Chapter 12: Chapter 10 Part 2
July 31 st , 1996
"Admit it, my present was the best right?" Tonks asked with a grin, leaning on the side of the doorframe of Harry's room.
After a full day of hugs, kisses, cake and presents, Harry's sixteen birthday was celebrated with a blast and the young wizard couldn't deny, it was a wonderful change from his regular routine of studying and training.
Mainly though, he had enjoyed spending quality time with Hermione.
"Wouldn't say it was the best per say, but probably the one I'd use the most. How'd you even get it in the first place? Aren't Auror grade wand holsters regulated?" Harry questioned, examining the wand holster carefully as he sat at his desk.
"Being associated with Mad-Eye has its perks," Tonks smirked. "Just told the Armoury Department that the old man needed one and they coughed up one really quickly."
Harry chuckled.
"I see you're wearing the necklace mum got you." Tonks pointed out before her eyes travelled to the large tattoo of the dragon that was on Harry's neck. "Still finding it crazy you got tattoos and got off scot-free."
Andromeda had gifted Harry a beautiful Goblin-wrought chain that she had commissioned with a hefty amount of gold if Tonks could be believed. Titanium and Goblin-wrought silver was used as the materials and when fused with delicate precision, constructed a necklace which complimented Harry's aesthetic perfectly. The teen had never been gifted jewellery and it instantly became one of his most prized possessions, vowing to never remove it.
"I didn't get off scott-free, Nym. If you recall, she didn't speak to me for three days after I showed her." Harry sighed wearily. He was glad that whole debacle was over. Getting extensively lectured and then given the silent treatment from someone you see every day was not fun, not to mention pretty annoying as well. "Besides, not like I had much of a choice with the tattoos."
"Yeah, yeah." Tonks said absentmindedly, ruffling through Harry's assortment of gifts. "Still don't know how you managed to hide them that long. You'd think she would've caught on pretty quickly."
"Oh, didn't you know? I can will them to disappear. Pretty nifty trick and it avoids any unnecessary conversations. If it wasn't for Grandma threatening to tell Andi herself, I'd probably have hidden it from her for Merlin knows how long." Harry replied, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck before snatching the letter that Hermione had written for him out of Tonks' hand with a scowl whilst the Metamorph grinned knowingly.
"Yeah that would've been stupid. Take it from me, keeping secrets from mum causes unwanted, incessant headaches." Tonks grimaced. "I best be off. Remus and I are grabbing dinner before he leaves for that godforsaken mission that Dumbledore's given to him."
With intel given that Greyback and his pack had been spotted in the country, Dumbledore had asked Remus to see if he could try and persuade some of the less conflicted werewolves in the large pack to avoid the imminent war. Harry however thought otherwise. With the recent, awful legislation that had been passed, he was doubtful that not even one werewolf wouldn't be screaming for the Ministry's bloody murder.
He couldn't help but be worried though. If Remus was caught trying to usurp power in the pack, the man would get torn apart.
"The mission is suicide."
Tonks' face turned bitter.
"Don't you think I don't know that?" She snarked, her flashing a violent red. "I've told that bloody git that it's too dangerous, but he won't listen! He's so unbelievably stubborn, chattering on about how it's his duty, his part in the war!"
She began to pace. "I can't sleep at night, Harry. I keep having nightmares of Greyback tearing Remus apart and the worst part is that I can't even talk to mum about it otherwise she's going to have another bloody, pissing fit!" She shouted, her chest heaving as her emotions threatened to envelop her.
Harry's eyes softened at his sister's despair.
His relationship with the last remaining friend of his father's was a difficult one.
He was still annoyed that Remus had sold him out to Dumbledore and try as he might, he couldn't disagree with Andromeda's comments regarding the man not visiting him during his stay with the Dursleys.
The teen knew that Remus, in a sense, had no such obligation to care for him, his affliction aside, but after hearing so many things about the Marauder and how close he was to his father and Sirius, Harry couldn't deny that he felt a little resentment towards the man for not even visiting him once.
"Have you told him this?" Harry asked, gently taking the smaller woman in his arms and holding her softly. He could only imagine how terrifying it was for her to see the person she had come to like, off for a mission that had high chance for a rather brutal ending.
"I told him not to go but he wouldn't listen. Said that it was something he had to do. For the greater good. Have I told you how much I hate that stupid phrase?" Tonks mumbled, burrowing into Harry's chest whilst the teen rubbed her back comfortingly.
"Remus will be fine, Nym. He's a tough man."
"But that's the thing, I just feel so helpless. I'm supposed to be an Auror, someone who's supposed to be protecting him but I can't. Not from this."
And I wouldn't let you even if you wanted to. Harry thought traitorously.
"He's survived this long hasn't he? Don't lose faith, Nym."
"Well, if he does kick the bucket, at least mum'll be happy." Tonks said bitterly, fisting the back of Harry's shirt.
"Andi hasn't changed her mind then?"
"We've kinda just been avoiding the entire topic of my relationship with Remus ever since that day in the bank." The woman exhaled, detaching herself from his arms with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Just give her some time. You know she just wants the best for you." Harry said sympathetically.
"Then she should know that I can make my own choices. I'm a grown woman!" Tonks huffed.
"I promise I'll talk to her. She'll come around; you'll see."
The Metamorph sagged before she smiled. "Look at you, comforting me. How you've grown." She smiled prettily, pinching the taller boy's cheek teasingly whilst he rolled his eyes. "Shit. I should really get going.."
"When you next off?"
"Not sure. I'll send you a Patronus." Tonks exclaimed before running off.
"Yeah right." Harry mumbled sarcastically. Tonks had a habit of forgetting to do the things she'd say she'd do. Part of her charm, according to her.
"Dinner, Hadrian!" Andromeda called from downstairs.
Just as he was about to leave his room, Hedwig swooped in through his open window.
"You have a habit for catching me when I'm about to leave." Harry said with a smile before he noticed something attached to her talon. "For me?"
Hedwig gave Harry a blank look that he clearly translated to duh.
Chuckling, he took the small box that had a green ribbon tied around it neatly in a bow. There was no direct message written on its exterior and so curiously, Harry slowly untied the ribbon and opened the box. Greeting him was a small folded up letter that sat on scrunched up paper.
So your fingers don't feel naked.
Happy birthday x
Harry's heart lurched.
With a shaky breath, he placed the piece of parchment to the side before turning his sights back onto the box. Taking out the scrunched-up paper, his eyes met a beautiful silver ring.
It was simple, thin and didn't even look remotely expensive but it was perfect.
Truthfully, he wasn't expecting anything.
They met officially, once, and had sent only a handful of letters over the course of a couple of days.
He didn't even remember telling her his birthday and to think she had sent a gift. Even a letter by itself would've had him grinning like a loon but a gift as well?
Harry shook his head, a smile appearing on his handsome face whilst Hedwig hooted happily in the background.
"What are you doing to me, Daphne Greengrass?"
August 4 th , 1996
"We've found them Alpha. There's no mistaking it. The scent matches." A gruff voice said, bowing their head.
"Surroundings?" Alpha questioned briskly, harshly tearing through a piece of flesh. Chewing messily, he eventually spat out a piece of bone and then proceeded to use it to dislodge bits of meat stuck in his sharp teeth.
"Reeks of muggle. The lot of them." Another gruff voice said with a malicious grin that in normal standards, would look utterly terrifying on a human. "No sign of Potter… unfortunately. Just the two women."
"Hiding in plain sight. No wonder it took fuckin' ages to find the bitches. Good work. Fall back and await my orders. I must inform him immediately of this development and then my friends… we will feast." Fenrir Greyback, known as Alpha to his pack, commanded with a gnarly grin.
He exuded a grotesque and feral aura, striking fear into his enemies and his pack alike. Towering over them as he stood, he took out his wand and apparated away, landing swiftly outside the gates of Malfoy Manor.
The guards stationed there instantly flinched when they saw his glowing yellow eyes from beyond the darkness and then gagged when the putrid stench of decomposed flesh filled the air.
"Open the gates, maggots." Greyback purred almost childishly, his jagged teeth curling into a cruel and sadistic smile.
Almost instantly, the gates opened wide, admitting the malevolent being as he strolled past the frightened guards grinning viciously all the way until he reached the double doors. As he made to walk in however, the werewolf sniffed the air and instantly bared his sharp teeth, a low growl escaping his throat as he looked around wildly.
"You must be fuckin' stupid if you think you can creep up on me, ya bastard! Show yourself!" Greyback hissed, narrowing his eyes and bending his knees as if he was ready to strike.
A quiet chuckle was heard off to the werewolf's right causing him to pivot towards the sound.
"Forgive me. A small test to see how genuine the rumours were..."
"And…?" The unsightly monster questioned with a sadistic smile once he recognised who it was.
"Your reputation proceeds you, Fenrir. Concealment is something I specialise in and to think you saw through me so easily… I am surprised that your own foul stench has not clouded your senses."
"Bathing in the scent of my victims provides me with a certain level of gratification. The virgins especially," He began with a low, disgusting moan, "they taste ever so sweet."
The handsome, brown-haired smiled disarmingly, "For you to come here… you have news?"
Greyback sensed a fleeting urgency in the other man's voice which caused him to narrow his eyes in suspicion.
"Fuck off, Pyrites. It ain't for your slimy ears."
Pyrites grinned beguilingly, surreptitiously taking out his wand from his sleeve and using the darkness of the night to aim it at the hideous creature. "Not sure if you caught the memo Fenrir, but the Dark Lord had instructed my dear Madam to ensure she follow up with your mission. Naturally of course, as Madam Bellatrix is otherwise… preoccupied… she has tasked me for this instead."
The werewolf grinned savagely as he began stalking towards the brown eyed man.
"Still pining after that mad bitch are you, Pyrites?" He cackled before he leaned down and bared his teeth at the smaller man, "I'll give you one more chance worm… Get out of my way or I'll rip off that pretty little face of yours."
With the same beguiling smile on his face, Pyrites shrugged and shifted his body to side, allowing the towering figure to step past him with a huff. Once Greyback had his back to him however, Pyrites' eyes narrowed into slits and with a snarl, he snapped up his wand.
No matter how quick Greyback was due to his superhuman strength, even he didn't have a chance to avoid the Unforgivable that was cast at close range.
The brown-haired man pushed more and more of his magic into the spell to overpower Greyback whilst the wolf began trembling in exertion as he tried overcoming the curse. After a lengthy battle of wills that had Pyrites panting and clutching his head, a worn-out grin came upon his pale face before he slowly made his way towards Greyback and stood in front of him.
"What is the information you had for the Dark Lord?"
"The location of Andromeda Tonks and her spawn." Greyback said with glazed over yellow eyes.
Pyrites' eyes widened in disbelief before his face lit up; his eyes gaining a similar crazed look like his mistress.
"Where is she Greyback? Where is the blood traitor swine?!" He demanded.
"North-east of Exeter. In a small village called Poltimore."
The man felt giddy at the news but reigned down his emotions.
"You are to return to your pack. Your understanding is that after telling the Dark Lord, he has given you orders to vacate Exeter and the surrounding area and instead, has ordered you to attack Luton."
Pyrites then Obliviated the werewolf, ensuring he only removed the last thirty minutes of the disgusting creature's memories before watching Greyback scuffle out with a blank expression.
Completing the task, the man walked back inside the manor calmy and went off to search for his love and it wasn't long before he found her skulking about aimlessly, muttering to herself as if she were in a trance.
He paused in his step as he took her in.
Bellatrix was beautiful. A goddess amongst men, a queen none could compare. She exuded power and oozed lust, and it made him yearn for her deeply. She was a forbidden fruit none bar him could even touch let alone breathe the same air.
Pyrites licked his lips sensually. His brown eyes darkening with arousal.
Oh, how he desired her…
He wanted her the moment he had cast his eyes on her when she was merely on the cusp of puberty. The power and potential had been flowing off from her in waves and yet… such a delicacy was unavailable to him. She was sold off to Lestrange… How he loathed the man for sullying his innocent bride.
It wasn't long before he acted.
He had taken care of the source of the inherent cause first.
For selling his queen off, he had brutalised Druella and Cygnus Black in the most horrific way and soon, Rodolphus and his prick of a brother, Rabastan will follow but Pyrites will bide his time well.
The Dark Lord was not one to cross and Pyrites was not a fool.
Patience was something the handsome man had in spades and wouldn't overextend.
"Madam Bellatrix." He spoke softly.
Bellatrix regarded the man with irritation once she saw who it was.
The sound of her voice…
"I have good news, my dear madam." Pyrites breathed.
Despite her annoyance with the creepy looking man, Bellatrix couldn't deny her curiosity and displayed that with a look that said talk or I'll rip your eyes out.
Pyrites chuckled before he leaned closer, inhaling her intoxicating scent.
"I have found her, madam. I have found her for you." He lied.
Bellatrix's eyes widened as her heartrate sped up. "You've found him?" She whispered.
Pyrites momentarily faltered before continuing, a crazed look appearing on his attractive face as he smiled maniacally.
"The traitor of your blood… Andromeda Tonks."
The mad witch began giggling uncontrollably, holding her sides as the wand in her hand began shooting sparks towards the floor in tangent with her wild emotions.
"It's time then I suppose," She said, wiping away the tears that fell from her eyes as she smiled cruelly, "Finally time to pay my darling a visit after all this time."
Pyrites smiled back just as happily before his expression turned sour.
"The Dark Lord, my Lady… this information was originally for his ears."
"What the Dark Lord doesn't know, will not hurt him." Bellatrix muttered. The sight of seeing Harry again took over her rationality.
Pyrites looked sceptical but nevertheless agreed.
Suddenly, Bellatrix snapped her head towards him. Her sapphire eyes shining with clarity.
"We leave tomorrow night. Meet me outside my room at eleven o'clock."
A secret rendezvous, Pyrites gushed internally as he looked adoringly at the woman.
"Do not be late cretin, or I will hunt you down and stick your head on a pike." She hissed, glaring at the brown eyed man until he nodded.
"I want in."
Bellatrix and Pyrites spun around towards the voice, their wands pointing at a familiar man with slicked back blonde hair.
"Corban…" Pyrites grumbled, annoyed at the new face.
Bellatrix scowled. "Piss off, crup. This doesn't concern you."
Yaxley's face turned red with anger, "I heard what you fools are planning. I'm coming or this entire mission goes to shit."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Try me and if you even think about cursing me," He said to Pyrites who's wand began glowing an eerie green, "then the Dark Lord will end you quicker than you can blink. No killing amongst allies remember, Bella?" Yaxley finished with a smirk at the mad witch who sneered with contempt.
After a moment to think, Bellatrix eventually turned around. "Be late tomorrow and I'll leave you here. Both of you fools!" She said over her shoulder before stomping off with Pyrites fast on her heels.
Ignoring the idiot babbling his apologises for not noticing Yaxley, Bellatrix's mind went to tomorrow, specifically a certain someone.
She couldn't contain her excitement as a smile appeared on her face. Finally, after so long, she'll be reunited with her future breeder.
The father of her future children.
Bellatrix shivered in delight before she frowned.
Her pulse still quickened with rage every time she remembered being told about Andromeda and her Harry's date and she had vowed she would show her wayward sister the error of her ways. She had no doubt he would be there tomorrow but Andromeda was second on her agenda.
Tomorrow was all about reuniting with her future breeder.
Her face flushed with heat whilst she imagined him blowing his seed over and over in her fertile womb as he mauled her breasts, the sensation almost sending her into an explosive orgasm.
Not long now my love… perhaps I should go pay a visit to Cissy after all…
Harry never had good intuition.
If he had, perhaps half of the dangerous situations he had been in could've been avoided but there was something about today that didn't feel right. Like the calm before the storm and it made him feel uneasy.
Harry gritted his teeth, shaking his head to throw off the sweat droplets dripping down to his eyes. His muscles screamed for respite but he pushed through the pain.
"Veneficus Nova!" He bellowed.
His wand hummed with delight as a powerful, shrill like sound escaped from the end of the stick that went careening towards the open field until it collided with a large rock. The resulting shockwave of the explosion spread out in every direction like a wave as birds scattered from the surrounding trees, their sleep disturbed by the shirtless wizard who fell to his knees, holding his ears.
"Better!" Charlus shouted from behind him. "One of my favourites that. An explosion combined with a powerful disorientating, eardrum splitter after it! Perfect against grouped enemies. Well…" He eyed his grandson wincing in pain as he staggered up to his feet, "All Battle Magic is perfect against grouped enemies. You have to work on ignoring the pain, son. The spell is practically worthless if you collapse straight after using it."
"Every time I use that stupid spell, it feels like someone's taken a knife and used it to scrape out the earwax from my ears." Harry muttered with a strained voice, his frustration leaking to the surface.
"That stupid spell could be the difference between-"
"-Life and death, yeah, yeah." Harry interrupted, his tone sharp and biting causing Charlus to scowl as worry lines layered his weathered face.
"Hadrian." Dorea warned, not taking her eyes off the novel she was reading. Her voice was soft but carried a hint of steel that made Harry's shoulders slump with guilt.
"Sorry Grandpa."
Charlus' eyes softened. "Let's take five. Dobby."
Dobby appeared with a pop before directing a thankful Harry onto a reclining chair.
The teen lay back with a sigh, looking up at the twinkling stars. A cool breeze swept through the beautiful gardens of Potter Manor as Harry inhaled the fresh and clean summer air.
It had been another long day full of gruelling training.
Mornings usually started off with warming up for the day; typically consisting of physical exercise to work on endurance and stamina followed by a nice cold shower. Today, Moody had joined Harry for training. The grizzly Auror was one to never hold back, something which the teen appreciated.
Due to Professor Flitwick's teachings and his constant duels with Moody over the course of the last few weeks, the young Lord had improved significantly. He could now comfortably hold himself against Tonks, much to her displeasure, but this in turn, created a healthy competition between the two siblings to see who could get the better of the other the most, something they were highly competitive about.
During the downtime, Harry studied. He found that if he focused on one topic for hours, he'd quickly lose concentration and so he frequently studied multiple topics at the same time from Charms to the Family Magic, Family Magic to Battle Transfiguration. Given that all the branches of magic interconnected, he was often finding new ways to improve on his repertoire by using the different magicks together.
Moody would stay till about three in the afternoon, citing the need to check the ever-growing defences on his home and from then, it was a mix of relaxing, studying, eating and practicing Battle Magic.
"Alastor said good things about today." Charlus spoke after a while.
"That's… surprising."
"It shows your improving."
Harry smiled at that.
"You want to tell me what's going on?"
His smile faded slightly as he sat up, accepting the water from Dobby with a thankful nod.
"I-I don't know."
He continued when he saw his grandfather wasn't going to respond. "I just have this feeling that something… something's wrong…"
"You've been taking your potion, yes?" Dorea asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Everyday." Harry rolled his eyes. "It's not something that's physically wrong… it's just… something feels wrong."
Charlus hummed. "Not the wards is it?"
He closed his eyes, extending his senses and magic, and felt the wards respond to his will. "No. After Dumbledore helped strengthened them the other day, they never felt stronger." And this was true. It felt like to Harry that the old man had an unending pool of magic at his disposal, something he was more than happy to give to powering his wards.
"Andromeda?" Charlus asked with a frown.
Harry mirrored his grandfather's expression.
"They should be at their home. Speaking of… we agreed we'd have dinner here and its almost nine-thirty. Why aren't they here yet?."
A niggle of doubt made its way into Harry's mind as he stood up.
"Relax sweetheart," Dorea soothed, "Andromeda mentioned to me that they will be running a bit late."
Harry relaxed at his grandmother's word but his frown remained. "Why?"
"That's a surprise." The older woman winked.
"Hush you! Why don't you go take a shower and then start on your dinner. I'm sure by then they'll turn up." She finished knowingly.
Knowing he wouldn't win, Harry acquiesced reluctantly before looking up to his grandfather for the final verdict.
"Perhaps we'll call it an early night. It's not good to overwork yourself."
"Great! See you in a bit then. Dobby, take them back inside will you. I don't think I have any strength left in my arms." Harry said to Dobby who saluted.
"Alright Dor, what's going on?" Charlus questioned once they were inside.
Dorea grinned. "They've gone to pack their things."
"They going somewhere?" Charlus asked dumbly making Dorea give him a deadpan look.
"Here, silly. They're moving here."
"Splendid! That niece of ours finally agreed has she?"
"Charlus, you know how she is. That house had a lot of memories for her, remember? Anyway, whilst you were catching up with Fleamont, it gave me time to have a chat with Andromeda. Simply put, I told her to choose between Hadrian or to continue living in the past."
Charlus smiled wryly at his wife. "Quite a choice."
"I won't half arse anything to do with my grandson, Charlus." Dorea said with narrowed eyes.
"I know and I'm glad you didn't." The old war mage sighed. "He needs her, Dorea. It's quite scary how dependant that small family of three has become of one another and I shudder to think the consequences if something unfortunate happened to either of those three."
"Don't say that!"
"We have to be realistic, my love," Charlus chided gently, taking his wife's hand, "Hadrian has an almost unsurmountable wall to climb with much at stake not to mention the target on his back and in extension to the people around him. Little Nymphie and Andromeda are his lifelines and I fear if something permanent happens to either one… our Hadrian may never be the same again." He finished ominously.
An hour and a half later, after freshening up and eating alone, Charlus and Dorea, who had joined Fleamont in his painting, watched on with growing concern whilst Harry paced back and forth in the foyer.
"Where the bloody hell are they?" Harry asked no one frustratingly.
Dorea chose wisely not to comment on her grandson's language because even she was beginning to worry. Surely it shouldn't take this long to pack up your belongings with magic…
"And when were they to arrive, Dorea?" Fleamont Potter asked with a frown.
"A-Around ten, they said."
Fleamont's frown deepened as he turned to his younger brother. "Charlus."
Charlus scratched his chin before sighing. "Alright, this has gone on long enough. Send a Patronus to Alastor, Hadrian. Have him check out the place."
Harry's eyes flared as he whirled on his grandfather. "I should be going!"
"No. If there truly is something wrong, then it's better to be safe. Sending you on your own, though you are powerful, is ultimately foolish and downright idiotic. A risk that doesn't need to be taken." Charlus replied firmly, locking his eyes with Harry's.
"-And rather subject Nym and Andi to potential death?! No!" Harry retorted with anger, his eyes slowing begin to glow in adjacent to his warring emotions.
"Hence why I told you to send for Moody! Damn it, Hadrian, listen to me! Send that Patronus!" The old war mage commanded with his own irritation rising whilst Dorea and Fleamont looked on with concern.
Harry gritted his teeth before reluctantly shooting out a Patronus and watched his stag gallop away through the walls.
Minutes went on with no update and Harry was teetering at the end of his patience. Just when he was about to snap, a black, regal looking owl came hooting through an open window, a piece of parchment attached to his beak which it promptly dropped off on Harry's head before flying out.
With his irritation at almost boiling point, Harry opened the letter with a scowl, wondering who on earth would be sending something at this time but when he read the letter's contents, his blood ran ice cold. His hands shook, crinkling the parchment in his grip.
"What? What is it?!" Dorea questioned with urgency in her voice but Harry didn't hear her.
His pulse thrummed wildly in his ears like the sound of war drums as a cold chill crept up his spine. The room around him seemed to fade, the voices of his grandparents and great uncle, slowly disappearing like breath on a mirror.
With an almighty crack that felt like it shook the foundations of the manor to its core, Harry Potter disappeared whilst the trio in the painting looked on in shock.
"Dobby! DOBBY!" Dorea screamed.
The elf popped in immediately at the summon, looking curiously at the painting.
"Yes, Lady Dor?"
"Bring him back! BRING BACK HADRIAN THIS INSTANT!" She cried. There was a familiar wildness in her eyes that was eerily reminiscent of her relatives.
Dobby frowned at the command but nevertheless obeyed, knowing not to disobey commands from his master's grandparents but when he attempted to pop to his master's location, he found he was unable to. Trying again to no success, he began pulling his ears as he looked forlornly at the painting.
"Dobby cannot, Lady Dor. Master has gone to a place Dobby cannot reach."
Dorea upon hearing this, began sobbing as she collapsed onto her husband's chest.
"The letter Dobby, what does the letter say?" Charlus asked insistently.
Picking up the fallen letter on the floor, Dobby held the letter up to Charlus' eyes who's already pale face, if possible, went two shades paler.
"Go to Dumbledore immediately, tell him Hadrian's in danger at Andromeda's residence! NOW DOBBY!"
The elf instantly vanished leaving behind three Potter's who looked as if hell had descended.
"The letter, Charlus…" Dorea sniffled, her voice trembling, "What… did it say?"
Charlus grimaced as held Dorea tighter. "It was from Narcissa. Bellatrix's found Andromeda."
Dorea if possible, sobbed harder at the news, burrowing into her husband.
"May the gods be with him…" Fleamont mumbled solemnly.
A few minutes earlier…
"Homenum revelio."
"Well?" Bellatrix asked with irritation.
"Two. Both females." Yaxley replied, licking his lips with delight.
"There's a ward, however. A detection one that has been intricately designed. Unfortunately, it will take time to dissemble." Pyrites pointed out with a frown. His eyes narrowing as he assessed the ward.
"Destroy it then." Bellatrix replied with a negligent wave of her wand.
"It'll notify the caster, my dear madam. Our element of surprise will no longer exist." He replied smoothly, enjoying the way the dark witch's sapphire eyes rested on him.
"Irrelevant. They won't have the time to counter. Now when you do, make sure you don't forget to place our secondary wards. Don't want them running off now, do we?"
A twisted smile crept across her lips as she imagined the screams.
"As you command. Ready."
Yaxley's voice dropped to a hungry whisper, thick with years of unspoken obsession. "I want Andromeda, Bellatrix. I don't care for the other bitch as long as I get Andromeda."
Bellatrix said nothing as she tightened her grip on her ebony wand.
A small magical jolt forced past the trio, indicating the ward crashing down and in an instant, they moved.
With a hiss of satisfaction, they dissolved into black smoke. Pushing off the ground of the alley they were in, the three Death Eaters shot off towards the house with speed. The rush of the wind flew past them until they landed right at the front door with Yaxley leading the group, burning with anticipation.
Just before he could blast the door down, his blue eyes widened when the door flew off its hinges propelling towards him instead. With a girlish scream, he threw himself out of the way of the airborne object, face planting in a bed of hawthorns. His scream echoed in the night, mingling with Bellatrix's laughter.
"A family reunion." Bellatrix cackled, her voice dripping with malice as she stepped into the house. Ignoring Yaxley's pitiful cries behind her, the mad witch eyed her niece and older sister. "Hello again, sister dear."
"Bella." Andromeda greeted with a quiet whisper whilst Tonks' hair cycled into red, then black before settling into dark red.
Bellatrix hummed pleasantly as she eyed Tonks' trembling hand. "And you must be Nymphadora. I can practically taste the fear… mmhmm, but as I'm in such a bubbly mood, I'll give you one chance to run away. Off you pop now Nymphie-"
With speed even Bellatrix was surprised at, Tonks shot off a bone breaker aimed at her aunt's neck which was deftly swatted away.
"Well, well. Feisty aren't you." The mad witch giggled.
Tonks smirked, though her heart pounded in her chest, she took aim again. "Well, I am a Black after all."
Within a second, Bellatrix's face morphed into rage.
"Ferventi Sanguine." The ebony haired witch hissed, the crimson spell launching from her wand but was safely blocked by a chair Andromeda had summoned in its way.
Sapphire eyes filled with fury locked onto steeled, grey eyes as sister and sister aimed their wands at each other.
"Going somewhere, Andi?" Eying the mostly empty house with a sneer.
Andromeda didn't deign her a reply, instead thinking furiously of a way out.
"Pyrites," Bellatrix's voice was sharp, her patience having worn out, "Entertain my dear niece whilst I have an overdue conversation with my blood traitor sister."
"Gladly." Pyrites replied, eyeing the Metamorph with distaste whilst Tonks sneered with contempt.
"Blood traitor?" Andromeda chuckled, firing a silent cutting curse down onto her own dress, making a slit from the bottom of her ankle to her mid-thigh. "Did you not get the memo, Bella? You are currently looking at the new Lady Black."
Bellatrix's eyes went wide before she screamed, sending off a jagged grey spell that Andromeda just about avoided before watching in horror how the entire wall and roof behind her was turned into dust. Priceless photos of old and memorabilia of a time which once held fond memories all disappeared within a second.
"Prissy itty bitty fucking Andromeda, always getting what she wants." The mad witch spat, stalking towards Andromeda who quickly stood up, "Not this time. That title belongs to me. The father of my future children will give it to me." She grinned maniacally, rubbing the spot just under her stomach.
"Over my dead body." The eldest black growled, raising her wand. Her heart pounded with fear and fury.
"So be it." Bellatrix said with hollow eyes before she swirled her wand and began throwing spells at deadly speeds.
Tonks watched her mother and aunt trade spells with dangerous precision but it quickly became clear her mother was at a severe disadvantage as the more family spells she used to counter Bellatrix's dominating power, the more the crazy witch grew with rage. Each spell that was cast from the Death Eater was more vicious, more powerful and destructive than the last.
"Beautiful isn't she?" Pyrites purred, twirling his wand around his arm to magically rip off the ropes that Tonks had conjured.
"She's fucking insane-" Tonks retorted.
"-One of a kind." Pyrites corrected with a sickening grin, "A queen that deserves worship, worship that I offer her every day. Oh… and now I believe the battle has come to an end…"
Tonks just about shielded an overpowered stunner before a violent scream rent the air, the sound so sharp and full of pain that it caused chills to run down her body. She turned to the scream and to her absolute dread, she saw something that would haunt her for the rest of her life.
Her darling mother pinned against the wall.
Her arms outstretched and pierced both through the palms, blood flowing freely from the wounds. The pain of such wounds caused Andromeda to go unconscious, her head sat limply to one side which was horrifyingly reminiscent of a crucifixion and it made Tonks' blood run cold.
"You fucking bitch!" Tonks screamed, raising her wand.
The Metamorph barely had time to widen her eyes before she crashed against the other side of the room, landing heavily on her back.
With a moan, she hefted herself up to a sitting position. Painful tears blurred her vision when she noticed her left arm twisted at an unnatural angle until she took a deep breath, pushing away the nausea and eyed her attackers.
Pyrites spoke condescendingly. "Never take your attention away from your enemy. Didn't Mad-Eye teach you anything, Nymphie." His gaze then turned to the other man who stood where the front door used to be. A cruel smirk appeared on his face as he noticed his askew appearance.
"Glad you could join us again, Corban. Looking quite sharp there I see!" Pyrites goaded.
"Shut the fuck up!" Yaxley wheezed. His eyes were bloodshot, his face bloody and his clothes dirty with pieces of his robes ripped in multiple spots courtesy of the thorns.
"Eyes on me whore!" Yaxley screamed, when Tonks threw a bone-splinter curse at Pyrites who blocked it easily.
"Fuck you!" Tonks spat out. Blood dribbled down her chin as she shakily stood herself up.
The younger woman screamed, unable to dodge the Unforgivable due to her injuries, falling back down heavily on the floor and began thrashing about.
"Don't break her now, Corban. She'll be useful to lure out Potter from whoever's back he's been hiding behind." Pyrites warned. "Speaking of the brat, where is he? I had hoped he was here-"
"-Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" Yaxley screamed, his chest heaving with fatigue.
The plan was perfect. Everything was supposed to be perfect.
They had the element of surprise. Nothing should've gone wrong but here he was sporting excruciatingly painful injuries thanks to Andromeda's slut of a daughter.
"I wouldn't if I were you, Corban."
Yaxley turned to face Pyrites who looked at him amusedly but there was a true hint of warning behind his voice. It had seemed he had ended the younger bitch's suffering by stunning her.
"I know what you're thinking you fool, but if you even think about interrupting the esteemed madam when she's in her… element… you'll blink out of existence." Pyrites finished with a sinister grin.
With the wards he had set after destroying that pesky alert ward earlier, none would even know they were here and most importantly, Andromeda and her spawn would not be escaping.
It truly is the most ideal scenario if only the Dark Lord knew. Pyrites thought with a mental frown. He knew there would be hell to pay for not letting the Dark Lord know but perhaps offering Potter to him would quench his fury if only the fucking brat was here.
On the other side of the room, Bellatrix kicked away Andromeda's wand before crouching down to her level and waking her up forcefully.
"Where is my husband?!" She screamed in a fit of rage, yanking Andromeda's hair to make her face her.
"Have you gone insane? I-I will never… give… him to you…" Andromeda gasped; trying to ignore the pain in her hands as best as she could; looking defiantly back at her younger sister.
Bellatrix's eyes flashed with wrath. "Crucio!"
Andromeda cried with abject agony, her head the only thing able to thrash about but as Bellatrix held the curse with sick satisfaction, she looked in to her older sister's eyes and to her irritation, there was something there that she had seen countless times in other victims.
Gritting her teeth, she lowered her wand, dispelling the curse.
"It seems you'd rather die than tell me." Bellatrix muttered; her face free from any emotion as she leaned into her trembling sister's ear. "I'd rather not do this…" She continued almost gently, wiping the tear that fell down Andromeda's cheek almost lovingly but stopped when her sister jerked her head away from her.
Bellatrix's eyes hardened as she turned on the spot and locked her gaze onto the disgusting form of Corban Yaxley.
"Break her."
The meaning went unsaid but Andromeda's face paled even more so than before. She looked in fear at her sister who avoided her eyes and instead had an indiscernible expression on her face.
Andromeda's breathing began to quicken when she saw a maniacal grin appear on Yaxley's face as the detestable man began stalking towards her.
"Remember me, Andromeda? Sweet, beautiful Andromeda..." He purred as he got closer.
"Such hate filled eyes tsk, tsk… reminds me of that day in our Sixth Year all those years ago… oh how I wanted you… offered you everything under the sun and more and instead… y-you humiliated me."
He crouched down to Andromeda's level; his hot, fetid breath almost making her gag as she looked at him with revulsion.
"You let a mudblood, a fucking mudblood, put his cock inside this pussy!" He suddenly roared with a crazed look in his eyes, backhanding Andromeda who let out a cry at the pain. "Mine, mine, MINE! IT WAS MINE AND THAT FILTHY, FUCKING MUDBLOOD TOOK IT FROM ME!" Yaxley raged, gripping Andromeda's throat and began choking her, enjoying the way her hot blood trickled down onto his hand from her split lips.
Pyrites, sensing Bellatrix was becoming impatient, spoke up. "Cut the shit Corban. We want her broken not killed."
Clarity eventually made its way into the Death Eater's feeble mind as he quickly let go and felt some sort of sick pleasure with the way the pinned woman's head lolled about.
"Right… right… you are right of course…"
Andromeda spluttered and heaved as she hung her head. She spat blood that had pooled up in her mouth on to the ground before raising her anger filled eyes, a wide smile appearing on her bloodied face.
"As if you could ever c-compare to Ted…" Despite the situation, a mocking laugh erupted from her throat.
Andromeda's strength grew as his eyes lit up with fury. "What was that people used to say…? Corban Yaxley, swagger in his stride, likes to boast and puff with pride but for all his talk and flashy show, there's a tiny truth we all know…"
Yaxley heard a cackling snort behind him before he exploded with rage. Gripping the woman by the hair, he pointed the tip of his glowing wand at the spot between her eyes.
Just as he was about to curse the woman into oblivion, what sounded like a resounding boom detonated behind the group, the shockwave and resulting force pushed everyone standing back a few paces whilst they covered their faces to avoid the flying debris.
"What the-" Yaxley began until his attention switched to Pyrites who fell to ground clutching his head in pain.
"-Fuck is wrong with you?!"
"The wards…" Pyrites panted, staggering to his feet as he gripped his wand tightly in his hand, "they've all been destroyed-"
Yaxley's eyes widened. "That's not poss-"
"-He's here." Bellatrix interjected with a whisper, a deranged look appearing in her sapphire eyes, a mixture of fear and ecstasy. "He's here, he's here, he's here, he's here…"
"What the bloody hell is wrong with her?!" Yaxley asked with a pale face whilst Pyrites frowned at his mistress.
Something didn't feel right…
"Mada-" Pyrites started but abruptly stopped when an instant coldness descended. Looking around wildly, his eyes eventually turned to where the front door used to be and instantly, chills trickled down his spine raising every hair in its wake.
Glowing, Killing Curse emerald eyes appeared like emeralds set aflame, cutting through the darkness with an intensity that was both mesmerising and terrifying. They seemed to hover in the void of darkness, disregarding nothing but gazed upon everything.
Taking in the destruction with a tense jaw and growing dread, Harry Potter's eyes momentarily widened when he saw Tonks' unconscious form on the ground. Her chest gently rising up and down the only assurance he got that she was still alive but even that was enough for him to push away his nausea and fear, as pure anger took over.
Red, burning hot, destructive anger.
Rage for the fucking bastard that currently stood over his sister like a hunter over a downed prey.
His simmering magical aura exploded, the pressure exerted by his presence growing with it as wood splintered and hanging beams groaned in protest, the ground trembling with it.
He didn't give her assailant even a second.
"Expluso!" Harry thought furiously, swishing his wand sharply at the man.
A blue beam shot from his wand with devastating speed and Pyrites just about managed to raise a shield to block the spell but his brown eyes widened when the curse shattered right through as if it were a hot knife through butter.
Not expecting such power, the spell struck a gaping Pyrites in the chest, sending him careening across the room until the sound of bones breaking filtered through to Harry's ears as the Death Eater fell down in an unconscious heap.
"Mmmm… eager much?"
Harry rounded his wand to the feminine voice and his breath caught in his throat when they met a pair of vibrant, sapphire eyes.
The same eyes that used to haunt him in his nightmares.
Harry shook his head violently, shaking away the bitch's grating voice whilst his wand arm shook in fury.
"-Bella." She corrected with a teasing pout before it grew into a sly smile as she eyed Harry up and down as if he were a piece of meat.
"My, my… you've grown…" The mad witch licked her lips whilst Harry scowled.
He had always held out hope that Narcissa's warning was false but looking at the crazed, murderous psychopath, it seemed luck was never on his side.
The shout snaps Harry's attention to the final Death Eater and instantly, it felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice, cold water over his head.
Everything vanished.
His anger for the Death Eater that was slumped against the far wall and his disgust and apprehension for Bellatrix.
Both of those things simply vanished when he saw what was before him and cold emptiness settled in.
He felt himself slipping.
Further and further into the abyss as it consumed everything.
His heart rattled violently behind his ribs, his blood pounded mercilessly behind his ears.
"Ha-drian…" Andromeda gasped, tears and blood streaming down her marred face.
She strained her hands; her pain overridden by her fear. She wanted to reach out to him, to hold him.
But most of all, Andromeda didn't want him to see her like this.
Further Harry descended; his vision tunnelled and focused only on her face, her eyes.
Eyes which once was full of such warmth and love now filled with terror and anguish and pain.
Time felt as if it was stretching into eternity as all semblance of control left him and in that moment…
He knew.
Something deep inside of him had shifted…