Chapter 28: Chapter 28
Yugi had finished cleaning himself up, and also grabbing the new suit that Yaami ended up buying him while they were out and about.
It was a kind gesture and also something highly expensive. He didn't know what to say, except thank you. Although Yaami indicating he wasn't going to allow Yuugi to go to the dinner meeting party wearing what he brought.
So in the end, it was almost like a pity gesture, rather more than a kindness. Regardless, he was still the boss, so Yugi would do as he was ordered to do. The measurements were good and down to a good size.
Which Yugi ended up putting on his button up collar shirt, along with tailored dress pants and dress shoes. His hair was fixed, along with grooming himself decently.
He felt as though he was going to a wedding, with the suit he had on. However, it made him look more presentable and sophisticated.
Yugi checked himself in the mirror.
Nodding to what he was seeing, and sighing looking at the time. It being now 5pm. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, as he tried to relax himself.
' this is it, Yugi. Just.. remember everything you learned and don't mess up. don't mess up. ' Yugi continued to tell himself in his mind.
Hearing a knock against his door, Yugi braced himself to face Yaami, knowing it would be him. Approaching the door, and gripping the handle to open.
To his surprise however it wasn't Yaami at all. Yugi immediately became a bit startled, as he saw one of the security guards.
" Apologies. Mr. Sennen said I should escort you towards the dinner party tonight. "
" Huh? But I thought— " Yugi was about to say.
" Mr. Sennen took the liberty of going towards the dinner event first. He needed to be there more earlier, because he is a board member. " the male explained.
" ..... I see... "
" Shall we go? " the older man asked Yugi.
Yugi in a way, was disappointed. He had completely forgotten that Yaami was a board member. It seemed like whenever they hung out, time and titles didn't seem to matter.
It was without worries or concerns that seem to always make it easier for them to hangout. However, the gut feeling of something embarrassing was bound to happen.
Yugi nodded at the other male and closed his door behind him. Inhaling sharply, and releasing that air flow.
The short male was exceptionally nervous, and the thought of such a sudden embarrassing moment continue to wonder his mind.
From walking down the hall, awaiting the elevator, to finally arriving in the hotel lobby, and then headed into a limo towards the event.
Yugi could only pray and wish that things would go smoothly. He continued to tap his foot against the floor. Pasting it felt like he was doing.
Looking out the tinted windows, and noticing the sensory, although couldn't very well admire it as much as he wanted too. He did wish, Yaami was here to give him some words of encouragement.
Alas, he knew that the male was much more important this time around. It seems like Yaami's image was something he didn't wish to tarnish in the slightest.
After all, last night confirmed that it seems. Whatever happened in Yaami's past seemed to damage a part of his spirit. Which made him determine to be on top and remain on top.
It wasn't very long before they had arrived at the party, a fabulous large almost castle like building. Yugi's mouth almost dropped, as he looked in awe at the beautiful exterior.
It almost felt like he was going to a royal ball, as many limos, and guests exited their vehicles and headed inside. Yugi looking down for a moment, closed his eyes and tried his hardest to concentrate on his breathing.
This was a moment to showcase his degree, even with the bachelors he had. He wanted to prove he deserved to be in this type of profession, just like any of these stuck up jerks.
" ... okay... here we go. " he said towards himself.
As he felt the door holding him open up, and immediately cameras flashing. Yugi stunned, he didn't realize people would take photos of him.
Although it was only a mere two flashes, the camera man without a word walk past and went to another vehicle to repeat. Yugi turning his head before feeling a security guard beside him.
" Worry not. " the male would calmly speak.
" They do this all the time.. " he would go on to add.
Yugi turned to glance at the security guard, before he looked back up at the entrance. His face having a calm complexion as much as possible.
Inhaling trying to relax his body, as he nodded to the guard as he started to escort him inside the building. The second he went inside, his eyes turned upwards towards the interior.
The view was extraordinary as the place looked like a fancy ballroom. Yugi was in awe, absorbing the surroundings around him. His face looked with a dazzling expression.
The guard continued to move Yugi through the crowd, as he then stopped and turned to speak to him. " If you continue down this way, and turn left you'll run into Mr. Sennen and the rest of the board members. "
Yugi was delighted to know he'd run into Yaami soon, however he wasn't delighted as much about who was with him as well. Although, he shouldn't have thought any less, all things considered.
" Alright. Thank you very much. " Yugi would reply.
Yugi continued to walk down as he was instructed to do so, following the directions precisely. When he reached the end of the hallway and noticed a door.
To the left a room, where he assumed that Yaami and the rest of the board was. He approached the door and heard commotion on the other side.
' ... well... here we go.. ' he said towards himself before taking another breath.
Once he did so, he knocked on the door and turned the door knob. Opening the door and immediately seeing the board members sitting around in chairs.
Holding drinks, mingling and laughing about certain discussions. Yugi examined the room and its interior looked old and elegant.
Before his expression became more upbeat with a smile. " Ah, he has arrived. " one of the board members stated.
Yami slowly turned his head around and noticing Yugi slowly got up from the couch and walked over. Yugi finally locking eyes with the man and seeing Alejandro was sitting beside him.
Not surprising really, all things considered when Yugi remembered what Yami had told him awhile back. Although, he was happy that Yaami got up first to approach him.
" Yes, come come. " Yami motioned Yugi to come over closer.
Yugi walking over and Yami pushing Yugi's back gently towards the rest of the board.
" Board. You remember my young worker here Mr. Mutou, yes? " Yaami introduced.
" Ah yes, I believe I do. " Mr. Smith stated slowly rising up.
" Ah, Mr. Mutou a pleasure again. " Mr. O'Brian remarked, getting up and reaching out to shake Yugi's hand.
Yugi smiling and nodding to the gentleman as they all one by one approached until Mr. Jour was the last one.
" Ah, Mr. Mutou, Bonjour ! We meet again I see. "
" Yes... indeed we do.. " Yugi said shaking his hand firmly.
" Good, now that we have the greetings out the way shall we get down to business? " Mr. Mason asked aloud.
Everyone turned and looked at him and nodded or clapped in agreement. Following back down to sit down somewhere. While Mr. Sennen motioned for Yugi to join him.
Yugi sitting beside Yami, whom was sitting beside Mr. Jour as Mr. Mason would clearly his throat and looked at Yugi once more.
" We are glad you decided to come to this important meeting. This is a grand opportunity, I'm sure your boss has already filled you in on the details? "
" Yes sir. I made sure to understand what it is that's happening tonight and know how big of an impact it'll have to the company. " Yugi replied.
" Good. We wouldn't want you to mess this up for us all. " Mr. Smith would say brashly.
Yugi feeling the pressure of the weight against him, feeling slightly intimated by the remark. Yami intervening in the mist of it, as soon as Smith spoke.
" Ah-ha, I am positive he is indeed ready. He has most certainly provided his own knowledge towards my company in some aspect. " Mr. Sennen chimed in to state.
" Well. Mr. Mutou what can you tell us about the company's refine methods that can assure us a steady production in future designs? " Mr. Mason asked aloud.
Yugi glanced over at Yami, whom stared back at Yugi and took a small nod towards Yugi telling him to answer it, and a notices of ' you got this. '
" Well.. those methods include finer grinds and tuning towards the companies supply lines to ensure our customers receive the best products possible. " Yugi answered.
" Are you implying that your corporation will ensure that not only you have the best products but to say your progression has excelled further than expected? " Mr. Jour chimed in to ask.
" I — " Yugi was about to say before being interrupted.
" In order for the company to excel on all platforms including other businesses you must make higher profits in certain locations Mr. Mutou..... "
" that includes seeking grants and making sure the profit is higher than 50% if you cannot even muster to do that — what good are you for the board? " Mr. Smith stated.
" Of course, he could always lack in certain fields and possible be overshadowed. We simply put all our eggs into one basket and he couldn't even finish the product. How disappointing.... " Mr. Mason added.
Yugi watching as the board tossed him around without even looking at him throughout the remarks. Yugi felt his throat stating to close.
That feeling he was getting before even coming here, but it wasn't more so intimation but rather more insulting, and heartache.
He could feel his eyelids begin to droop down, almost in defeat, but Yugi slowly inhaled before looking back up at the group.
His lips quivering a tad bit before he folding his lips before opening his mouth at an attempt to speak. " I ... do not plan to fold... I want to ensure Mr. Mutou's company remains one of the finest which will increase sells by far. "
Yami hearing his remark, turned his head to watch as Mr. Smith and Mason laughed at Yugi's remark. To Yugi he was confused, as he slightly showed that in his expression.
" You wish to excel your rivals company? " Mr. O'Brian asked aloud.
" h—huh, my— my rivals? " Yugi asked puzzled.
" Mr. Mutou in a business world, when you want to excel something higher you think about running your own business not just the company you work for. "
" Well.. I — I'm sorry.. I thought we were still speaking about Mr. Sennen's company.. I didn't know you were asking me about what I'd do for my own... " Yugi said softly but still loud enough to be heard.
The board looked at one another and laughed once more, as Yami sat there quietly holding his glass in hand.
" Haha, Mr. Sennen you didn't tell us your little worker boy was such a hoot. " Mr. O'Brian said.
Yugi hearing his words felt hisself stiffen.
" Hahaha, indeed— he is something else— but that's putting it delicately. " Mr. Mason chimed in to add.
" Why would you think we were still speaking about Mr. Sennen's company. We did say ' your's ' did we not? " Mr. Smith asked directly with a more serious tone.
" I — " Yugi was about to say once more, but felt himself choking up against his own words.
Yami feeling as if the board was once again playing the mind games that Yugi wasn't able to handle stepped in.
" Now now. It's not good to tease my worker so much gentlemen... I'm sure Mr. Mutou is just feeling a bit light headed tonight. " Yami tried to say with a small grin.
" Perhaps he should put down the wine then— he seems to have had too much too soon. " Mr. Jour teased a bit, pointing towards Yugi's cup.
The board laughed once more, as Yugi sat in silence, while Yaami slightly shifted his gaze towards Yugi seeing his expression.
" Well, I think we've seen enough to think about what we shall do. " Mr. Mason said aloud slowly rising up from the chair.
As the rest of the board members did the same including Yami and Alejandro. " We wish to speak to your boss in private Mr. Mutou if you do not mind leaving. " Mr. Smith spoke.
Yugi almost lost in his own deep thoughts, felt his eyes watering up but not a tear dropped from his face. He looked up at Mr. Smith before quickly getting from the chair.
" ... not at all.... " Yugi said in a dead tone remark almost as if he was delighted to leave. Yugi quickly walked towards the door placing down his practically full drink and leaving.
Yami watched as Yugi left the room in a hurry and as soon as he left Yami turned to the rest of the members.
" .... That was a bit harsh don't you think. " Yami said quickly.
" Excuse me? " Mr. Mason asked.
" You heard me. " Mr. Sennen stated with a firm French accent.
" ... Mr... Sennen, please try and understand, we simply want the boy to be prepared for enduring situations such as this. " Mr. Smith chimed in to say.
" You act as if your ordeal with the board was any different from his. "
" I'm aware ! But that doesn't mean that the approach you did for me years ago, should be all but the same towards him we aren't the same person. He was already nervous as it was— it just seems too extreme. " Mr. Sennen replied.
Alejandro listening in, along with O'Brian as he cleared his throat and spoke up.
" Business is business Mr. Sennen, regardless of the boards approach, we do not believe Mr. Mutou is highly qualified for such a pressure position... as you can tell from this interaction. "
" .... Is that so... and what makes him unqualified.... Besides you all's aggressive undermining approach... hm? " Mr. Sennen questioned with a more assertive tone.
" For one he has a Bachelor's degree. " Mr. Smith remarked.
" His posture was questionable, he seemed lost and clearly couldn't tell when we shifted the subject from you to about him. that is the same implication that happens when you are doing a business proposal. " Mr. Mason added on.
Yami listening to the feedback and critics of his peers turned and looked at Alejandro whom shrugged a bit and spoke aloud.
" ... I'm sorry, Yami he just— isn't ready... "
Yami hearing his words, felt himself have a gasp of emotionless inside his heart. All the while, Yugi was on the outside of the door and heard every word as he rushed off quickly afterwards.
Yami nodding aggressively as he slammed down his glass. " ... very well.. " he stated as he grabbed his wallet and rushed towards the door.
" ... I lost my appetite to continue to listen to the harsh, rash and belittling remarks anymore. " Yami remarked as he swung the door open and left the room.
Immediately Alejandro rushed after Yami as Yami quickly walked down the hallway, his heels clicking as he did, as Alejandro had to practically gallop to reach him.
" Aye ! - wait — wait wait— " he would say towards Yami as he grabbed his arm trying to stop him.
" Let go of me. " Yami said looking at him in his eyes.
" Hey, just— relax.. we know the board can be — "
" jackasses. " Yami said aloud.
Alejandro inhaling sharply listening towards his words.
" in a word. yes. " he would reply.
" but you shouldn't let them get to you, come— we both know you are better than that. " Alejandro told him.
Yami got closer towards Alejandro only to lean in a bit more, and look him dead in his orbs. His voice keeping that same stern and confident tone of voice.
" Yes. I can handle it. Yugi cannot. It is no about me. It is about him. Them making fun of him— is still a stab at me, because he works for me. That in itself is like shitting on my company's work. " Yami told him as he snatched his arm away.
" and you. tch— you sat there- watching no help at all. yet you care for me? " Yami said towards Alejandro who looked down at the ground for a second before looking back up.
" Hmph.... Now I'm glad... that night I turned you down and told you to Go. Fuck. Yourself. " Yami repeated as his sassy attitude pushed his tone of voice to get pissed.
As the male turned heel and walked away from Alejandro entirely. While he watched and looked on in disappointment as Yami walked away.