Chapter 225: Darus Household
The Darus household's castle towered over Mehis, its stone walls stretching high as if trying to rival the mountains beyond. Workers moved along the scaffolding, hammering and hauling materials, expanding the walls and the estate with each passing day. It soon would surpass the royal castle in size and grandeur.
Inside, Sonzi Darus, the Iron Agent, sat at the head of a long wooden table, his thin fingers twitching in frustration. He slammed his old fists against the table, causing new cracks to spread across its surface, a strength unimaginable for such a old man.
"That damned bald bastard!" Sonzi hissed through clenched teeth. "Since he arrived, our profits have collapsed! Is this how the king repays those who helped him build the Sun God Company? If not for us, he wouldn't have managed to spread the influence across the West."
His aged face twisted in anger. Once, he had been nothing more than a small-time merchant. But when the nobles fled, he took control of their abandoned businesses, expanding his influence. He had climbed quickly, growing stronger with each deal. If only he had been given more time, he could have built his own army, enough to stand as an equal when the king came with his army to recruit him, leaving him with no strength to voice his thoughts. Now, Olaro had arrived, and everything continued to crumble. He was losing power.
"More alcohol, you useless bitch!" he snarled.
A wooden cup flew through the air, striking a young maid on the forehead. A thin line of blood appeared where it hit, trailing down her pale skin. She flinched but made no sound. Her trembling hands picked up the cup, and without a word, she turned and left the room.
Sonzi continued to grumble, drowning in his frustration. But the moment the maid's stepped through the doors, her posture changed. The fear in her eyes vanished.
She wiped away the blood with the back of her hand, her expression cold and unreadable. Entering the kitchen, she passed a small folded slip of paper into another maid's waiting palm. The exchange was swift, unnoticed by anyone nearby.
That night, a shadow slipped through the narrow streets of Mehis, moving without a sound until it reached a small, unremarkable door. With no words, the figure knocked five times, sounding like a coded signal. A brief pause followed before the door creaked open, revealing a woman with a serpent tattoo curling around her neck.
The woman peaked her head outside to search for any movement - "Enter" - Anguis said, stepping aside as the hooded figure entered. The newcomer, the same maid who had received the message in the kitchen, lowered her hood, revealing an ordinary brown-haired woman, with an average appearance.
The house was nestled behind the busiest tavern in Mehis, one managed by the Sun God Company. The space was sparse with only two rooms, a cramped bedroom and a larger room where a worn wooden table sat buried beneath stacks of books and scattered papers. The flickering glow of a fireplace was the only source of light, there were no windows, no way for prying eyes to see within.
The snake-tattooed woman named Anguis took the slip of paper, settling into her chair while the maid moved toward the fire, shaking off the cold.
"So, that senile old fool has truly gone beyond redemption," the woman muttered as she read. Her lips curled in distaste. "An unauthorized mining operation… that explains why he has been so obsessed with expanding those damned walls."
The maid nodded - "It took Anola and me quite some time to confirm it. Only those who have earned the trust of the Iron Agent are allowed inside the warehouse, and even then, it's just a front. The real entrance to the mine is hidden beneath it."
A quill scratched against a parchment as Anguis began drafting a report, amidst her messy desk -"How did you uncover this?"
"We waited for nightfall and intercepted one of the workers as he left," the maid replied, warming her hands near the fireplace - "He let his tongue loose even before we reached the nails part. It was disappointing." - The maid's voice was a mix of disappointment and anger.
"And then?" - The other woman asked, not raising her head and continuing to write down her report.
"We went after proof of the man's words. We can not denounce an agent of the Sun God Company without it." - The woman continued - "So, Anola took things further. She stole the patriarch's key while he lay passed out drunk and slipped into the warehouse. She brought back proof, records, maps. The operation has been running for months. If I had to guess, it began just weeks after the General arrived in Mehis.
"Did you bring it?" Anguis asked without looking up, her quill pausing mid-stroke. "The maps, I mean."
The maid shook her head. "No. Anola has them. It would have been too risky to leave the castle with them. They have been on high alert these last few days."
At those words, silence settled over the room, broken only by the steady scratching of Anguis's quill and the occasional crackle from the fireplace. The maid stood comfortably by the warmth, her posture relaxed, accustomed to waiting. It was quite warm and comfortable inside this tiny house, despite the noise of the tavern that also reverberated in this space.
"Good work," Anguis finally said, rising from her chair. She moved to stand beside the maid, her gaze flicking toward the cramped bedroom. "Do you wish to spend the night?"
"Thanks, but no." The maid shook her head. "If I stay away too long, someone at the Darus estate might start asking questions."
"Not funny at all," Anguis muttered, her lips curving slightly. "Next time, tell Anola to come herself."
The maid pulled her hood and also flashed a smile - "I will tell her to come next time. She is tired of shadowing those old bones. She will welcome a night away from that place, despite her emotionless look" - The door opened and the maid disappeared into the dark night.
"I should warn the General. It's time for this region to change yet again" - Anguis said, exiting the house soon after.