Chapter 91: Mindful Education
Books weren't a great replacement for spending time with Barry but, as with most things in life, Inyssa sucked it up and got to work.
She sat on the floor of her room, one book open on top of her lap and about three dozen others surrounding her in a haphazard circle, only broken by the small desk lamp she had dragged down with her. Its cone of light was only focused on the pages of the book, leaving the rest of the room in pure darkness.
Inyssa blinked a couple times. What time was it? Judging by how much her eyes ached, probably around two or three in the morning, though she wasn't quite sure. Not that it mattered. She still had plenty of books to get through.
A few minutes later she sighed and closed the one on her lap, throwing it toward the pile at her right where all the books she had already read were. This one was no good either. It did give her some new information about the way research about the Lake Trio had changed from theological to scholarly to a mix of both as time went by, but as interesting as that tidbit was, it didn't help them. A week had passed since they found that strange book in the library and she still couldn't access its memories nor learn anything about the Lake Trio's relation to Dialga and Palkia from any other book. Not to mention Sarah's call–
No! She yelled inside her own mind, furious. Don't think about that! You have a job to do!
Flaring her nostrils, she grabbed another book by the spine and placed it on her lap with enough strength to hurt. But just was she was about to open it…
A soft glimmer shone behind her, carrying with it Uxie's voice. Inyssa looked over her shoulder, eyes wide.
"Oh… hey, Uxie." Her voice sounded raspy and strained. "Sorry. What's going on?"
"I apologize if I have intruded. I simply wanted to see if you were all right."
Inyssa formed a confused smile and tilted her head to the side. "I'm… fine, yeah. Why do you ask?"
"You were screaming at yourself inside your mind just a few seconds prior," said Uxie. "I thought something might have happened."
The look on Inyssa's face was like that of a HootHoot who had a flashlight suddenly pointed at its face. She tensed up, feeling her cheeks turn hot.
"Ugh… I forgot you can hear when that happens." She slapped her forehead with her palm, sighing into it. "Sorry, it wasn't… I was just… frustrated. Didn't mean to wake you up like that."
Though Uxie's eyes were always closed, she felt it glance down at the stacks of books all around her.
"I assume your research isn't going well?"
"You could say that, yeah." She smiled sadly. "I can't seem to do the memory thing with that book again, no matter how many times I try it. And none of these other ones have the information we need."
"Judging by all these books, one might assume that you are putting much more focus on the second task than the first," said Uxie. "Do you expect to fail, Inyssa?"
"What!? No!" She perked up, frowning. "I haven't given up! This is just…." Her gaze went to the floor, trying to avoid Uxie's. "…kinda new to me. I'm not used to having this much trouble with stuff."
"The curse of a gifted child. I've seen this before." Uxie's translucent body began to move, floating in circles around her. "Your mind is a beautiful mechanism, Inyssa, but it is prone to overwork itself to a point where it becomes useless altogether."
"What do you mean?"
"Do you not tend to think or worry about four or five matters at once, always?" it asked. "Such a thing is akin to exercise for the mind. It stretches it; pushes it to its limit only to break it so it may reform stronger each time. However, much like the muscles in your body, your mind can only work so much in a day."
She nodded absentmindedly and looked down at the book on her lap. The edges of it were blurry. Or… was that her vision?
"So… by the time I come back to my room and try to use my powers on that book, I'm too mentally exhausted for it to work?"
"Among other things."
Inyssa raised an eyebrow. "Such as…?"
"Well… your sleep schedule, for example. I would highly encourage you to sleep more than five hours a night. Also to consume more food and exercise a bit, when you have the time." Uxie noticed the look of discomfort on her face and it added. "A healthy body leads to a healthier mind, and vice versa."
She rolled her eyes. "Sure thing, mom."
"Must I remind you that it was you who asked me for advice?"
"…No. Sorry." She looked down, embarrassed. "I'll try what you're saying, but I don't know how good I'll be at it. Clearing my mind sounds a lot easier than it actually is, especially…"
No need to finish that sentence. As much as Uxie respected her privacy –and it did, to a much higher degree than she had expected from a timeless being– there was no way it didn't know about what had happened a few days prior. About that call, and what Sarah had said to them. Uxie was bound to pick up on it, considering she hadn't stopped thinking about it ever since.
"I understand how hard it is," Uxie said after a few moments. "Which is why I'm counting on you to pull through and someday master the abilities you've been gifted with. I believe in you, Inyssa."
Inyssa's eyes went wide, flashing golden for a second. She felt a spark run throughout her entire body, filling her with a calm, gentle heat. Her cheeks flushed.
"Jeez… put that on a valentine card, why don't you?" She let out a weak laugh and looked away, though she knew it was pointless. Uxie could see her from any angle. "But… I guess I'll keep trying if you believe in me that much. Wouldn't want to not live up to your image of me."
With a lot more effort than should have been needed, Inyssa pushed herself to her feet and stepped over the circle of books around her. The room felt too dark, its air stale. Her muscles and joints protested with every step she took.
Probably should've used the reading desk, she thought, gritting her teeth. That's what it's for, after all.
The journal rested alone on the middle of the desk, barely noticeable in the darkness. Inyssa reached over, tentatively. She braced herself, but no images came to her when her fingers met the rough leather of the tome, to her disappointment. Sighing, she picked it up and stared at its title-less cover once more.
"I still can't wrap my head around this," she said. "How can I read an object's memory? I thought you had to be… well, alive, to have a memory."
"That is certainly the case, yes."
Inyssa felt a chill, and looked down at the book with a sudden fear in her eyes.
"No, the book is not alive," Uxie clarified. "That is not what I meant."
"Probably should've mentioned that before giving me a heart attack!" She smiled nervously. "So what did you mean, then?"
"I simply wanted to correct your way of thinking about this matter. You are not, as you assumed, meant to read the book's memories." Uxie floated closer to the book, the faint glow of its body illuminating the leather covering it. "You are meant to dig into the memories of the world itself. The book merely helps your mind home in on the appropriate time and place of the memory you need. A beacon, of sorts."
Inyssa nodded slowly, her fingers gripping tightly to the edges of the book. "A beacon…" she repeated the word to herself, and was surprised when she felt a smile form on her lips. "I like that."
"Such aid is needed to learn how to use my powers," said Uxie. "Hopefully in the future you will be able to peer into the memories of whatever or whomever you touch, and draw information as well as strength from them. Why, some of my most talented partners were even able to manifest parts of their own memories into the real world."
"That does sound pretty useful," she said. "And… also kind of scary. Though I still don't get how memory and the mind and all that are related to the human spirit, or how any of this works really."
"Reality flows, and will forever continue to flow," Uxie said, its tone turning serious. "And yet, humans have found a way to immortalize themselves within such a vast universe. Wisdom allows them to understand the world and learn how to affect it, Valor gives them the drive to do so and Emotion is the boundless energy that binds it all together. Though they are separate, all three aspects must coexist in order for Spirit to flourish."
Spirit… she had heard Cynthia talk about it not only during their first meeting but in her speech at the Festival as well. Even now, after hearing what she and Uxie had to say about it, she still didn't understand what it was, or how it worked. Was it the soul? Or something more?
The image of Cyrus came to her, and Inyssa couldn't help but shiver. If all three aspects were meant to coexist, then what of someone who completely lacked one of them? Cyrus had been more than able to affect the world so far. Did that mean that Emotion wasn't as important as the other two aspects?
Her gaze came to rest on the book, which now felt a lot heavier than before. There was so much she didn't understand…
"It… seems my explanation might have overwhelmed you a bit." Despite not seeing its face, Inyssa felt a smile coming from Uxie. "So… instead of going to bed with your head full of questions, how about I show you part of what I mean?
Inyssa looked up at it, furrowing her brow. "Show me?"
"Yes. It should be relatively quick," said Uxie. "If I remember correctly you still haven't been able to harness my power in order to teleport yourself, correct?"
"Well… yeah, but you don't have to rub it in."
"I believe this will help. Within my abilities, it is the mental equivalent of a card trick; relatively useless, but it will help you see more clearly." Uxie floated closer to her, to the point where she could make out the golden glow behind its eyelids. "First, flare your eyes."
It wasn't easy; with both her mind and body aching for sleep she needed a few seconds to gather herself, though once she did the spark behind her eyes flared to life, turning green to gold. Her scars hurt for a moment.
"Good. Now, focus on an object in this room; picture its appearance and location in your mind. The more dear the object is to you, the easier this will be."
She nodded, trying to think of something that would work. After a few seconds she decided on her wool hat, which she had put away inside the closet at her right. She tried to sear the image as hard as she could inside her own mind, to the point where she felt a couple drops of sweat falling down her forehead.
"Okay, what now?"
"Now… is my turn to act."
It was as though the floor gave in beneath her, so suddenly that she couldn't even scream or move. A bolt of burning light shattered her consciousness, blinding her. Then, a moment after, all feeling left her body.
And yet… she still felt herself there. She couldn't breathe or move but that didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. Her body, or lack of it, made her feel weightless and without form, as if she had turned into a gust of wind.
"Look around you."
I can't open my eyes, she thought, unable to speak.
"I didn't tell you to open your eyes. I told you to look."
And just like that, she did. The world turned from black to white and then to something a bit more… pearl-ish, if she had to find a word to describe it. An endless, thick fog covered everything around her. She found it difficult to see past a few inches in front of her; the only things she noticed at a distance were… mirrors? They floated through the air in set patterns, appearing and disappearing all around her. She noticed some of them were cracked or shattered.
What is this? She thought, still unable to speak.
"This is where I spend most of my time in," said Uxie. "This is your mind, Inyssa."
Despite having no eyes or head or anything, she looked around herself finding nothing but fog and mirrors as far as the eyes could see. If she could have frowned, she would have.
Why is it so foggy? And what's with the mirrors?
"Your guess is as good as mine. This is your domain, after all." Uxie's voice boomed throughout the fog in the same way hers did. "All minds look and work differently, after all."
Great. Thanks for the help, she thought, though wasn't sure if the sarcasm in her statement was clear now that she didn't have a voice.
"Why not try moving around?"
She tried to move, and as expected it didn't work. Then, thinking more carefully, she simply willed herself forward. The world itself shifted around her, moving as though by her own command, as if she were a pair of invisible eyes within her own personal gust of wind. And there, just behind where she was a moment ago, she saw herself.
Whoa! This feels… weird, but also neat. And… what am I doing there?
"That is your body in the real word," explained Uxie. "It will remain immobile as your mind roams around."
Isn't that… dangerous?
"Not at all. Mind and body are intrinsically connected; where one goes, the other will soon follow. I am simply stopping that from happening until you find that object in your current form. Then, as soon as you do, it will be pulled back along with your mind toward your body."
So… this is like a weird, more complicated form of teleportation?
"Effectively. As I said, it is not as useful as real teleportation, but it can come in handy. Now, please find the object."
Inyssa, or whatever she was right now, shifted herself in a circle around her body, trying to force her sight to break through the oppressive fog all around her. Which, as expected, didn't quite work out. The fog stayed where it was, and the mirrors kept moving.
How am I supposed to find it if I can't see shit?
"It is rather difficult. I often lose my way whenever I'm prancing about here, I must admit."
Wait, you can't see anything either? And you can't move the fog? Then how…?
"Of course I can't. This isn't my mind." Once more she felt Uxie smile. "It is yours. You have control here, Inyssa."
Once again she focused on the endless walls of fog all around her, as immobile as they were opaque. They seemed… hesitant. Waiting. Not knowing exactly what she was doing, Inyssa faced them directly and sent out a command.
The result was immediate. The world became a hurricane of silver mists, parting and swirling around each other as they desperately tried to get away from her. As though they were afraid of her. She heard the sound of rushing wind as they retreated like reverse waterfalls, disappearing into nothing.
And then, she could see. She found herself in an exact copy of her room, only… blurrier. Everything was white and pearly and the outlines of all objects around her were barely defined, as if they were made of fog as well.
"Yes! That was marvelous, Inyssa!" Uxie's laughter reverberated all around her. It was the first time she'd heard it so joyous. "Now you merely need to approach the object you chose."
It was a simple matter of focusing her consciousness; she shifted forward, swirling through the folds of her own mind until she found herself in front of the closet at the edge of her room. She could feel her hat inside, see it as well, or at least its outline. Despite this being the first time she did this, she somehow knew that she could phase herself through the door and grab the hat if she wanted to.
"Now… pull it toward you."
She reached forward and, though she had no hands or fingers, took hold of the hat and started to move its outline toward her. Slowly, tentatively. Then she braced herself, waiting for her mind to be pulled back into her body.
Another flash of light blinded her. Sensation returned to her, along with her own body. She smiled to herself… before the pain came.
She let out a choked scream. The closet shook violently, its door opening to a slightly squished Inyssa who immediately fell to the floor, white wool hat on her hand.
"Agh! What the fuck, Uxie!?"
The legendary Pokemon's voice resounded around her as she shuffled to her feet, eyes screaming murder.
"I… apologize. I forgot to mention that, should you not pull hard enough, the object will pull itself back and it will be you who will be teleported toward it."
"Yeah no shit you forgot, you lightbulb-head piece of shit!"
A few heartbeats passed as they glared at each other, the anger on Inyssa's face slowly dissipating as her lips began to curl up, laughter bubbling up from her stomach until she couldn't contain it anymore. Their laughs echoed throughout the room and Inyssa had to place a hand against the wall not to fall to the floor again.
"Oh Inyssa! That was so wonderful!" Uxie's voice struggled to break through its laughter. "The way you swirled yourself through your own mind, that look on your face as you commanded the fog to move, it was beautiful! You looked so beautiful!"
Heat rose to her face, though for once she didn't feel ashamed at someone's attempt to compliment her. Uxie's presence in her mind meant that she knew it wasn't lying. Every single word it spoke, it fully meant.
She smiled, looking up at it.
"You really like this stuff, huh?"
There was a moment of silence. She felt hesitation from Uxie.
"…How could I not? This is what I've dedicated my existence to." A spark of sadness broke through it toward her. "There is nothing I find more joy in than teaching my partners how to hone their own minds and master my powers. It is simply… beautiful."
Inyssa blinked a couple times, looking to the side as she thought of what to say. Would it be appropriate to…?
"Uxie…" she spoke out, tone hesitant. "…do you remember all the people you've bonded with in the past?"
No surprise came from Uxie. It seemed it had expected the question.
"…Yes. I do." There was a small pause. "I remember everything about them. Their faces, names, ideals, the sound of their voice, the way their laughter sounded… and I also remember their last moments, and I remember myself next to them. Waiting. Helping. Saying goodbye."
"Is it… painful?"
"Remembering? Yes, though it is also rewarding."
"In what way?" she asked.
"…I am not sure, exactly." Uxie's voice felt quieter for a moment. "But… I would do it all again, if I had the chance to. I may be full of regrets, but living with all those people will never be one of them."
Inyssa nodded, looking away. She felt a weird ache in her chest, but knew that it wasn't fair to ask more questions. Not now, at least.
"I want you to remember what I said previously, Inyssa," Uxie finally said. "Despite the odd circumstances leading to our bonding, I do not remain by your side only because I need you to stop Cyrus and his plans. I… even though you might not be the most agreeable of people, I believe in you. I know you are worthy enough to be my partner."
She glanced down at the hat on her hands, and smiled. Its texture felt so reassuring as she ran her fingers through it.
"Thanks. That means a lot."
"Anytime," it said. "Moreover, I believe it is time for you to go to bed. Tomorrow we can try using our powers on that book, provided you have learned how to clear your mind."
She nodded. Despite how painful Uxie's lesson had been in the end, she felt like she now understood a bit more how this whole thing worked. The way she had felt while inside her own mind… it was overwhelming, yet familiar.
Her hat came to rest on top of the desk and she headed toward her bed. However, just before reaching it, Uxie spoke again.
"And since resting is important, why don't you head over to Barry's room instead?" it asked. "You do sleep better next to him, do you not?"
She froze, knelt halfway toward her bed, a horrified look on her face.
"How do you know!?" she asked, blushing. "I told you not to spy on…!"
"I did not," Uxie hurried to say. "But, despite the fact that I never open my eyes, I am not blind. Nor clueless, for that matter."
Inyssa couldn't help but cover her face with her hands, the embarrassment rendering her speechless. Was it really that obvious? Oh, who was she kidding, of fucking course it was.
"Well, yes, but…"
"Also you two smell like each other."
"Okay! I get it!" She shot up, face like a tomato and desperation in her voice. "You don't need to… look, just…" She huffed, shaking her head. "I… don't know if I wanna go with him."
"Are you still worried that he might be angry at you?"
She shrugged. "Dunno… kinda? It was my fault that Sarah got so angry and…"
But even as she said that, she instantly realized how dumb her own words sounded. Her mind felt clearer somehow, and so did her judgment apparently.
"Inyssa… we both know that is ridiculous."
She let her shoulders fall and formed a sad smile. "Yeah, I guess."
"Then you know what to do."
She breathed in deep, then straightened her back and headed toward the door. However, she stopped just before reaching it. An idea formed in her mind, and she smiled.
"Hey…" she asked. "That thing you taught me to do. Does it only work with objects?"
"Hm?" Uxie sounded confused for a moment. "Oh. It should work with anything you could interact with in the real world."
Her smile widened, turning devious.
Barry yawned and leaned the back of his head back against the pillow. His room was dark and silent. He felt his consciousness slowly drifting away, sleep's hand closing around his body.
Then, he heard the air above him vibrate. He opened his eyes, still dazed, and saw as Niss appeared above him.
Air escaped his lungs as the weight of Niss' body fell on top of his. She put her arms around him, a huge grin on her face.
"N-Niss!? What are you…!?"
She lowered her face, interrupting his question with a kiss. A few seconds after when they both needed to breathe, she smiled again and whispered to him.
"Just wanted to say hi."