Chapter : cosmology and information on this fiction
In this page I will tell more about the cosmology of this novel
There is something thing called real world in this world there are humans that have the power of imagination and can create anything with their imagination and they are called the creation god as they created everything like power's, god's and many more and in this world is where readers live
And they are at the center of world of library
With the power of there imagination they created book of existence with every book is higher than the other book
In this world everything has it own intelligence and a physical form for example
Goddess of book she represent the world of library as she is the world of library itself and there is something called goddess of void and she represent void itself
In this novel there is something called eye of existence this eye See's all of existence the future and past and present, different time line , different existence this eye See's all and it the eye of the Aazam and it also has power to destroy their existence down to their very origin no matter where they are they will get destroy by the eye of existence
In this novel there are verious world that are completely different from everything this world contains anime from everywhere as well as it contains every fictional world and they are connected to the author world and everything thing that is created by Aazam
To make his son stronger and all of them are any in front of him there are some being that can damage his brothers but all of them are like ant front of the Aazam
They are being that died and were reborn in another world with a special power that will help them become more powerful then other
And faster as well they get their special power from Aazam
The recreations when they finish their story they will be transported to the main world
For example when a character complete the story then they will come to the main world to follow Aazam's will this is their lives
Planed by Aazam"
Everything that will be told or will be Sayed will be at book of existence and as you all know there is infinite books
In this novel all of fictional work is present this of why other words cosmology I will explain so that you know how big one book of existence is all that I will say is only in one book of existence or fiction
Simplified SCP Chinese Branch Cosmology
I will move fast, if you want sources for a specific claim ask for it in the comments:
-The Universe has infinite dimensions at the subatomic level, and as different universal planes,, endless potential timelines, a platonic realm, infinite size, arbitrary paradimensions, can contain nested narratives, computers that simulate universes, and each quark can have a universe, universes are tegmark type-IV.
-Infinite universes form a meta-universe, infinite meta-universes form a multiverse, there are some universes/multiverses which are more "real" than others in a hierarchy, there are endless alternate dimensions and realities in the greater multiverse, all universes are real, and each and every alternate possibility within the greater multiverse makes another multiverse, ad infinitum, permutations of permutations (this includes the act of traveling multiverses, intentionally creating universes, destroying universes, etc). The greater multiverse can be described as spirals within spirals within spirals. There are also the afterlives here.
-Great Multiverses run on transinfinite recursion, each will eventually lead to the creation of a more conceptually and physically complex multiverse, until infinity, then infinite infinities, and infinity of that, and so on well beyond the concievable by the human mind.
-All human-understandable ideas are in the big sea of memes of the nöosphere, which contains the concept of math, time itself, gods that are generated due to its influence, different sections for various faculties of thought, etc. The nöosphere crosses with the cybersphere (all digital data), and are both contained by the semiosphere (all impulses and rationality), which is contained by the Patasphere, the set of all possibilities narratively possible with both the nöosphere and all inside it and the anti-nöosphere and all inside it, pataspheres run on narremes and anti-narremes, which are counterparts to memes and anti-memes, outside of the semiosphere but still within the patasphere are alternate logical axioms and non-human perceptions.
-there are several pataspheres for every yggdrasil, which grow and are cut constantly, each branch of a given yggdrasil has a wanderer's library that has all the books ever or never written in there, yggdrasils can crossover and generate infinite possibilities.
-a narrative layer is formed by an n-dimensional set of narrative planes, which each can contain many narratives, a narrative is a series of narremes forming a sequence of events, these planes can cross at many points, the overall narrative layer contains everything in this plane of existence. Including the conceptual hierarchy.
-the conceptual hierarchy is made up of tiers of conceptuality, each more dominant and inconcievable than the last such that high concepts can eat lower ones, first are thoughtforms "platonic forms", second are gods, third are abstract concepts, fourth are beyond human comprehension "anti-nöosphere", fifth is the Patasphere level, there are 256.713 tiers in total.
-each narrative layer is reality to fiction trascendant over the contents of the lower layers, there are countably infinite layers stacked on top of one another in a Narrative Stack.
-there are billions of narrative stacks in the Hyperstructure, which is below the Proxyverse, proxyverse is made up of pseudo-authors playing god by using supercomputers to simulate these endless multiverses.
-the Inverted Narrative Tree can contain layers of narrative above proxyverse, there are recursively more narratives downwards, in fact there are countably infinite narrative layers above proxyverse, until the Pseudo-Mind.
-there are uncountable narrative trees in the garden of narratives, which also has the Infosphere, a realm containing all information and all pataspheres and an infinite hierarchy of aleph numbers until inaccessible cardinal, it also has "tapeworms" which are the most fodder of beings in the ecosystem that can still eat a nöosphere easy as pie; the Tree of Knowledge is the archetype of all cosmic trees, it contains the Wanderer's library which is narratively above all scp articles, and has a hierarchy of low elder gods, surpassed by high elder gods (who have to restrain their power constantly to not break the tree), surpassed by the Death Brothers, surpassed by the Almighty. There are also narrative loops which are separate from the stacks, they are narrative layers stacked on one another that loop back around.
-then there are those scans in the images, i don't even understand anything anymore, also Chutulhu Mythos is canon to SCP CN, and also everything you ever thought about SCP Foundation (headcanons) is canon according to SCP-CN-2474 to some degree, also every layer of reality>fiction can potentially create more layers inbetween each other to separate the author and the creation by more pseudo-authors.
-the pseudo-mind i mentioned earlier? It is a dream of THE MIND, which is almost like the true god of SCP, but not at all. There are several interpretations of it, a literal brain floating in space, a living universe that creates stories by itself, OUR universe literally, or even just another plane of narratives that just happened to be the first (thanks to narrativistics, all are true at once). Also there is this "Illusion Tree" in SCP-CN-1242 that sprouted the tree of knowledge as an offshoot and that started causality narratively speaking, odd.
-above all the higher narrative layers, there is the narrative buffer layer, made by the foundation to imprison the authors.
-above this is the Alpha⁰ narrative layer, a void in which the authors write their intentions and it trickles down into the greater multiverse.
-all of these narrative systems are made by SCP-CN-1875, a urinary that makes bubbles and retroactively alters the narrative structure to fit the latest interpretation of it. Deleted anomalies go to SCP-5356 btw.
-there is also whitespace where things deleted from reality go, and it contains old cosmology models as well; Unreality is another place where deleted things go, but when deleted by SCP-2747, and they are outside narratives.
-there are way too many Supreme Gods to name, each can have severe impact on this overall structure, all of them can die by a single punch from SCP-CN-001 Diorite's proposal "Infas".
-the ALPHA layer has the authors, that make everything and are above narratives. Pattern screamers are below narratives.
-outside all of these things i mentioned is the Delusional Domain, which has infinite Phantom Bubbles, each can contain a narrative tree forest or more if i am understanding correctly
I know this is very unprofessional, but this is what SCP CN lore does to the human brain.
-the Void Emperor Xuhuang made all the Phantom Bubbles, the Scarlet Demon could destroy countless Phantom Bubbles, the Jester in Yellow could play with them; the Black Existence "Logos" is the order of causality/predictability and logic on all of creation, Red Existence "Adabas" is the chaos of unpredictability and passion in creation; the Koitern has a beauty that goes beyond all mathematical infinities, also he is above Void Emperor Xuhuang and is the embodiment of the True God.
-Metanormalcy/True God/Supreme Author is the creator of everything and the true form of SCP-173, everything and nothing started when this One split into Two, Divinity and Non-divinity, Duality and non-Duality, me and you, etc.
Reality is divided into layers. The first one is the physical world, the Mudball, the Skinlands, the Autumn World, whatever name you wanna call it, Earth. The real world where regular people live.
On the other side of the physical world is the spirit world, the Umbra, although there are three layers to it; High, Middle and Low. Expanding outwards in layers. The first layer is the Penumbra, the reflection of the physical world; very similar to how thing are in reality but with the touch of the Umbra.
The High Umbra, aka the Astral World, is the world of thoughts and ideas. It's a world of mind and the conceptual. Where you go, how fast you move, how much time passes... those all depends on your thoughts and how focused your mind is. It is commonly visited by Mages, Vampires and were-gators.
The first layer, the High Penumbra, looks like the physical world, but with the ideas that embody places more than actual places themselves. For example, in the astral penumbra of the US the Statue of Liberty might be huge, since it's a big symbol of the country.
Expanding outward from there, you get the Vulgate, which is where you'll find the collective ideas of humanity, and it's a hub for various Realms. Above the Vulgate are the Spires, which are less like physical objects and more concentrated ideas. They can be climbed, however that is more a mental exercise than actual physical climbing. Among the Spires are the various Courts, such the Elemental Courts, where one can find elemental spirits. Keep going up the Spire and you'll find the Epiphamies, the clouds that represent the purer, more abstract concepts such as "love".
Back to the Mudball. The Middle Umbra, or Spirit Wilds, is the spiritual reflection of the world. Where things feel more alive than alive, where every rock, pen, tree and the like has its own spirit. Werewolves are all over this place, as are some more spiritually minded mages. The Penumbra here looks just like the physical world, just... more. A rough neighborhood is going to have some unexplained bloodstains and rats everywhere; a vibrant forest will have even bigger trees, a computer lab is going to be full of spider webs connecting all the technology... things like that.
Expanding from that you get the Aetherial Reaches, aka, space. Yes, space is the spirit world. At least once you get past the asteroid belt. Every planet has its own Realm and there're are other crazy places one can find here. Eventually you'll reach a barrier though, the Membrane, which keeps all the crazy alien horrors away from Earth. It's very possible to go through, if you're brave enough, and explore the universe.
Lastly, there's the Low Umbra, aka the Dark Umbra, aka the Underworld. The place (some) humans go when they die. The first layer is the easiest to explain, the Low Penumbra, aka the Shadowlands. It's the world as you know it but touched by death. Everything looks more diseased and decayed, cars are rusty, walls are cracked, that sort of thing.
Go deeper and you'll find the Tempest. A large ocean of... stuff. Memories? It's complicated. It's also very dangerous, so be careful. There are a few pockets of safety in the Tempest, which is where the Dark Kingdoms were built. These are the Underworld "proper". Cities of the dead ruled by ancient ghosts and all around terrible places to live... if you ignore all the other places.
Going deeper still and you'll find the Labyrinth. There are things here. Angry, evil ghosts, yes, but also stranger things. Odd creatures, monsters, aliens? Also Godzilla. And evil dead gods who want to consume you. Also, the walls are made out of ghosts, so... try not to get caught. At the deepest part of the Labyrinth is Oblivion, the end of everything. It's a huge hole that sucks up everything and kills things deader than dead.
The Underworld is heavily populated by ghosts, obviously, but you can also find necromancers (humans and vampires), mummies and Demons. Not a very pleasant place.
These are the main three Umbra, but there's also the Dreaming which is... honestly, I'm not sure. I don't think it counts as an Umbra but it's also probably part of it? It's the realm of dreams and imagination, where faeries come from, and it also has three layers. It's a crazy place where the impossible is possible and also a very dangerous area, especially as you go deeper still. Thanks to the Mists, anyone who comes here and escapes will eventually forget what they experienced.
These are, roughly, the places where one can go. It's how reality is divided, but there's more to the cosmology. Mainly the Triat. Wyld, Weaver and Wyrm; the three aspects of reality; Dynamism, Stasis and Entropy. They are represented by powerful entities, two of which are currently screwing over the world, one of which is insane. Which explains why the World of Darkness is the way it is.
This whole subject is way, way bigger than I can possibly explain with a single comment. I suggest you check the wiki, or even better, grab one of the many books about the spirit worlds. Infinite Tapestry should do the job, I think.
So, I have been a proponent of a Sun-Moon-Void cosmos in the Elden Ring and I think it's important to explain this model and why I think it's a true depiction of the universe within Elden Ring. There may definitely be more things within ER that one can fit within this model and I'd love to hear any suggestions. This will be a long post so bear with me, but I've split it into sections and bolded key words, so hopefully it's organized well. I think the best place to start with this model is with the Void.
# Void
**The Void** is only occasionally used as a term in text descriptions but that's the one I've been using for it. Other words used to reference it are darkness, abyss, and associated adjectives describing darkness, cold or heaviness, and may be visually depicted as similar to a black hole, or a black circle. Within the Cosmology of Elden Ring is quite literally the **Blackness of Space** within which whatever world the Lands between inhabit is within. It can be equated with the **Abyssal Waters** present in the creation stories of most cultures which existed before a primordial deity brought life into the universe, and may also literally be what is referred to by 'The Sea' within Elden Ring when other places are being described there. It is also the same at The 'One Great' that is described by Hyetta when she takes on the Frenzied Flame.
>**Hyetta:** *"All that there is came from the* ***One Great***. Then came fractures, and births, and souls. But the Greater Will made a mistake. Torment, despair, affliction. Every sin, every curse. Every one, born of the mistake. And so, what was borrowed must be returned. Melt it all away, with the yellow chaos flame. Until all is One again.
Here you can see the One Great was similar to the singularity at the beginning of the big bang, an infinitely dense **Black Hole** that at one point burst into the existence of the universe. This is a concept similar to both ***Śūnya*** in Buddhism, and the ***Prima Materia*** in Alchemy, both huge inspirations for Elden Ring. Within *Śūnya,* emptiness or hollowness is not merely a state of nothingness but also one of potential, in the same sense that an empty canvas can become a painting of anything. Similarly within alchemy, the *Prima Materia*, is the prime matter, something off the stuff similar to the original material available before creation, being of all things simultaneously and therefore able to become anything if submitted to various alchemical processes.
Within Elden Ring, the Void is the place where all souls within Elden Ring are meant to go after Death, to join with other souls as the One Great. Within the One Great, all souls are mixed, unable to be differentiated and having no 'self'. At some point new souls are birthed from the blackness, being a completely new creation created from a mix of many souls. This was the case during the time of the primordial Erdtree, called the **Crucible of Life**.
>**Aspects of the Crucible Incantations**: *This is a manifestation of the Erdtree's primal vital energies—an aspect of the primordial crucible, where all life was once blended together.*
>**Crucible Talismans:** *A talisman fashioned from a scale/bone/feather that embodies the aspects of various creatures. Said to have grown on the human body long ago. A vestige of the crucible of primordial life. Born partially of devolution, it was considered a signifier of the divine in ancient times, but is now increasingly disdained as an impurity as civilization has advanced*.
>**Poison Armament**: *Incantation of the servants of rot. Enchants armament held in the right hand with poison. This incantation can be cast while in motion. Those who dwell within poison know rot all too well. The death that begets life, that comes to all equally. That is to say: it is the cycle of rebirth put into practice.*
**Regression** is the gravitational pull of all things to become one within the the void once again (more on this later). It is represented by **the color Black**, relating to it's appearance as the blackness of space, especially in its aspect as the vessel of souls after death. It is also however represented by **the color Red**, especially in its aspect as the source of all life.
>**Ordovis's Greatsword:** *This sword is imbued with an ancient holy essence. Its red tint exemplifies the nature of primordial gold, said to be close in nature to life itself.*
>**Gilded Greatshield**: *The red tinge in the gold coat mirrors the primordial matter that became the Erdtree. The color of homeward yearning.*
# Primeval Current
**The Primeval Current** is the current of the stars, following the guidance of the Moon. These stars are made of **Glintstone**, being the distill remains of countless souls which take the journey into the Night towards the Void to be recycled and reborn. They then are born to life on Earth or even fall from the sky as Naturalborn of the Stars. **Astel** and the **Alabaster and Onyx Lords** are examples of this phenomena.
>**Sorceress Sellen**: *"Our powers draw upon the powers embedded in glintstone, but what is the nature of such power? Glintstone is the amber of the cosmos, golden amber contains the remnants of ancient life and houses its vitality, while Glintstone contains residual life. And thus, the vitality of the stars. It should not be forgotten that glintstone sorcery is the study of the stars and the life therin."*
>**Sellen's Primal Glintstone**: *Glintstone from within the sorceress Sellen's body. Seemingly half-alive, blood vessels are visible within. In essence, a primal glintstone is a sorcerer's soul. If transplanted into a compatible new body, Sellen will rise again. "My apprentice, do you think it distasteful?"*
The current seems to flow in **two different directions**. The first is from the **Dark Moon** (more on this later) towards the void. This is Regression. All magic, glinstone, souls and stars are associated with the color blue, but the Stars in this leg of the current are often depicted as **Dark Blue**, almost purplish, and are called **Meteors.** It was first seen by the **Sorcerer Lusat**, who founded the **Olivinius Conspectus.** This glimpse lead to his shattering as the souls rushed into him through the windows of his eyes and eventually turned him into glintstone\*\*.\*\*
>**Stars of Ruin Sorcery**: *Legendary sorcery devised by Lusat, primeval sorcerer. Fires twelve dark shooting stars that pursue the target. When Lusat glimpsed into the primeval current, he beheld the final moments of a great star cluster, and upon seeing it, he too was broken.*
>**Olivinus Glintstone Crown**: *One of the glintstone crowns bestowed upon Raya Lucaria scholars whose pursuits were deemed worthy.* *The lineage of the Olivinus Conspectus began with the sorcerer Lusat, and its adherents continue his study of meteors*
This half of the current is associated with **Death** and being **Broken**. It was practiced by the **Sorcerers of Sellia**, where Lusat was from, and where the sorcerers were known to be **Assassins**.
>**Sellen**: "*After his expulsion from the academy, I heard that Master Lusat returned to his home. A place called Sellia, in the eastern Caelid Wilds."*
>**Night Comet Sorcery**: *One of the night sorceries of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly and while in motion. Charging enhances potency. The Sellian sorcerers were assassins, and it is said that they often hunted their fellows.*
The **second direction of the current** flows *from* the Void towards the **Full Moon**; this is **Causality.** This is the journey of new stars towards birth into life. This leg of the current is especially represented by the color **Turquoise,** being almost green, and are called **Comets.** It was first seen by the **Sorcerer Azur,** who was Sellen's master, and founded the **Karolos Conspectus**. Like with his fellow master Lusat, Azur's glimpse into the current left him a hunk of Glintstone as he was overwhelmed by the current rushing into him.
>**Comet Azur Sorcery**: *Legendary sorcery devised by Azur, primeval sorcerer. Fires a tremendous comet in a torrent akin to the distant starry expanse, the place said to be the origin of glintstone. When Azur glimpsed into the primeval current, he saw darkness. He was left both bewitched and fearful of the abyss.*
>**Karolos Glintstone Crown**: *One of the glintstone crowns bestowed upon Raya Lucaria scholars whose pursuits were deemed worthy.* *The Karolos Conspectus is the oldest of the academy's lineages of study, begat by the sorcerer Azur. Scholars who follow in his footsteps pursue the mysteries of comets.*
This leg of the current is associated with **Birth,** as we can see that his Conspectus was focused on creation of new comets. I also believe the current is moving *towards* the full Moon, and towards birth because he is described as 'bewitched' just like *Rennala's Full Moon* is described as 'bewitching' and fearful of the abyss, or Void. So this arc of the current is moving away from the void and towards the Full Moon, which is symbolic of 'birth'.
>**Rennala's Full Moon Sorcery**: *Sorcery associated with the Carian queen. Uses the caster as a vessel to incarnate a full moon, then sends it floating toward foes. Queen Rennala encountered this enchanting moon when she was young, and later, it would bewitch the academy.*
>**Spiral Shard Sorcery**: *A sorcery of the Karolos Conspectus, the most venerable of the academy. This was the product of a failed attempt to create a new comet.*
I think I know why the two Glintstone crown's eyes are switched, too. The crystals of Lusat's set match the color of his spells and the same with Azur's but their eye colors are reversed. I believe this is because they were looking into the opposite direction as the flow of the current, which is why it flowed into them and turned them to glintstone.
# Full Moon and Dark Moon
I used to think the Moon was just death, but I have since realized this is not completely the case. In actuality The Moon is a **Gateway** that guides souls after death to the void and from the void to be born into life.
>**Moon of Nokstella**: *This legendary talisman is a treasure of Nokstella, the Eternal City. This talisman represents the lost black moon. The moon of Nokstella was the guide of countless stars.*
The **Full Moon** is the gateway from the void of space into life anew, lit by the light of the sun and representing **Birth.** This can be seen in **Rennala of the Full Moon**, who was the head of the Academy of Lucaria, bewitching and commanding the scholars (the **Stars**) there. She is notably a motherly figure and holds the *Great Rune of the Unborn*, which allows your character to be reborn and reallocate your stats. But it doesn't work on her little scholars of course, because birth is nothing without life and they were incomplete and soon faded.
>**Great Rune of the Unborn:** *Amber egg clutched by Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon. Great Rune of unborn demigods. Perfects those who have been born anew. Children born anew by Rennala are all frail and short-lived. Imperfect beings, each and all.*
The theme of birth can be seen in other objects which seem to resemble small, round and white things, such as *Miquella's Cocoon*, *Slumbering Egg* both being white and resembling the Full Moon's roundness, and the *Silver Tear*, which is the silver of the full moon and the shape of both a fetus and the round shape of the craters seen on the moon. Noticeably they are all an incomplete birth. The strangely rounded and white garbed *Oracle Envoys* which signal the coming of a new age, are also internally named "Moon Servant".
>**Slumbering Egg**: *Owl eggs that will never hatch. Material used for crafting items. Prized as a symbol of the most sublime slumber.*
>**Silver Tear**: *Core of a creature of mimicry known as a silver tear. As much a substance as it is a living organism. Material required by the amber egg cradled by Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, to birth people anew. Being born anew allows the reallocation of attributes boosted by leveling up.*
>**Oracle Envoy Ashes**: *Ashen Remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon the spirits of four Oracle Envoys. Spirits of a monstrous band of musicians who employ sacred arts. It is said that when Oracle Envoys appear, playing their pipes, they do so to herald the arrival of a new god, or age.*
On the other hand, the **Dark Moon** is the gateway from **Death** to the Void. Unlike the Full Moon which is described as bewitching and entrancing, drawing you near to it, the Dark Moon is **Cold, Dark** and **Heavy**, being shadowed by the darkness of the void. Cold like space, dark like the night, heavy like the pull of a black hole. And it is also described as **Fearful**, like the abyss is also described in Azur's Armor description. Many of the cold sorceries are white-blue, like spirits and ghosts.
>**Freezing Mist:** *Sorcery said to have been used by the old snow witch. Charging enhances range of the mist. The snowy crone taught the young Ranni to fear the dark moon as she imparted her cold sorcery.*
>**Ranni's Dark Moon Sorcery**: *Legendary sorcery associated with the Carian queen. Uses the caster as a vessel to incarnate a cold, dark moon, then sends it floating toward foes. This moon was encountered by a young Ranni, led by the hand of her mother, Rennala. What she beheld was cold, dark and veiled in occult mystery.*
Notably, Ranni was the one behind the plot to murder Godwyn in the **Night of Black Knives** using a blade crafted from a fragment of the **Destined Death** and gave up her own body to exist in soul alone. Her association with death is very clear, and through her so is the Dark moon. Said Moon was also worshiped by the death-obsessed **Nox** as the *Moon of Nokstella*, where they turned to an artificial creation they called the **Black Moon** in order to access the Dark Moon's gateway to the void after being banished underground, which resulted in it's demise when **Astel** crawled through the portal and assailed the City. ([See my Post on the Nox's Lead Moon for more](, and [here for more on the Nox's Death Rite Priests](
# Sun
The Sun is strangely mysterious in the Lands Between, rarely appearing in the sky or in visual depictions, but of the few places that do it is clearly associated with **Grace** and the **Golden Order** (for example, the Dung Eater's *Omen set* and *Goldmask's set*). It is representative of **Life** and the **Lands Between** in general. It could be that in terms of Elden Ring's cosmology, the Lands Between are actually located in or on the Sun, or may even be the **Elden Ring,** or **Erdtree** itself, which would explain why it is rarely if ever seen. Almost all of the Golden Order Incantations are either golden rings or spheres of gold resembling suns, and the Ertree itself emits rays of gold like the sun would.
>**Goldmask's Set**: *A mask designed to resemble a blazing golden halo. Created and left behind by Lord Goldmask, a staunch pursuer of Golden Order fundamentalism. Its striking design represents both the brilliant inspiration that once shone upon him, and the vision of a ring that he will surely find at the end of his pursuit. "To you who seek to shine as I do, wear it well!"*
>**Omen Set**: *Malformed armor resembling an Omen with its horns cut off. Worn by the Dung Eater. The heavy, sun-shaped medallion represents both the guidance he once saw, and the ring to which it will one day lead.*
>**Golden Sunflower**: *A golden sunflower that grows facing the Erdtree. Material used for crafting items. Found near Minor Erdtrees. At the foot of the Erdtree, they retain their color, along with a powerful holy essence.*
Then again, within the Lands Between life has fled. Even most of the Tarnished and Demigods cannot truly be considered 'alive', and the continent is flood with half-life beings **living in death** or with incomplete forms and short lives, and assailed by those gone mad for blood. Maybe that's why we can't see the Sun?
>**Spirit at Castle Sol**: *... Ohh great sun! Frigid sun of Sol! Surrender yourself to the eclipse! Grant life to the soulless bones!*
>**Warming Stone**: *Ruin Fragment blessed with an incantation of the Two Fingers. Craftable item. Uses FP to generate warmth, continuously restoring the HP of those nearby. It's said that the Erdtree was once as warm as the gentle sun, and would gradually heal all who bathed in its rays.*
>**Sun Realm Shield**: *Shield of honor depicting a city crowned by the sun. It has seen better days. Much like the wear upon the shield, the Seat of the Sun is long faded away.*
>**Tarnished Sunflower:** *A large flower that blooms facing the Erdtree. Material used for crafting items. Found near Minor Erdtrees. Though wilted and faded, it still retains holy essence.*
But as the Moon guides the stars from death to the abyss of the void and out into new birth, in life those in the Land between are guided by Grace, one's raison d'etre, their **life's pursuit**, their reason for living. A will that will see them through the hardship of life, even in the face of death itself. You might even call it a great **destiny**.
>**Melina**: "*This tiny golden aura is the grace of the Erdtree. This light once shone in the eyes of your Tarnished brethren. But now it is all that guides you. Or so I hear. The rays of grace, that guide you through your burden.*"
>**Noble's Traveling Set**: *A hooded cloak of deep navy. Worn by expatriated royalty. Such cloaks were gifted to those who departed on missions to faraway lands, from which they would never return. But what choice did they have, having seen the guidance of grace?*
>**Varré**: *Are you familiar with grace? The golden light that gives life to you Tarnished. You may also behold its golden rays pointing in a particular direction at times. That is the guidance of grace. The path that a Tarnished must travel. It's nothing short of a miracle. That the guidance of grace can lead you, maidenless as you are, to the perfect place to die in obscurity.*
>**Prophet's Robe**: *Robe of Corhyn the cleric. Even after exile, Corhyn refused to recant his prophecies. And for this, he was blessed with the guidance of grace. Since then, the cart wheel draped on his neck has served as a reminder. That true guidance awaits those with iron wills. Those with unwavering faith.*
And when that destiny is lost or completed, the light of Grace fades, and life ends. Many seem to think Marika banished Godfrey or took his Grace somehow, but maybe his grace simply faded as his life's goal was achieved and he could no longer fight to his heart's content, taking with it his will to live? And with him, the Tarnished, his Golden Army who would follow him even into death, simply did so, leaving the Lands Between, across the Sea of Stars, waiting to be returned to life.
>**Elden Lord Crown**: *Crown of Godfrey, the first Elden Lord. The age of the Erdtree began amongst conflict, when Godfrey was lord of the battlefield. He led the War against the Giants. Faced the Storm Lord, alone. And then, there came a moment. When his last worthy enemy fell. And it was then, as the story is told, that the hue of Lord Godfrey's eyes faded.*
Attempting to explain the Umineko cosmology
So, as the title would suggest, this is a complicated topic, but one I've been wanting to cover for a while now. Here, I'll do my best to explain the cosmology and scaling of my favorite series of all time, *Umineko: When They Cry.*
##Part 0: Before We Begin
Let's establish a few things before we start:
1. I will be leaving Umineko's predecessor/spin off, *Higurashi: When They Cry* out of this scale.
2. Universes in Umineko are called "Fragments" in the Visual Novel and "Kakera" in the Manga. I will be using these terms interchangeably throughout this scale, so just know I'm talking about the same thing.
3. I will be using a combination of in-universe and author(The author of Umineko's name is Ryukishi) statements, however I will use one to back up the other.
With that being said… buckle in because this is gonna be pretty long.
##Part 1: Establishing higher dimensions
Let's establish that the locations I will be going over are indeed superior to the lower worlds.
Evidence 1: Ange states that [infinity in the third dimension is meaningless in the higher worlds,]( Not only is something from a higher dimension superior to something from a lower dimension, but it's to the point that even something infinite in the lower dimension is non-existent for the beings in the "higher order worlds."
Evidence 2: The higher layers see the bottom layers as completely fictional, and this is a point that's hammered home many times throughout the series.
Example 1: Beatrice [refers to Battler's world as if it's nothing more than a game for her to play](
Example 2: The "endless possibilities" of 1986 are [seen as stories to the beings in higher dimensions,]( meaning it does have fiction < reality transcendence over it.
Example 3: Another being who's stated to be higher than even the Witch Domain(We'll get to that later)[sees it as nothing but a chessboard](
So from this, we can gather that any time the characters refer to a "higher order world," they mean a spatial dimension.
##Part 2: The Human Domain
The Human Domain is the first of the Umineko cosmology's five "sections." This is a place where humans run about, their fates controlled by higher world beings(We'll get to those later). The most prominent location is Beatrice's Catbox. A Catbox is a complex structure based on the theory Scrödinger's Cat.
**"*By the way, the story I introduced this time introduces the difficult problem "Schroedinger's cat", which is well known in the world of quantum mechanics, with the poor writing skills of Dragon Knight 07.***
***Is the cat in the box alive or dead?***
***In front of you, there is a "box of cats" with unknown life or death. Inside this box, live and dead cats are sleeping "living and dead at the same time*"** -Ryukishi
So we have confirmation from the author that the Catbox does indeed contain multiple worlds, but there's plenty of confirmation in-universe of the same. Fragments are [stated to be complete alternate worlds](), and we know from Beatrice herself that [her Catbox contains infinite Fragments.]( [Bernkastel says the same thing](
But the Human Domain is more than just an infinite multiverse. It has a hierarchy of higher dimensional planes. It follows something called the ["Multi-layered Worlds" contraction technique.](
Beatrice's Catbox runs on the concept of "Schrödinger's Cat" and that works off the idea of infinite-dimensional wave function collapsing into worlds.
**"*You probably know that sides of a die go from 1 to 6.***
***You can predict what number will come up when you throw a die, but with logic, you can find out that the most likely outcome is 7 when you throw two dice and 14 when you throw four.***
***Now, if we return to the starting point, the question is what is the average when you throw one die. Coming from what we figured out, several numbers are most likely to come out.***
***The number that will most likely come out is 3,5". There are probably quite a few people who will come up with that conclusion.***
***However, a die only has numbers from 1 to 6. In other words, it's not possible to get 3,5. Probably, a die that has a side with 3,5 isn't sold anywhere.***
***I guess some people will try to get close to 3,5 by throwing a die multiple times, but it's "an average you get when you throw several dice", not "a die".***
***The numbers on the sides of dice are from 1 to 6, and the probability of getting each number exists at the "same time" equally.***
***Like in a game of odd and even, you put die into an opaque cup. What number will die inside a cup show?*"** -Ryukishi
So, again, the author confirms that the Catbox runs on the rules of Schrodinger's Cat. But again, we also get [in universe confirmation from Bernkastel](
>However, the general wavefunction of a particle that fully describes its state, is always from an infinite dimensional Hilbert space since it involves a tensor product with Hilbert space relating to the position or momentum of the particle.
The reason Beatrice's Catbox being "multi-layered" matters is because it would prove that the "infinite dimensional space" is likely included in Umineko's version of "Schrödinger's Cat", which is one of the fundamental elements behind how it works (and the same ones found in Umineko's interpretation of it)
>In quantum physics, a wave function (or wavefunction), is a mathematical description of the quantum state of an isolated quantum system. The most common symbols for a wave function are the Greek letters ψ and Ψ (lower-case and capital psi, respectively). Wave functions are composed of complex numbers.
So what does this mean? Well, on its own wouldn't be enough to argue the Human Domain being infinite dimensional. However, the fact that Beatrice's Catbox is called "multi-layered" likely references the fact that Wave Functions need infinite spatial dimensions to work. More information on this
[can be found here](, if you don't believe me.
So, we've established that the Human Domain has infinite dimensions, but there's another thing I could talk about. Each Fragment in the Human Domain might have infinite dimensions.
Remember that previous scan I showed you where Ronove said that Bern was using the "Multi-layered worlds contraction technique?" Well… based on a few things, we can infer and argue that not the Human Domain in general, but *every Fragment* in the Human Domain follows that scientific principle. How can we argue this?
Well, for starters, we know that each Fragment is at least 5D based on the fact that we know [there's a higher order world in them.]( It also confirms that the place Erika and Beatrice were having their debate [is indeed another dimension](
It's important to note how [each game takes place in a different Fragment]( So, based on this context, we can possibly argue that each Fragment has infinite dimensions, but even if you don't buy that, the Human Domain as a whole definitely has infinite dimensions, and the Fragments are at least 5D.
TL:DR: The Human Domain is **1-B,** or **High Hyperverse** level.
##Part 4: The Depths of Oblivion
Okay, I promise you won't need to learn quantum physics to understand why this next part of the cosmology scales where it does.
Between the Human and Witch Domains lies a location called "The Depths of Oblivion." This is a void [beyond the time and space of the Human Domain]( [where humans can't reach.](
That line that "humans can't reach it" implies no matter how many dimensions you stack, Oblivion would still transcend it, making it **Low 1-A,** or **Low Outerverse** level.
It's also important to note that [everywhere else connects here,]( implying that it overlaps the whole cosmology. This will be important later.
##Part 5: The Witch Domain
So, to start, the Witch Domain being superior to the Human Domain and the [beings there seeing the Human Domain as fictional/a gameboard]( is hammered home many times throughout the series.
But not only does it transcend it, it's completely superior to the infinite dimensions of the Human Domain. It's stated that [no matter how high a human climbs in the Human Domain, they will never reach the Witch Domain without permission from a Witch living there]( Hell, [this is mentioned twice,]( meaning the Witch Domain is at least baseline Outerversal.
But that's not all there is to it. Like the Human Domain, the Witch Domain has [it's own hierarchy of infinite dimensions, called "Endeavors."]( [It's mentioned twice]( [that there's an infinite number of these.](
Normally, the Witch Domain would just be baseline Outerversal, but having infinite Outerversal layers means that it's instead **1-A+,** or **Outerverse+.** level.
##Part 6: The Creator Domain
So now we have the third and last Domain. The Visual Novel states that much like how the Witch Domain views the Human Domain as fictional or a gameboard, [the Creator Domain views the Witch Domain as fictional or a gameboard.](
Much like the other two, the Creator Domain also has it's own infinite hierarchy of spatial dimensions. How do we know this? Well, when Beatrice was climbing to the Creator Domain, it was stated that [she would continue to evolve]( and [her voyage has no endpoint.]( Remember that in the scans I've shown before, Witches climb spatial dimensions.
Since the Creator Domain has infinite dimensions, each being High Outerversal, it goes from a baseline **High Outerversal** structure to **infinite layers into it.**
##Part 7: The Kingdom of the Creator
Alright, now we've gotten to the last part of the cosmology, which is just gonna be short and sweet.
The Creator is the supreme being of Umineko, living in their kingdom at the very top of all three heiracies. [This is stated to be the very end of a Witch's perilous journey up the heiracies.](
Bear in mind that, since this transcends the Creator Domain, which is infinite layers into High Outerversal, this would make the Kingdom of the Creator **Tier 0,** or **Boundless.**
Before we conclude, remember how I said that the Depths of Oblivion [overlap the whole cosmology?]( Well, that would make them infinite layers into High Outerversal.
##Part 8: Conclusion
Whoo! That was a lot. After reading this, you either understand Umineko's cosmology or are even more confused. But to summarize:
Humain Domain: **High Hyperverse** level
Witch Domain: **Outerverse+** level
Creator Domain: Infinite layers into **High Outerverse** level
Depths of Oblivion: Infinite layers into **High Outerverse** level
Kingdom of the Creator: **Boundless**
Hope you enjoyed, and I hope you understand Umineko's cosmology at least a little better now.
Dark Tower Scale
Again another post about the Dark Tower, the more I think about the scans I have the more I come to different conclusions, but this is the final, I swear, until I find more material in the next books I'm gonna stop here.
What's the point of this post? Well it's going to be finding a tier and speed for certain characters/concepts. First I'll go over the cosmology.
**Universes and Worlds**
I won't scale them until I go fully over ever possible conclusion you can come to with these universes and worlds.
Not Bound By Time and Dimensions

This quote tells me that these worlds are not bound by time and dimensions, some might say this is just a interpretation but I believe it is Stephen King outright telling us it is how these worlds work. What does he mean by "funny"? Well I believe he's using the definition "difficult to explain or understand; strange or odd." This is where it gets hard to understand and contradictions happen, for all we know the character Brown has lived out here for years maybe even decades, maybe even his whole life so he has no source to tell how time and dimensions would work normally. Time is concept made by humans to tell cycles of day and night, we say "It happened a day ago" when it happened 1 day cycle ago. Each day and night is 24 hours for us, but for them it's different as Brown is shown to be confused when talking about these ideas.
"I don't know. Times funny out here. Distance and direction, too." He tells Roland that these concepts are "funny" again funny means "difficult to explain or understand; strange or odd." in this context, which you can point to these worlds not being normal to these concepts, or abnormal. I would disagree since that way of thinking would be saying Brown would know what normal time and dimensions look like. You don't have to fully agree on the not bound by dimensions part as most people would just say that's wank but the time part is what I believe these worlds aren't bound by.
"More than two weeks. Less than two months. The bean man's been twice since he passed. I'd guess six weeks. That's probably wrong." Even when connecting an event to it Brown still doesn't know when the man in black went by, here are some of my reasons for these worlds not being bound by time.
1. Day and Night Cycle
Through the day and night cycle Brown should be able to tell the time, I believe this point is the heaviest hitter because Brown should have that common ability but doesn't, maybe he does count the day night cycle but because time not existing this is something that doesn't work.
2. Brown Ties An Event To Figure Out When the Man In Black Went Through
Even when tying an event together such as "The bean man's been twice since he passed." Brown is still confused on how much time would have gone by. "That's probably wrong." Is Brown dumb?
To say Brown is dumb would be wrong through the context, how does he know of such concepts like time, direction, and distance? Well I believe Stephen King snuck this in to tell the reader that these worlds aren't bound by time, distance and direction. Distance and direction is just a bigger way of saying dimension "a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height." So I believe to scale the verse you must believe these world aren't bound by time, dimensions is something I believe in which you don't have to.
Worlds Grow

We learn from Roland these worlds "grow". He says "No. But I know it's very far, and that the distance grows with every day that passes." This wouldn't mean anything without further context, which he gives. "Don't they? When I was a boy, Eddie, there were maps. I remember one in particular. It was called The Greater Kingdoms of the Western Earth. It showed my land, which was called by the name of Gilead. It showed the Downland Baronies, which were overrun by riot and civil war in the year after I won my guns, and the hills, and the desert, and the mountains, and the Western Sea. It was a long distance from Gilead to the Western Sea---a thousand miles or more---but it had taken me over twenty years to cross that distance." Now we know that these worlds grow, but this makes another problem.
"but it had taken me over twenty years to cross that distance." Roland gives us a time period which would mean everything with what Brown said was wrong, was he really just confused or stupid? Well I still don't fully believe so, how can Roland tell time but Brown couldn't? It might be a contradiction in the writing which could be very possible, but that would be calling Stephen King a bad writer. You can also explain this as Roland being stupid to these concepts, whats stopping you from calling Brown stupid? Well throughout most of the first 2 books we see Roland not learning complex concepts but working with them, hell Roland was surprised hearing about landing on the moon, but I have a way to make both of these right.

Ka is a force within the story of the Dark Tower, Roland explains it best in simple terms "Here it means duty, or destiny, or, in the vulgate, a place you must go." Ka is sort of a way to allow Stephen King to contradict himself and still be right, it's not bad writing, just very smart. Ka is Gan's will so if we have a world not bound by time, Ka will still drag you through it to get you where it wants you to be, in the amount of time it wants you to take, so this basically allows both sides of the world being unbound by time and Roland saying a distance took him 20 years.
Worlds Scale
Where does this scale these worlds? Well with the not bound by time and growing this would mean these worlds are infinite in size, but using the not bound by dimensions argument it would scale to 1-A.

"The prosaic fact of the universe's existence alone defeats both the pragmatist and the romantic." This wouldn't scale anywhere unless you made a good argument for it or gave a higher interpretation. The man in black tells us "The prosaic fact of the universe's existence" what does this mean? Well I believe he's saying it in a way to tell that the universe is incomprehensible, he says "defeats both the pragmatist and the romantic." Pragmatist means "a person who is guided more by practical considerations than by ideals." and romantic means "of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized view of reality." These views are both conflicting, pragmatist would believe the universe is simple while a romantic would believe it's imaginary, the universe isn't true to either state suggesting a possible nondual state, but I'll leave it up to anyone to figure out.

This is the first time we learn about "Size". The man in black says the Size is the greatest mystery instead of life "The greatest mystery the universe offers is not life but size." To then go on to saying "Size encompasses life, and the Tower encompasses size." This can be taken in a way that size holds the perfect concept of life, all reality basically. "The child, who is most at home with wonder, says: Daddy, what is above the sky? And the father says: The darkness of space. The child: What is beyond space? The father: The galaxy. The child: Beyond the galaxy? The father: Another galaxy. The child: Beyond the other galaxies? The father: No one knows." I believe the man in black is telling us Size is beyond understanding, because to Size there would be no end to a greater infinity.
Universe Sized Ponds

"You see? Size defeats us. For the fish, the lake in which he lives is the universe. What does the fish think when he is jerked up by the mount through the silver limits of existence and into a new universe where the air drown him and the light is blue madness?" You can call this a metaphor all you want but I believe he's telling us that through the world growing, everything else would be it's own universe. Imagine you have a world that grows, infinite in size because there is no time to grow, would this mean this world would be the size of a universe and would take up a whole universe? It would be the same size but it wouldn't take up a whole universe, bigger world must be infinitely higher, solar systems, galaxies and the universe must all be infinitely higher.
Smaller Sizes

This is how atoms work, it doesn't really scale anywhere until you get to the end of the scan. "And then to what? Tachyons? Nothing? Of course not. Everything in the universe denies nothing; to suggest an ending is the one absurdity." This basically just says the universe is never ending, from the highest point to the lowest points.
Universe Scale
Theres a couple ways you can look at this, most of it changes if you believe the world is not bound by dimensions.
Bound By Dimensions:
H1-B possibly Low Outer
Not Bound By Dimensions:
H1-A possibly 1-S.
**Universes Within Universes**

This is where the insanity starts. "Might you look through and discover our entire universe is but part of one atom on a blade of grass?" Again, you can take this as a metaphor but I'll fully go over the reasons it shouldn't be in the later parts of this scale, for now just trust me. "Might you be forced to think that by burning a twig you incinerate an eternity of eternities? That existence rises not to one infinite but to an infinity of them?" He says by burning a twig you burn "eternity of eternities" I believe he means universes within universes.

More too this idea.

I believe he doesn't mean God, but Size, something that towers over life.

"trillion universes---not worlds but universes---encapsulated in each grain of that desert; and within each universe and infinite of others. We tower over these universe from out pitiful grass vantage point; with one swing of your boot you may knock a billion billion worlds flying off into darkness, in a chain never to be completed." Taking this statement this way means there infinite universes in each atom, each universe holds the same relationship: holding infinite universe inside of them, but he ends with "Size, gunslinger...size..." Now how do you take this? Well given my days of thought on this topic theres two ways which would scale the SAME exact way, I just want to talk about them because for some reason people understand this in a way that doesn't make sense at all.
1. He's Talking About Higher Sets of Universes
This is the most common one, basically taking every statement at face value, meaning the universe we see is also apart of a infinitely higher set and so on.
2. This Is the Relationship Between Them and Size
This basically scraps the idea and says this is how the concept of "Size" treats the universes, but heres the thing, this would circle straight back and scale the say exact way. Size transcends these universe am uncountable amounts of times, maybe even an irrelevant amount of times, so the scaling would be the same.
Final Scale
Again if you believe the worlds aren't bound by dimensions then it would scale a lot higher if you believe they are bound by dimensions.
The Universe
The universe is an infinite spatiotemporal zone, the universe was born from the Big Bang and started expanding, thus the energy that makes the universe expand will keep expanding infinitely and the universe will never contain a limit.
The universe contains similarities to the real universe, the universe is composed of planets, stars, solar systems, black holes, white holes, and the distances between planets, stars are known, and can be used as a reference value for calculations in Marvel Comics.
Solar System: The most distant discovered planet in the sun's system is usually Pluto, which can be 4.6 billion miles away, and light takes less than seven hours to reach Pluto.[3]
Constellation: The nearest star to Earth is 4.3 light-years from Earth.[3]
Galaxies: One of the closest galaxies is the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud, which is located at 150,000 light-years, and 250,000 light-years away, and are considered satellites of the Milk Way. The Milk way and its satellites is part of the Local Group of galaxies, this cluster has a reference size of at least 6 million light-years.[3]
Super Cluster of Galaxies: The local group is part of the local super cluster, a cluster of galaxies that is 100 million light-years across.[3]
All of those can be used as a reference value in calculations involving stellar distances to a minimum value. Far away from the earth, after 578 million light-years away is located Apinaxis Major. And even far away there is billions of light-years away, but not just that since we have higher numbers such as trillion of LY.
And thus come the second cosmos, when the Multiverse passed through its renewal cycle (a recurrent process in which the Multiverse dies and is reborn in a new embodied form), the embodiment of the Second Cosmos went to the ethereal location known as the Far Shore, giving way for a new personification of the Multiverse to rise in his place. And then came the next cosmos one after another with them evolving further with each renewal cycle until the seventh one, Eternity[1]. Eternity was the embodiment of the Seventh Cosmos Multiverse alongside Infinity, with whom he was one. As the Seventh Cosmos, Eternity was all that existed along the fabric of time, across the entirety of the Multiverse, having been formed to ensure the boundlessness of creation. As a result, Eternity came to embody the Omniverse across all its planes, levels of reality, and dreams.
divergence of ideas sparked a Celestial War that ended with the First Firmament being shattered into pieces by the weapons of the multicolored rebels, forcing it to flee in terror to the farthest reaches of being with the remaining Aspirants. Countless of new universes were born from the pure substance of the First Firmament, forming a new collective being that was the Second Cosmos and the first Multiverse.
The Universe
The universe is an infinite spatiotemporal zone, the universe was born from the Big Bang and started expanding, thus the energy that makes the universe expand will keep expanding infinitely and the universe will never contain a limit.
The universe contains similarities to the real universe, the universe is composed of planets, stars, solar systems, black holes, white holes, and the distances between planets, stars are known, and can be used as a reference value for calculations in Marvel Comics.
Solar System: The most distant discovered planet in the sun's system is usually Pluto, which can be 4.6 billion miles away, and light takes less than seven hours to reach Pluto.[3]
Constellation: The nearest star to Earth is 4.3 light-years from Earth.[3]
Galaxies: One of the closest galaxies is the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud, which is located at 150,000 light-years, and 250,000 light-years away, and are considered satellites of the Milk Way. The Milk way and its satellites is part of the Local Group of galaxies, this cluster has a reference size of at least 6 million light-years.[3]
Super Cluster of Galaxies: The local group is part of the local super cluster, a cluster of galaxies that is 100 million light-years across.[3]
All of those can be used as a reference value in calculations involving stellar distances to a minimum value. Far away from the earth, after 578 million light-years away is located Apinaxis Major. And even far away there is billions of light-years away, but not just that since we have higher numbers such as trillion of LY.The universe in Marvel is far larger than the observable universe of our real world, infinitely large, and is a spatial zone with an infinite size, in fact. The universe is always expanding and yet it is truly infinite in size.Reality
A reality is the collection of an Earth-like universe and all other realms associated with that universe. For example, in general, there is one Negative Zone, one Asgard, and one Darkdimension associated with each Earth Universe. Albeit rather than following the conception that the universe is a single dimension, the concept of time does not obey the rule that Earthly-like category should be that, nevertheless; Time allows every point in the timeline to be a potential universe, in spite of that the universe comprises a multiversal space, while many alternate universes, such as the earth-variations, are actually merely a piece of the 616 universe, and there are specific earths that exists outside of this multiverse, being their own multiverse such as the earth-45828 and many others. Therefore there is an earth-like category in the omniverse and shares space and time with the corresponding adjacent dimensions of that given physical plane like the Negative Zone. Each reality is also connected to metaphysical planes that transcend the concepts of space and time of that given reality, such as Asgard's manifestation, Astral Plane, and so on. This means that each earthy-like representation of realities in the omniverse is actually a multiverse which is called the universe overall.It seems a bit confunsing that each n-reality i.e. Earth 616 and such any other n-reality, is a multiverse. However this is due to the particularity of the concept of time not being just a line, but rather immensily relative, which is why each parallel universe, each time-variation of a reality exists overlaid in the same 3-D space.According with one of the most recent handbooks of Marvel and these spider-man storylines, there a full array of malleable time-strands, and history and all possible futures are simply another facet of the universal structure. As life proliferates, a Web of Life and Destiny forms: a psychic and sometimes physical conduit between realities, transferring power, psionic information, and even beings across realities.[2] Hence, there are many web of life and destiny in the same proportions as there are n-realities in the omniverse.
All possible dimensions come into existence through the first dimension, the dimension of time. And thus that badrock of creation, the everlasting beat in which things could happen, in which everything could become, matter could grow, and stars could vanish. In sucession of this starting point, reality proliferates into infinite wonders.Third Law of Time:
The third law of time is developed through time travel, where time is considered a river, which time travelers can with a time-traveling mechanism move freely and leave the water, and travel up or downstream, hence, to the "Past" or to the "Future". Changing the past merely creates a divergent timeline, a new universe with a different story than the one they remember, leaving the original timeline unchanged. Nonetheless, it is not every change in time that creates a timeline, because according to the law of conservation of causality itself, but only major disruptions of causality necessitate the creation of a branching timeline, and minor ones tend to work themselves out within the original timeline. This explains why many alternate future events are not parallel earths but still part of the 616, such as King Thanos, King Thor, Old King Thor, and etc.Events in almost every earth of the Omniverse unfold in the same causal sequence and are subject to the physical laws governing the material planes. However, reality is a frighteningly fragile structure that can be readily tampered with and altered. The inexorable flow of time is remarkably commonplace in not just higher and ascended beings, but also an evergrowing number of mortals. Although time functions differently in higher dimensions, all physical events occur in a causal continuum: the real world. Nonetheless, constant attempts to reshape key events or steer actions into other courses can have disastrous repercussions further down—and across—the time stream; an ever-expanding domino effect to wreak havoc on the present and alter the shape of every future. In spite of that the concept of time is extremely relative, but it shapes itself infinitely on all scales in the most infinite way possible, there are Earths that can be considered any kind of multiverse because each point in time is a timeline, and thus with its infinite points of time creates a space-time continuum with a given size, and thus reality grows infinitely in all aspects, from one universe being a multiverse to the multiverse generating infinite possibilities through a single universe, and even, infinite realities being generated through reality itself.[2]Time is indeed infinite, there are no beginnings and not even endings,[49] as a matter of fact, in Quantum Level, Past-Present-Future exists simultaneously in a energic pattern infinite layered,[50] however, there is a plane that timelines are only a section of that landscape, fitting for what exists beyond reality and has control upon every points of time and its variations.That being said, time is a constant that grows infinitely from the microscopic level to the level of the omniverse, having its size relative to each particular moment, and each moment is a fully formed universe that extends like a variation of the prime earth and it's given size in the multiverse or the omniverse[53].
Time Variance Authority
The Time Variance Authority is an infinitely vast bureaucracy that governs a significant number of realities in the ever-growing multiverse. The organization has dedicated itself to keeping tabs on every reality that exists. It controls a temporal dominion that is approximately two or three times as large as Kang's temporal empire.
The universe that contains a Microcosm is called a Macrocosm.Stairs contain Universes, that then contain endless realities. The Higher stair sees the lower stair like an atom within a blade of grass or a grain of sand.The higher stair contains endless numbers of universes within it's grains of sand. This recursion never ends.Towers exist within every Macrocosm within these stairs.Which would then be follows by their own concepts of Size, The Red, and The White.
The Red and The White
The White creates order within the lesser realities.
The planar cosmology is how the planes of existence are understood to be arranged with respect to one another and the world of Eberron.[1][2]
StructureThe world of Eberron spins within its own Material Plane, which is enclosed by three other planes: the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, and the Shadow Plane. In turn, thirteen other planes of existence lie within the Astral Plane and orbit the Material Plane.[1]
These thirteen planes are:[1]
Daanvi, the Perfect Order
Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams
Dolurrh, the Shadowfell
Fernia, the Sea of Fire
Irian, the Eternal Day
Kythri, the Churning Chaos
Lamannia, the Twilight Forest
Mabar, the Endless Night
Risia, the Plain of Ice
Shavarath, the Battleground
Syrania, the Azure Sky
Thelanis, the Feywild
Xoriat, the Realm of Madness
However, other known planes include Baator, the Nine Hells,[2] and the Abyss.[3]
The Progenitor Dragons and the Planes
Scholars debate the nature of the Progenitor Dragons' influence on the planes. While most claim that different Progenitors created different planes, many disagree on the specifics.[3][4]
One theory is that the planes tied to Siberys are those that are home to angels and demons, and include Baator, Daanvi, Irian, Lamannia, Mabar, Shavarath, Syrania, and Xoriat. The lie in the Astral Sea, also called the Sea of Siberys. The theory goes on to claim that the planes tied to the dragon Eberron are Dal Quor, Dolurrh, and Thelanis, known collectively as the Coils of Eberron and noted for their ability to superimpose over the prime plane. Finally, the theory says that the planes connected to Khyber are Fernia, Kythri, and Risia, which respectively favor the elemental powers of fire, storm, and cold. These lie within the Elemental Chaos, also called the Chaos of Khyber.[3]
Some, however, offer a different explanation. These scholars say that Daanvi, Fernia, and Irian are most heavily influenced by Siberys, while Kythri, Mabar, and Xoriat hold the notable mark of Khyber.[4]
Coterminous Planes
As these planes draw closer to the Material Plane, they become coterminous. This affects Eberron, infusing the Material Plane with the aspect of that plane. Similar, as the plane becomes remote, Eberron is also affected, as the aspects of that plane become subdued. For instance, when Risia, the Plain of Ice, is coterminous with Eberron, areas of cold become colder; when Risia becomes remote, areas of cold become less cold.[1]
Planar Travel
The thirteen planes are separate from each other, though travel between the planes is possible. They are all connected to the Astral Plane, but are cut off from the Ethereal Plane and the Plane of Shadow; thus, spells that allow travel to either of those two planes are unavailable when on one of the thirteen orbiting planes.[1]
When the Progenitor Dragons Siberys and Khyber fought each other, their combat stretched out across existence. Khyber defeated Siberys, rending and scattering him among the stars. Eberron then encased her evil sister within herself, transforming herself into a physical world with Khyber imprisoned within. Scholars believe this extends to the cosmology as well, where some planes exist with Siberys, the Dragon Above (the Astral Sea, also called the Sea of Siberys); some with Khyber, the Dragon Below (the Elemental Chaos); and some with Eberron, the Dragon Between.[2]
When the Eberron setting launched in 2004, Wizards of the Coast published a Flash animation depicting a cosmological orrery that showed the relative positions of the planes and their paths along their orbits.
In addition to altering the planar cosmology created in 3rd edition to include the new Elemental Chaos, Astral Sea, and other planes, 4th edition introduced Baator, which altered the traditional thirteen-plane model.
However, 5th edition mostly returned to the 3rd-edition cosmology, dropping Baator in the process. The other main change is explicit links to the multiverse, with Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron explaining how an Eberron campaign could be linked to other settings, if the DM so chose. In the process of doing so it suggests The Ring of Siberys could in fact be a shield of defense that has hidden Eberron since it was first created.
Additionally, the subject of which dragons influenced which planes varies by edition. The 3nd-edition book Dragons of Eberron says that Daanvi, Fernia, and Irian bear Siberys' touch, and that Khyber played the most significant role in creating Kythri, Mabar, and Xoriat. However, the 4th-edition Eberron Campaign Guide says otherwise, that the planes that hold angels and demons are most connected to Siberys, while Khyber holds the strongest ties to the elemental planes of Fernia, Kythri, and Risia. The planes of Dal Quor, Dolurrh, and Thelanis are said to be touched by the dragon Eberron under the 4th-edition ruling.