Chapter 2: Chapter 2
July 3rd, 1996
Tonks sighed.
"Harry, the last time I tried sneaking you out, Molly did my absolute head in when the Order found out. If I do it again, Merlin knows what she'd do next. She'll probably start pestering me to start seeing Bill even though she knows he's with that hot Veela." She moaned as she placed her cup on her coaster.
Hearing no response, she curiously looked up at him and saw his expression change from acceptance to raw determination.
"Why?" She asked just before he was about to speak, as she caught on to the shift in mood.
Harry closed his open mouth with a snap and after blinking owlishly at Tonks for a second or two, stood up, scraping the chair he sat on. He pushed it behind him and turned away from her before looking out the window to the pristine garden he had worked on the day before.
"Why am I here Nym?" He asked after an uncomfortable silence.
She frowned at his question.
"You are here because it is the safest place for you right now before you head back to Hogwarts." She replied easily as this was what she was told by Dumbledore.
Harry turned his head and looked at her, with the same fire in his eyes but this time, there was a slight hint of anger in them.
There was a small pause before he replied.
"Let me guess, Dumbledore told you that?" He asked slowly, his words dripping with venom at the mention of the old man's name.
Tonks slowly nodded, piecing together that Dumbledore was still a very touchy subject. She had been briefly told of Harry flipping out in the old Headmaster's office at the end of the last school year and it was clear that he was still less than amicable with the Leader of the Light.
He sighed as he ran a hand through his damp, messy, raven coloured hair.
"Nym, what do you know about Blood Magic?"
A buzzing sound could be heard before a set of giant double doors, at the farthest end of the first floor of the Wizarding Bank, opened.
A small, elderly figure emerged from the set of doors and made his way through the large hallway. Dressed in the finest acromantula silks that money could buy, with a silver cane made from goblin-wrought silver of the highest grade in his hand, he took measured steps as he traversed towards his destination.
He had a wrinkled face with a deep, blackened scar, vertically cut from the middle of his left grey brow, stopping at just above his cheek. A goblin-wrought monocle sat comfortably on his right working eye, hardened by countless battles but, only fools could deny the wisdom and power that it held.
As he walked, the guards stationed outside the double iron doors made to follow but he quickly rebuked them with a wave of his hand, and they instantly obeyed.
The echo of his cane striking the pristine floor, bounced off the walls as he lost himself to his thoughts.
Business for the Goblins has not been pleasant as of late. Since the re-emergence of the self-styled Dark Lord Voldemort, the influx of gold has been growing shorter for everyday that passed, and this did not agree with the time-worn Goblin.
Since the founder himself, Emperor Gringott, the bank has seen many wars and battles throughout history all around the different branches spread out in the world but never had they had to close their banks or had their banks taken over by insurgents.
The elderly goblin pondered over the future.
"Blasted wizards…" He growled.
A hint of worry grew in the back of his mind at the fact that the bank may get taken over during his tenure. He quickly dispelled those thoughts as his small legs made it to the main hall.
Popping a variation of the notice-me-not charm using Goblin magic to avoid unnecessary attention, he made his way to a teller that sat on the right, facing the entrance. He had a feeling something very interesting was going to happen today.
The old Goblin spoke his mother tongue at the teller, demanding the young Goblin to vacate the chair.
The teller instead, against its better judgement, decided to ignore the voice, barely acknowledging the growling Goblin's presence before he felt forcibly compelled to look down.
The teller's eyes almost bulged out of his eye sockets at the disrespect he showed to the elder that opposed him. The young Goblin began to profusely apologise which the elder waved off with a grunt as he instantly vacated his seat and hastily waddled away.
He was helped up into a gold, backed chair by another nervous, young Goblin before he sat down with a sigh.
Snapping his fingers, he summoned a cup of lychee tea that was infused with spices that was only native to his people and took a couple of sips. The warmth of the drink instantly spreading throughout his body and whatever fatigue he felt, vanishing as quick as it came.
The elder briefly locked eyes with his fellow tellers, narrowing them into slits as a sign for them to continue their work which they swiftly resumed as they were watching fearfully from their stands. He took another sip of his cup and looked towards the entrance doors of the bank and sighed. It was going to be a while.
Six customers later, the elder began to think if he was mistaken and he prepared to leave the booth when he looked up at the entrance one final time to a disturbance that was happening at the front doors. His working eye, once again alert; he smiled a sharp, menacing grin which gave shivers to all who were discreetly watching the old Goblin.
And he arrives… the seventh customer.
"Oh yes, today will be very productive indeed."
Tonks' eyes widened at Harry's question.
"Blood Magic?" She asked in a small whisper.
Harry frowned but then a small smile shaped his face as he realised that she was just as clueless as he was about said topic.
"From what I know," He started, "Blood Magic is frowned upon in Magical Britain and most of the world. During one of my many arguments with Dumbledore, he finally revealed what sort of wards protect this home. In addition to the numerous legal wards, there was one specific ward, I had never heard of: Blood Wards."
Harry continued, "Dumbledore explained to me that when he conducted the ritual back when I was one and my uncle and aunt accepted my residency, the ritual activated powerful Blood Wards which surround this house and will protect me and my relatives until I turn seventeen. No one except those of my blood can do me harm if I am inside these wards, which was what little me and Hermione found out about Blood Magic last year. Once I reach of age however, the wards will fall, and I will be exposed. Well, that was what was supposed to happen anyway."
He sighed as he pulled back the chair and sat back down on it. He rubbed his eyes from under his glasses before looking at Tonks.
He took a deep breath and began.
"As you know, during the night of the third task of the Tri-Wizard tournament, Voldemort was resurrected." Tonks shivered at the name, but he ignored her and continued, "What you don't know is how he did it. In the ritual he conducted, he used three ingredients. I have no clue on what all the prior ingredients were, but the three that I know of was a bone from his father, flesh from the traitorous rat and finally, my blood."
Harry watched as the clogs in Tonks' head began to turn, her eyes slowly widening in realisation. Before she could say anything, Harry put his hand up to stop her.
"So now you know. My blood runs through Voldemort's veins. I've been really lucky that he hasn't found out where I live yet but from experience, luck can only take you so far." He chuckled darkly.
"I don't think Dumbledore has realised yet what kind of danger I am in right now, but I am sure that the moment he does, he would have me shipped away to another safe house without missing a beat."
Tonks took a minute to ponder what she had just been told and Harry patiently let her.
"How did you find all this out?" She asked in a whisper, suddenly afraid that You-Know-Who could be listening to the conversation somehow.
"As you know, I am bonded to two Elves. Elves are tuned into their family's magic and see magic differently. Dobby had previously visited me back in the summer before my second year. He remembered the feeling of the wards, especially the Blood Wards which surround the house as they were at maximum strength back then. We figuratively, compared notes when we bonded, and I asked him about the wards that surround the property and that's when he told me about the Blood Wards and explained the numerous other wards."
"Wouldn't Dobby of told the Malfoys of your location?" She asked as she frowned.
"Ah, well, he didn't because he kinda went behind old Lucy's back when he came to visit me in the first place." Harry replied as he chuckled at the fond memory.
"Story for another time?" She asked looking very amused.
"Story for another time." He replied equally amused.
Once again, the serious mood returned. "How have you not been found yet?" Tonks asked.
Harry's eyes darkened.
"Well, three things really. Well, three things that I know of because I am certain the old man is probably omitting quite a lot of facts when he told me about the wards. Firstly, is the Ministry. As you know, all magical individuals are registered at the Ministry, hence the Ministry would know where my home is. My guess is that as Dumbledore is my Magical Guardian, who I want to remove somehow," He added before he continued, "He definitely made the individuals who know of my residence, take magical vows. This is why nothing has been leaked yet. As none of the people who knows where I live, haven't been compromised, my location is still in the wind, for now."
"Secondly, it pains me to admit it, but even though Dumbledore is a meddling, manipulative, conniving old bastard, he still is one heck of a wizard. It's easy to deduce that the wards he placed around this home are undeniably one of the best a wizard can erect without ward stones. No one shy of just about Voldemort himself would be able to breach these wards. They are by no means ancient wards such as the ones in Hogwarts or houses like Grimmauld, but they certainly are powerful. Added with the illegal Blood Wards, they are almost unbreachable."
"Well, that was until the Blood Wards were no longer effective. All Voldemort would need to do is find my house, add a few wards of his own to stop me from escaping or getting help, take out the current wards with the help of his followers and then waltz in to the house because the Blood Wards have no effect on him. Bang! Harry Potter is dead."
"As I said before, the final reason is due to luck. Plain 'n simple. We are lucky Voldemort has not taken over the Ministry, we are lucky he has not figured out where I live, and we are lucky he hasn't found anyone who has been to this house previously and raped their minds to find out where I am." He finished. His aura flared wildly as an unnatural cold spread throughout the room causing Tonks to shiver at the drop in the temperature.
Harry's emerald eyes burned with raw power; half in rage at the megalomaniac who had made it his personal mission to hunt him down and half out of fear. Not for himself, but for others who stand in Riddle's path to get to him.
He once again calmed himself before he spoke again.
"Which is why I am asking you now Nym. I will no longer be anyone's puppet. I will no longer let anyone else die for me. Year after year, I have been wasting my time tucked away in this dump when I should've been training. Training, so I can kill the fucker with my own two hands. You know the prophecy; you know it's either me or him. Dumbledore has done nothing to prepare me for the eventual fight that is to come. I know he plans to use his precious weapon to put Voldemort down some way or the other but, I have no idea why he's going about it this way. He's been manipulating my life since I was one and I need answers why and for me to know why, I need to get out of this house… permanently."
Harry stood up again and began pacing.
"The plan was for me to leave this hell today and never return. Dobby would take me to Gringotts, and I would go from there. No one would've known, none would've found me. I'd rather be on my own than be held by the strings of a master puppeteer as I have been for fourteen years."
"You showing up this morning derailed those plans slightly and despite that, I figured I'd tell you what I was going to do. I owe it to you after all."
"Which is why I'm asking you, Nymphadora," He pleaded, "You either choose me or the Order."
Tonks got up from her chair; her mind was already made up long before he even finished his plan and brought him into a tight hug.
"Harry, I promise on my magic, I will never betray you."
He was incredibly touched by her gesture as he gave her a genuine smile, full of emotion for the woman who became an older sister figure for him, someone he now knew he could completely count on. He felt happy at the fact that his small family increased by one.
She gave a bright grin and lightly patted his right cheek before strongly pulling his ear. He squeaked at the pain.
"Don't. Call. Me. Nymphadora." She said, emphasizing each word very slowly.
He scowled at her before she pulled a bit more but finally relented as he muttered an apology.
"It's just a bloody name, woman." He said to her who stood there smiling sweetly at him as he rubbed his red ear.
"Stop yapping and go get your trunk. It's time to get out of this house once and for all, little bro."
Harry gave a brilliant smile as he bounded over towards the door.
"Hey, one more thing Harry."
"Yeah?" He asked as he turned around to face her, his hand on the frame of the door leading out into the hallway.
"What would you have done if I chose Dumbledore instead?" Tonks asked curiously.
"Well, Dobby over there would have stunned you and tied you up whilst I'd get the hell out of here."
Tonks looked behind her and noticed large flappy ears peeking out from behind her chair. A colourful looking elf gave her hesitant wave of his hand as she stared at its round eyes.
"Dobby I presume?"
Dobby nodded his head, his ears flapping like wings.
"You sneaky little bugger." She exclaimed as she turned around to face Harry.
Giving her a lopsided grin, Harry made his way upstairs to pack what little belongings he had as Tonks shook her head with begrudging respect. It was a pretty good plan after all just in case things got hairy.
Tonks picked up the damp towel he had left behind, his scent washing over her causing her to smile fondly.
"Him and that stupid smile. The hearts he's probably melted with that annoying grin of his is probably in the hundreds and I bet the prat doesn't even know it." Tonks sighed as she covered her face with her hands. The red, blotchy face of Molly Weasley appeared in her mind with a wooden spoon looking absolutely incensed.
"I'm going to be in so much trouble." She groaned before looking down as she felt something tapping her knee.
"May I get you a drink Miss Nymphiedoora?" Dobby's squeaky voice asked with big, round, innocent eyes.
"I'm gonna kill him."
"Why didn't you warn me before you side-along apparated me?!" He managed to hiss out as he almost emptied his breakfast.
"If I did, you would've started fidgeting about as if you had pixies in your pants plus, you deserved it." She huffed. "Besides, at least we didn't get splinched from the looks of it." She said as she carefully looked at herself before looking over at Harry.
"Me?! What did I do?" Harry wheezed out.
"Shut up." Tonks replied with gritted teeth; it took longer than it should of to persuade the totally-not-innocent-looking elf to call her Tonks than whatever atrocity it called her at first.
After a moment of Harry inhaling large mouthfuls of air, he finally managed to look up at her.
"Where even are we?"
"The apparition point just outside Leaky." Tonks said as she looked around from within the alley, they had apparated to.
"Why couldn't we just apparate right in front of Gringotts, wouldn't that have been easier?"
"You can't apparate directly into the Alley m'boy." She grinned as she had transformed her face into an almost replica of Dumbledore much to Harry's displeasure.
"By the way, where's that bird of yours, Harry?" Tonks asked, pleased that no one had seen them and that they were safe for the moment.
"Hedwig," He said pointedly, "Should be flying about somewhere. While I was packing my trunk, she flew back in through the window, and I briefly told her to come find me in about two hours. It took a while to convince her to not come with me, but she finally relented when I said I'd reduce her dinner by half."
"Wait, she just finds you? Just like that?"
"Well, yeah. She's done that since I got her. Back before my first year." Harry replied with a fond smile.
"You do know that owls aren't usually like that right?" She said.
"Yeah well, Hedwig is special. Quite stuck up as well. Just like yo-"
She poked him in retaliation and stuck her tongue out petulantly like a child making Harry chuckle.
"Okay let's focus," she started after a pause, "We must get to the bank and between us and there, there's a whole lot of people. I'll cast some glamour charms on you to hide your scar, change your hair, and eyes as they are what people notice first. Oh, and put your glasses away too."
He unenthusiastically, complied with his glasses as she finished up her glamour spells. She turned his hair to a curly dark brown, his eyes to a light blue and hid his scar.
"I don't understand, why can't you just cast a notice-me-not charm on us instead?" Harry questioned, watching fascinatingly, as the coils of his hair bounced back into place like a spring as he pulled on them.
"If someone was watching the alley and I am certain someone is, they'd probably be able to see through the charms as the power of the charm, depends on the one who cast it. Whilst I am pretty confident in my magic, why take the risk?" She answered as she finished transforming herself, giving herself rich brown, short hair with hints of grey and light blue eyes similar to Harry's. She also aged herself, adding some wrinkles to her appearance.
She then proceeded to transfigure their clothes to unassuming robes before nodding to herself at a job well done.
"You know, no matter the number of times I see you change, it still amazes me Nym." Harry said with a hint of awe in his voice.
"Believe me, I know." Tonks winked.
"Now, let's get a move on and stay alert but look natural. Make sure you're ready to engage in a moment's notice and we can deal with the consequences later." She looked at him seriously and waited until he nodded back. Satisfied, she took his hand and proceeded to walk from the alley and into the Leaky Cauldron.
They walked through the pub; Harry narrowly missing a blonde-haired girl who after squinting his eyes, realised it was Hannah Abbot as she had almost walked into him when she was walking down the stairs from the guest rooms he had stayed at during the summer before his third year.
Eventually, the duo made it to the brick wall when Tonks turned around to him.
"What was that about?" She whispered.
"What was what?"
"You nearly walked into blondie back there."
"Well, I can't bloody see can I." Harry sulked.
"Right, my bad. Looked to me like y'knew her." Tonks jerked her chin towards the blonde-haired girl who had sat down roughly on a chair in front of the bar and was trying her hardest not to fall asleep, much to the annoyance of Tom the barman.
He nodded absentmindedly, "Just someone from my year."
As he watched the moaning blonde, Harry's mind momentarily flashed to the only other blonde-haired girl he knew; the lonely beauty, Daphne Greengrass, whom his relationship with her was very strange, to say the least.
Though Harry would probably never be friends with Hannah after the whole debacle in his Fourth Year, not to mention her personality, something she seemed to compete with against Lavender and Parvarti, his relationship with Greengrass on the other hand, was something he didn't even know how to proceed with. That's if there was anything there in the first place.
Apart from basic conversations in class, the only other time they spoke was during the day of the Yule Ball and even Harry had to admit that it was an odd conversation to have especially with after what ended up happening between them that night.
Harry closed his eyes, the memory he had brushed aside as completely random, resurfaced again as a gentle warmth spread across his body.
Unconsciously raising his hand to his heart; the memory of smelling jasmine and vanilla tickled his mind like a sexy seductress, slowly running her fingers through the locks of his head, scratching away gently at his scalp with her long, dark nails as his eyes rolled backwards, spellbound.
Tonks' humming brought him back to reality as he opened his eyes, the very same eyes that widened at what he imagined. He discreetly cleared his throat before turning away from the now sleeping blonde as Tonks pulled out her wand.
"Ready?" Asked Tonks.
He nodded.
"Remember stay calm, walk at a normal pace, basically, just keep holding my hand." She teased.
Harry rolled his eyes as she began tapping the bricks, opening the entrance to Diagon Alley.
"Now that I think about it, couldn't I have just used my invisibility cloak instead of doing all this?"
"Believe me, no invisibility cloak would ever get you through the bank's wards." Tonks replied sagely.
"Fair enough." He sighed, "On we go then."
The alley was just as Harry expected it to be. As it was early July, there were hardly any people. Though it could be seen as a positive as it would be easier to identify those who acted shadily, it was also a negative as he and Tonks were easier to spot.
The walk to the bank was uneventful. A few people glanced at them curiously as they walked past, but Harry could sense no danger from them. The sentiment was shared by Tonks as she just casually carried on walking, holding his hand the entire time.
He looked down at the clasped hands and frowned. It was like there was an itch at the back of his mind, but he didn't know what it was.
"Have we held hands before?" He asked.
"Uh yeah. I mean, we've done more than just hold hands." She replied, a teasing smile on her face.
Harry's cheeks glowed pink.
"Awwww, is my little cutie embarrassed." Tonks cooed.
"S-Shut up."
A moment passed as Tonks really thought about what he asked.
"You too huh?" She replied softly, briefly staring at him before going back to scanning the slowly growing crowd of people subtly.
After a pause, he replied, "It's just that, it feels like I've known you for years."
"We have known each other for years. Since your first year remember."
"No no, I mean… I know that, but it… it feels like I've known you longer than that." Harry whispered as he stared intently at their conjoined hands.
Before she could respond however, they had arrived outside their illustrious destination.
The British branch of Gringotts was an imposing snow-white, multistorey marble building that towered over the other businesses within the alley. The iron doors that held the entrance of the bank were imbued with powerful, ancient Goblin magic which cemented the people's belief, that the bank was the best place for witches and wizards to store their valuables.
For a price of course.
Normally, two sets of guards were stationed at the entrance, complete in full Goblin-wrought armour and silver halberds, daring any fool to become hostile as they would, without a doubt, cut them down before they could even pull out their wand.
But this time, with the sets of guards were giant trolls that held clubs the size of Harry's height. They didn't seem like the mountain troll Harry had faced back in his first year and instead, looked like they had some sort of intelligence behind their small eyes as they tracked warily, the pair's movements as they got closer to the doors.
As the bank was considered Goblin territory, any acts of violence against it could break multiple treaties that the Goblins and Wizards erected centuries ago, causing war to break out between the two. Which is why no sane witch or wizard would even consider using any form of violence whilst in the bank.
Harry and Tonks passed through the entrance, aware that multiple, high-grade wards brushed past them cancelling out Harry's glamour. Tonks thinking ahead, timed the removal of Harry's glamour with the return of her features though her customary bubble-gum pink hair was absent however, and instead was replaced with dark, purple hair.
As the glamour melted off Harry's face, he only managed to blink before he found himself facing a set of halberds aimed at his chest and a menacing looking troll banging a large club in his huge, pale hands.
Even though he barely paid attention in History of Magic as he rather willingly chose to doze off instead, there were some parts in Professor Binns' lectures he did listen to. One such point was, to be calm and play it cool when dealing with someone that could potentially be an enemy, especially Goblins.
He breathed in a bit, tightened his hold on Tonks' hand and spoke clearly.
"I need to see my account manager."
Harry didn't know why but he felt the need to look behind the guards at the many tellers sitting behind their high tables. He let his eyes wander around, seeing more than a dozen or so Goblins looking curiously in his direction until his eyes met a beady, black eye.
Sat in the closest booth to the entrance was an elderly teller, a glint of amusement dancing in his single eye. The old Goblin simply tapped his desk with his thin, claw-like finger and the guards that were bickering with Tonks in the background instantly stopped and went back to their stations.
"Merlin, what don't those guards understand by 'we mean you no harm." Tonks huffed as she asked no one in particular. "You okay?" She questioned with a squeeze of his hand.
Harry nodded.
"Come on." He said as he pulled her by the hand towards the old Goblin.
Harry and Tonks walked up to the teller, as the elder goblin eyed them both curiously.
"Hello," Harry looked at the name card displayed on the table, "Sharptooth, I am here to see my account manager."
The amused glint in the old Goblin's eye grew as he flashed a small toothy grin that gave shivers to Tonks who instinctively, tightened the grip on Harry's hand.
"Name?" the Goblin asked.
"Harry James Potter."
"I need a few drops of blood from your hand to confirm your identity, Mr Potter." The Goblin said as he pulled out a sharp gold knife and held it out to Harry and then pulled out a black basin-type object with intricate patterns which it adorned all around the edge of the object.
Harry took the offered knife and waited for the go-ahead from the Goblin before he easily slashed the palm of his right hand, not even wincing at the obvious pain, something that did not go unnoticed by Tonks or the elder Goblin and allowed a few drops of his blood to pool at the centre of the basin.
Black flames erupted from the middle of the bowl after Harry's hand was instantaneously healed which quickly turned into bright green flames. The old Goblin tapped his finger on one of the runes that were on the edge of the instrument and the flames died out leaving a small piece of parchment.
Satisfied with the results which were printed, the old Goblin gave a nod in Harry's direction.
Summoning another piece of parchment, he wrote something on it and banished it swiftly with a wave of his claw-like hand.
"Follow me, Hadrian James Potter, your account manager will be joining us shortly. Will your guest also be part of the meeting?" He questioned.
"Uh, yes sir." He replied absentmindedly.
"Very well, let us leave."
He looked towards Tonks who mouthed Hadrian? And all he could do was shrug wondering why he had been called Hadrian instead of Harry. Tonks also shrugged and gave a small squeeze of his hand offering her reassurance.
The elder Goblin was once again helped down by a younger Goblin who Harry noticed, looked frightened of the timeworn elder. He kept an eye on anyone they knew as they followed after Sharptooth.
He noticed a few looks from a group of witches who started whispering to one another until Harry glared at them, causing them to snap their heads away from the trio.
The group of three slowly walked through a lavish hallway until they reached a set of iron doors which were opened by a pair of Goblins even more heavily armoured than the ones that were in the front entrance of the bank Harry noticed.
They entered a big room, bookshelves stood on the left-hand side of the room and opposite that was a large, dark wooden desk. Behind the desk was a wall covered in axes, halberds, and the occasional odd weapon.
Harry was pretty sure he had never seen a morning star so big in his life and it seemed it was the same for his female companion as her eyes were wide as they looked towards the gigantic weapon.
Just in front of the bookshelves lay a long black table which could seat about 10 people. Opposite the office doors they came through was a giant painting. From what Harry could see, it was a painting which depicted a battle. There were hundreds upon hundreds of Goblins who were facing just as many wizards.
He was brought out of his thoughts by a snap of Sharptooth's fingers which caused two chairs to appear in front of the desk. Harry guided Tonks to her seat before he sat down oppositethe old Goblin.
The elderly Goblin placed the piece of parchment that held Harry's details from the identification ritual and tapped it twice which instantly turned into a large folder with the letter 'P' on the front.
Nobody spoke after the folder appeared. The elderly Goblin sat behind his desk appraising Harry while Harry stared right back at the Goblin curiously. A fidgeting Tonks sat next to the teen, her hand still in his, watching the ordeal, her worry increasing each second the silence continued.
It was just before she was about to say something when the iron doors once again opened and revealing a younger looking Goblin. The new arrival looked at Harry and Tonks briefly, before he walked towards the desk, gave a bow to Sharptooth, and entered into a conversation in Goblin tongue with the elder Goblin.
"I think introductions are in order, yes?" Asked the elder Goblin after their conversation ended.
Harry nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Harry Potter. This," he gestured to Tonks, "is Nymphadora Tonks."
"It's finally good to meet you, Heir Potter, Ms Tonks. My name is Griphook and I have been the Potter account manager for the past 35 years now." The younger Goblin responded.
"And this is Overlord Ragnok the Third. The Director of the British Branch of Gringotts." Griphook ended as he gestured respectfully to the elder Goblin.
Ragnok merely gave a small incline of his head and grinned menacingly.
Harry's eyes suddenly became enlarged whilst Tonks just sat as still as a log, trying to comprehend the fact that she was in a meeting with one of the Directors of Gringotts.
"Forgive me for my earlier mistake Director Ragnok." Harry hastily replied.
"It is quite alright Heir Potter as I did not correct you." He replied with a scratchy chuckle.
"Now onto business." Ragnok said as he opened the folder that sat on his desk.
"It is to my understanding that Gringotts has sent you multiple correspondence over the years after you reactivated your trust account and yet, we have not received any sort of response from you."
Harry frowned.
"I have not received any such correspondence since I last came here Sir." He elaborated, "I have a pouch that fills up monthly with galleons from my trust vault so I had no reason to visit the bank. Regarding the multiple correspondences however…" He took a moment to contemplate why he had received no such mail before a certain twinkle eyed goat crossed his mind.
"Dumbledore." Harry sighed in frustration.
"Forgive me Director; I am under the impression, that Albus Dumbledore has blocked communications between myself and Gringotts for quite some time now. Prior to my Hogwarts letter, I have received nothing else from the Magical World."
Griphook snarled.
"Tampering with Gringotts correspondence is illegal under many Goblin laws." He said before harshly murmuring under his breath.
One thing that Tonks knew, as she watched the discussion with a small grimace, was that whatever the angry Goblin was mumbling, it was definitely not adulations for her ex-headmaster.
Gods you've fucked up Albus.
"Look, the main reason I am here is to see if I can rid myself of Dumbledore's control. I've been told that he is my magical guardian, something I want to rectify as soon as possible because I can hardly believe that my parents had chosen him as a potential guardian. It just doesn't make sense."
Griphook ceased his quiet harangue and blinked a few times, looking surprised at Harry. Looking over at Ragnok who gave him a short nod, Griphook turned his focus back onto Harry.
"Well, that is not accurate at all. The last time the late Sirius Black was here, he, as your sworn Godfather, had attempted to change your guardianship from Albus Dumbledore to himself. Ideally, that would have been accepted as legally, he was your Godfather, but we were unable to carry that request as under the eyes of your Ministry, Sirius Black was a convicted felon."
"However, under the laws of Gringotts, he was not. As he had not been brought before your court in a trial and not been officially charged through your court of law of committing the crime he was sentenced for, he was therefore a free man in the eyes of the Bank.
"Needless to say," Griphook added as he saw Harry was going to interrupt, "We wouldn't have been able to change your guardianship at that time and we wouldn't have been able to intervene in your Ministry's law proceedings unless we were called to testify. As he received no trial; we could not get involved, regretfully."
"Now," The Goblin continued after a moment, "The reason why Sirius Black was unable to change your guardianship was simply because he could no longer do so."
At Harry's bewildered expression, Griphook clarified.
"As you were chosen as a TriWizard champion two years ago through the Goblet of Fire, a binding magical contract was created. For a champion to have been chosen, a stipulation was added by your Ministry that the wizard or witch had to be an adult under the eyes of your law. The moment you, Heir Potter, became a champion, you became an emancipated individual by law and in this case, magic. Your Ministry could have refuted your claim of being an emancipated adult, however, not only would you have lost your magic as you would've broken the contract, but the Ministry officials officiating the tournament, would have lost theirs also. A binding magical contract is of course, magically binding after all." Griphook finished.
"Crouch Sr and Bagman." Harry slowly nodded in realization.
"They were the officials for the tournament." He said to Tonks. "Did Dumbledore know that I had become emancipated?" Harry asked in a low voice.
"Possibly. If what you say about Albus Dumbledore is accurate, then there is a chance he did not want you emancipated so early as by law, from that moment onwards, he would have no control over you unless you were at your wizarding school. Of course, all of that is mere speculation."
Harry was seething inside, and Tonks knew. Yet all she could do was rub her thumb in circles over his hand in a way to show support as she also processed all the information she had found out so far. She had no idea that Dumbledore had been so involved in Harry's life. It baffled her and she was angry at herself that she followed the old man so blindly.
Ragnok spoke after the silence. "Let's move on, shall we? Perhaps reading your parents' Will, can shed some light on your questions."
At Harry's stiff nod, Griphook took the offered folder from Ragnok and dropped a drop of his blood on the cover he had pricked from his finger. The folder glowed for a moment before a scroll appeared on top. He picked up the scroll and offered it to Harry.
"The last will and testament of the late James and Lily Potter. It was delivered to us on October 30th, 1981. It had been sealed by order of the Wizengamot after Albus Dumbledore became your magical guardian for reasons unknown. It is addressed only to you and only you can read it."
Harry took the scroll with a shaky hand and with an encouraging nod from Tonks, he unsealed the scroll, opened it up and began reading.
We, James Charlus Potter, and Lily Jane Potter, being of sound, mind, body and magic, void all other wills and declare this as our final will and testament.
To our darling son, we leave everything we own and everything we individually own.
In the event of our death or permanent incapacitation, whatever remaining belongings, are to be placed in the main Potter vault, just as it has been for generations.
You will be able to access your trust vault once you turn eleven, the Heirloom vault once you become of age by law, and the main Potter vault will be yours once you turn twenty-one.
You must contact the Potter Charter Group once you turn twenty-one as they manage our numerous business ventures. Until then, they will handle everything business related in your steed for the benefit of the House.
All properties will be accessible to you once you become of age. The Lord's ring will help guide you once you accept the title and honours of Lord and Head of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter.
Regarding the guardianship of Harry Potter in the case that we are unable to care for him; Sirius Black as Harry's Godfather by oath, naturally, will be the primary option. The second option are the Longbottoms, as Alice Longbottom is Harry's Godmother also by oath. The third option will be Andromeda Tonks for reasons which will not be disclosed.
"The Will cannot be executed as it was sealed," Griphook began after a moment, "You can choose to unseal it but to do that, you must appeal to your government. We will then begin the process of executing the Will."
Harry nodded numbly.
"The Will mentioned something about their remaining possessions?" He asked quietly.
Griphook flicked open the folder and began sifting through the pages until he found the page he was looking for.
"According to records, whatever remaining possessions they had on the night of their passing was placed in Vault 27; Potter Heirlooms Vault."
Harry looked surprised. He was under the impression that the Ministry had taken whatever belongings his parents had left.
"But who placed them in the Heirlooms Vault?" He asked. Harry certainly didn't.
"By the only other person who has access to it. Albus Dumbledore."
"Dumbledore? He has access to the Heirlooms Vault?!" Harry said alarmingly.
Griphook bared his teeth. "Do not insult us Wizard. He is only able to place things inside which are first verified by us. He has no power to remove anything from any of the Vaults you own, Guardian or not."
"Right. That was my bad." Harry said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck in slight embarrassment. He discreetly looked at Ragnok and saw his eye narrowed slightly in his direction.
Rule one Harry; don't insult the people who look after your money.
He cleared his throat before speaking again.
"Has he placed anything else in any of the Vaults?"
After briefly scanning a few more pages, Griphook replied.
"No. Only once on November 1st, 1981, and none since then."
Harry slumped slightly on his seat. Dumbledore's actions continued to puzzle him.
"There is more. A letter was sent the following day addressed to you." Griphook said as he offered an envelope to the now very alert Harry.
Harry proceeded to fish out the piece of parchment from the envelope. He was somehow even more anxious than before, but with trembling hands, he slowly opened the letter and began to read.
Hello Harry,
Mum and Dad here.
If you are reading this, then it's safe to assume that we didn't make it. But that's okay. If you are alive Harry, then that's all that matters.
Today is October 31st, 1981.
You're currently snoring away in your crib with a Griffin plushie that your Aunt Andromeda and her wonderful daughter Nymphadora had given to you on the day we moved from Potter Manor to Potter Cottage and no matter how much Sirius tried prying it from your little hands, attempting to replace it with a plushie of a Grim, you wouldn't give in. You definitely get that stubbornness from me. It's been weeks since then and although your father has been relentlessly trying to console your Godfather, we're pretty sure Sirius hasn't stopped pouting ever since.
It's unfortunate that it feels as if our life at Potter Manor was an entire lifetime ago. Things were much more endurable back then. Not to mention the company. Dora always had this never-ending excitement within her that could light up even the dreariest of days. You absolutely adored her.
The war is becoming unbearable son. Scores of people are dying. Some of whom we had known personally, have lost their lives to Voldemort and his followers. The Ministry and the Order are doing all they can to help and defend the country and its people, but it doesn't seem to look like it'll end peacefully. We'll never give up though! Your mum and me, we'll fight. Until the end.
We may be gone Harry but know that you'll never be alone.
You will always have family Harry, never forget that. Family is not dictated by blood alone but of the relationships we make throughout our lives.
It's okay to move on but never forget. Be your own person, make your own decisions, and grow up into someone whom your own kids in the future, would be proud to look up to.
Your dad and me can feel it in our very bones; we know you'll make us beyond proud baby.
Do not be afraid to love Harry. For all of Albus' frolicking, he's not wrong when he says that there is great power in the ability to love.
Be brave and be strong son. The blood of the Potters and Blacks flows through your veins. Two powerful heritages that are littered with equally powerful ancestors. Be proud that you are both as there is no doubt in our minds that you'll be just as great if not greater than them! You're my boy after all.
If we had one regret, it would be the fact that we couldn't spend as much time as we wanted with you. Your dad and your uncle Sirius have been constantly called to duty by the Aurors and I've been too busy working as an Unspeakable and because of that, we haven't been able to spend much time as a family or with each other since you were born. Though it's different now that we're in Potter Cottage, we're ashamed to say that the war and our jobs has been affecting our relationship with one another.
Be sure to send Andromeda and baby Dora all our love. They had been godsends when we were too busy to care for you and for that we thank and love them so dearly!
And send one more message from Mummy to Andromeda will you?
Just tell her I'm sorry. For everything. She'll understand.
Words cannot describe how much we adore you, our little emerald star. Hopefully, we won't see you for many, many years.
Live a long and happy life baby.
We love and miss you.
Your loving Mother.
Your loving Father.
Harry openly wept after he had finished reading the letter from his parents. He tried to compose himself over and over but repeatedly failed every time. His puffy red eyes contrasted beautifully with the emerald shine that emitted so much longing and sorrow. An ache so strong, so devouring, manifested in his heart for the family he could've had if they weren't so brutally taken.
His rage grew at the one who took everything from him but this time, his rage was completely overshadowed but feeling of raw pain.
Quickly, the hairs on the back of Harry's neck raised up as goosebumps travelled across the length of his skin. Harry's eyes glazed over as he suddenly remembered something. Something that seemed to have magically appeared in the back of his mind. Something which he had somehow forgotten.
A distant memory of a small girl with her hair, changing rapidly from one colour to another, jumped up and down in front of him with a large toothy grin etched on her heart-shaped face. Her round, rosy cheeks described happiness and liveliness that could only come from a young, happy child as her multi-coloured eyes fixated on him.
Harry remembered himself laughing and clapping his small chubby hands in joy at the sight. The touch of slim, tender fingers interlocked around his midsection securely caused him to pause. He looked up to see the person that had him on their lap and the sight confused him immensely.
It was Bellatrix Lestrange but at the same time, it wasn't. A woman, with soft silver eyes, with thick, dark black hair, was smiling down at him in delight. The features on her face were serene and yet completely relaxed. She had high cheekbones, a sharp nose and jaw, well-manicured eyebrows, and a long neck. She was extremely beautiful, and she displayed a sense of poise he had only seen from the likes of Malfoy's mother and yet, she had a calm and safe feel to her.
But that wasn't what truly confused him. No. It was her eyes.
Silver eyes that held such profound love, such intense elation, so much so that it caused him to gasp slightly as she gazed down at him.
He heard a cute whine behind him and saw the same little girl he had realised was Nym, struggling to climb up on the sofa where he and the woman sat on with an adorable pout on her round cheeks.
The beautiful woman rolled her eyes at the young girl's dramatics before reaching down with her hand and pulled up the now giggling girl by the waist next to them.
He squealed happily as the woman then weightlessly turned him around and lifted him up so he faced her. A beautiful, carefree smile danced on her lips as she pressed her lips into his cheek over and over. Each time she did so, a squealing giggle escaped him as he tried catching her swift face with his small hands. It was as if she was pressing all that love and affection into him in a way to assure him that it was genuine… that it was all real.
He saw Nym jump at them with a loud giggle of her own before laughter from all three of them intermingled as the memory began to fade away and he was once again back in the lavish room of Gringotts.
"Andi…?" Harry whispered.
"What? What did you say?" Tonks asked with wide eyes.
Harry wiped the new tears that spawned from his eyes. Shining, emerald orbs displayed a powerful yearning and desire for the woman he suddenly remembered. But how was that possible? How could he forget Andi? Where was she all his life? He had clearly known about Sirius and the Longbottoms from the time he had visited St Mungos, but why not Andi? It was like she had never existed until now.
He turned towards Tonks. He could see the compassion on her features as her hand had an almost death grip on his, but there was also utter curiosity across her heart-shaped face, the same face he remembered jumping up and down exuberantly in the memory he had just seen.
He handed her the letter from his parents, allowing her to read it.
She floundered for a bit, clearly against reading something that seemed so personal, but Harry nevertheless persisted. He watched her reaction intently, and the moment she finished, she shivered before her eyes glazed over.
The same look he guessed he had when he read the letter prior.
Tonks fell silent for a minute or so before she turned to look at him. Her features had reverted to her natural state; sharp lines of the Black's heritage shaped her face that Harry had noticed was very similar to her mother though, there was a few soft spots which he gathered were from her father. Her hair had lengthened and was a dull black, an expression of disbelief and confusion marred her now completely natural but still beautiful features.
"Harry?" She whispered.
Harry had no idea if the memory Tonks saw was the same as the one he saw. The way she said his name was no different from the way she would usually say his name but, the same emotion of love was present if not more. The same love he remembered he felt from her when he was a baby.
It was clear to everyone that Tonks always had a soft spot for him. It was most obvious with the way she would constantly fuss over him back in his first year and when they were staying together at Grimmauld much to the glee of Fred and George.
Though most people would be annoyed to have someone constantly hover over them and Harry wouldn't deny he wasn't one of them. Merlin knows how exhausting Mrs Weasley can be, but never had he felt the same with Tonks and now knew why.
Harry nodded softly, his eyes once again brimming with unshed tears at the person sitting next to him who was family. A true older sibling.
"But how?" Tonks asked with a tremble in her voice. Openly sobbing at the fact that she forgot the little brother she always had, that she always wanted.
"How curious. It seems something extraordinary has been unravelled to the two of you." Ragnok spoke up suddenly, startling the young individuals. Harry and Tonks had clearly forgotten that they had an audience much to their embarrassment.
At their blank looks, Ragnok continued.
"This is no common Goblin or Wizard magic. No, this is something utterly peculiar. I can feel the remnants of its power releasing from the pair of you but not completely." He spoke mysteriously, his dark eye gleaming in the light.
"Dumbledore?" Tonks asked. The vitriol at the way she said the old man's name surprising Harry.
Ragnok grinned, his sharp teeth exposed, sending a shiver down Tonks' back.
"No. This magic is beyond the likes of Albus Dumbledore."
"Then what could it be? How was this possible? It's like I forgot about Aunt Andromeda and Nym. Like the memory and feelings, I associated with them was obliviated from my mind." Harry questioned placing a hand on his head.
"Not only that, why were only them two affected? Surely Sirius would've forgotten about me as well then?" He added but he had a feeling he already knew the reason.
"Andromeda Black? Arcturus Black's eldest granddaughter?" Ragnok leaned in, an eager emotion looked displaced on his wrinkly and scarred face.
"Tonks. Andromeda Tonks." Tonks corrected before looking away with a frown which confused Harry.
Ragnok cackled, the sound grating on the witch and wizard's ears causing them to wince. "This simply gets more interesting every moment!"
"There seems to be magic at work here that even I am not able to comprehend and I have lived and experienced a great many years. Regarding Sirius Black, he was simply your Godfather. In wizarding culture, Godparents are required to take a magical oath and it seems whatever magic influenced your mind regarding Miss Tonks and her mother, could not influence you concerning your Godfather." Ragnok replied speculatively.
"Then the Longbottoms? Was something hidden from me about them? Perhaps their son, Neville?" Harry asked.
"You tell me Heir Potter."
Harry took a moment to search his memory but sighed.
"Then whatever magic was at play, seemingly involved only Miss Tonks and her mother. How very curious." Ragnok finished, his claw-like fingers rapping on his desk in constant rhythm.
"Excuse me Director Ragnok, but you mentioned something about its magic not being completely released?" Tonks asked hesitatingly.
"Yes… It seems whatever magic that has been cast, still lingers. Perhaps there is another who's secret it still keeps."
Tonks facepalmed.
"Of course, Mum! We need to tell my mother Harry. There was always something really off with her for as long as I can remember and if it's not this, then I don't know what else it could be. She needed to know this, like yesterday." Tonks excitingly and Harry immediately agreed, a small smile etched his face as recalled the same memory of her from when he was small.
"Yes, this is all well and good but we must move on as we still have a lot to get through." Interrupted Griphook.
He summoned a similar basin to what Ragnok had conjured with a snap of his fingers. It was a brilliant gold with runes inscribed within the centre as opposed to the edge of the other basin. He brought out a similar dagger, the edge dangerously sharp.
"As you are emancipated and the last sole member of your line, the House of Potter will once again be in effect the moment you accept your Lordship. Your titles and your rights to vote in your government will be reactivated once you receive the Lord's ring. Additionally, hence forth, whatever avenues you explore independently, Albus Dumbledore can no longer contest your decisions per your government's laws. The moment you become Lord; you will have complete and full autonomy." Griphook explained sharply.
Harry nodded. He couldn't believe this was actually going to happen.
"When you are ready, cut the tip of your right ring finger with the dagger, allow 7 drops to fall into the basin. If the magic deems you worthy, you will receive the Lord's ring of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter."
Harry nodded in understanding, a sense of excitement filled him as he rose from his chair to grasp the dagger when abruptly, his legs gave out from under him.
His knees banged harshly on the desk in front of him as an unholy scream tore from his lips as Harry reached out and grabbed his burning scar which began to drip blood through the fingers of his hand.
Harry could hear distant voices in the background, the fear in Tonks' voice screaming his name and the harsh bark of commands in Goblin tongue from Ragnok. The last thing he remembered was the ashen face of Tonks over him, her mouth moving inaudibly as his eyes began to slowly close.
His mind swirled in front of his eyes as the scenery changed from the well-lit, luxurious room to a dark, oppressing environment and he found himself looking down on familiar greasy hair.