Corruption by Step Sister

Chapter 116: 116: Hotel

We watched from the window as her parents tore out of the parking lot like bats out of hell.

Jessica uttered, "Good riddance." As she wiped away her tears.

The waitress who had served us softly spoke, "I'm so sorry that happened to you sweetheart. Are you ok?"

Jessica sniffled and nodded at the waitress.

I in the meantime didn't say a word.

I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. Not that I'm quick with words.

Probably why I'll never be a comedian.

I mean I've never been for dark jokes but there was nothing I could think of anything to say.

There were things I could say that would make it Worse. That's if I had the balls.....and a shit sense of humor.

But there were things I could say to make it better? Nothing was coming to mind.

The only thing I could think of was be there Jessica.

The waitress came by to take the money and looked at Jessica, "Do you want us to call you a cab?"

Jessica shook her head, "No my friend here will make sure I'm safe."

She looked at me, "Right Gabe?"

I nodded profusely.

The waitress smiled and said, "You're lucky to have a friend."

Jessica smiled looked at me and nodded.

After a little bit, I looked at Jessica, "So what are we going to do?"

Jessica sighed, "I'm going to wait until they get home. Then I'm going to have my sister put my bags out then we're going to go get them. Then if you don't mind can we go back to your place?"

I thought about it knowing full well that having Jessica come while Kel and I are fucking isn't probably a good idea.

I instead said, "How about this. We go get your bags then go get mine and stay at a hotel next to the airport?"

Jessica mused it over before nodding, "Good idea." Then she pointed at me, "But you're paying."

I laughed, "Done."

Jessica spoke, "Well if we're going to do that we might as well go get your bags and then go get mine."

I nodded.

We got up and I threw another $8 on the table.

Have you ever had plans that literally just blow up in your face?

Well that was me.

I didn't know what to expect at Jessica's birthday party/dinner with her family.

And I sure as fuck didn't know their outright hatred of me.

If I knew that I would have found a way to bow out of the dinner.

I tried finding ways to bow out as the emotions started rising but couldn't find a suitable out. And once Jessica begged me to stay I was pretty much stuck to endure their hatred.

I think I should deserve an award for everything I went through.

But after they left we decided to stay at a hotel so we could just take the shuttle from the hotel to the airport.

We left the restaurant and went to pick up my bags. Jessica stayed in the car. I grabbed my bags and Kel came down to help. Mainly she wanted the car because she knew I would be leaving tomorrow morning and she needed a vehicle. My vehicle.

You may ask why she doesn't have her own car.

Simple she wrecked her car a couple of months ago. She says it wasn't her fault and the records showed that the person who hit her had faulty brakes. So she got rear ended. She didn't get hurt too bad mind you. Just whiplash, a bruised section from the seat belt that took about a week or so to heal, and what she says is constant migraines.

So Kel was car-less and waiting on insurance to come through to pay her outright for what her car was worth seeing how they already determined it was considered totaled and all her medical bills were paid by her insurance.


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