fact connected in a hierarchy.

Here's the rest of the exchange in these two - links.

[Alice] "...I see, that's what a mind care machine is.'' In the world of War of the Worlds, a mind care machine is explained as a machine that gives you dreams of escaping reality for mental rest.. This is also a kind of online game that lets you experience a peaceful life virtually..

[Alice] ``Certainly, Mikihiko and his friends' rural world is very idyllic, and it's a perfect ``mental rest'' for the world of Space War.'' If that happens, Keiko will also enjoy that idyllic rural life. It can be judged as a character for fun.. The youthful rural world of the first fragment. I'm sure Mikihiko was immersed in the game when he turned on the lights."

[Alice] ". . . . In other words, the game that Mikihiko is playing in the rural world of the first fragment is the romantic comedy school world of the second fragment. , in the third world of War of the Worlds..

"..The dream of the mind care machine in the world of Space War is the rural world of the first fragment..."

``In other words, it's like a rock-paper-scissors relationship..

``At first, I thought that the world had a hierarchical relationship, and I'm not wrong about that.'' ``The hierarchical relationship revolves around and around, forming a circle.'' I enjoy it as a dream. Even in this world, someone dreams and enjoys another world.. I couldn't believe that the dream someone in that other world was having was my current world.. confusing..

^As seen in these texts it's very clear that all fragments (in terms of alternate territories) are in a hierarchy, but if the "circle" part seems confusing it was only in reference to the structure of how alice was trying to reach her truth. Each loop through the three fragments must've created a "circle" bigger than the last, given alice - went - through all of them and there's an infinite amount.

And this of course goes extremely well with how Bernkastel could make a bigger catbox than beatrice's with only a couple fragments in EP 7.

So from all of this, we can conclude all fragments are connected in a hierarchy especially with meta-references we get, like higanbana seeing Umineko as a play/fictional work, Umineko seeing higurashi as a novel, so on and so forth.

Higurashi When They Cry

We are confirmed that within the territory there are infinite possible fragments, following the parallel world definition.




This is the territory lord Hanyuu who views them as "pieces" or fiction



And then inside the tale we are told that there are infinite timelines based off MWI and a fifth dimension that works off a kind of "vibrational" resonance. Then there are universes that are simply dreamed up and hanyuu can release them from the causal restriction of that fragment.





And we know there's a lower world of fiction, and in fact a game event from Higurashi mei (which i don't own) as well that prove there is infinite layers of R>F's. And for the context of MWI, we have an official confirmation from ryukishi that is the concept being used.

You probably know that sides of a die go from 1 to 6. You can predict what number will come up when you throw a die, but with logic, you can find out that the most likely outcome is 7 when you throw two dice and 14 when you throw four. Now, if we return to the starting point, the question is what is the average when you throw one die. Coming from what we figured out, several numbers are most likely to come out.

"The number that will most likely come out is 3,5". There are probably quite a few people who will come up with that conclusion.

However, a die only has numbers from 1 to 6. In other words, it's not possible to get 3,5. Probably, a die that has a side with 3,5 isn't sold anywhere. I guess some people will try to get close to 3,5 by throwing a die multiple times, but it's "an average you get when you throw several dice", not "a die". The numbers on the sides of dice are from 1 to 6, and the probability of getting each number exists at the "same time" equally.

Like in a game of odd and even, you put die into an opaque cup. What number will die inside a cup show? I'd like to say it's 3,5, but that number isn't carved out on a die.

Which means, there are 6 "worlds" inside a cup, each for one side of a die. This hypothesis of 6 worlds existing at the same time is called "Many-worlds theory" or "Everett's theory" in quantum mechanics.

Now, with that story, I attempted to present you with my clumsy writing the famous in the world quantum mechanics problem of "Schrödinger's cat". In front of you, there is a "cat box". You can't confirm if the cat is alive or not. The cat that is "alive and dead at the same time" is sleeping inside the box.

I find it enjoyable to speculate if the cat is dead or alive, how it lived if it's alive and why it died if it's dead.

This does confirm that the catbox itself would have infinite quantum states which correspond to a Hilbert space's infinite dimensional mathematics as even the fifth dimension is just a possibility inside one fragment.

Umineko When they Cry

In Umineko, it's a lot more complex than Higurashi due to how much more story elements it has. The first thing is that there is two sides to reality, one scientific (human) and the other magical, a spirit world.

This spirit world is actually likened to a "meta" space or Narrative space where they view the events as fictional. Although both the magic/spirit world are just apart of the "nondual" nature of the catbox.

In fact following from this assertion we can assume the nature about Umineko's world-structure, that is a dialetheic one. All claims about the truth are completely valid and actual in the catbox, and are not simply potentialities. So while they stress about worldviews and how they are opposing sides, we know the spirit world exists with certainty even without the acceptance of battler.

We are also told "truth" as in T or F is neither T or F as of course it's a non-trivial world that allows for some contradictions.

Next back to the meta-like world, we do know it is superior as opposed to simply the netherworld the island was sucked into because multiple times we are shown that it views the physical world in a fiction-like manner, even acknowledging kinzo meta-narratively as "not existing" and as a higher level world.

The next realm inside the territory is called The Golden Land which is the main [ idea of an "afterlife" that transcends worries, suffering, and the distinction between fantasy and real which allows all to exist there. And also a higher layer since it's outside the main gameboard]. However there's something interesting, Maria can make her own golden land like in the battle between her and erika and we are told that she views this as fiction as she (being outside her gameboard) is a higher order being. This is perfectly valid scaling as maria tells ange people's perspectives of the world are real because it reflects their internal universes. This of course includes Gods, demons and spirits.

We also have Gaap's darkness, which transcends any concept of space and time and lies outside it. It is also inside the territory so it definitely applies to the Human domain described as being in between the magic and human world.

Also given the quantum nature of the catbox we can infer that it is likely also a hilbert space since the Dice analogy is also used when describing other possibilities.

Higanbana (When the Spider Lilies Bloom)

This is the third main verse that adds a sense of cosmology to 07th as a whole.

So obviously, there is a human world and a spirit world. The spirit world is even a "Night Domain" which implies it has it's own set of laws, and layers as opposed to the human world which is very much supported as we will see.

All demons and yokai have a wave-length in which they can be interacted with, this does mean that they exist in their own layer in a sense. A reference to Umineko's great 72 demons is even made.

Apart from this we are also introduced to Kyou a yokai whose domain is the mirror world also governs the boundary between dreams and reality which is day dreams. All of these worlds are recognized as real. In fact the nature of these things combined lead to a recursion. Here's the reasoning.

-The Mirror World or rather Mirrors as a particular reflect the truth, meaning each is an entire reality of its own. Conventionally these mirror's exist inside the world of daydreams, and dreams. As copies of the youkai kyou exist, and the mirror world is his domain. The World of daydreams allows for one to exist in a dream and reality at the same time.

-The World of Dreams, is existing in a state of reality that while you are sleeping as your soul is real within another reality, including afterlives such as izanami's himself or the spiritual side of the school since that's where the myths of youkai's are supposed to be. In the context of this argument, the Mirror World has true copies of reality as a whole.

Which would mean its own world of reality and dreams exist, which conversely means these dreams have their mirror's, so on and so forth. The idea for this, is that since even a youkai's own personal domain can contain copies of the spiritual side of the school, it means the school can contain infinite versions of itself an infinite number of times. When discussing a dream, izanami says it isn't strictly being a dream in the context of a fantasy, but that it is in fact real.

Daydreams, also, explicitly discuss how one can dream in there meaning to some degree everything is interconnective, and repeats itself but this also applies to a youkai's domain such as renoir's. To recap, the world of mirrors lead to beings who dream, which allow for mirror's to be in those dreams, meaning dreams and reality have a boundary in each world, which supports daydreams existing which allows for dreams to be inside one. Basically a dream within a dream. In which even Iwaihime (a story also written by ryushiki) draws an outright inspiration from/

There is also of course as mentioned, renoirs world of fictions, but while his ability is to dive into 2-D, we know the worlds themselves are not as there's even an infinite non-euclidean space. This also means though that for each dream and it's dream inside it should have it's own set of dimensions. Which would imply an infinite hierarchy.


So far we have a 1-A/1-A+ cosmology as the human domain is an infinite hierarchy of stories, which in themselves have infinite hierarchies of dimensions based on Hilbert space dynamics, narrative layers which include possibilities beyond space/time, and dreams within dreams, and so on. Each fictional story is considered "more real" than the previous even introducing things like cyclical hierarchies, and a standard that interaction is impossible without special means proving superiority. Alongside that, we have concepts such as alternate worlds, parallel universes, and quantum mechanics.

Witch Domain

To start off, this domain is also an infinite hierarchy. However unlike the human domain it goes beyond the physical and spiritual dimensions as defined, being referred to as a conceptual hierarchy, made of "restrictions" but the very first restriction they transcend is the material world entirely. A few examples of what they transcend is time, death/life, (gravity), identity, soul, etc.

Aside from even this we are also explicitly told that the only "limitation" of a witch is her own imagination. As they are "self-transcending" beings, not one identity applies to them as they're main characters of their story as such can write themselves anyway way they want including their weaknesses.

And apart from the internal hierarchy of being in 07th being conceptual there is also a "meta" analogue to it, where witches see the lower layers as fragments or even as a script, backing up the idea that any form of interaction is really just from a "staged" reality. And because meta beings dwell in a higher order world rather than the human domain, they cannot interact with the gameboard itself, which is symbolic of reality inside fragments. As a result, the world itself is inaccessible from the standpoint of the witch domain. In that world, reality has no meaning; this is supported by the context as well. The scene's context is that they can't physically touch the gameboard's reality since it's more fiction to them, and if they don't have pieces they can't control, there's no way for them to intervene in the story.

As well as the level of witch having a type of "ontic" barrier right before the meta-world that prevents internal evolution from inherently making you existentially higher. This of course goes back to the hierarchy of restrictions, which is said to be a journey of "endeavors/efforts" which in context refer to ascending to higher planes either thru consciousness or sheer will. This is mainly it for the witch domain besides of course the true sea of fragments where all other territories exist which can be relatively anything ranging from full blown universes to delusions (which are just real anyway).


"In the vast sea of nothingness, there are as many fragments of possibilities, illusions, and delusions floating around, and these fragments are called islands and territories. It's like the Grand "In" (Grand Line) in "O●E PI●CE"(laughs). There's an indescribably mysterious atmosphere there. There is an organization called the Senate, which is not the world government. As for the organization, I thought it would be better if people could just enjoy the mysterious atmosphere. I like the City of Books, including its naming sense. Featherine's evil Castle, where the books are laid out, was first developed under the code name of Bern Castle"

Duality between finite/infinite and the sea of zero

The difference between infinity and the finite is a common theme in the first episodes of Umineko (question arc) and then appear with subtle elements in later EP's. This is an important duality inverse because it demonstrates how far above beings with less restrictions than witches are so powerful and outright scary. In Episode 3 we technically are introduced to two characters, Virgillia and Eva-Beatrice and in the very opening we see a flashback of Virgillia telling young beatrice that a true endless witch is not limited to anything in the world and that it's a state above everything and thinking you have reached it is probably just inexperience.

Endless Magic is also stated to be above finality, however there is still a distinction that makes them dual concepts, right after this scene we are told by Beatrice that description of endless magic is not truly endless and something Eva will never reach and by Ronove that True endless nature is the unification and understanding of both the finite and infinite. That is the true endless/infinite. In Lambdadelta's memoirs we get a little more on infinity as a topic and we are told there's discrete miracles represented by the finite magic and certainty represented by an infinite sequence.

Both of these however are from the same "origin". This brings us to the Magical sea which all creators and beginner witches can access but of course some lose this ability as they leave their roots. This "0" is negation of Being, but in a sense is also the ground, this is because bad infinity cannot create anything (the word miracle in that scan is important), but a power that either can create 1 or recognizes the true nature of God can. Gods and Creators have the inherent nature to be above "miracles", "fate", and "endless" but at the same time are abilities of creation by themselves that when it comes in contact with 0, it creates 1, and infinity which will be explained in the next section too. Based on this (and our next topic) we can see that Third domain entities and Creators, are above any potentiality/actuality of infinity [among other things], and are even so to speak self-determinate but that is a separate topic, here we only refer to infinity as a concept

A Wild Last Boss Appeared Cosmology

A Wild Last Boss Appeared

A Wild Last Boss Appeared! light


A Wild Last Boss Appeared is a light novel series that started being published in 2015. It consists of 9 volumes.


World of Midgart

The entire universe is Alovenus's magic spell, composed of infinite mana

Actually, I bet she'd still be calm even if I did defeat Dina. In the end, this entire universe is nothing but a game to her, something to be frustrated over if you lose and maybe something you'd get so mad over you'd never play again. But that's all. In a game, it didn't matter how many of your characters were killed. It wouldn't hurt you in real life at all.

That was why I needed to destroy this universe—this game—once in order to get on the same level as the Goddess. If I didn't, I'd never be able to have a proper fight with her. In fact, I'd never be able to even meet her. This also meant that I couldn't afford to stumble here, at this stage, of course. After all, I had yet to even reach Alovenus.

"Totally unreliable, all of them. However, all of that ends here. Not even you can win against me." "You're wrong. That's Dina's body. You aren't even standing on the battlefield yet," I said. "I see. You have a point. But this will be more than enough for you." As she spoke, the aura of pressure that the Goddess/Dina gave off increased in strength. She's attacking! I could tell this from the stirrings of the mana from beyond this planet, which wasn't on so small a scale as that which had been contained on Mizgarz. She was gathering the mana that comprised this universe itself. Indeed, this entire universe was nothing but a magic spell of hers, so there was an infinite amount of mana around.

Naturally this includes every living thing in the world, which has mana in them, and killing other living things to steal that mana, is how the characters get stronger.

"Secret, huh...? May I ask why you assume something like that exists?" The method that Megrez and the others had once used to reach level 1000 was what Kross referred to as a secret. However, he wasn't saying that Megrez had definitely used any such method. Kross was speaking entirely out of speculation, so reading between the lines, it was almost as if he were saying that Megrez had cheated somehow. But even so, Kross was still convinced that such a shortcut existed, and Sei agreed. After all, there was pretty much no way to reach level 1000 in a lifetime if there wasn't such a method. The method for getting stronger in this world was very simple. All a person had to do was kill other living things. According to a book Megrez put out in the past, all living things had at least some amount of mana stored inside them. That very same mana was also the source of mutations in living things, so the stronger an individual was, the more mana they had in them. By killing living things with a lot of mana inside them and stealing said mana, a person could make themselves stronger. That was the phenomenon known as 'leveling up.' In other words, mutating and leveling up were the same thing. The only difference was whether the subject changed into a different species entirely or stayed the same, only stronger. At the end of the book, Megrez himself wrote: "Those who level up repeatedly store that mana within them, and a piece of said mana is inherited by their offspring. The repetition of this is how humanity evolves."

When the Devilfolk die, they release mana throughout the world which allow residents of Midgard to use magic

Could it be? Lufas was actually even stronger before I possessed her? No. No way. Just how much stat boosting would she have had to do? How many tens of times the playtime would she have had to log to do that?

"I see. So I was a bit too impatient. It's not yet time."

For some reason, the Devil King was acting as if he'd come to some conclusion that only he was aware of.

Is he some sort of loner? Talking to yourself is one of the signs of being a loner.

"Just what have you been going on about all this time? Why don't you let us in on whatever it is you've figured out on your own?"

When I spoke, the Devil King finally looked up at me, as if he'd just noticed I was still here. "No, it is nothing. I only learned that it was too early for me to fight you. Like this, we cannot surpass the Goddess' scenario."

"The Goddess' scenario?"

"Correct. This world moves according to the scenario written by the all-powerful Goddess. The devilfolk are no exception to that... In fact, you can say that the devilfolk are jesters that are puppeted to liven up the scenario. The Goddess created them for that purpose alone."

I still haven't beaten him, but I guess he decided I passed anyway?

Even though the winner hadn't been decided, the Devil King was talking easily, leaking all sorts of information. What happened to, "then force me to tell you?" Well, if he'll talk, then I'll listen, though. Whatever.

"Why do you think the devilfolk attack people and kill them?"

"Isn't it to expand your territory?"

"That is a part of it, but it's also only the surface reason. The real reason is that...they have to kill people. It is like how humans cannot live without eating or stay sane without sleeping. For devilfolk, it is the same type of instinctive need. You see, the devilfolk...they are flawed creatures that disappear if they don't kill humans. Like that, the devilfolk disappear and scatter throughout the world. Those scattered fragments of their bodies are what you call 'mana.'"

That was something I didn't know. It was true that game lore didn't cover why mana existed in the world at all. I never questioned it, though. I just figured that it was natural, since it was a fantasy setting.

"Their bodies are recycled and reused. That is proof that they are nothing but a magic spell. Without the devilfolk, none of you would be able to use the convenient power of magic. But because they exist, you are forced into a fruitless war that will continue on forever. The Goddess made the devilfolk to be this way and left their management to me."

Mana is a piece of Alovenus's power, as well as experience, which is why Ruphas an co could get to the same level as Alovenus when they absorbed the mana from the universe

"So you're awake, you sleepyhead."

"That's... Ah, right. So you did it."

Even while still groggy from her slumber, Dina managed to look around and figure out what was going on. She was right. Everything had gone well so far. From here, Benet, Orm, and I would be strutting our stuff. Unfortunately, all the others without the right to challenge could not participate.

I took out the Key to Reach the Heavens and activated it. When I did so, the ownership of the universe shifted to me. This universe had already been tossed aside, so it was free for me—the one with the key—to claim, though I still wasn't able to stop its destruction, of course. "U-Um, Miss Lufas! We're totally calm, but what should we do about this? I-It's all happening so fast!"

"Calm down, Aries. The universe is just going to end a little," I said.


I laughed and activated a skill, one of Aigokeros's. This universe was the magic of the Goddess, and now that she'd abandoned it, it was mine. So naturally, it was within my right to absorb all of it.

"Gather to me, Goddess's power!"

This universe was a magic spell, and spells were made of mana. Mana was a piece of the Goddess's power, as well as experience itself. This all made a certain thing possible. I would fuse myself with the universe and reach the realm of divinity.

Yes, this was my final move. The plan was to absorb the universe the Goddess had left behind, reach the same domain as her, punch her, and send her flying. Also, I wasn't the only one absorbing the universe. Thanks to the effects of Sagittarius's skill Ascella, Benet and Orm were sharing in the experience.

The End Point

The Endpoint is a pure white world Junpaku no sekai) that stretches on into infinity.

Then, we came upon a pure-white world that seemed to stretch on into infinity.

A place entirely devoid of sky, sea, ground, or even space. Described as a blank canvas.

It was a strange place. Everything was pure white as far as the eye could see. Neither sky nor ground existed. If you were to enclose someone in nothing but blank canvas, what they saw might be similar to this, so it followed that this was a place that was essentially blank, an untouched area where neither sky nor sea nor ground nor even space was set in stone.

A blank canvas that holds paintings—all creations of the gods such as concepts, laws, providence, limits.

Concepts, providences, laws, and even limits were all things that had been created by God. Therefore, there were no such things in the realm of God. They would just have to create their own based on their whims.

They were like trying to paint their own colors on a blank white canvas and enforce their own truths.

Inside there is nothing but empty white nothingness.

There was just white that seemed to stretch on forever, and there was no god to be found. It was just endless nothingness

There is no fantasy or dream in it, just merciless nothingness.

There was no fantasy, and there was no dream. All there was was merciless nothingness.

It is the final point of everything, the beginning and the end of everything. It encompasses all possible worlds and timelines, while also existing outside of them.

Endpoint. Alovenus has named this place, which exists outside the universe, as such. It is the place of all endings and beginnings. Every possible world and every possible time axis is connected to this place.

It is described as all-encompassing. Its vast expanse encompasses everything that conceivable and thought of. It contains all and every possible universe, dimension, and parallel world

There, Alovenus, dressed up as Santa Claus, was enjoying Christmas in a good mood. I've said it many times, but this person is the god of the Midgard. More precisely, she is the god of the Endpoint that encompasses every possible universe, dimension, and parallel world. "Is that okay with you?"

This place has no concept of size. That is to say, size has no meaning here, so it is pointless to think about. Whoever enters here will be equal and proportional in size.

The concept of size did not exist in this place. After crossing over from the universe, Ruphas and the others were now on equal footing with Alovenus. Even though they were nothing more than dust in the universe, they had unmistakably come here as enemies.

As explained earlier, this place can be understood as the highest level of the plane of existence as it stands beyond and transcends all phases of creation. There is no structure of any kind higher or outside of this place, this place is truly the end point of everything. Tremendous strength seems to be required to reach and remain in this place. If an individual does not have the necessary power, they will not be able to endure and remain in this place and will be immediately sent back to her origin.

Benetnasch tried to hide her frustration with harsh words as she patted Lufas on the shoulder. When she did so, she transferred all the mana, or experience, she had within her to Lufas. With that, Benetnasch lost the right to stay in this place and was flung back to where she had come from.

As Alovenus' domain, this place seemed have been made completely inaccessible to anyone.

The place Alovenus ruled over was something like this. Everything connected to this space, a world only for Alovenus that no one else should have been able to enter.

There is a dimensional wall that prevents any creation from entering this place. This dimensional wall is supposedly the very concept of dimension itself, as anyone who penetrates the wall will go beyond all creation and reach this place.

On my signal, two silver arrows flew off, literally piercing through space. The wall between dimensions broke, and a hole formed. We flew towards the hole, and all together, we escaped this universe. Then, we came upon a pure-white world that seemed to stretch on into infinity. Finally, we came face-to-face with the Goddess, who stood there dazed and in disbelief.

The Nature Of Gods

The inhabitants of the Endpoint perceive their creation as nothing more than a story or game played on a computer. They cannot enter creation directly, they need an avatar to do so. And so, even if their avatar is harmed in the "game" (universe), whether damaged or killed, it would basically have no effect on their overall being (true form) that stands outside of the "".

When she had become a god, that distance only became worse, and her ever-increasing power drove her further and further into loneliness.

Though there were others who could speak and communicate their will, she herself was unable to join them. It was as if she 'were looking at characters displayed on the other side of a monitor', and when she tore her eyes away, she was reminded that there was no one there but her.

Actually, I bet she'd still be calm even if I did defeat Dina. In the end, this entire universe is nothing but a game to her, something to be frustrated over if you lose and maybe something you'd get so mad over you'd never play again. But that's all. In a game, it didn't matter how many of your characters were killed. It wouldn't hurt you in real life at all.

They perceive all things as nothing more than pieces on a board

Parthenos was once a member of a clan that served the Goddess. They were agents of the Goddess who supported her from the shadows and kept the world in balance. Parthenos felt pride over the role they had been given, a role that they had probably kept ever since humanity had been born.

We're different from other people. We have been singled out by the Goddess. We are her servants who give her all our love and loyalty. To her, the clueless clergy who blindly offered the Goddess faith without even knowing what kind of being she was were nothing short of laughable, an opinion that only furthered her sense of superiority. I know the secrets of the world. I know the Goddess' true goal. I know the real meaning of her true and unwavering love of humanity.

All things are as the Goddess wills. Monsters, devilfolk, humans, and even animals — all are nothing more than pieces on a board, and only we are allowed to stand outside of the game.

Alovenus is described as the author of the world

—It seems that I've gained more memories in this situation.

It was a really interesting image, but how to deal with Scorpius was more pressing at the moment.


Scorpius, having gone mad, continued to repeat herself as the pressure she gave off only increased. This wasn't a figment of my imagination. She was undoubtedly getting stronger, as if something was pushing her evolution forward. She was exhibiting more power than her original stats allowed.

It was something that happened a lot in stories. Like, the kind of event where the main character, whose power paled in comparison to the enemy's, started spouting a speech about getting through it together or not giving up or something and kept charging at the enemy. And then by the time anyone noticed, they were suddenly fighting evenly, even though there was no reason for the gap in power to have been bridged. And a moment later, the main character's made a comeback and won.

Sometimes people labeled stuff like this as "plot convenience," but that probably just meant that the author—or in other words, the god of the story—was buffing the main character and making them stronger himself. So this must have been the same thing. Alovenus, the Goddess (author) of this world, was giving Scorpius her support, allowing her to power up with no prior effort or setup.

The world is just Alovenus's fiction

I had gotten an unexpected invitation to cooperate from the hero, so my motivation was through the roof right now. It was so high I broke through cloud nine. Of course this was all theoretical, but that was how great my mood was.

Oh man. Honestly, figuring out how to treat the hero was one of the problems on my list, since if I just ended up antagonizing him, then I'd be straight back to the "being beat up and sealed" route from two hundred years ago. He was still too weak to beat me, but he was the hero, after all. It'd be hard to tell just how much he'd change if the Goddess got involved.

It was the same way in stories, right? Even though the gap between their power was originally so large fighting wouldn't even be an option, there'd be a bunch of random events that would lead to the hero's awakening into some ridiculous, monstrous strength. Like anger from a friend's death or some sort of previously sealed power... Just like that, the hero would suddenly be stronger than the last boss.

Of course, that was just in fiction. Fiction was different from reality, so this doubt was only me mixing up fiction and reality. But unfortunately... This world was basically just the world of the Goddess's fiction, and she just loved the standard tropes and conventions. I figured she was the type to overlook at least some amount of contradiction or lack of consistency. That was why the laws of physics barely worked in this world that she'd made. For example, I wouldn't be surprised if different armors that weighed the same would affect speed in different ways or something game-like like that. Or, like, by using claws in both hands, your attack power would double.

My point being that if I underestimated and ignored the hero, then the Goddess would be free to power him up to surpass me. That wouldn't be surprising at all. So the hero coming to me to cooperate and build friendly relations was completely welcome.

Alovenus is a being that is beyond the board, that is the world


Leon's heart leapt. A kind female voice filled with love tickled his eardrums, and he could feel a premonition of power greater than he'd ever felt before throughout his entire body. This is what I've been waiting for. What I've been wanting is right here. Enough power to fight Lufas is right here. <> Leon saw an unfamiliar but beautiful blue-haired girl in his mind's eye. She smiled and extended her hand towards Leon. Obviously, this was a ploy by the Goddess and an invitation to Leon's doom, but the corners of his mouth tilted upwards as he grinned. Power... It's power! I won't lose to anyone as long as I have power. I can even fight Lufas. I don't need my pride. Power is everything. Power is absolute. Weak people can't even protect their pride anyway. Leon didn't hesitate to grab the hand offered to him. I don't need the whole pitch... Stop stalling; hurry and give it! Power. I want it! Shut up and give me absolute power that won't lose to anyone! <> The Goddess smiled and held her hand to Leon. The next moment, Leon's body explosively filled with divine power.

It happened suddenly. The fight should have been over with everything decided, but the result was overturned by an unscrupulous third party from beyond the board. Leon's entire body glowed as it overflowed with uncharact


Cosmology is the study of the cosmos—the structure, organization, and composition of all that existed. What most people would call the "known universe" was labeled the Core realm. It held the world of Xaekla, the moons, the sun, and extended out into ether. How far out into space was a question of cosmology. But there were many other realms, some very much like the Core and some so alien that they almost defied description. Like other dimensions, these other realms might overlap, surround, or penetrate the Core realm, or they might be connected by some mystic avenue, often requiring magic to explore. Together, all the various realms are referred to as the "multiverse" and they were the focus of cosmologists as they tried to map, measure, and understand the realms and their relationship to life, to death, and to each other.

There is one accepted model of the layout of the various realms within the ether and several which have been discredited over the years, this model is the Cosmic Web in which the realms are arranged and connected throughout a web of pathways leading from one realm to the next in an interconnected web.

Basic Structure

In the center of the Cosmic Web is the Core realm of Xaekla which is then surrounded by Ethereal realm matter, the ethereal realm is not a physical realm that one can touch and be within without magical protection and ability other than creations meant to live within this realm, Outside of the Core realm are the Innerweb realms which contain the elemental realms and livable realms like Neraida and Kyris. Then there are the Outerweb realms also called the realms of law and nature in which many of the realms of Afterlife reside but also realms like that of Hapire which is a realm of metal and glass. Beyond the Outerweb is the Farweb which holds the realms of alignment, more commonly called the realms of Mortal understanding. The Innerweb, Outerweb, and Farweb are all within the Ethereal realm, separated by swaths of astral border and pathway which mix and blend with the ethereal matter surrounding it, you cannot see another realm from the surface of another, at least as far as we know, but from within an astral pathway you can see all the realms laid out like a map which is how scholars were able to fully map out the spread of the realms.

The Innerweb realms contained the elemental realms of air, water, earth, and fire, with smaller sub-elemental planes of light, smoke, ash, magma, ooze, and ice; the smaller sub-elemental planes are typically unmapped due to their vast unimportance. There are also the realms of life: Swuwal, Kweg, Madayus, Sokyal, Ki'mander, and the Everpools, these realms are inhabited by various sapient species which is why they are called the realms of life.

Demirealms can be found all throughout the Ethereal realm though, unlike all other realms besides Farweb realms, there are no passages which lead to them meaning that you would have to have a specific "key" in order to obtain access to a Demirealm. These planes may come into creation by way of a powerful wizard, god, or demi-god. Each Demirealm will collapse in on itself when its creator dies or if they are abandoned for a long enough period of time, in the case of their collapse they remerge with their parent Ethereal. These realms are also called private realms as access to them can be highly limited due to their disconnection to the main web.

Core Realm

The Core realm is that of the realm of Xaekla, it is an immensely hospitable realm with various races of varying sizes and shapes and creatures of all make, making the Core realm the most livable out of all 42 known realms. The Core realm gained its name from it being well, the center of the known Cosmological universe, with all other realms surrounding it. It is unknown if said realms revolve around the Core or if they are simply bound in one place as a building may be if an immovable rod was built into its center.

Innerweb Realms

The realms of the Innerweb are those which are of relative closeness to the Core realm, they are often also called the Material Realms or the Physical realms as they have a physical presence with different races and creatures oppisote to that of realms like the Hells or Heavens. These realms are highly hospitable with this reflecting in the numerous races that inhabit them and often have their own number of moons like that of the Core realm. Some believe that the realms of the innerweb are simply planets within the same solar system as Xaekla, or the Core realm, as each of these realms has only one sun which is the same in a size and appearance as the sun of Xaekla; but there are numerous others which claim this theory is highly unlikely and simply myth.

The Innerweb realms contained the elemental realms of air, water, earth, and fire, with smaller sub-elemental planes of light, smoke, ash, magma, ooze, and ice; the smaller sub-elemental planes are typically unmapped due to their vast unimportance. There are also the realms of life: Swuwal, Kweg, Madayus, Sokyal, Ki'mander, and the Everpools, these realms are inhabited by various sapient species which is why they are called the realms of life.

Realms of Life

The Realms of Life are realms in which various sapient and sentient species exist and occur semi-organically, they hold various plant species and could be inhabited by races from other Realms of Life like Xaekla with similar ease if not a little bit of dedication.

Xaekla: the realm at the center of the Cosmic Web, where all deities and beings have and will converge. There are a number of ancestries that have originated on the realm with a number of them originating from neighboring realms like the elves and ogiagians. It is a versatile realm with enviroments that can cater to the needs of numerous creatures.

Neraida: one of the closest neighboring realms of Xaekla, it is covered in lush vegitation the cover the entirety of the realm in vast jungles and sprawling forests. There are no deserts or tundra's with the majority of the realm having a humid, tropical climate. A single day on the realm is 19 hours with just 1 hour being night.

Swuwal: this realm neighbors Neraida and Xaekla, it is often confused as being Neraida due to the similar tropic climate and sprawling jungles. One can tell the difference between the two realms in the form of Swuwal's kukida trees and their fruit as well as the lengthier days.

Kweg: a dark and cold realm covered in deserts of ash and black glass, it is home to the krynn ancestry. A single day lasts 24 hours with daylight taking up 5 out of 24 hours, making the realm a mostly nocturnal and frigid realm in which the species that reside here have adapted to survive the harsh conditions.

Madayus: a bright, sunlit realm of expansive sand deserts inhabited largely by the mulai and inia ancestries.

Sokyal: a realm composed of a single tundra with a multitude of massive mountain ranges and a number of species able to survive its elements. It has one dim sun and 7 moons of varying distances and sizes.

Ki'mander: a somewhat newer realm created to house the various ancestries of noid. It is a realm filled with infinite mountain ranges and vast plains that never ends in order to be forever hospitable for the noidic ancestries and the other large creatures that reside on the realm, however, this vastness can make it extremely easy to get lost.

The Everpools: a realm of lakes, rivers, and pools broken up by pockets of lands on which semi-aqatic species can take refuge. The everpools are know for the mermaid ancestries which inhabit it that migrated from their original home in neraidia.

Elemental Realms

The Elemental realms are those which harbor an element of nature, these are also the realms from which a spellcaster may tap into to cast a magical spell related to said element. They are largely uninhabitable by most races and species from the Realms of Life but do have their own creatures known as Elementals that can live and survive within these infinite spaces.

Realm of Air: a realm that was the most hospitable to beings from the Realms of Life because the substance of the plane was breathable and travel was fairly easy. The whole realm looked like the bluest sky on a summer day with only the occasional cloud or storm indicating the intrusion of some other element into the constant wind that was the Realm of Air. Pieces of solid matter floated in this realm and became home to other-planer creatures.

Realm of Water: an ocean without a surface, there is a gentle pressure from all directions which becomes heavier the closer to the "center" to get the feeling within the plane is that of being several feet beneath the surface of the ocean on the Core realm. In regards of salinity it is less salty the closer to the "surface" you get becoming purely freshwater at the very top and the farther from the surface you get it becomes more and more briny. It is almost chillingly cold the deeper and deeper you get, in addition to the lack of air most cannot travel to this plane without some sort of magical protection.

Realm of Earth: inhospitable to its very core, the Elemental realm of Earth was simply dense and solidly packed rock, mineral, and crystal occasionally broken up by pockets of other intruding elements. A non-native of the realm would find themselves trapped if they had no way to traverse through solid stone and would die from lack of oxygen, if that is something they require.

Realm of Fire: filled with all manner of flame from the warm orange glow of a candle to the white-hot glow of heated steel, all burning without energy or fuel, radiating light and heat at there most intense levels. Most matter and beings would be quickly consumed by the heat and intensity of the flames if not protected but for pockets known as "cold" spots which are similar in heat to a hot desert on the Core realm. For those wishing to traverse outside of these cold spots, they would require some sort of protection against fire and heat, most of which is not strong enough to completely protect one for an extended amount of time.

Sub-Elemental Realms

These realms are the culmination of two or more elemental realms boundaries mixing together to create a separate sub-realm of the parent realms. These realms are smaller in size are seen as less significate, not even mapped on the commonly used form of the Cosmic web.

Realm of Smoke: this realm is a combination of the elements of fire and air which gave birth to this realm. Also called the Realm of Ash and the Realm of Smoke and Ash, this realm appears as a cloud of thick, dark grey smoke which became lighter and easier to breath within the closer you get to the Elemental Realm of Air and thicker and darker with a luminous backdrop the closer you get to the Elemental Realm of Fire. The "ground" was purely made of ash which kicked up in swirling whirlwinds from the Realm of Air. Ash and smoke particles makes it difficult to breath to the point of asphyxiation so travellers needed to be prepared.

Realm of Magma: the culmination of the Elemental Realm of Fire and the Elemental Realm of Earth, this realm is a vast rocky plain broken up by mountains and volcanos. There were lakes and rivers of lava which are hotter than the surface of the sun with it being impossible for those of a non-elemental nature being unable to live within this realm. Pockets of liquifying steam would be an unwelcome surprise for any traveler.

Realm of Ooze: between the realms of elemental Earth and elemental Water was the realm of Sub-Elemental Ooze, also known as the Never-ending Swamp Close to Earth the rocks and dirt took on a clammy dampness. As you moved toward Water, the density decreased to a quicksand-like state and then thinned out to muddy silt. Spells and devices that provided water breathing capability worked in this plane also. Pockets of Water would form an irregular bubble in the muck.

Realm of Ice: the realm of sub-elemental Ice, also known as the Frost-lands, was found between the planes of elemental Water and elemental Air. Scattered icebergs marked the border with Water, eventually becoming solid ice broken by fissures and caverns until finally jutting into the plane of Air as ice cliffs. This plane shared the restrictively solid nature of the plane of Earth. Pockets of Water took the form of underground lakes while pockets of Air would form ice caverns of any shape or size.

Energy Realms

Energy realms are realms that are entirely non-material. They are uninhabitable because of their lack of air, water, and other necessary elements to provide and sustain life, there is nothing that can live within these realms beside their Elementals.

Positive Energy Realm: also known as the Realm of Life, every atom of this realm vibrated with intense energy and produced light across a wide spectrum. An unprotected traveler would quickly be blinded by the intensity of the light and in a matter of minutes, all their aliments, both gained and born with, are healed before the individual explodes and becomes part of the plane itself. All non-magical and non-living material was disposed of in an even quicker fashion.

Negative Energry Realm: also known as the Realm of Death, everything in this realm sucked in all matter and energy creating a cold, pitch dark realm with structures made up of physical, solid blackness. Any unprotected visitor would quickly sicken, shrivel up, and die in minutes. No light sources could penetrate the darkness and non-magical material collapsed into dust and joined the black depths of the realm. Many undead drew their animating force from the Negative Energy plane which allowed them to drain life force from the living.

Outerweb Realms

The Outerweb is slightly less inhabitable, there are still a few material or physical realms like those of Xaekla and Neraida, but there are also the realms of the Heavens and the Hells in which mortals can visit but often cannot stay in for long periods of time due to their nature. Many of these realms are known as Afterlife realms in which a person may attend and be bound to after their death in a spirit or monstrous form; examples of these Afterlife realms are the Heavens and Hells in which one may take on a different appearance as they did in life, however there are also creations of gods which may live in these realms but not be trapped within them and unable to leave.

Afterlife Realms

Realms in which mortals may attend after death are called the Afterlife Realms. They are home to the spirits of the dead but also other beings that live within these realms but are not bound to it as the dead are.

Irara/Seven Hells: also called 'the Hells', Irara is a multilayered realm that is the home of demons and fiends. Each layer was created to punish a different 'sin' and as such each layer is different. The seven layers are: Kibir, Meharo, Damaca, Dnimo, Iakus, Hnev, and Caajin. There are some that consider the Pools of Chaos to also be a layer of the hells.

Irota/Eight Hevens: also called 'the Heavens', Irota is a multilayered realm that is home to various gods, angels, and souls of deceased mortals. It is the complete oppisote of the hells, with bright open air and buildings made of marble and glass. The eight layers of Irota are: Osyni, Imiota, Ilania, Imios, Leiotitia, Naiotita, Ikotito, and Gias.

Limbo: the Realm of Lost Souls is an expansive flat black plain of immeasurable size broken up by craggy mountains and steep ravines in which beings from other realms make their home within and on. There is a single beacon at the center of the realm which can be seen from its farthest corner, this beacon is the Soul Spire which is what captures and holds the lost spirits within the realm.

Squalid Depths: an afterlife realm exclusively use for the worst of the worst, powerfully evil gods who have been felled but their spirits left behind, demonic lords, and other beings of immense power which they have used for personal gain and evil. This realm has no sky with the "ceiling" and "floor" being a mere 3 feet apart at almost all times, forcing these spirits to be hunched in constant agony. The realm is filthy, used as a "dump" of sorts for the rejected creations of the gods as well as creations made by the evil beings trapped within the realm itself.

Livable Realms

There are a few realms outside of the Innerweb which are possible for beings from realms within the Innerweb to be able to live and survive on. These realms have at least 3 things: air, water, and food. There are sapient and sentient species from these realms themself which inhabit it and have also attempted to live on one of the Innerweb realms in previous times, however, it is notably more difficult for natives of the Outerweb to attempt to survive within the Innerweb, though this reason is unknown.

Shadow Realm: a realm in constant shades of black and grey, the shadow realm was once a layer of the Seven Hells before it was separated and replaced. It is a constant mountain range broken up by the smallest pockets of flat land at almost impossible to reach places, chunks of the earth float within the sky, rotating around the central lake of Suhulous, named so after the goddess Suphulous who was killed on the Shadow realm

Bright Heights: believed to be a mirror realm reflecting that of the Shadow realm, Bright heights is an equally treacherously mountainous realm dotted with caves and small pockets of flat land. There are a variety of avian species that call this realm there home and the lesser god of nature, Haruna, has claimed this realm as her own and fiercely defends its beauty against invaders, though mortals are allowed free passage so long as they do not harm the nature of the realm.

Hapire: A realm that is similar to Xaekla in many ways down to the number of days a year and found biomes, the difference is the color of hapire is the complete oppisote of Xaekla, the grass is red rather than green, the sky ranges from yellow to dark red, and trees bark is black rather than brown. It is said to be the rejected first version of Xaekla, though the inhabitants loathe this theory.

Uncharted Sands: a rocky, mountainous realm rife with sand and orbiting moons/planets, the sky is stuck in perpetual night though the sun glows brightly on the horizon at all times. One of the planets, deemed Ebber's eye, is believed to the be the eye of the fallen Lich king Ebber Wesk who was banished to Uncharted Sands and swiftly killed by the local lording deity.

Farweb Realms

The realms of the Farweb are realms create through the possible alignments of a person. Good or evil, lawful or chaotic, and neutral; these realms reflect the nature of these people in how it takes its shape and appearance. These realms are often inhabited by gods of the same alignment, as well as various mythical creatures or "copies" of creatures found on other realms such as how Mt. Luminous has mountainous goats found on Xaekla.

Mount Luminous

The home of Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral deities and celestial creatures, Mt. Luminous is a single floating peak about a pad of fluffy clouds. The mountain itself is about 40,000 ft tall made purely of pale white stone and marble with cuts of silver, mithril, and gold laced throughout. The peak of the mountain is home to the purest of heart who guard the home of the Lawful Good deities that live at the top, a traveler to this realm must prove their intentions are pure and just if they wish to travel higher up the mountain, those who cannot prove their lawfulness are cast out of the realm for a number of years before they may return.


Named after the first Neutral Good deity Alavandra of Swuwal, this realm is home to those who ride the line of neutrality and goodness. It is a vast field of flowing grass and flowers with a rigid mountain range along the east side, the sky is perpetually stuck at sunset with a constant gentle breeze that smells of honey and earth being the only disturbanc

Godverse Cosmology



Date Published





Unknown (Varies)


Beyond time


Godsphere, Adamasphere, Purgasphere, Edensphere, Lucisphere, and the Nullsphere


King and Queen Godverse

" From ugh-mology to Cozmo-ology! My cosmology rewrite is the cat's meow Koavire! „

~ Cozmo

The Godverse Wiki is contained under the Aeterframe (Not engine). The Aeterframe is essentially Godverse, created by Cozmo as the new iteration for a new generation of gods & goddesses to relax, enjoy, and seek sanctity. The original cosmology of Godverse was fashioned by King Godverse, and it's still tweaked upon by the almighty king.

Commission Tailing Stars


The creation of Godverse is owed to the Aeter Continuum, and the member of that continuum King Godverse. Through the efforts provided by these two sources, the Godverse- also known as the Aeterframe- was formed. These two built Godverse for the ultimate home for Gods and Goddesses of the Undertale Fandom. While the Aeter Continuum built Godverse to play participants in the drama afforded by its refugee residents, King Godverse built Godverse to be worshipped as the god he believed himself to be.

Ultimately, because of King Godverse's true motives, the Aeter Continuum decided to leave Godverse. The continuum had no need for his childish antics and didn't want the undesirable atmosphere he had formed. So King Godverse, without the help of the Aeter Continuum, would open his mouth and spew forth a calamity; lights, sounds, colors, and more to settled into fluctuating positions. All concepts, all ideas, and beyond those ideas were formed by Koavire's various designs and implementations.

The Adamasphere was formed as a playground for the Gods. Where "mortal" residents of any dimensional caliber could serve as a form of amusement for the gods. The Godscape was created as a home- and prison- for the refugees of the Undertale Fandom.

The Godscape was fromed as a boundless playground for the refugees of the narrative. From Undertale Fandoms they were cast out, so the Godscape was designed to accompany the rejects and misfits of the narrative with open arms. As this Godverse grew from the callous sovereignty of King Godverse, it has seen purges and policy changes that standardized quality control and required better articulation from the authors. This proper articulation and quality control is forced by the E-Continuum who sort through the non-omniversal works of fiction and decide what narratives have followed certain standards, and which ones have not.

The Purgascape was created by King Godverse as the staircase into and out of the cosmology.

The Astral Divide was created as the byproduct of the great Dragon. This great dragon is feeding off of dissolution ideas, using its personal funnel- also known as The Deep- to siphon down the raw ideas and feed off of them. Why King Godverse allows its presence in the cosmology is uncertain, but the rumor persists that the King has reasoned with the beast and has arranged for this creature's place in some sort of grand scheme to balance the Cosmology. Unfortunately, another rumor has sprouted that due to this unique arrangement, perhaps the spirits of those lost to The Deep are consumed. Therefore ending the possibility of traveling to the Shamasphere. The only way to be naturally pulled into the Deep is to be forgotten and/or under a rare set of circumstances with a glitch in the Adamasphere, so many who are aware of the afterlife Koavire offers make it their mission to never be forgotten during their lives.

Along with the rest of the cosmology which was formed for either uncertain or nonexistent reasons by either Koavire or the Aeter Continuum.


The structure of the Godverse is complicated. Built upon the foundations of uncertainty, reinforced through nigh-omnipotence, and finished with a touch of limbo, the structure is designed on the premise that one needed to not follow logic for creation. Reality, time, space, death, life, these concepts- or ideas- are simply a manifestation of Koavire's ideas. Koavire's own concepts. The context these concepts follow can shift, and sometimes change completely.

The cosmology of the Godverse is purported to be always changing and evolving, transforming into something new. It's this constant continuation of evolution and growth. One could even call the Aeterframe, or just simply Godverse, a never-ending library of different books and stories which follow a dictionary. The Dictionary, the book of god, houses endless words with endless definitions to associate with those words. Those who read the dictionary are beyond the infinite layers of boundless in virtually every understandable manner of speaking; boundless as an entirety. The book of God is merely a manifestation and total sum of the Cosmology through neither finite nor infinite layers of transcendence and conceptual/nonconceptual evolution.

Consider the Great Book to be the fiction; realities, numbers, geometries, times, spaces, realms, and the total collection of ideas either thought or unthought of Godverse. The viewers and readers of this book extend to the False Omniversal+ and real-life readers. To look up from the pages of this book as its being read in real life is to break the fourth wall.

The Cosmology

Luminare Zone

Microverse - Structures with a number of dimensions less than 4. Microverses will commonly have an unpredictable timeline with distorted causality, or simply no time at all.

Universe - Infinite 4-dimensional (three of space, one of time) structure containing infinite matter. Universes are characterized as AUs (Alternate Universes) that share the same underlying theme with other universes but manifest in a myriad of different variations of that theme.

Paraverse - For every possibility down to the quantum level of a Universe, there exists a reality parallel in size and dimensions to the Universe in question, all contained within the Paraversal Structure.

Paraversal Structure - Every Universe and its Paraverses are contained within a Paraversal Structure. The Paraversal Structure transcends the Universe and its Paraverses, being an infinite sized 5-dimensional structure.

Multiverse - A structure encompassing an uncountably infinite number of Universes, along with their Paraversal Structure. All the Universes contained within a Multiverse share a common theme- as in, a common theory of everything and fundamental set of laws, with things such as the structure of mathematics to esoteric forces varying from Multiverse to Multiverse. The Multiverse itself is transcendent of all Paraversal Structures contained, being an infinite 6-dimensional structure.

Low Zone

In the Multiversal Hierarchy, there exists a countably infinite number of Multiverses, each with their own Theme. It is a constant that every single structure within the hierarchy transcends the previous level / layer, viewing it as an, infinitesimal structure. On each level, there exists a countably infinite number of Multiverses. This hierarchy, as stated before, contains a number of Multiverses parallel to Aleph-0, each superseding the previous. Another constant of these Multiverses is that no matter what, the Paraverses and Paraversal Structure will exist in the same functionality, with the Paraversal Structure of each Complex Universe transcending it. So, to recap:

Complex Universe - Structure that may contain any number of dimensions, ranging from 7D to a countably infinite number of dimensions. The amount of matter contained and overall size as a result, varies greatly, with each higher Complex Universe transcending the last.

Complex Paraverse - For every quantum possibility in a Complex Universe, there exists a reality parallel to the Complex Universe in size and dimensions, with similar variation based on position in the hierarchy.

Complex Paraversal Structure - The Complex Paraversal Structure contains a Complex Universe and all of its Complex Paraverses whilst transcending them, similarly varying greatly, the range being between 8D and a countably infinite number of dimensions.

Complex Multiverse - A structure encompassing an uncountably infinite number of Complex Universes along with their Paraverses and Paraversal structure, whilst transcending all of them. The size and dimensionality of this varies depending on its position in the hierarchy, the range being anywhere from 9D to a countably infinite number of dimensions.

Superious Zone

The Astral Divide - The Astral Divide is a construct placed in between all Multiverses on every single level in the hierarchy. The dimensionality of the Astral Divide varies on a level to level basis, reaching a countably infinite number of dimensions at the highest and 1 dimension at the lowest. Functioning as the only method of travel between Multiverses, this highway is a perilous one. Overconfident travelers face the risk of being whisked deeper into the sea of the Astral Plane, alongside all forgotten concepts of the Adamasphere.

The Astral Plane - Anything forgotten in the Adamasphere has a chance to end up here. The Astral Plane is the name given to the inescapable sections of the Astral Divide with a particularly powerful "current''. This layered current funnels forgotten ideas, characters, and concepts from the Adamasphere and melts them down into their most basic state of being as raw ideas. Creatures who are pulled by the current and sea are slowly broken apart, and their life experiences, powers, are separated from each other as every dimension from one to countably infinite are blended together as they melt down. Effectively destroying the integrity of any invention, physical structure, multiversal structure, dimensional structure, story, or character and reverting it into pure notion and quintessence.

The Deep - The Deep is the name given to the dark construct existing after the Astral Plane. Matter, energy, dimension, soul, and spirit is completely eviscerated. Now everything is pure thought and idea. Harvested by the great serpent, and lost forever, all pure notions and ideas are completely unsalvageable; crushed into a singularity of ideas.

Adamasphere - The structure encompassing the entire Multiversal Hierarchy and the Astral Divide. The Adamasphere does not exist as a final layer, rather transcending the entire hierarchy's model and framework. It is a structure with uncountably infinite dimensions, parallel to Aleph-1. Home to gods such as Sir Matrix.

The Adamasphere was created as a 'playground for the gods' in an effort to stave away the boredom of many powerful, intelligent and godly beings. The strictly divine-oriented nature of Godverse was problematic for many of the egos present. Therefore the Adamasphere was created to ensure the higher gods had some form of amusement or entertainment to satiate their desires. Though after the change of rulership, the Adamasphere had become more important and less of a toy for the higher gods' amusement.

The Adamasphere is another cog in the great Aeterframe. Adamasphere, unlike the Godscape, houses every 'mortal' resident or lesser god of the Godverse pantheon in an effort to divide the preposterously powered residents from the slightly reasonably powered residents. This system has allowed for some semblance of order and balance to ensue, with the divide between both parties regularly monitored by the Temverse Temmies. The functionality and stability of the multiversal hierarchy are maintained by the Temverse Temmies; the Temmies help ensure that mortals have a fair survival-rate against those who live within the Godscape through careful moderation of divine activities and privileges. Those who follow rules are allowed access, but those who don't follow rules are, at best, sent to the timeout box, and at worst, tem-banned from accessing the Adamasphere.

Dreadscape - The Dreadscape is a structure shadowing the Adamasphere, existing as its absolute equal yet opposite. Created as the aftermath of Anti-God choking the Adamasphere, the Dreadscape is home to a great swarm of non-existent properties and things, blending through the world's illogic to take on forms and twisted narratives which seem to follow no specific order nor logic, besides the idea that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong, existing gruesomely for a fleeting moment then vanishing. It's the realm of the macabre, the shadow of the Adamasphere. All stories of the dreadscape feature a strange mist and/or fog that permeate across any story-aspect. The mist can whisper solemn vows of perpetual madness and snatch people from the dead of night, replacing them with abominations and foul, dark creatures of the night.

Otherverse - The path between the Godsphere and the Adamasphere, the Otherverse functions as a transitioning phase for the transcendents of the Godscape into the limits of the Adamasphere, either for the purpose of entry or merely for more immersive spectating. The Otherverse however, contains layers, spread across two zones, which Gods will move through, gradually becoming more and more limited. For convenience's sake, these will be listed from the lesser Otherverse to the greater Otherverse. Note that once a God enters the Otherverse, or goes down a layer, it is impossible to go back up, and the Temverse Temmies must be contacted for extraction. As well as spectating Gods, the Otherverse is home to beings that lie within a gray area, not held down to the Adamasphere, but not incoherent enough to be damned to the Godscape. Typically, visiting gods find themselves in the Otherverse upon entry.

Lesser Otherverse - The layer right above the Adamasphere transcends it, being a structure with a number of dimensions parallel to Aleph-2, the next, Aleph-3, then, Aleph-4, continuing on to an uncountably infinite number of layers. Each higher layer adds to the number of dimensions, transcending the last layer, extending into an uncountably infinite number of layers. These are all contained by the final Zone on the descent, the Superious Zone, which contains the Adamasphere.

Infinitum Zone

Greater Otherverse - Upon entry in the Otherverse, Gods will be inside of the Infinitum Zone, a structure which transcends the Superious Zone and its layers as a whole, being not a final or endlessly transcendent layer, but (on its lowest levels) completely transcendent of the lesser hierarchy's entire ordering of layers, possible and not. The Greater Otherverse and all its layers are immeasurable in all aspects. All areas in every layer of the Greater Otherverse, regardless of the fact that they could be infinitesimal to the layer which contains them, are immeasurable through previous descriptions of size built on infinite hierarchies, the size being entirely inaccessible and unachievable through any recursion. Each layer in the Greater Otherverse transcends the one below it similarly, its infinitesimal areas being immeasurable even via the entirety of the lower layer.

Transcendence Zone

Godscape - The Godscape is a construct that voids all expressions and singular sets of definability. It instead redefines itself independently to accompany custom laws of definability for every visitor or resident who dwells inside of it. The definitions for concepts and no concepts are divided into endless 'pockets' in a realm known as Silly Zone. These pockets simulate different concepts- or lack thereof- and basically define themselves to simulate any visitors' original cosmology definitions and rules.

The Godscape's Silly Zone is connected by a vast ocean. With the pockets- akin to bubbles- busy forming godly realms, unique narratives, creating new concepts, and new cosmologies for any visitor to operate within, the sea will demonstrate a level of awareness as it picks and chooses what settings are in violation of The Great Design.

Purgascape - The Purgascape is the gateway into the Shamasphere, functioning as a staircase to exit the cosmology and as the- although slightly superior- equal of the Godscape. It's the journey every member of the Adamasphere takes to become an Unrealist in the House of God. The Purgascape is purported to be a gray desert of sorts, guarded by every erased or dead god from the Godscape. This place itself is potentially beyond any and all concepts, logics, or rules for what can or cannot happen. It's the same as Godscape, but exclusively for dead denizens of the Adamasphere.

The spirits, not souls, arise from the sands of this desert, littered with gray pyramid-like structures and levitate into the gray void that is a "sky". In this sky, is something akin to white northern lights. These lights flicker and frolic endlessly past the absolute infinity, beckoning spirits to rise through them and shed their inhibitions.

Overvoid - The Overvoid is the Overvoid. It is neither a space nor a place. Devoid of any 'real' color to those who can pry at it. It is neither possible, impossible, infinite, finite, emptiness or void. It is a lack of.

The Celestial Sea - The Celestial Sea overlooks and transcends both Overvoid, Godscape, and Adamasphere. Most commonly referred to as the Twilight Zone, The Celestial Sea is set as an inaccessible plane above existence and nonexistence within any given context. This sea is composed of a rippling transparent ocean that overlooks both Overvoid and Godscape in their entirety. The ocean is populated solely by ruined islands of ancient castle debris, villages, and monuments dedicated to the original set of Godverse Nobility. These ruins function as a silent testament to the failure of King Godverse's callous disposition.

The Beyond

The Great Library - The Great Library houses the Book of God, the great dictionary that defines all higher concepts (Life, Death, Tiers, Transcendence, Power, Authority, ect) under endless variants of ideas and definability. The 'number' of pages of this great dictionary is unquantifiable, being neither existent nor nonexistent. To The Great Library, Godverse is a fictional endeavor.

It defines everything in the cosmology, and runs the Godscape and Purgascape. Authors add their books to this library in different sections, in what is essentially the narrative of Godverse personified. It's guarded by the word of Koavire, and by his guard of gods. The authors, and The Book of God, coincide with one another as the authors borrow definitions from this book to use in their creations. The librarians of the E-Continuum overlook the books inserted by the authors and sort it through canon or non-canon titles. They decide how powerful something is, what that power means, what authority means, what anything means. They regulate and control ideas, and those beyond ideas.

Shamasphere - The Shamasphere exceeds all levels. Infinitely beyond Godverse as a meta-fictional narrative fully aware of their fictional status and of the presence of the real world; Unrealists dwell here. No rules are present, and nothing is under a single definition or even definable. Known as the Hoary Heaven or Elysia, the Shamasphere is unto the House of God. They may visit and read from the The Great Library at a whim and overlook Godverse as a fictional story.

Aeter Engine/The Orrery - The Godverse Wiki, Deusverse Wiki, and any other Wiki/fictional work that can join the sovereignty of King Godverse is within the Aeter Engine. Where the Godverse and Deusverse are both immensely powerful and formidable structures, the Aeter Engine completely dwarfs and supersedes all their structures. View the Aeter Engine not of the Godverse Cosmology, but as a never-ending amount of Aeterframes/Godverse Wikis and Shamaspheres. These are unused variations of the Aeterframes/Godverse Wikis contained within a ring, acting as endless empty backup cosmologies that transition the contents, events, and characters of the Godverse into the copy. Built in case of the Godverse's destruction, and to justify the continuation of the W

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