Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Sunday morning came around as the alarm on Yugi's clock. The buzzing sounds immediately the male lifted his right arm and pounded on the alarm to make it stop.

Grumbling a bit and shifting his body around he pushed his face from his pillows. His hair tangly and messy as he checked the time.

It was a mere only 9am, although he felt like he had woken up later than that. He was so use to waking up at 7am this time he actually slept in.

He yawned a bit before tossing the covers and blankets aside and slowly sat on the edge of his bed. Stretching his arms and legs out before looking around his room.

It was almost pitch black inside, without the curtains giving in a bit of little sunlight from the shades. The male slowly got from his bed and walked towards his window and opened the curtains.

Immediately, the short boy squinted his orbs down from the beaming sunlight and grunted a bit. He didn't realize it would be so bright out this morning, however the weather lately has been fluctuating.

One day it could be cool and chilly, then the next it could be sunny and warm. He was happy although that he got the nicer side of the weather today, because this was usually his exercise day.

Yugi smiled a bit looking out his window, before he walked away getting his day started. After several minutes he walked out of his steamy bathroom with a towel wrap around his head and lower body.

Listening to some music play on his Bluetooth speaker, as the tv gave him some background noise from a show he was watching. Walking into his closet he grabbed some workout clothes.

A t-shirt along with some shorts to match with them and some sports tennis shoes and white socks. The male planted them on his bed before closing his closet door back up.

His blue gaze shifted towards the tv before the sound of a ringing could be heard. Yugi's vision glanced over to his night stand, as he walked over putting his shirt on at the same time.

Grabbing his cell phone and placing it to his ear, as the other person spoke on the other end.

" what up bittccch! " Sam spoke.

Yugi chuckled and smiled a bit. " hey, Sam I'm glad to hear your voice. I was wondered about you since yesterday, you alright? " he asked him.

" huh? Oh yeah yeah I'm doing straight. I had so much fun yesterday and the day before, but yeah I'm cool now. " he explained.

" that's good. " yugi remarked.

" anyways, you ready yet? " Sam questioned.

" almost, I'm putting my clothes on now. I'll meet you there same as usual? " Yugi commented.

" yeah, see you there my friend, holla. " Sam replied as the two of them hang up on each other.

Yugi tossed his phone on the bed and continued to put his clothes on. Once he was finished he went outside of his bedroom, after feeding panda and make a protein shake in the kitchen.

Yugi had finally finished and was ready to go, grabbing his house keys and leaving his apartment. Locking the door and heading down the stairwell and out from the parking lot.

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Yugi had eventually arrived at the gym called ' x infinity fitness ' a place that was a popular gym for a lot of people. It had the best benefits, along with the best training equipment.

It was also the biggest gym in Manhattan that alot of people lived closed by for it. Although for yugi it was a bus a train and another bus away.

However, it was worth it and he always tried to go to the gym every two weeks on Sundays. It was usually the only time where he knew Sam wouldn't have a hangover, and the two could work out together.

Yugi made it to the entrance, and approached the reception area as he scanned his membership card. He noticed alot of people in the gym now, already in their workout gear.

His orbs shifted towards a few people, before the scanner access his card and approved it. After that the boy would walk inside the gate and head up the stairs where the main gym was.

He had his routine already, and sometimes he'd wait around for Sam to come, because he was never on time sometimes. Although this time, yugi would decide he wanted to start a bit of his stuff.

He started to walk around and head towards the men's locker room as he walked inside past a few people and went towards his personal locker. It was nice for the gym to give people their personal lockers, but you had to pay.

Yugi unlocked his and place his house keys and his water bottle inside. The male then looked down and used his hands to open his shake and drink the rest of it.

Gulping down the remainder of his protein shake he placed that inside his locker before grabbing his water bottle back out. Closing the door and locking his locker back, he then turned heel and walked away.

He sighed a bit reaching into his short pants pocket and grabbing his cell. He texted Sam to hurry up before he sighed a bit and walked out the men's locker room.

Unaware to him that he was so focused in his phone he had accidentally bumped into a male. " oh! S—sorry... " he said excusing himself, as the man shrugged it off and walked inside the locker room.

Yugi smiled awkwardly, before he turned his head and noticed someone familiar from afar. His small started to slowly deplete as to his astonishment it was his boss, Yami Sennen.

His gaze fixed on the male from across the gym as he noticed his boss working out, and wearing nothing but some black tights and some black and white Addis shoes.

Yugi slowly started to head in that direction, pretending to walk around looking for a machine. However, it was only to get a bit closer towards him to see him.

Yami was doing the treadmill as he had already been on there for 45 minutes. He was sweaty, and his body was glistening a bit. He had a muscular toned body, that was ripped and showed off his veins a bit.

Yami stopped after awhile as he finished his workout for that and bent down to get some water from his jug. His head turned in Yugi's direction before Yugi immediately blushed and turned his head around.

' oh shit... please don't see me... please don't see me... please don't see me! ' yugi continued to think as he quickly walked over towards a bench sat down.

Grabbing some weights and trying to start his workout but then remembered he hadn't even stretched yet. He sighed as his thoughts was messing him up and he slowly put them back in their place.

He was too afraid to look up again, because he didn't know if his boss was still looking over at him. Yugi slowly grabbed a mat and sat it down on the ground, before he sat on it as well.

Though the male gradually lifted his head up in the direction Yami was in, however the male was no longer there anymore. Yugi sighed with relief as a smirk came on his visage before he slowly got up from the mat.

His back turned he didn't realize that Yami was behind him.

" .. Bonjour. " a seductive charming tone escaped a male's lips as Yugi's orbs widened at the sound of the tone and their greeting.

He swallowed hard before he slowly turned around and noticed it was Yami. He had a white towel around his neck, along with his tilted a bit to the side looking at Yugi with a small smirk.

" ..... uh... hi.. " Yugi said hesitantly before he completely turned around trying to keep his gaze on Yami's purple orbs only. Although it was a bit difficult to do, and he couldn't know why.

It was no lie to Yugi that he indeed thinks his boss looked handsome, and therefore it was hard to not try and compliment him. He didn't want Yami assuming he was weird, and/or simply saying that to be on his quote on quote ' good side. '

" ..... I did not know... you go to gym. " Yami remarked, his French accent heavily coming back out again.

" uh... yeah! Yeah.. actually I uh... try and go every two weeks or so.. " Yugi replied.

As he started to stretch his arms and stretching them up over his head as well then slowly bending down to touch his heels. Yami watching him holding his water jug in one hand, with a small chuckle and smirk.

" .. I see.. darling... "

Yugi slowly coming back up and meeting his boss's gaze as, yugi parted his lips to speak. " ... so you come here.. often..? "

" ... why? " Yami questioned.

" I — well.. I just — " Yugi started to fumble again before he took a deep breathe and corrected himself. " .... You look like you work out quite often is all. that's why I asked. " Yugi said in a calm tone.

Yami's gaze went softer almost like a natural light charming expression before he inhaled a bit and parted his gentle, sweet soft lips to speak.

" ... I come every week. It's hard to maintain such a physique sexual body... no? " Yami asked arching a brow.

Yugi face turned a bit warm at the comment and started to feel a bit nervous with the question. He didn't know if he should reply, or he was speaking rhetorical. " uh— "

Yami seeing this chuckled a bit before he started to walk past Yugi as Yugi for a moment was able to see the back of Yami. When he did he was not disappointed to see a firm ass on Yami as well, along with toned legs and ankles.

Yami turned back around which Yugi quickly averted his eyes away blinking a bit. " ... well... I no want to bother you any longer... enjoy your work out... " Yami said twitching a brow in a teasing manner before he turned heel and walked off.

However not before walking backwards briefly and speaking loudly. " I shall see you tomorrow for work yes... " Yami stated before turning heel again and walking off.

" ... y.. yes. Of course... goodbye... " Yugi said hesitantly and trying not to make eye contact with him once again, as Yami walked off and headed to the men's locker room.

Yugi then gradually looked back up and saw Yami's ass once again and his face warmed up once more. ' ... sweet Jesus.... ' he whispered towards himself, before he sighed heavily and someone screamed at him.

" yo! You drooling or what? "

Immediately Yugi turned his head as he felt a presence close by him as it was Sam. He was wearing a tank top with no sleeves and some tight fitted leggings.

" ... son of a — " yugi said, as Sam laughed scaring yugi a bit. " ... your an ass. " yugi remarked as he sighed as Sam continued to laugh before he touched Yugi's shoulder.

" haha, you should see your face. I got your ass good didn't I. " Sam questioned.

" whatever... " yugi proclaimed as he saw Yami come back out the men's locker room as Sam noticed this and inched closer towards Yugi's earlobe.

" .... What we staring at huh? "

" huh! What? Uh— umm.. nothing. " yugi said walking over to grab some weights. Sam noticing the male he was looking at as he saw Yami walking towards the entrance of the gym with his black Addis's gym bag.

" ... well well.. well... ain't that your boss? " Sam asked as he looked back at Yugi for a moment. Yugi made no remark however, as Sam turned to look at Yami again.

He was speaking to the receptionist as he was starting to leave the gym shirtless. " ... damn... I mean he's all types of ripped... he like a fine... vanilla lollipop... " Sam remarked.

Biting his lip a bit as he continued to speak. " and he got a fat ass too... you don't see many men with that going on.. who can at least pull it off. " Sam finished explaining.

Yugi hearing his words, as he continued to try and purposely ignore him, as his cheeks warmed up briefly. Sam turned back to Yugi and went to grab some weights himself before talking.

" I mean... like he must have all the women on his dick. men too. shit include me in it. If I ever had the chance.. I'd bend him over and turn that ass up. " he stated.

Yugi continued to work out as he listened to Sam and Sam stopped briefly looking at Yugi. " ... you like him don't you. " sam bluntly stated.

Which made Yugi stop in his tracks as he turned to look down at Sam who was sitting on the bench. " what?! " Yugi said abruptly.

" tsk. Don't give me that Yug. Omgosh... you absolutely have a crush on your boss! Holy shit! "

" okay shhh! Will you—- will you keep it the heck down please..." yugi remarked.

" awww you like that ass don't you? You was staring at that when I came up the steps! I fucking knew it! " Sam said whispering to him teasingly.

" shhh!!!! " Yugi said bending down closer towards him shaking his head.

" you want it, you want it, you need it you need it, you want it you want it.. you need it you need it. " Sam said doing a small dance teasing Yugi more.

" okay! Okay! Shhh! —make it stop! Please. " yugi said shaking his hands up and down looking up at Sam who laughed at him.

" dude. just tell him you like him. " Sam stated as he worked out. Yugi rose a brow and rolled his eyes at his friend.

" you're a dummy sometimes, Sammy. " yugi commented.

" huh? "

" I mean you can't be serious... oh hey boss I know you just hired me, but I'd love for you to know that I like you annndd while at the gym I was staring at your sensitive parts of your body... " Yugi stated.

" hahahahaha. " Sam laughed.

" I mean. That's asking for instant fire. " Yugi continued as he went on a machine and started to walk on the treadmill. Sam followed suit and chimed in.

" .... Look I'm not saying that it can't happen, but — I mean... hey... when's the last time you got that back blown out? " Sam asked.

Yugi quickly looked over at Sam and made no remark as they both picked up speed and started to light jog.

" I mean come on Yug! He's handsome.. he's rich... and he's fucking French! Did you know that's the most sexiest language? ... all in all you never take risk... and what's to say he doesn't like you back? "

" ... are you kidding me.. he hates my guts... " Yugi replied.

" he's probably being that way because he may secretly like you.... " Sam remarked. Yugi shifted his gaze at Sam briefly to that comment before turning his gaze back to his workout.

" .... Then there's your intelligence... your personality... I mean seriously I think you might be his match. He acts tough but secretly he could be really gentle then— " Sam continued to ramble on and on.

As Yugi drifted into deep thoughts while running on the mill. Yugi didn't think of it that way, what if his boss did secretly like him. However, he also thought Sam was out of his mind.

He didn't know exactly what Mr. Sennen was into and naturally he'd assume he was look at him as he does everyone else, less than. Not to mention it was against company policy to date another employee.

Yugi's eyes soften wondering what would happen if they had an opportunity to talk alone. He didn't know how Monday would go for him, but one thing that Sam did say, was undoubtedly true he did have a bit of a crush on Yami... but he felt he'd never get the chance to tell him.

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