Chapter 107: Duty and Purpose - Part 1
Yet there is a difference between power that is given a purpose and power that is left to its own devices. The latter is like fire and lightning. The former is… No, it used to be like me.
I sworn to use my power only to protect my homeland and loved ones. A necessary oath, in times of war. Yet as the years passed, I began to wonder: what would become of me, once peace returned? What use would anyone have for me, then? Would I be discarded, like a sword that vainly hopes for another conflict to come so that they may have a purpose once more?
I was fearful, yes, though I never let that get in the way of my mission. However, I must admit… It might have occurred at some point, were it not for a much bigger fear which ended up becoming reality right before my eyes. The biggest fear someone like me could possess.
The fear of losing someone I love.
Reiko had never flown so fast. She believed Knives to be one of the swiftest and strongest Fearow she'd ever met, a species already known for their incredible flight speed, but even he couldn't hold a candle to the white Pokemon she was currently riding on, hands strongly closed around its rigid, pearly scales as she focused entirely on not falling off.
The creature resembled a flat, wide airplane with red and blue triangles dotting his stomach as well as two horns of the same colors separated by a longer white one. His form was lithe and aerodynamic, and as he flew her over the ocean the air seemed to part to allow them a safe and stable passage. Cynthia's ride wasn't so graceful. Instead of using grace and aerodynamics the hammer-head dragon chose to smash her way with brute force and speed alone, sonic waves trailing behind her tail.
Reiko got very few glimpses of the waters below, fearful that any sudden movement could send her spiraling down to her death, but the few she got were breathtaking. Spots and blotches of sunlight reflected off the endless blue, making it seem as though light were raining horizontally through the ocean itself. She didn't know for how long she stared, but by the time she spotted the familiar shape of the Sevii islands in the distance it didn't feel like more than an hour had passed.
Cynthia shouted something, but even as the Pokemon slowed down considerably Reiko couldn't make out what it was. Then she felt a tug in her stomach, and they started losing altitude. She grabbed on with even more force as her feet were lifted off the back of the Pokemon's wings, wind exploding against her and the world going blurry and swirly all around her.
And then they landed, abruptly and with the softness of a feather touching the ground. It took Reiko a few seconds to get down, her entire body shaking and her hair a wild mess sticking back by the force of the wind. Cynthia seemed nonplussed, however, as she returned both Pokemon to their balls and simply patted her coat a bit to get rid of the dust, as impassive as ever.
"How are you feeling?" she asked. "It can be a bit of a shock the first time, flying faster than we humans were meant to. Then again, we always manage, don't we?" She clapped her hands together, letting out a chipper sigh. "Ahh… I'd forgotten how clear the air is here in Kanto. A bit stuffy for my liking, though."
But Reiko wasn't paying attention to her, too busy breathing in the familiar atmosphere around her, turning her head around like a curious Hoothoot. They were standing on a lush patch of tall grass at the edge of what she recognized as Cerulean river, the rushing sound of its waters as calming as the first time she'd heard it. The dark and proud figure of Mt. Moon stood a few miles at her left, almost blocking out the sun. And there in the horizon at her right, almost far enough for its soft blue hue to be too hard to see, was Cerulean itself. Just looking at the town from afar filled Reiko's chest with a feeling so fresh and clear it made her shakiness from before vanish instantly. Even from this distance the place looked as fine as ever, and she figured that if they'd landed a little closer she would have heard the distant voices of its citizens. The people of Cerulean weren't exactly known for their indoor voice or lack of enthusiasm, something their Gym Leader encapsulated to a T.
She smiled. It was good to be back, if only momentarily. Speaking of…
"What are we doing here?" She turned to Cynthia, frowning. "Like, here specifically, in this field."
"This is the closest I deemed it safe to land on," replied Cynthia, as cryptically as ever. "Our true destination lies that way."
She raised a finger toward a certain point past the river, where a wall of rock belonging to the tail of Mt. Moon blocked the view. It took Reiko a second to see it. There, in between overgrown shrubs and scattered rocks, was a small crack in the wall, tall and wide enough for someone to be able to slip inside. Her eyes went wide. She knew what lay behind that rift in the mountain.
"Cerulean Cave?" she asked, unable to hide her incredulous tone. "Why here?"
"As I said, we'll meet a friend of mine there." Cynthia's hand went to her belt, unconsciously. "We will meet opposition on the way, as the Pokemon inside will surely mind their hiding spot being traversed by humans, but I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't think you were capable of handling it."
Reiko hesitated for a second. What Cynthia didn't know was that, a few weeks before her trip to Sinnoh, she had visited this cave in a naïve attempt to prove herself and her abilities as a trainer. Unfortunately, the Pokemon inside didn't seem to give a single shit about what she wanted, and if it hadn't been for Stain carrying her blood-soaked, unconscious body out she was pretty sure her corpse would still lay deep within that cave, never to be found again.
I was a stupid novice then, she thought, balling her hands into fists. Now I'm still stupid but at least I'm much stronger. I can do this.
She nodded in agreement, and Cynthia shone her a curt smile as she grabbed a Pokeball from her belt.
"I know it's rather fast, and I hate to give you so little time to enjoy being back home," she said, a line appearing above her eyebrows. "But nonetheless, I hope you won't hold it against me."
"God you talk so fucking much," muttered Reiko, letting out a sigh. "It's fine. I know we're not here to take a vacation and unlike you I've got the focus to stay on top of the mission and not go off and do whatever the hell I want all the time."
Cynthia's brow perked up, and a tiny smile formed on her lips. "I… Suppose I am guilty of beating around the bush sometimes. Forgive me. It is nothing more and nothing less than my nature; I simply must immerse myself every little detour my path offers, for what point would there be otherwise?"
"Uhh… How about your fucking duty?" snapped Reiko, shaking her head. "Was that a real… Was that a serious question?"
"That is yet another point where cultural differences might sever our common ground, I'm afraid. I'm aware that you Kantans place an almost divine importance on the concept of duty, but…"
"But what? You're the Champion, woman; you've got a duty to your region and your people and honestly, fuck your feelings and your happiness. They don't factor into this."
Cynthia's face scrunched up slightly, as though she'd swallowed something sour.
"That sounds like a horrible existence, don't you think?"
"Of course not!" Reiko threw her hands up in the air, her face going red. "It's an honor anyone would give their right hand for! Why'd you even become the Champion if you're not even willing to do that!?"
For a moment a hint of irritation seemed to flash through Cynthia's eyes; a bolt of lightning within that stormy grey, but then she closed them and drew a deep breath.
"You may have misunderstood me," she said with the tone of someone explaining to a toddler that two plus two equaled four. "I've done for Sinnoh more than any previous Champion could have dreamed of. So much in fact, and in such a short amount of time, that I'm blessed with all the time in the world to focus on living life as I see fit, exploring every wonder that I come across and striving to reach the peak of potential as an individual, through experience and effort. My Ultimate Self, if you will."
Reiko shot her a look of disgust. "I'm sure all the kids from Team Galactic beg to differ."
That certainly stung Cynthia. The woman's face went taut for a moment, eyes widening like she'd been punched in the face. It was almost enough to make Reiko smile.
"...Besides, all I'm hearing is that you could do better if you wanted to."
"Yes, well… So could we all, if we stopped eating and sleeping and all the other things that make us human." Cynthia shrugged. "But few are willing to put their Spirit through such punishment, lest it grows smaller and bitter." She then lowered her head in a gesture that could have passed as a bow. "Not everyone possesses a fiery determination such as yours, Reiko."
"That's not… You're not gonna get out of this by complimenting me!" she snapped, feeling her cheeks reddening.
"Besides, I hardly think you're qualified to judge me on that," continued Cynthia, as though she couldn't hear her. "Rarely have I met someone whose goal is so strongly driven by their own personal feelings."
Reiko scoffed. "Oh fuck off; you think I wanna do this? Freeze my ass off every night and spend my time with a bunch of people I fucking hate?" She shook her head incredulously. "I'm doing it to get justice for what they did to my island. I'm doing it because it's my duty, though it doesn't surprise me that you don't understand that."
Far from looking offended, Cynthia tilted her head to the side and looked at Reiko with uncomfortable intensity, as though she were a particularly puzzling piece of art she was trying to understand. Then, after a few seconds, she simply shrugged and turned around, still smiling.
"We'll just have to agree to disagree…" She whispered, her voice barely audible with her back to her. "You certainly don't want to change your mind and I doubt I can convince you of the fact that you clearly don't hate us as much as you claim you do."
Reiko's ears grew hot again, but as much as she looked for something to snap back with, she found that her lips wouldn't part. A cold, uncomfortable feeling pooled at the bottom of her stomach. For a second, she considered…
She shook her head violently and took a step forward, pushing the thought off her head entirely. One of her hands closed over Stain's Pokeball as she stared forward at the cave's entrance.
"I hate you," she said, almost whispering. "Come on let's cross the fucking river already."
Crossing both the horizontal and vertical length of the cave turned out to be not as difficult as Reiko had expected, though it was time-consuming. Like last time, wild Pokemon jumped to attack them as soon as they set foot inside. Primeape, Golbat, Magneton, Kadabra, Ditto and even Chansey appeared from nowhere at every turn, throwing themselves at Cynthia and her with a murderous gleam in their eyes, leaving few seconds to advance and breathe a sigh of relief in between each wave of them.
Luckily –and Reiko pronounced the word through gritted teeth in her mind– Cynthia was there to make the process a lot smoother. Her Lucario predicted the attacks before they happened and did short work of every Pokemon who approached them, leaving little to no room for Stain to show off his own abilities, leaving him more than a little grumpy. Reiko could relate. She knew Cynthia was good; Palmer had warned her about it already, but this was just ridiculous and more than a little emasculating to Reiko. Didn't she have the decency to at least hold back a little? Let her show off for a chance? No, of course not.
After slightly less than an hour of exploring the width of the cave and going down at least five subterranean levels, Cynthia suddenly stopped and raised her arm to stop her. They'd arrived at the end of a long tunnel, the other side of which seemed to be an enormous subterranean cavern, mostly flooded by dark water. Weak blue lights hung from the ceiling, likely clumps of overgrown chargestone, which gave the entire cavern a sick, sinister look.
"We're here," said Cynthia, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "Return your Pokemon before we go in."
"What?" Reiko frowned. "But what if we get att–"
"Just do it."
The weight of her command sent a shiver down Reiko's spine and, before she could stop herself, she pressed the button on her Pokeball and Stain vanished into light.
"Good. Just follow my lead and try not to say anything stupid."
Reiko arched an eyebrow. "Uh… Why did you bring me here again if that's what you want me to do?"
Cynthia flashed her a nervous smile. "You know, I'm starting to have second thoughts about it myself. Just… come along and I'm sure it'll be alright."
As soon as they set foot inside the cavern Reiko felt another shiver, and though it wasn't as paralyzing as the first it was certainly more recognizable. She stopped in her tracks, focusing on the sensation for a moment. It didn't feel physical, more like…
"Is there a Psychic Pokemon here?" she asked, almost whispering.
"Good instincts," said Cynthia, not turning around. "How did you notice?"
"Well… Trained by Sabrina and all that."
"Right, right."
She didn't say anything else. After a few seconds of walking they stopped again, only a few inches from the shore of the dark lake. The waters didn't move at all. The only reason Reiko had known it was a lake and not a perfectly uniform sheet of black metal was due to the way the light above reflected on the surface, and even then she wasn't completely sure.
"I'm guessing we need to cross," whispered Reiko. "I'll release Nakuru and…"
"There's no need. Just follow my lead."
And, as though it were the most normal thing in the world, Cynthia took an elegant step forward and began walking on the water like it was solid. Reiko's mouth gaped for a moment, before she looked at her feet. There, beneath the sole of her shoes, there was a thin purple sheen, like a psychic barrier had been placed over the surface of the lake for them to walk over. Reiko swallowed, steeled herself and followed after.
The cavern was impossibly vast, so wide that they only saw the small island resting in the middle of the lake after a couple minutes of walking. It rose from the waters like a hand made of stone; a pedestal the size of a small room and with a shape too distinct and uniform to have occurred naturally. Taking a closer look, Reiko was surprised to see that there were actually carved steps leading up to the top. That surprise was soon replaced by apprehension, however, as the humanoid figure took form in the very center of the platform. The air of the cavern seemed to become denser and the lights above dimmed as they began walking up the steps. Reiko could almost hear Cynthia's heartbeat next to her. Just before taking the final step up, the woman deliberated for a single moment, then stepped up into the platform. Reiko followed a second after, and the figure standing in the middle finally became clear.
The creature was unlike any other Pokemon she'd ever seen. There was something oddly grotesque about their features, the chalk-white of their skin almost too thin, stretched over most of their body like clay. Their face was thin and skeletal, though she could make out some feline features in the shape of their eyes and mouth. A long, thick purple tail grew from their stomach, like a mouth consuming their lower torso. They tilted their head slightly, and she noticed what seemed like a tube connecting their spine to the back of their skull.
However, none of that would have normally been enough to intimidate Reiko; not with the kinds of things she'd seen already. What finally made her take a step back was not their body, but their eyes. They were a beautiful purple, like polished amethyst, but as soon as they met hers Reiko felt a rush of fear so intense she couldn't help but move away, almost tripping on the steps behind her. There was power in those eyes; power like she'd never felt before and she had only felt a spark of it, barely a drop from an ocean of unbridled psychic energy. Sabrina had once taught her how to appraise the abilities of Psychic Pokemon, how to gauge their psychokinetic abilities by simply looking into their eyes and reaching out to them.
In that short moment in which their eyes had met, Reiko knew that the creature could have killed them both, effortlessly, if they wanted to. Knew that, as powerful of a trainer as Cynthia was, even she wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance against them.
She gulped, trying her best not to shake. Realization came to her in a rush similar to the one she had just felt, and suddenly she knew who the creature was standing before her. The strongest Pokemon in existence…
"Thank you for having us here," Cynthia finally broke the silence, performing a small bow toward the creature. "It's nice to see you again, Mewtwo."
Mewtwo looked from Reiko to Cynthia, and then back. Each time their head moved it left something like an afterimage behind; distorting the air in the same way a flame's heat did.
"You've brought an unknown human with you." It felt like their voice filled the entire room, but as Reiko noticed that their mouth hadn't moved she realized that it was actually resounding inside her head. "Why?"
"She won't speak to anyone of your location, if that's what you're worried about." Cynthia, somewhat less nervous than before, took a step forward and smiled. "Is that why you didn't tell your friends to leave us alone? Still, I'm sure you could have tried harder to keep us out."
"Futile. You would have found your way here regardless, just as the first time." Mewtwo closed their eyes, chest deflating and a tiny sigh leaving their lips. "Come then. Sit. I will give you a few minutes of my time, but no more."
Their tail curled around their torso as they sat down on the stone floor, skeletal arms shaking from the effort of momentarily holding the rest of their body. Cynthia gave a courteous nod and did the same a second after. It took Reiko a few more seconds of stupor for her to follow their example, her hand almost slipping on the wet floor as she lowered herself down. She noticed that parts of the floor around them were littered with random objects, like teapots, toys or shovels.
A few seconds passed in silence, Reiko still too shocked to even produce a sound. The cogs in her brain had completely stopped. Mewtwo seemed to noticed this, as they turned to look at her with what almost could have been described as a curious expression, though the alien geometry of their face made that hard to discern.
"You were not told that I resided within this cavern before entering." It wasn't a question, she realized, they were simply stating a fact. "Why?"
Reiko opened her mouth to speak, but Cynthia replied before she could.
"And waste the opportunity to see the look on her face?" she asked, incredulous. "I wouldn't miss that for the world, especially since she's got a face as inscrutable as yours, my friend."
"Dis-ingenuousness and folly. Of course." Mewtwo nodded. "That almost always seems to be the answer when dealing with you."
"Careful there. That almost ended up being a tone of endearment you used," said Cynthia, pointing at them. "Maybe it was in bad taste, but what can you do. Why don't you two introduce yourselves?"
Another look exchanged; this time Mewtwo was definitely staring at her with something akin to curiosity. Reiko opened and closed her mouth a few times before she could speak.
"I… can't believe it." She shook her head, smiling incredulously. "You're…"
"I know who I am. I do not need you to remind me." The slits of their eyes narrowed slightly. Then they ordered: "State your name."
Reiko's smile dropped and she gulped, feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand up. It seemed Mewtwo wasn't one for idle chat.
"Couldn't you just… read my mind?" she asked, trying to keep her voice firm. "I… Sorry, hope that didn't come off wrong, it's just…" She swallowed again, turning to Cynthia with a pleading expression that said 'What the hell am I supposed to say here?'
Mewtwo closed their eyes, letting out a sound halfway between a sigh and a purr.
"I could. But I won't." Their tail waggled across the wet floor like that of a Meowth. "It may not have occurred to you, but I understand and respect my hosts' privacy. Do you want me to read your mind, human?"
"Not… really," she whispered nervously. For a moment she thought to comment on the heavy bitterness behind their words, but she had a pretty clear idea of where that stemmed from "Sorry. I'm Reiko Chabashira, a trainer from this region. It's… nice to meet you."
Mewtwo didn't reply, simply nodding at her statement and glancing back at Cynthia a moment after.
"Out of all the people who are aware of my current location, you were the last one I expected to divulge that information to someone else," they said, no hint of anger in their voice. "You didn't seem the type."
Cynthia beamed a proud smile at them. "What can I tell you; sometimes I can surprise even myself."
"That wasn't a compliment."
Reiko's gaze moved back and forth between the two, her mouth still slightly gaping from surprise. The tone they used with each other… It wasn't anything close to friendliness, but it was also far from animosity. More like a courteous, distant respect.
"I'm sorry…" She cleared her throat, gaining their attention. "Can I ask… I mean, how did you two…?"
"Ah… A very exciting story, for sure," said Cynthia, sighing dreamily. "Though I'm not sure we have the time to…"
"She simply brute-forced her way in," Mewtwo interrupted her. "It is not difficult for me to conceal my presence, nor to put up enough defensive measures between me and whatever unfortunate human wishes to find me. If I want to meet a certain human, I shall be the one to contact them. However…" Their tail rose up and slapped the floor impatiently. "Cynthia is not one to settle for 'no 'as an answer."
Reiko glanced at Cynthia, eyes wide with surprise and maybe a little bit of respect. "Yeah… I can see that."
"Thus began our wonderful and long-lasting friendship," said the woman, clapping her hands together.
"You… didn't fight them?" asked Reiko.
"Ah. Of course." Mewtwo looked down briefly, eyes closed and a minuscule smile forming on their lips. "Why else would anyone wish to visit? I am a mere Pokemon, after all, so it stands to reason that my only purpose is to serve as entertainment for any trainer unfortunate enough to make it this far. Is that it?"
The sudden venom in their voice was enough to momentarily render Reiko mute. She could feel the temperature of the cave dropping violently. For a few moments, the invisible energy surrounding Mewtwo seemed to burst out and flood the entirety of the platform they were in, suffocating them.
"N-no, of course not! I would never…!"
"You are being awfully defensive," Cynthia said, not quite as flustered as she was. "That's not what she meant and you know it. Lose the venom, will you?"
And just like that, the oppressive atmosphere vanished as fast as it had appeared. Reiko breathed in a cold gulp of air, feeling her muscles jolt awake like they'd been hit with electricity, and just stared slack-jawed at the creature before her. She needed to be more careful, she realized, gulping. Despite the somewhat formal nature of this meeting, Mewtwo was clearly not here to indulge them.
"I will determine for myself what her intentions are," finally said Mewtwo, looking to the side. "Though I admit I might have jumped to conclusions…" They tilted their head up, the spongy muscle connecting their spine to the back of their head twitching slightly. "I believe it's time you finally state your purpose here."
Both trainers exchanged a look, Reiko raising her eyebrow in a 'Well… What now?' kind of gesture. Cynthia simply smiled and nodded.
"I'll cut to the chase. We came to ask for your help." She paused for a moment after saying that, during which Reiko couldn't help but think 'Oh. Is that what we're doing here?'. "An unprecedented threat has fallen upon Sinnoh, more dangerous than any other before. We're doing everything we can, but it's not a guarantee that we'll be able to stop it."
"Help… You want my help." Mewtwo's tone was contemplative as they repeated those words. "We both know what the only type of help I'm able to give is, Cynthia. You're asking me to hurt, and destroy. What sort of threat is worth me risking my privacy and way of life to serve as your personal butcher?"
"A threat to reality itself," Cynthia answered, not missing a beat. "The people behind this aren't just a group of thugs, I assure you. And neither are they religious zealots looking to ravage the world by taking control of legendary Pokemon, something we're both familiar with." The skin over Mewtwo's nose wrinkled slightly, a hint of recollection in their eyes. "Their goal is to remake the universe, and erase all traces of Spirit from it. If they get their way, even you will be affected beyond repair."
Mewtwo didn't answer, instead choosing to keep hitting the floor behind them with their tail, gaze lost someplace else. Finally, after a long silence, they asked.
"Are you saying you cannot stop it on your own?"
Despite the circumstances, Reiko enjoyed immensely the way Cynthia's expression soured, as though even answering that question was a sharp blow to her pride.
"I'm not sure," she said. "If it were just them I wouldn't be asking you, but they've got an ace under their sleeve." She leaned forward, frowning. "Charon is one of them, and we think he's got a way to make… To make another clone. Another one of you."
This time Mewtwo's reaction was instant and unbridled, psychic waves bursting off them outwards, like a pond being hit by a stone. Every hair in Reiko's body stood up on end. Inside her mind, an uncomfortable feeling like nails on a chalkboard made her shiver violently.
They stared at Cynthia with eyes wide, their slit pupils contracting into thin lines.
"I see." Their words sounded thin and weak, even though they were only telepathic. "A foe you couldn't defeat on your own…"
"I could." Cynthia interrupted them, a sour look on her face. "Maybe. But enough of an uncertainty that I'm not willing to risk it."
"Yet you're willing to risk me. You want me to stop Charon, to make sure he is unable to make another one of me, as you put it." Their eyes narrowed ominously. "Allowing another mistake like myself to enter this world would be dangerous, wouldn't it?"
Reiko swallowed and leaned forward as she spoke. "It's not like that. That thing wouldn't be anything like you." She looked at Cynthia, frowning. "It'd be…"
"An abomination," she concurred. "Charon isn't leaving anything to chance this time. His next clone won't have a will or a mind of its own, and certainly no emotions that might compromise the role he has in store for it. It will be, in his eyes, the perfect specimen." Her lips pursed in disgust, now as pale as the rest of her face. "The only sympathy in this scenario would be to make sure that poor creature never comes into being."
"For which my aid would be unnecessary," said Mewtwo. "If you knew where they were you could stop them, yet I assume that you don't."
"That's what we're working on right now. Don't misunderstand me." Cynthia leaned forward, her thin eyebrows joining over the bridge of her nose. "We'll do everything we can to stop them, but if we fail and the worst case scenario comes true, then we'll need you. I pray it doesn't come to that, but if it does…"
She shook her head and threw her hands up slightly in a gesture that seemed to say 'We'll be fucked, then.', or so Reiko interpreted it. Mewtwo pondered it for a moment, resting their chin on one of their pale fingers.
"I would need to get involved only if you fail, and only to neutralize this creature," they summarized, tone pensive. "Nothing more…"
"Nothing more," Cynthia assured them. "Will you do it? I wouldn't be asking if the situation weren't dire."
For what felt like a long time, no one spoke or moved. Mewtwo kept staring down at the floor, the tip of one of their deformed fingers rubbing at their chin slowly, almost to the rhythm of the drops of water falling from the ceiling to the lake around them. Then, when the silence felt heavy enough to be uncomfortable, they finally gave their answer.
"I will not." They raised their head, the purple of their eyes duller than before. "You're on your own."
Cynthia made a face like she'd swallowed something unpleasant, yet she smiled nonetheless.
"Are you sure?" she asked. "Is there nothing I can say to change y–"
Cynthia froze. Not in the usual way, where she clamped her mouth shut and decided to stop speaking, but in a more literal way. It was as though someone had stopped a video. The sound of rushing water disappeared as well, and as Reiko looked past the small island they were in she noticed that the lake surrounding them now looked as solid as an iron sheet. The only noise in the cavern now were her and Mewtwo's breathing.
"Huh? What…?"
"Come." With a bit of difficulty –and pushing themselves with their tail– Mewtwo rose up, eyes closed. "Stand with me for a moment."
She compelled before she knew what she was doing, the feeling of the coarse ground beneath her hand even stranger now that the particles of dust remained frozen even when she rubbed against them. Tentatively, she took a couple steps toward Mewtwo, staring all around her.
"Did you just stop time?" she asked.
Mewtwo looked over their shoulder, and she could have sworn the brief quirk of their lips looked like an amused smile.
"Time is not my domain," they said. "I simply wanted to speak with you, and for Cynthia to give us some time to do so. Listening to her can be… tiring, sometimes."
She couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, you tell me."
"Thus, I chose to project myself into your mind for a moment. A moment outside, of course," they clarified. "In here, eons might pass if I willed it so."
"Let's… not do that." I can think of better ways to pass an eon, she thought. Then, on cue, Mewtwo raised an eyebrow. Shit. Had they heard that? "So this conversation is happening inside my head, then?"
"Everything is."
Reiko blinked. "Is it really?" she asked, doubtful.
"Of course. The mind is the bridge that stretches over the chasm between the spirit and the vast and ever-flowing stream of reality. Only by understanding the power of your own thoughts can you truly see." They folded their hands behind their back. "Those who leave their imprints on the canvas of reality always possess three things: Their heart's desire, a sharp mind to understand what must be done in order to achieve it and an iron will to make it so. Emotion. Wisdom. Valor." They pronounced each one slowly, deliberately, as though paying respect. "All three, together, have a power beyond even the fabric of reality itself. A shame…"
Suddenly, their eyes shut tight and they let their head down a bit, sighing. Reiko understood the gesture instantly. Regret.
They stood in silence for what felt like a long time, though technically –and probably– no time had passed at all. She observed the world around her, too realistic for it to be a fake inside her mind, even if nothing moved. Then again, if what Mewtwo had said was true there wasn't much difference between the reality inside and outside her head. Reiko looked over at them, and wondered what she should say. Why had they brought her here? Just to wax poetics about weird concepts that she had no hope of understanding? She wasn't exactly the kind of company one sought if they wished to discuss these sort of things.
"You… sound like you know a lot about that," she finally said. "Did you figure that out on your own? I guess you do have a pretty strong brain." She smiled. They didn't. "Or did someone teach you?"
Mewtwo nodded at that. "My kind of solitude is shared by a few other creatures. Pokemon whose… uniqueness also leads them to be wary of interacting with humans, and as such they seek other forms of companionship. One of them taught me," they clarified. "And I figured out the rest myself."
"Sounds like a cool friend."
"Friend…" Mewtwo repeated the word slowly, the slits of their eyes narrowing slightly. "Yes… I suppose it was. Though we haven't talked in a long time. To this day it is the only Pokemon that avoids humans even more than I do."
"Right…" Reiko stared ahead, unsure of how to proceed. Which, every time it happened, meant that she bounced back to her usual solution for most awkward situations; blunt honesty. "Anyway, what did you want to talk to me about? Besides all this… stuff."
Mewtwo tilted their head to the side, gaze lost in the frozen waterfall at the other side of the cave. "I am curious, Reiko. Curious about you." Her own name, pronounced by the creature's voice, was enough to send a strong shiver through her skin. "What are you doing here? Why did Cynthia bring you? It does not seem as though you would have helped her convince me."
"Hell if I know," she said, rubbing her left arm nervously. "You know how weird she can be."
"Yes. However, I don't think she ever acts without reason, as nebulous and convoluted as that reason might be." They turned to face Reiko, the rest of their body still immobile. "Previously, when you introduced yourself, I sensed guilt from you. Then, as I voiced my refusal to help, there was anger there as well. The latter was much more powerful. Sharp and precise, like a honed blade. A tool you have probably refined over the course of your life. I sense a link between those two emotions, and I want to know what that is."
Reiko swallowed, feeling the pressure of his gaze upon her like a vice inside her chest, squeezing it tight. They were incredibly perceptive. She wouldn't be able to lie to them.
"I… It's 'cause of my dad," she finally said, looking to the side, avoiding their gaze. "Shun Chabashira. He…" Even before she finished her sentence, she felt realization dawn on Mewtwo. "He was part of the experiment that made you. I never thought I'd run into you, so when I had to introduce myself…" She sighed. "I guess I felt sorry."
"You felt sorry for my existence?" asked Mewtwo, their voice a cold, controlled calm.
"I felt sorry for what they've done to you," she corrected them. "Cynthia was right; you could stand to lose that venom. We're not responsible for what happened."
"Yet you felt guilt at the sight of me," challenged Mewtwo. "Though… You are right, in that you bear no responsibility for your maker's decisions. We all learn from our predecessors' mistakes." Frowning, they gave a quick glance to the frozen Cynthia behind them. "She certainly has, at least. I'm sure she looks twice before crossing a street, for example."
Reiko opened and closed her mouth a couple times. "What… does that mean?"
"Never mind." They waved the matter off with a swat of the hand. "In any case, I am more curious about that anger you displayed earlier. It felt hostile. As though my decision personally offended you."
She folded her arms and cocked her head away from his gaze. "Because I think you should've agreed, that's all."
"There's more than that," Mewtwo assured her. "There is much at stake, I know that, and anyone in your position would have been disappointed, even angry at my refusal. The righteous indignity you showed was far above that, however. So tell me. Why did you react that way?"
"Hell. You're not much better than Cynthia when you keep mouthing off like that," she muttered angrily. "Want me to tell you? Fine. I was pissed off 'cause I thought, out of everyone in the goddamn world, you'd be the one like me to understand that Charon needs to pay, no matter what. But no. I guess that's not a good enough reason for you to move your ass, is it? He's just the guy who made your life miserable, no big d–"
"My life is not miserable." Mewtwo didn't sound angry as they said that, though there was a hint of doubt in their voice. "I am content with my current circumstances."
"You know what I mean! And if you are happy with your current life then that's the more reason to help us take him down. Didn't you hear Cynthia talk about all the horrible shit they're planning to do?"
"And that means I am obligated to stop them?" asked Mewtwo. "If I made it my life's mission to oppose every deluded human who believed they can build a perfect future from the pieces of a destroyed present I would barely have time to catch a breath in between each one."
Reiko grit her teeth, feeling that familiar fire spread through her body. "So what!? If that's what you gotta do then you do it! What's the point of having so much power if you're not gonna use it for anything worthwhile!?"
"I did not choose to have this power."
"And you think I chose my island being wiped off the face of the planet and for half my family to die!?"
"We all deal with grief differently." Mewtwo folded their arms and craned their neck forward, letting out a sigh. "I understand that you've lost much to Charon, but…"
"I know! I know you understand. That's why… " She lifted her hand weakly, her next sentence getting caught up in her throat. "After all the shit you've been through, I thought at least you would see why I'm doing this."
Mewtwo turned to her, raising an eyebrow. "This?"
"My mission." She pronounced the word with all the force she could muster, eyes gleaming with determination. "No one else gets it. Not Cynthia, not Palmer, not Barry or Inyssa or even Percy. They all look down on me. I know what they're always thinking." She violently looked to the side, stabbing her fingernails against her palm. "They think that I'm wasting my time, that I'm just looking for an empty revenge that won't even satisfy me once I get it. They think I'm just hot-headed and too prideful for my own good. That I'll end up killed or worse because of that. None of them understand…"
She raised her chin and looked at Mewtwo straight in the eye, uncurling her fingers and swallowing hard. They stared back, eyes wide and curious. Their expression was unreadable.
"When I got my trainer license, I didn't head for Sinnoh right away," she explained, trying to control her tone. "I wanted to so badly but I know I didn't stand a chance. So I made sure… I made sure to collect all the tools necessary for the job." Her voice became heavier and prouder as she spoke. "Janine taught me how to fight and survive no matter what I'm up against. Sabrina taught me to understand my own mind, and make sure no one else tries to use my weaknesses against me. Misty taught me everything she knew about Pokemon battling; hundreds of tricks and strategies I never would've thought of myself. And Blaine… Blaine pointed me toward the final tool I needed, and taught me the most important lesson of all." She made a pause to breathe, and the air she inhaled felt like it evaporated in the furnace that was her chest. The temperature around them seemed to have raised significantly in only a few moments. "The Flame of Cinnabar burns twice. Once to give warmth to all who would cherish it… And once to incinerate anyone who would dare snuff it out."
She placed her left fist against her chest and raised her chin high. Her eyes were like burning coals. "I am the second coming of the flame. It's my duty to deliver justice in the name everyone who suffered because of that bastard. That's what none of them get." Her fist closed even tighter, a terrible grimace forming on her face. "This isn't some kind of childish revenge and I'm not doing this for myself. When I finally strike Charon down, all of Kanto will stand behind me."
Mewtwo said nothing. For a few seconds they simply observed her face as though it were a mildly entertaining magazine, the purple of their eyes making her feel like she was being stared at with X-rays. As time passed, she felt the sudden burst of heat dissipate from her chest, leaving her dull and empty. Once that happened, Mewtwo craned their neck and looked up at the ceiling, at the enormous clump of chargestones hanging high above, casting a weak light upon them and the lake surrounding them.
"I was wrong about you." They said that with levity, a minuscule smile forming on their thin lips. "Unfortunately, that doesn't change the situation. The life you lead. The path you've chosen. I cannot imitate either. They are not for me."
"How can you know?" she asked, a tinge of desperation in her voice.
"Because I've already tried it." They blinked rapidly as they lowered their head again, shoulders dropping. "Remember what I said before? About the three tools that are necessary in order to truly affect reality?" They shook their head. "I lack one of them, as I learned after I sought for a purpose for the first time. I simply cannot help you. I am sorry."
"That… That's just a bullshit excuse." She looked down and shook her head, setting her jaw. "When I met you I really thought you'd stand with us. I thought you understood…"
"You've said so yourself; I do understand." Mewtwo shot her a serious glare, frowning. "However, you do not understand me. That is the crux of the issue."
She swiped at the air with one hand, leaning forward. "Well I want to! If you weren't so weird and cryptic then maybe I could start to understand, you know?" She spoke with an unmistakable bitter tone. "I really… Really can't wrap my head around it. Why someone like you who's suffered so much because of Charon… Someone like me… Why you'd be so against helping us. I really don't get it." She curled her fingers into fists and locked gazes with Mewtwo. "But I want to. If there's any way you can help me understand…"
The sentence hung in the still and dead air, dancing around them long after silence had set in again. Mewtwo hung back a bit, clearly hesitant. Their tail swatted behind their with the jerky movements usually seen in a nervous Meowth.
"There is a way," they said, unsure. "However, you might not find it pleasant."
"I don't care." Her reply came immediately, her tone devoid of doubt. "I won't be able to accept your decision until I understand why you came to it. I'm ready, whatever it is."
Mewtwo nodded, and then with speed she thought them incapable of raised their hand toward her, the tip of one of his fingers less than an inch from her forehead. Their voice resounded inside her head as though amplified by speakers.
"Very well. An equivalent exchange, then." Their eyes flared up, shining like the chargestones above. "Prepare yourself."
Reiko was given no time to do such thing, as an instant after they said that, Mewtwo touched her forehead with the tip of their finger, and the world went black. She was thrown back like a cannonball, sensation leaving her. It felt as though someone had hooked her soul out of her body.
And then…