Chapter 3: ARC 1: Part III
Chapter 3
The next day July 3rd
Kurosaki Clinic
Stupid dad and his stupid antics always hitting me in the morning complained Ichigo throughout the morning as he left his Kurosaki clinic for another training.
With Ossan instructions Ichigo decided to go to deep inside Karakura forest away from civilization to have his training as to not bothered non-spiritual people with his quincies training.
Ichigo began sitting as he hear Ossan explanations.
"Ichigo now that you have activated your quincy power we will continue your training to the next step. With Ishida Ryuuken he had taught you how to tame your Reiatsu and testing your spiritual detection. Now you will training how to gather Reishi. Reishi absorption is a skill inborn to quincy. First take a deep breath, close your eyes, sense those Reishi around you, once you feel them gather it in your hands and absorb it to your body" Ossan instructed.
"Okay Ossan!" time passed but no Reishi gathered towards Ichigo and he became frustrated. "Ossan... I can't absorb Reishi. How could it be?!" Ichigo response were tinged in disappointment.
"I see... with this kind of development normal means wouldn't work. It seems you're one of rarest type of quincies the only quincy that I could truly call as True Quincy. Ichigo I think we need to change the direction of your training. I'll teach you a technique called Auswählen" Ossan responded gently.
"What's Auswählen anyway?" Ichigo pouted.
"Auswählen is a skill that capable to give and take Soul essence from other beings. By withdrawing those Soul essence true quincy could gain skill, talent, power, experience and even information of your Auswählen target. It's a versatile skilll and depending on circumstances it could save your life and with it you could cut short your training easily."
"So... you want me to use Auswählen? On who? There isn't anybody in this forest Ossan!" Ichigo replied in disbelief.
"There is me Ichigo to use Auswählen on. As the manifestation of your quincy root Auswählen wouldn't harm me because I'm part of you Ichigo. Using Auswählen on me would only deepened your understanding of quincy potential. If it worries you then do it just enough so could get a skilled at Reishi absorption. Do you trust me?" Ossan encourage me to take his hands.
"Yes Ossan I'll trust you" Ichigo decided to take Ossan hands.
"Now follow my instructions. Remember this chants Ichigo don't miss a single words. Understood?"
"Yes Ossan" then Ichigo and Ossan chanted Auswählen together words for words.
"Raise the silver crest, the ashen meadow, the circular path that is hidden in the light, the agate eyeball, the golden tongue, the cranial cup, the coffin of Adnyeus. What is raised is your heart." as Ichigo finished chanting the spell a circular ring began appearing in the sky and light pillar began to envelopes Ossan figure and Reishi droplets began to rains as Ichigo ended up panicking as he let go of Auswählen.
"Ossan what was that! I didn't hurt you right? Please be okay" Ichigo eyes start to shed tears.
"Ichigo I'm fine. My body bears no injuries. But you did Auswählen 90% of my power and skill. The remaining 10% that didn't get targeted by Auswählen is my memories and experiences due to the fact that you panicked abruptly."
"Soo... what's next Ossan?" Ichigo eagerly waiting for Ossan next instructions.
"Why don't you try Reishi absorption again and see what you can do."
"Okay..." as Ichigo start trying again at Reishi absorption , a stream of Reishi flowing into Ichigo hands. "Ossan! I've succeeded! See!" Ichigo happily responded.
"Good let's see how well you learn Reishi manipulations and Reishi constructions skill as well. I will show you how Ichigo."
I showed him many quincies techniques such Wogenschritt(Hirenkyaku), Heilg Pfeil, Heilig bogen, Heilig Klinge, Licht Regen including quincies advanced technique such as Tanzendemarionette(Ransontengai), Sankt Altar, Sankt bogen, Sankt Klinge, Kirchen Lied spell variations, Qualkreis, even Sklaverei.
His Reishi construction and manipulation skill are even at unprecedented level as he could easily created many tools even weapons.
Naturally Ichigo even succeeded in using not just Blut Artérie and Blut Vené he even used its advanced version Blut Vené Anhabén.
Ichigo splendidly managed to use basic and advanced quincy techniques in matters of hours but that doesn't mean Ichigo suddenly mastering it so I suggested that we spar and Ichigo ended up losing 94 times against me.
It seems there's a lot of to cover for Ichigo inexperience in fighting but experience will come with time and consistent efforts.
At the top of non-descriptive building
"Master! Master!" Uryuu enthusiastically called Ishida Souken while they were having lunch.
"What it is Uryuu?" asked Ishida Souken.
"The story you told about quincies annihilation you left out many details. Were the Soul reaper wrong in the end?"
"That's not it Uryuu.... I think the quincies were wrong for failing to heed the admonitions of Soul reapers." sighed Ishida Souken.
"But.. it was the quincies who were eradicated!"
"Exactly. Our people died and after that.... it mattered little who was right and who was wrong... What we have to think about was how to make sure such thing never happened again... that is all. Seeing the sad faces of humans and soul reapers pains me.. " Ishida Souken solemnly looked at Uryuu.
'Grandfather really is a kind man' thought Uryuu.
"Master I have one more question"
"What is it?"
"Will this traditional quincy costumes ever be updated? Master's robe it's really lame." exclaimed Uryuu and Ishida Souken appears shocked hearing it then he reasoned to Uryuu this costumes is quincies cultural legacy and part of tradition.
"Now that we finished eating lunch let's go patrolling for hollows Uryuu."
"Sure master!" as Uryuu joyfully follow his grandfather.
Deep inside Karakura Forest
"By the way ossan what it is that you use around us?"
"You managed to sensed Reishi barrier that span a few kilometers around us? It seems your spiritual perception are getting sharper as I deliberately conceal the barrier."
"Yeah.. but why did you use it Ossan?"
"Because there's someone monitoring us with spiritual-made camera in the form of insect and it keep following us... So I used Reishi barrier to prevent it getting close so it couldn't see us talking and only capable observed us from long distance as the camera can't get through the barrier that I made. As for why I don't destroyed it , there's a chances that the person who own it might be alerted in the fact that you were aware of monitoring and there's a chance like that person will send more cameras."
"So we're gonna play fool?"
"Yes Ichigo, but only until after we managed to find out who send the camera. Once we find out who send it, you could deal with that person accordingly."
"I understands Ossan. Well I think I want to go home for lunch it's already noon."
"Very well we shall continue training tomorrow Ichigo" Ossan ended the training. Then Ichigo began using Wogenschritt to go home faster.
Unexpectedly when Ichigo going home then sensed a few kilometers away that five hollows Adjuchas were crowding an old man with glasses after that Ichigo perfectly aimed five Heilig Pfeil at those hollows killing them immediately.
Ichigo decided to get closer to assess that old man conditions and he appeared in critical conditions so Ichigo decided to bring him to hospital for his injuries but unexpectedly a team of soul reapers decided to get in his way.
"Hey what are you doing brat!" shouted one of the soul reaper.
"Saving his life obviously. Who are you guys?" replied Ichigo.
"We're Soul reaper from squad 12 the research squad duh!"
"Then can't you leave that old man alone?"
"No can do brat we got order from the high-up to take his soul and body and bring it to Soul Society."
"For what purpose?"
"Who knows? Besides I'm gonna killed anyone who got in our way! So your opinions doesn't matters!"
'By the way Ossan why do you think they need that old man soul and body for?' Ichigo curiously asked Ossan in his mind.
Then Ossan replied calmly "As you've heard from them Squad 12 is an organization that deals in Research, this is my speculation perhaps they need it for conducting an experiments towards quincies and that's why they deliberately let quincies died so they could harvest their bodies and souls."
'They let people died just because they're quincy only to use them in cruel experiments. How dare they!' Ichigo angrily thought in his mind.
"I see so that's your answers soul reaper" Ichigo coldly gaze at them as he then decided those soul reapers from Squad 12 will not be given mercy.
Then all of Soul reapers bodies ended up cutting to pieces killed by none other than Ichigo as he used thin Reishi string to strangled their bodies.
What Ichigo was not realizing was Ishida Souken was still conscious and he saw how brutality Ichigo kill soul reapers.
Ichigo sensing Ishida Uryuu was ten-meters away and finding he was fine, so Ichigo decided to prioritize that old man and carries him to Karakura Hospital.
When he arrived there Ishida Ryuuken appears shocked that his father sustains such injuries.
After that Ichigo left that old man near Ryuu oji-san so that he could treat him and told him about Uryuu.
"Ryuu oji-san don't worry your son is safe I successfully killed those hollows. Uryuu are coming here and I'm sure you could've sense him" Ichigo explained.
"Thank you Ichigo. If you ever need anything just tell me. I'll see what I can do" Ishida Ryuuken gratefully told Ichigo for saving his son and his father lives.
Seeing that there's nothing else to do Ichigo decided to leave in hurry using Wogenschritt going home.
Not long after that Ishida Souken were undergoing surgery, Ishida Uryuu appeared and he waited for his grandfather operation to finished.
Ishida Souken managed come out alive despite his injuries but he needs intensive care for half a year.
After the surgery was done Ishida Ryuuken was asking Uryuu what happened.
"Tell me Uryuu what happened there because you ought to give me an explanations." Ishida Ryuuken asked his son.
Then Uryuu began to tell he and grandfather were hunting hollows "So master and I hunt for hollows-"
"Uryuu didn't I told to stop going with my father to hunt hollows! I told you to stop involved with spiritual world! Look where it got you putting yourself in danger! If Ichigo didn't managed to saved both of you on time then you alongside my father would've died to those hollows!" Ishida Ryuuken snapped angrily at his son.
"How come you angry at me and not Ichigo! Ichigo were fighting those hollows too! What's the difference!" Uryuu snapped at his father.
"Because he's not you, Uryuu!" Ryuuken sternly reminded Uryuu, 'It's because I don't want to put you in danger' thought Ishida Ryuuken in his mind.
"So that's it! Just because Ichigo are far more talented than me you decided to teach him quincy stuff. You even allows him to fight hollows and I'm not even allowed!" Uryuu start sprinting outside with tears fallout his eyes.
"Uryuu!" shouted Ishida Ryuuken as his son running away from him but he decided to didn't chase his own son because he think that his son just needed time.
A week passed by. Then Ishida Souken began to opening his eyelid and stay awake. Visiting the hospital, Uryuu then told his grandfather what had happening when he's asleep.
"Grandpa after your surgery. Dad and I got into argument. When you collapses Kurosaki came and then Kurosaki killed not just hollows but soul reapers too. How can Kurosaki be so cruel. Even though I don't know what their conversations is between Kurosaki and those soul reapers that doesn't justified killing all of them in cold blood." Uryuu telling his experience with his grandpa Souken.
"Indeed Uryuu I agreed quincy and soul reaper should work in harmony. Who is that child Uryuu? It seems that you know him.. " Souken pondering the situation as he ask his grandson to identify the unknown boy.
"Of course I know him! Kurosaki Ichigo is a quincy that dad call talented! Dad even teaches Kurosaki even though he said that he's uninterested in quincies!"
"Ryuuken taught him?" Souken raised brow in disbelief.
"Yes! Dad even used training room for Kurosaki"
"I see then I suppose I'll talk to him later. There something that I want to ask Kurosaki boy regarding something." Souken thoughtfully reconsider about what to do with Kurosaki boy.
In his mind that boy is dangerous as he possesses such immense power.
Such ruthless mindset and lethal skill for someone so young.
That boy possesses an overwhelming presence that reminded him the feeling of being judged by a monarch.
When I saw that boy it feels like I'm standing in front of His Majesty Yhwach.
Don't tell me...
Perhaps that boy... are already being approached by Wandenreich!
This is most likely a possibility as that would explained that boy strength.
Somewhere in the dark... a man with glasses began smiling curiously towards the monitors in front of him.
"Kurosaki Ichigo.... I wonder what are you going to do next.. I'm looking forward to your future... " as he stand up from his chair to leave a man with silver hair and smiling eyes walk towards him.
"Captain Aizen~ I want to know what are you preparing for that human kid?"
"A gift. His birthday will come soon, Gin. I hope Kurosaki Ichigo enjoyed my surprise for him."
"How cruel of you, Captain Aizen~"