Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

The next morning Yugi had gotten up bright and early for tomorrow. His channel was already on the weather to make sure he dressed appropriately for it.

He had already showered and brushed his teeth, while he was in his bathroom brushing through his hair. He was continuing to listen to the reports on the channel about it being a little chilly today.

He decided that he'd at least wear a black jacket that didn't ruin his outfit and would blend nicely. Although it was now at 6am because he knew it'll take an hour to get to work.

At least by trains however and walking to the building again. He was feeling happy but also a bit fatigue thanks to Sam's phone call. After finishing up his hair he looked at himself in the mirror.

Wearing a light blue jeans with a dark blue long sleeve button up shirt and a black vest that went over the shirt. Then wearing solid dark blue strap shoes to match.

Yugi didn't know if it was mandatory to wear a suit but he hoped not because he didn't have any. Suits weren't cheap and he never had a job where he needed to wear one before so he never purchased any.

The short male checked himself in the mirror and smiled as he started to head out the bathroom and grabbed his remote. Turning the tv off and after finishing giving panda his food and turning off all the apartment lights.

Yugi grabbed his house keys , his cell phone , his wallet and a nice warm jacket and left his apartment. Rushing to put it on as it was more than a bit chilly outside it felt like it was but only 60 degrees outside.

Yugi was accustomed towards cold weather but not this cold. Since his family had moved to Los Angeles first the weather there didn't get any lower but only 70 degrees.

So he was unfamiliar with it reaching anything lower than that. However, it wouldn't stop him from getting towards the orientation on time.

He walked down numerous of streets and back ways like he did before to reach a nearby train station. Once there he would swipe his train card and proceed to wait for the train.

Noticing that not a lot of people was outside waiting with him but it was still enough people. He assumed they were all early birds and possibly heading to work themselves.

Yugi had continued to wait for the train and eventually it arrived on time as Yugi stepped into the train and headed to work.

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Yugi had eventually arrived to work on time and heading up towards the tenth floor and down the hallways. He seemed cheerful but also still nervous inside his stomach.

He felt a knot inside that he couldn't shake as he was somewhat conflicted about the position. He didn't know all exactly what would be asked of him however he was ready to learn.

Once he stepped inside the office he approached the receptionist area and smiled at the lady.

" hello. I'm Yugi mutou I was here yesterday for an interview and im here for an orientation. " he explained.

The lady nodded and started to type on the computer asking questions.

" okay and who interviewed you? "

" Grim Baxter. "

" okay. I'll check you in and let him know you're here. "

" thank you. " Yugi replied as he walked away from the desk and sat down on the couch awaiting for Grim.

After awhile Grim opened the door and went into the lobby and approached Yugi with a greeting.

" Hi. Yugi right? "

" yes. " yugi said smiling.

" good. Nice to see you again. If you'd follow me we'll get you started. " he explained while motioning Yugi to follow him.

Grim took Yugi in as yugi begin to walk behind him noticing others at work, then turned to hear Grim start to speak.

" alright. So the orientation is about an hour. It's mostly PowerPoints that show case our company and also speaks about the different positions we have and all the people who work within our organization. " Grim explained.

" alright. Sounds good. " Yugi replied.

" Then once that orientation is complete I will show you your office as well, and then you'll also have a one on one meeting with our ceo Mr. Sennen sound good? " he continued as they made their way into an conference office.

" uh.. I think u—mm.. " yugi commented as his demeanor seemed to become once again nervous.

Grim noticed the tone as the two walked inside and he closed the door behind yugi.

" is something wrong? " he asked.

" I — well... "

" it's okay yugi. You can tell me. Please if you have questions ask them. I rather you ask now so that way I can explain in details what it is. " Grim stated.

" ... well.. it's not really something about the company... it's more about... the ceo of the company. Mr. Sennen. " Yugi replied.

" oh? "

" I — I just don't think he likes me... at all. From the last time. He didn't seem to even want me to get hired. I — I'm sorry I'm not trying to sound mean or anything I just — "

" ha. Intimated? " Grim remarked cutting Yugi off .

Yugi looked down a bit as he watched as Grim approached him and place a hand gently on his shoulder.

" I'm aware Yugi trust me. I've been with this company for over a decade now. Our boss can be a bit — mmm stern and serious. But he's only like that because he really cares about this company. " Grim proclaimed.

" I know he can sound mean and straight forward and I would be telling you a lie to say that you shouldn't feel some what nervous. But— I believe you'll do just fine here, so long as you do your job right. " Grim finished saying.

Grim smiled at Yugi who smiled back gently and nodded. It was nice that Grim understood where Yugi was coming from. He didn't want him thinking he didn't like his boss already.

" alright shall we begin. " Grim stated.

" mhm. " yugi told him.

Grim walked over to the PowerPoint as yugi sat down in a chair and grabbed a notebook that was already on the table. The orientation process begin as Grim went over the PowerPoint piece by piece.

Explaining in details each section and videos that played afterwards as well. Yugi wrote notes and things down as time went on and on during the entire presentation.

Overall, Yugi seemed to understand all the information and asked questions along the way as well to make sure he got all what he needed to know.

Eventually an entire hour went by and Grim finished with the orientation.

" and that's pretty much all there is to our company. " Grim stated.

" wow. This company is incredible. I didn't know so much at first but I'm glad I know a lot now. " Yugi replied.

" ha. Well. It is alot of information to process, but as I've stated you'll be working slowly with the sales first and answering calls. Almost like a secretary at an entry level. "

" then you'll work your way up the ladder if you are good and have been with us for awhile. Sound good? "

" yes of course. " yugi said smiling.

" great! Now let's head towards Mr. Sennen's office. I'm sure he's eager to meet you as the rest of the co workers in the office as well. " Grim told Yugi.

Yugi nodded as he slowly rose from the chair and both him and Grim started to walk out the conference office and head towards Yami Sennen's office.

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