Child of Thorns - A Pokemon Sinnoh Reimagining

Chapter 79: The Beast Who Would Swallow the Sun

Nothing happened. Inyssa refused to act, the only movement of her body being her shaking legs and lower lip.

Shadi sighed.

"You're really cramping my cool line here, sis." She made a non-committal gesture with her hand, aimed at her Alakazam. "Doesn't matter, though. Ludwig's going to attack in five seconds, regardless if you have a Pokemon out or not."

On cue, Ludwig's eyes flared up with a purple glow, and he began floating as if suspended by invisible strings. He folded his legs over one another and placed both hands on top of them, as if he were meditating in mid air. The air shook as he prepared his attack.

Do something! A part of Inyssa screamed inside her mind. MOVE!

Turned out, that extra bit of panic was just the push she needed. Without thinking she grabbed a Pokeball and chucked it forward, a bit more strongly than necessary. The explosion of light as it opened reflected strongly on the silver top of it, and as soon as it did so the ball veered in the air back toward her, like a boomerang. She knew which Pokemon she had sent before the light subsided; if it was one of the silver balls and it was on the right of her belt…

She grit her teeth in frustration as Bret materialized before her. He was one of her strongest fighters, yes, but he was also a Poison type. Even the weakest of Psychic attacks from a monster like that would knock him out instantly, and Bret was not known for being particularly fast.

On the other hand, it was well known that an Alakazam's physical fortitude was almost null. It didn't matter how fast and powerful his psychic abilities were; if she could hit him with a relatively powerful attack, he would go down.

I can't attack carelessly, she thought. I'll wait until she orders a move, then I'll…

A rainbow light burst in the shape of a star a few feet from them, interrupting her train of thought. To say the beam of energy traveled forward would have been putting it lightly; it felt as if the air itself was torn in half by its speed. Inyssa barely had time to speak.


Bret did not need to be told twice. He jumped to the side, slamming the floor with two vines to add momentum to his escape. However, the shape and movement of the beam was too unpredictable, and just as it seemed to pass over him the tip veered down slightly and scraped his side, enveloping his body in a rainbow light before he was thrown violently to the left. A deaf thump was heard as his back collided with the nearby handrail.

"S-shit! Bret!"

But Bret did not collapse; he threw himself to his feet almost as soon as he fell, eyes squinting in pain. His right side, just under his arm, was slightly scorched. Inyssa gulped and turned toward her sister.

"How did you… I thought you had to…"

"You've had Uxie inside your head all this time and still haven't figured out this trick?" Shadi raised an amused eyebrow. "It's telepathy. Strong psychic Pokemon can read their trainer's minds, so there's no need for me to verbally declare an attack."

Inyssa bit her lower lip, strongly enough that she felt a slight taste of blood on her tongue. If that was true… it meant there was no way to know when or how Ludwig would attack. It put her at a massive disadvantage.

"Grass Knot!" She ordered, the part of her mind which was not currently panicking trying to come up with a strategy to win. "Keep your distance and tie him up!"

Bret threw both arms forward, and from the rose bouquets on his hands formed two thick vines which traveled like whips toward his opponent. Inyssa frowned; if she attack could just connect then Bret could both tie Ludwig up and use Giga Drain from a distance, putting him far from the Psybeam's range.

The vines cut through the air, but the Alakazam did not move. Inyssa's anticipation turned to hope first, and then to confusion as they closed around the air itself as if it were solid, and stopped. It took her a moment to understand what was happening, and by then it was too late.

A barrier? When did he…?

The purple light enveloping Ludwig's body transferred to the circular barrier around him first, and then through the vines as it burned them from the inside. Bret could only watch, trapped and wide-eyed, as the crackle of energy traveled through his own vines toward him with the speed of a bullet.

A shriek of pain tore through the air as the attack connected. There was a sharp sound as Bret's body fell limply against the wooden floor, and did not move again. Inyssa's hand trembled as she lifted the Pokeball and pressed the button to return him to it.

"A frontal strike against a Psychic Pokemon? Really?" Shadi shook her head. "I'm disappointed, sis. Is this the full extent of your skill as a trainer?"

Shame and anger rose like bile through her throat, and she had a hard time not replying. Instead she simply grabbed another Pokeball from her belt and held it for a few seconds, thinking.

That barrier is a problem, but he must be using a lot of his strength to constantly keep it up, she rationalized. I need to break it and get in an attack quick, before he has a chance to recover. Speed; not power.

The wind seemed to welcome Steven as he emerged from the explosion of light, his wings automatically adjusting to it as he veered around the deck in a circle. Far enough up to dodge a Psybeam should it come for him, but at just the right distance for a drop attack.

Inyssa tried her best to smile, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. That's exactly what her sister would expect, and it was the perfect chance to surprise her.

"Agility!" She cried out. "Don't let him lock on to you!"

Steven extended his wingspan and let out a powerful chirp, the soft brown of his eyes gleaming with determination. Then, a moment after, he disappeared.

The air above them became a whirling mess of black and blue. Steven's body turned into a blur as he flew erratically all around, about a dozen after-images trailing behind him and making it impossible to determine his current location. Powerful gusts of wind blew in all directions, cutting through the air and making waves on the water far below them. A few feet from Inyssa, Alakazam stood as still as ever, not even bothering to look up at his opponent.

They're probably expecting a sneak attack from behind. Inyssa set her jaw, breathing in deep. Let's see how they react to this.

She threw her hand forward. "Quick Attack!"

In the short moment before Steven obeyed, she saw Shadi raise a curious eyebrow.

All the after-images rushed at Ludwig at the same time; whom simply raised one of his spoons –crackling with psychic energy– over his shoulder and aimed at the one he thought was real. Despite the anxiety gnawing at every inch of her being, Inyssa couldn't help but smile.

She waited until a moment before impact; then bellowed: "U-turn!"

Like dominoes; all the fake Steven vanished in an instant one after the other. Then, from seemingly nowhere, the real one materialized right in front of Luwdig, his beak gleaming with a pulsing green energy. The Alakazam's eyes went wide as he realized he was aiming the wrong way, and with the little time that was left before impact he raised his other spoon and began charging an attack.

Just then, the real Steven vanished as well. The wind carried his body as he vaulted over Ludwig and spun vertically behind him, toward a spot where neither of his spoons could reach him.

A sound like the crack of glass was heard as Steven penetrated the barrier. A hundred shards broke off in a circle around them, gleaming with a waning purple light and making it impossible to see what happened next. However; Inyssa didn't need to see. For the first time since she could remember; she saw a hint of panic flash across Shadi's face.

A pink mist covered both Pokemon as the shards of the barrier dissipated. Silence and anticipation swallowed the entirety of the deck. Then, a moment after, Ludwig's cry was heard as he was violently thrown through the air, landing in front of Shadi. The fear flooding Inyssa was replaced with relief and pride as she saw Steven fly up, his chin raised high and his wingspan extended in full.

Unfortunately, the battle was not over. Squinting and growling something fierce, the Alakazam pushed himself to his feet and slightly wobbled before finally stabilizing himself. His vulpine face was contorted into a hatred as clear as crystal.

The barrier must've absorbed most of Steven's attack. Inyssa bit her lower lip, frustrated. But it doesn't matter. I just need to get another hit in and I'll win, no matter how weak the blow is.

As if to challenge that thought, Shadi simply let her shoulders fall and formed a cocky smile.

"One more time!" Inyssa ordered. "Agility; then–!"

A whimper of pain came from Steven. Against all his efforts, his eyelids fell closed and his body went completely limp. Inyssa could do little but stare in utter confusion as he crashed against the ground, unconscious.

"S-Steven!" Her gaze flew from his unconscious body toward the Alakazam, and then to Shadi. "What… the hell happened!?"

"Take a closer look."

She did so, reluctantly. At first glance nothing seemed wrong; but as soon as she thought that, a multitude of black spots dotted Steven's body all over. Blood gushed out of the puncture wounds slowly, staining his feathers and forming a small puddle under him. Inyssa's heart dropped, and without hesitation she raised the Pokeball and returned him to it.

"What… what happened?" She asked, voice thin. "When did you…?"

"After he destroyed the barrier," Shadi answered. "Remember how it broke off into a bunch of shards before disappearing? He practically trapped himself inside a circle of psychic arrows."

Her mouth went agape as realization hit her. "And… Ludwig used telekinesis to throw all of them at Steven? B-but there was no time! It was–"

"A fraction of a second?" Shadi offered. "More or less, yes. Though if it weren't for all those shards around him, he wouldn't have been able to react so quickly."

Inyssa couldn't believe the ease with which Shadi talked about the speed of her Pokemon. As if she were so used to the topic that it had become boring to her. No; not just boring, she seemed… dispassionate about the whole thing. The battle, the reunion, the mere act of standing there, it all seemed to irritate her so. At first she had thought her sister was wearing a mask of apathy to hide her real feelings over them meeting, but now she wasn't so sure. The only emotions she had shown so far had been either impatience, irritation or downright anger. Little was left of the brightness Inyssa had grown to love; the unquenchable fire burning within Shadi's chest which had led her to chase the title of Champion so long ago.

Her eyes look so dead and dull, Inyssa thought, feeling her chest tighten. What… happened to her?

"Tic-toc, Niss." Shadi's voice took her out of her stupor. The impatience was clear in her tone. "Did you forget the stakes of this battle?"

Inyssa looked toward the horizon; the shape of Iron Island growing in the distance. How much time did she have left? Fifteen minutes? Less?

She clenched her teeth and grabbed another Pokeball from her belt. She was ashamed to admit that, in the heat of the fight, she had almost forgotten what she was fighting for. And now that she remembered, she could feel her heartbeat fasten to a wild, erratic rhythm, along with beads of sweat which started falling down her forehead.

Acting fast was essential, but she also needed to come up with a good plan. A battle of attrition was out of the question; even with more Pokemon at her disposal there was no way she could counteract Ludwig's skill and expertise. Thankfully, there was one advantage which she held; Shadi knew she was stronger, so she wasn't giving it her all. If Inyssa could pull a page out of her book and strike when she was unaware…

I can do this, she repeated inside her mind. Just one more hit; I can do this!

Light pooled out of the ball, twisting uncontrollably for a moment before it took a familiar, oval shape. Johnny swiveled happily from side to side, his almost vacant stare falling on his opponent. Their eyes met, and the difference in intensity between their gazes could not have been more pronounced. A low snarl was heard as Ludwig bared his teeth, but he got no reaction. The Quagsire barely registered Inyssa's orders half the time. She doubted he was even aware he was in a battle.

Her lips curved into a lopsided smile; that's exactly what she was counting on. The plan currently forming in her head was by far one of the stupidest she had come up with, more akin to something Barry would think of than anything else. But the fact that it was so unlikely to work was also the best part about it; Shadi would never see it coming.

"Come on Johnny, I'm counting on you," she whispered, and then threw a hand forward. "Mud Bomb!"

A sound like that of a vacuum cleaner was heard as Johnny threw his head backwards and inhaled deeply, the pouch under his neck expanding to twice its normal size. He held still for a moment and then, with a speed uncharacteristic of his species, lunged his head forward and opened his mouth, releasing a torrent of mud projectiles the size of a baseball. They flew like bullets toward an expectant Ludwig, leaving behind a thin trail of filth as they went.

The air vibrated, and Ludwig's body vanished into nothing just before the impact. He materialized a few feet to the right and raised one of his spoons to counter-attack, but Inyssa was faster and managed to scream out her order.

"Keep it going!"

It became impossible to see through the countless mud projectiles as Johnny spat wave after wave of them. Inyssa could hear the soft, almost ethereal sound Ludwig made as his body shifted through space over and over, avoiding each volley with expert precision and looking for a chance to counter attack. However, he seemed to be having trouble finding a good angle of approach. As such he opted to keep up his retreat, probably knowing that Johnny would tire himself out far before he did.

Inyssa breathed in deep, her eyes completely focused on her Pokemon's body. Any time now…

It only took a few more seconds. The last volley of mud balls left Johnny's mouth, and like all the other before, it failed to connect. The Quagsire took a step back, breathing heavily as his face reddened. There was barely any mud left in his pouch and he would not be able to recharge until he dove into a body of water. He only had enough for one more attack, and his foe knew it.

Kadabra reappeared in his original spot and raised one of his spoons, its glow illuminating the beast's teeth as he smiled. On the other side of the field, Inyssa held her breath and prayed.

The air tore, and the beam shot like lightning toward Johnny.

"Now!" Inyssa yelled. "Dive and slide toward him!"

Johnny obeyed the only way he knew how; by falling forward like a sack of potatoes. The beam grazed the top of his head and dissipated into the air, and once the light of it subsided both Ludwig and Shadi saw something which made their eyes widen.

The Quagsire flew toward them with abnormal speed, his belly leaving behind two trails of mud as he slid through it, the slime covering his body acting as a perfect lubricant.

Shadi's surprise was short lived, and without wait she frowned in what surely was a mental order given to her Alakazam. Inyssa bit her lip; she probably thought that she was an idiot; after all no matter how fast someone came at him, Ludwig could repel them easily if they traveled in a straight line. Her suspicions were confirmed as another crackle of psychic energy was heard, accompanying the movement of that spoon.

"Now; Amnesia!"

A soft blue glow covered Johnny's body. There was a powerful light, followed by the familiar whip-like sound of a Psychic attack being fired.

The ground shook with the tremor of an impact. The light disappeared, and both trainers saw as Johnny landed on top of the Alakazam's chest, pinning him down with the hefty weight of his body. No sign of harm could be found on the Quagsire.

An unconscious smile formed on Inyssa's face. Can't attack the mind of something that temporarily forgot how to think.

"Finish it off with Scald!"

Without warning Johnny opened his mouth and fired an ball of scalding water onto his opponent. The explosion sent a shockwave of burning droplets all around which forced Inyssa to cover her hands and face to avoid the heat. A cloud of steam soon followed, shrouding both Pokemon in darkness.

However, Inyssa didn't need to see the result. Relief flooded every fiber of her being and for the first time since Shadi appeared she felt like she could breathe again.

I won. Those words sounded so strange inside her head. I… I beat Sh–

Johnny was violently expelled from the cloud of steam. His body –covered in a familiar purple glow– was shot upwards like a bullet and stopped a dozen feet above, where he lay suspended, completely unable to move.

The steam dissipated. Inyssa felt something cold run down her spine.

Ludwig stood proud to his full height, his eyes burning with power. Despite every inch of him being soaking wet, she could not see any harm in his body; in fact… were his previous wounds slowly closing? The water itself seemed to be healing him.

"…Huh?" The question barely made it out of her mouth. "What happened?"

Shadi replied a moment after, monotone. "Ever heard of the move Roleplay?"

The small part of Inyssa which wasn't trying to deny the reality in front of her tried her best to remember. Roleplay… wasn't it some weird Psychic move? It made it possible to exchange the user's special ability with that of the…

A choked gasp left her lips. She placed her Poketch close to her face as she whispered.

"Quagsire; special ability."

The electronic voice answered a second after.

"Water Absorb: If the user is hit by a Water type move they will not only take no damage from it, but they will heal from it as well."

It was a weird sensation; what Inyssa felt as those words echoed around her. Like she was standing on top of a thin layer of ice, which was slowly starting to crack.

I… I healed him, she thought, dismayed. I undid all the progress I made so far. Just like that.

"Did you really think…" Shadi's voice rang out. "…that acting like an idiot to throw me off would work? Come on Niss; you know me better than that. I practically invented that strategy."

She didn't reply. How could she? There was nothing to be said; she simply raised Johnny's Pokeball and pressed the button, freeing him from Ludwig's psychic hold and returning him to safety. As she lowered it to her belt, she could have sworn the device felt heavier than ever before.

She released her next Pokemon almost unconsciously. As the light pooled out of the ball and began to form into Kuro, Inyssa racked what was left of her rational mind for an idea; any idea. The only way to end the battle as it was depended on her Luxio managing to hit Ludwig with a Bite attack, but she had absolutely no idea how to make it happen. Shadi had seen through every one of her strategies, and with ease at that. The only thing left was to… go with her gut.

"Kuro…" She gulped, her hand shaking as she threw it forward. "I… I trust you. Do whatever you think is necessary to win."

The surprise on the Luxio's face was soon overshadowed by a toothy grin as he turned toward the Alakazam, his fur rustling with excitement. He had never been allowed to show off before, and against a Psychic type too. This was definitely his lucky day.

He lowered his paws, a crackle was heard, and then he exploded forward with blinding speed. His body turned into a blue and yellow streak as he ran in circles around his opponent; the stored electricity within him working as a powerful boost. The Alakazam did not move, but Kuro could feel him following his movements. As fast as his eyes were, his body would not be able to keep up.

Smiling from ear to ear, Kuro shot himself in what appeared to be five different directions at once. Five lightning streaks curved rapidly toward his opponent in a spiral, four from the sides and one from above. He couldn't know which was the real one, no matter how good his eyes were. Rejoicing at that thought, Kuro opened his maw wide in anticipation; a pungent, black coat of energy covering his fangs.

Time slowed to a crawl. Kuro saw in slow motion as his opponent craned his neck to the side, letting the weight of his gaze fall on him. His eyes were full of power, but there was no emotion in them. They were calculating, and dispassionate. They were terrifying.

Kuro barely had time to reach that conclusion before a Psybeam was fired point blank at his face. He was thrown across the deck, a trail of smoke behind him, and lost consciousness before he even hit the ground.

Inyssa stood still, expression unreadable. She did not return Kuro to his Pokeball; in fact, she made absolutely no movement as she stared blankly at his unconscious body.

"An interesting idea." She barely heard Shadi say. "But surprise attacks like that don't work on Ludwig. He can just read his opponent's mind waves to learn which is the real one. Now, send out the next one."

She did not obey. She barely even heard her sister; all her attention was currently focused on trying not to let the waves of anxiety her brain was sending her from flooding through her entire body.

"Well? You still have some time, and I know that you're not out of usable Pokemon."

Her eyes went down to her last remaining Pokeball. In truth, out of all her partners Shadi was the one more likely to hold her own against Ludwig, but all throughout the battle Inyssa had pretended that wasn't the case. Sending her out against that monster…

Her body can't handle the level of combat you've been putting her through.

The nurse's words rang inside her mind. She clenched her teeth, tufts of fair falling over her face as she looked down. She couldn't do it. Shadi was still weak; if she pushed her to her limits again so soon after what had happened in Celestic… there was no telling how much damage it would do to her body.

Are you going to risk all these people's lives? A part of her asked. Even Barry's…

"Wasn't that Kricketot of yours the one that held her own against Cyrus' Genesect?" Asked Shadi. "She's a lot like you, isn't she? Still giving it her all and pushing past her limits, even though it's clear she'll never be the strongest." She let out a thin breath, her expression darkening. "I'm a bit insulted you named her after me though, if I have to be honest."

That was the last nail to Inyssa's will. There was a certain finality to the way her shoulders dropped. She parted her lips and tried to push out those three words which she hated so much.

"I give u–"

Kuro's eyes shot open. A ball of light swallowed him whole, and as it rose into the air only the sharp gold of his eyes could be seen at the center, the rest of him nothing but shifting, writhing energy.

Within the pulsing ball of light, Kuro allowed himself to smile. Feeling his new body fully formed, he threw his head up and let out a bloodcurdling howl. Both trainers and Ludwig were forced to take a step back as tendrils of electricity flew in all directions, accompanying the explosion of light. Inyssa could still hear the crackles all around her as she looked up at her partner, eyes going wide.

He had grown at least three times his size; now tall enough on his four legs to reach Inyssa's chest. A mane of shaggy black fur grew from the sides of his face toward the back of his head in the shape of a star, much like the one at the end of his tail which glowed like a beacon. His sclera had turned a bright red, and in the middle the piercing gold of his eyes could be seen, focused entirely on his opponent.

Once more, the Pokedex app's unprompted voice was heard.

"Luxray: The Gleam Eyes Pokemon – Electric Type. The powerful muscles on its legs along with the vast reserves of electricity within its body allow it to reach speeds faster than the human eye can follow. When its eyes gleam gold, it can see through walls and objects to locate its prey."

For just a moment, that Pokemon did not look like Kuro. It's appearance was too elegant, and the look on his face was cold enough to send shivers down Inyssa's spine. However, once she looked at him again, she saw it. The slight rustle in his fur, the shine in his eyes, the way he slightly leaned down in anticipation, lips curving into a bloodthirsty smile…

A nervous laugh left her lips, alongside some of the anxiety she'd been feeling. It didn't matter how serious and regal he looked, that was definitely her partner Kuro.

On the other side of the deck, she heard Shadi sigh. "What awful timing. Still, I hope you don't think you can beat me because of this. You should know that a Pokemon evolving doesn't heal the damage they've suffered throughout the battle."

She was right, of course. Despite his impressive show of power, Kuro himself didn't look too good. His eyes were narrowed in pain and his breaths came a bit too erratically for her liking. Inyssa doubted he had enough energy for more than one or two attacks.

That's all I… no, all we need to win, she thought, clenching her fists. Kuro forced himself to evolve for me; like hell I'm gonna let him down now!

She swiped at the air with her hand, a hasty last plan forming on her head. There was very little chance of it working, but…

"Use Discharge!"

Kuro opened his maw, the fur in his body rustling up, and let out a roar which tore the air in half. His entire body lit up, and then everything turned white. It looked as if a bomb had gone off; hundreds of lightning bolts exploded forward, traveling through the air fast enough that there was no room left to dodge.

However, Ludwig had no need to dodge, and Inyssa knew that. He simply raised both spoons, and as his eyes lit up he formed another psychic barrier around him. A sound like a gunshot was heard as the attack connected, and the Alakazam's face contorted in effort as he pushed himself to the limit in order to keep the barrier up.

That was her time to act. Inyssa took a deep breath, closed her eyes and cleared her mind to the best of her ability; trying to summon forth Uxie's powers despite the legendary Pokemon being asleep. If she could just activate them for a second; if she could use her telepathy and tell Kuro her strategy without her sister finding out…

Just when she felt like she was going to get a headache from concentrating so hard, it happened. She felt the crackle behind her eyes as they lit up, and a smile of relief formed on her lips. Praying for this to work, she spoke out to Kuro's mind and gave her order.

Nothing happened for a moment that felt eternal. Then, she felt something faint; a link between her and Kuro, and the Luxray's eyes went wide.

Both Pokemon reached their limits at the same time. As the barrier cracked and shattered into a thousand little pieces, Kuro stopped his attack and jumped forward. As it had happened before, it looked as if a dozen of him were running toward Ludwig in different directions, all ready to attack.

"The same strategy?" Shadi whispered, narrowing her eyes. "But…"

However, as Ludwig concentrated on Kuro's mind waves, trying to locate the real one, he found nothing. His eyes flew open in panic, and both his opponent and Inyssa smiled. She had told Kuro to completely clear his mind before attacking, and to let his body be carried by the direction of the bolts of electricity still hanging in the air, all pointed directly at the Alakazam.

And it had worked. The real Kuro materialized behind a confused Ludwig, his sharp fangs glistening with dark energy. Inyssa's breath stilled as she saw him lunge forward. This was it; just–

The clouds above parted in a circle, and a blinding beam of light fell like a bullet on top of Kuro. The ensuing shockwave tore through the air in a circle, knocking her off her feet and sending an explosion of pain throughout the length of her scars as her back met with the floor. The world went blank for a second.

Once the shaking stopped, Inyssa struggled to push herself to her feet. A dull pain throbbed on her head, arms and back at the rhythm of her heartbeat. Scared and confused out of her mind, she tried to force her sight to focus and stared ahead at the cloud of dust and smoke where Kuro had been.

It took her a second to process what she was seeing, though only because she didn't want to believe it. The Luxray lay immobile on the ground, his paws curled onto themselves and his breathing weak and erratic. Most of his fur was badly burnt, and his eyes were dull and distant, staring at nothing. In front of him, Ludwig stood completely unharmed.

"W-what?" The words left her lips before she registered saying them. "What… what happened!? That was supposed to be the… w-we were supposed to win!"

"A trainer and her Pokemon on their last leg, turning the tide of battle at the last second and achieving an unlikely victory." Shadi whispered, her gaze far-off for a moment. "A nice thought, but the world doesn't work like that."

"But how…?"

Shadi's reply was succinct and to the point. "Future Sight. A very handy move; especially when you're of the habit of planning a few moves ahead."

Inyssa's eyes went wide, and she felt that familiar anger sprout from her chest like a toxic cloud.

"N-no, that's bullshit!" She bellowed, tears starting to form on her eyes. "That's not how Future Sight works; you… you gotta use it a long time before it actually hits! When did you…!?"

Her voice trailed off as realization hit her. An opportunity… when had been the one time Ludwig launched an attack which had done nothing?

"When you tried to hit Johnny," she whispered. "But I thought…"

"You thought I'd fallen into your trap?" Shadi tapped the side of her forehead with one finger. "I never make a move until I'm one hundred percent certain it'll work. Not realizing that was one of your many mistakes."

Inyssa had stopped listening halfway between her explanation. A soft, shaking breath left her lips and with it went what little was left of her will to fight. She returned Kuro to his Pokeball with a flick of her wrist, barely aware of what she was doing. Then she spoke.

"I give up. I can't beat you."

A heavy weight evaporated from her shoulders as those words came out, but at the same time she felt as if an integral part of her had left with them. Across her, Shadi formed a genuine smile and returned Ludwig to his Pokeball.

Inyssa didn't see her approach, but she heard her footsteps louder and louder until they echoed inside her head like the beats of her own heart. She stopped a few inches from her, and placed a heavy hand on her shoulder.

"I'm glad you finally realized it." Her tone changed to a more familiar, cheerful one, but Inyssa did not feel any kind of relief. "To be honest, I was getting worried. You made the fight last a lot longer than I expected."

Inyssa blinked a couple times, confused. "Worried? Why?"

"Because I was lying about letting the ship crash, of course." She said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "What kind of hero would risk people's lives just to prove a point?"

That's what I just did, she thought bitterly. And she knows it.

"Does that mean you'll wake everyone up?"

"They'll do that on their own; don't worry about it," said Shadi. "I just told Ludwig to correct the ship's course before I sent him away."

Inyssa nodded absentmindedly, barely aware of the world around her. She was desperately trying to escape, to push her consciousness into the furthest part of her mind so that she wouldn't have to come to terms with what had just happened.

Unfortunately, Shadi had other plans.

"Alright, now…" She did not move, but Inyssa could swear that her sister's hand got firmer and heavier on her shoulder. "It's been nice, but I'm running out of time here. I'll repeat myself one last time, and I want you to listen very carefully. Okay?"

There was no answer, but she didn't seem to mind. She simply cleared her throat before continuing.

"I want you and your friend to stop going up against Team Galactic. That means no more vigilante justice, no more investigations and no more bonding with legendary Pokemon. Once you get off this boat you're going to pretend you never met with me, you're going to part ways with Uxie and you'll continue on with your trainer journey as if none of this ever happened. Is that clear?"

The tone of her voice left no room to hide, and Inyssa was forced to listen to every word as the barriers she had built around her came crashing down one by one. Tears welled up on her eyes, falling down her cheeks toward the floor. She set her jaw in an attempt not to sob.

"I… I just wanted to be like you."

Shadi closed her eyes and nodded. "I know. But it's time you let it go," she said. "You had your chance, and you lost. A Pokemon battle always shows the true nature of a trainer, and ours told me what I needed to know. You don't have what it takes to follow in my footsteps."


"This is for your own good, Niss. You're weak, just like dad was, but that's not a bad thing. You can do better than him," said Shadi. "The light you've been chasing has blinded you. At the very least, let me help you see clearly again."

As she heard those words, a cold shiver ran down her scalp through her entire body. Feeling strangely compelled to, she looked up at her sister.

She froze, eyes wide in terror. A grisly creature floated above Shadi; his body shapeless and formed from many shadows overlaying on top of one another. Two arms as thin as sticks grew from his torso, ending on fingers as sharp as knives which fell on top of the woman's shoulders. The only parts of him which weren't made from darkness were the collar around its neck –bright red and in the shape of a row of teeth– and the smoke-like white substance which seemed to be his hair, floating weightlessly behind him as if caressed by the wind.

Their eyes met, and Inyssa experienced that familiar sensation of her consciousness trying to shut itself off. Just looking at that icy blue flooded her body with a sense of peace and relief. Suddenly, nothing in the world felt wrong. She could simply let those eyes take hold of her and slip into the comfortable blanket of her sleep, forever.

Shadi was right, Inyssa thought. She was worthless; she would never become the Champion nor be as strong as her. Giving up would be so much easier, wouldn't it? She was so tired… what was the harm in letting it all go?

"There we go…" She heard Shadi whisper under her breath. Her eyes flashed with anticipation. "Now, you only need to say it."

The words barely made it to Inyssa, who felt as if she were floating in a sea of cotton. What did her sister wanted her to say? Well, whatever it was, saying yes was probably the right answer. Shadi knew better, after all. She always had.

"Yeah, I'll–"

She didn't get to finish her sentence. For a moment everything including the wind stood still, and then a familiar voice echoed all throughout the deck.


Inyssa's eyes flew open. She stumbled back, away from her sister's touch, and turned around so fast her neck clicked.

Barry stood a stone throw's away, his body slouched forward and his feet slowly dragging him toward them. His teeth were clenched in concentration, and the gold in his eyes shone brighter than Inyssa had ever seen them before; he seemed to be struggling not to fall unconscious.

Shadi spoke behind her; and for the first time there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "Y-you're supposed to be asleep. How…?"

A dull sound was heard as Barry stomped his foot forward, making the air around him shake and a slight golden shine cover the outline of his body. A shockwave of anger spread in a circle around him, hitting Inyssa head on. It was like having a bucket of icy water dumped on her; that feeling of sleepiness and compliance were burned out of her body and suddenly she felt wide awake, more than she ever remembered being.

It became stronger as Barry lunged forward, dragging Inyssa by the arm and putting himself between her and Shadi. His touch was like an electric shock. She inhaled sharply and felt an enormous weight lift off her shoulders; suddenly she could breathe normally again, she hadn't even realized how heavy the air had felt before.

"…I see." Shadi did not move from her spot, nor did she seem intimidated by Barry's glare. "So that's why."

Barry chose not to pay any mind to her, instead turning toward Inyssa with a look halfway between concern and anger.

"Niss." The sound of him speaking her name resonated inside her mind. "Niss! Hey, stay with me!"

She gulped and met his gaze, still not quite feeling like herself. She must have looked awful, she thought, because as soon as their eyes met Barry's expression turned to one of fear.

"What did you do to her!?" Barry flicked his wrist, producing a silver Pokeball on it. "Why are you here!?"

Niss had to force her words to come out. "I–it's fine. I'm fine…"

"No you're not! You think I didn't see… that thing!?" For the first time since she could remember, Barry sounded genuinely furious. "I'm not gonna let her hurt you." Turning back toward Shadi, he raised his hand and pointed the Pokeball at her. "You're coming with me, and you're gonna apologize for what you did to Niss!"

The gold in his eyes gleamed again, but Shadi did not react in the slightest.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but the powers of the Lake Trio don't work on me." Shadi shrugged. "In any case, I've run out of time here. I'll be leaving now."

"W-what?" Inyssa tried to stand up straight, but her vision swam as soon as she moved. "Please, don't go! I'll…"

"Like hell I'm gonna let you leave!" Barry bellowed. "Pedri, come o–"

However, he did not get to finish his sentence. Before he had a chance to open the Pokeball, Shadi threw her hand forward and frowned, her eyes changing to that icy blue once more. The outline of her cape began to shift, tendrils of shadows pooling from the edges toward the ground.

Then, night fell.

It looked that way, at least. A sudden mantle of darkness rolled over the sky and sea, making what little was left of the sun vanish in the horizon. However, it had been too quick, too abrupt. And, as both her and Barry looked past Shadi toward the horizon, they understood why.

A massive shadow rose in the distance, blocking out the sun. Sea and sky both seemed to join in the middle as her shape took form; that of a terrifying, draconic creature with two enormous wings and a tail which was set ablaze at the very tip. Her eyes, even so far away, were the most distinguishable part of her; they shone like burning coals.

Those eyes fell on them. Inyssa's knees turned weak, and next to her Barry's fingers let go of the silver Pokeball, which fell to the ground with an echoing thump.


As if in response to her name being called out, the beast flapped her wings once and the air shook. A powerful gust of wind hit them head on, almost knocking them off balance. Shadi was the only one not affected.

"My time is up." Without fanfare she turned her back on them, looking over the distance to her Pokemon. "I'll be taking my leave now."

"W-wait! Don't leave!" Despite her fear, Inyssa took a step forward. "Please!"

Shadi looked as if she didn't even hear her. "Why? I already got what I came here for, and whether you heed my warning or not doesn't really matter" she said. "I let you off with a warning this time, but if you try to get in my way again… I will not be as kind."

She snapped her fingers and the beast dove toward them, the outline of her body covered in a heat haze strong enough to distort her image. Inyssa and Barry took a sudden step back, but Midir did not attack them. Instead, as she flew over the ship, it lowered one of her wings so its shadow would fall over them.

"Goodbye, Niss. Take care."

As soon as she said that, the woman was swallowed into her Pokemon's shadow, vanishing into nothing.

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