Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Monday morning rose on a cloudy and windy day, the sun was partly there but mostly absorb by the skies darkness.

Yugi was sound asleep before the loud noises of his alarm woke him up. He slowly rolled over to slam his hand against his alarm.

Moaning a bit and grumbling as he opened his eyes partly to look at the time. It was a mere 5am in the morning, and he hated it.

If he didn't work, he wouldn't usually wake up until about 8am, but considering he had a job that required him to be there at 7am he couldn't sleep in.

Not to mention, that he would literally take him an hour to even get to work. New York was famous for their crowded city and locations getting to places.

It was almost best to try and walk rather than drive somewhere. You'd spend hours in traffic, and never get to your destination on time.

The male gradually got up from the bed and stretched trembling a bit from a good sleep. Tossing the blankets from his legs and body before walking to the bathroom.

He was inside for about a good twenty minutes before coming back out and going to his closet. He needed to wear something nice, and something that was eye catching.

The short male pondered before his pondering became that of shock and utter disappointment. He had completely forgotten he needed to head to the store.

He remembered Mr. Sennen telling him about wearing something more formal. Something that showed he was in a fancy business.

Quickly the male grabbed some clothes from his closet and started to simply put on some black sweatpants, and a white t-shirt.

Grabbing some snickers, along with his jacket as well. He would have to run towards a nearby department store in order to get the items he was required to wear.

He walked towards the front of his door grabbing his house keys and heading outside. The window howled in his earlobes, as he shivered a bit.

He didn't realize it'll be this cold outside, and unfortunately he couldn't stand around and wait. He quickly rushed down the steps, as he noticed one of his neighbors Mr. Mike taking out their garage.

Mr. Mike was a stuck up male whom normally complained about everything. He was much older but only around his early 40's. His appearance was young however.

You couldn't really tell that Mr. Mike was an older gentleman but indeed he was. His orbs shifted towards Yuugi as he noticed the male walking off.

" hey! " he shouted.

Yuugi swiftly stopped before his head did that sighing of annoyance before fully turning around to glance.

" hey, Mr. Mike. Good morning. "

" yeah.. yeah.. yeah. Next time tell your friend to keep it down! I couldn't watch my goddamn NCIS show again. " Mr Mike told him.

Yuugi closed his eyelids briefly with an irritating expression before smiling faintly at him. " mmm-kaay later. Have a good day. " Yuugi said vaguely as he continued to walk away.

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After some time Yuugi had managed to arrive at the department store. Indeed it was a goodwill but he didn't have the funds to buy something expensive.

He looked down at his phone noticing the time was now 6:20am. He was happy that goodwill was opened 24 hours. So he would always be able to come and grabbed what he needed.

Plus, the people at this store knew whom Yuugi was, as he had donated plenty of times before. Walking inside Yuugi smiled to the workers, as they waved back greeting him.

" hey Yug. What can we do for you today? Dropping some stuff off again? "

" uh-no, Aaron. Not this time. I uh- I'm actually in a rush, right now and I needed to buy a suit if you have any? Or a nice button up with a tie? " Yuugi questioned.

" hmm. " Aaron pondered. " well, this is goodwill Yug. It's not like we get a lot of things, but I'll try and help you out. " he stated with a smile.

" thanks. " Yuugi replied as he continued to carefully watch the time. He couldn't wait around forever, as he wanted to still be on time for work. He was honestly cutting it extremely close.

" You must have gotten that new job you were telling me about huh? " Aaron said proudly. Yuugi nodded and spoke back. " yeah, I'm really excited about it, but I don't think the boss likes me. "

" oh? "

" yeah. I mean he's the one who told me to come and look more presentable for work. With everything else going on, I mean— it's just— it feels overwhelming ya know? "

Aaron stared at Yuugi quietly as they stood in an isle for a moment alone together. Yuugi looking down in a deep thought, before slowing rising his hues up again to look at Aaron.

When their gazes met each other Aaron smiled at Yuugi which Yuugi greeted in the same matter. " tch. What? " Yuugi said with a chuckle. Aaron gulped a bit as he looked over Yugi's beauty.

He's known Yuugi for awhile now, 2 years to be exact, and since that time frame Aaron has always had a soft spot for Yuugi and wanted to ask him out. Although, with his schedule and Yuugi's schedule it never felt like the right time.

Not to mention he didn't know Yuugi's sexuality for awhile, until it was brought into conversation 6 months ago. Now that he did, he felt more comfortable to ask but was still nervous with the response.

" .... Y.. Yugi.. I uh.. there's something I wanted to - "

" Aaron! Aaron! Please report to cashier checkout lane please. Aaron. Please report to the cashier checkout lane " someone on the intercom shouted.

Yuugi heard the announcement and immediately looked at Aaron. " oh... looks like they need you. " Yuugi said softly. Aaron turned his gaze back to Yuugi and sighed a bit. " yeah... they do.. I.. I'm sorry. "

Yuugi shook his head.

" don't worry about it. Thanks for showing me the suits. I think I'll take this one. " he stated as he grabbed some dress shoes, and the matching suit.

Yuugi walked past Aaron as Aaron gently closed his eyes in disappointment before looking back towards Yuugi as Yuugi turned around walking backwards.

" but uh.. thanks. For .. helping. I'll... see you around? " Yuugi commented.

Aaron nodded a bit.

" y.. yeah! Yeah. Uh.. sure. See you around Yuugi. "

Yuugi smiled a bit and started to walk away as Aaron gulped heavily again, and stumbled with his mouth. Parting his lips before breaking silence.

" hey! Wa- wait Yuugi! " he shouted.

Yuugi turned heel as he quickly looked at Aaron and replied. " yeah? " Aaron for the first time in awhile felt frozen and stuck. Contemplating if he should take the risk or not.

" ..... uh.. good luck. " he would end up saying towards Yuugi. As Yuugi relaxed his body and nodded simply.

The male walked off completely and went to pay for his items before walking out the store leaving Aaron in a disarray.

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