Chapter 24: Chapter 24
Yuugi was sound asleep on the plane not realizing that he was so sleep he hadn't noticed that he heard background noises.
Noises that continued to creep into his ears louder and louder. He felt a brightness against his skin, as if the sunrise was shining down on him.
The male slowly started to open his eyes, as he yawned a bit before he could see a guard hovering over him. Immediately Yuugi jumped and screamed a bit.
The guard immediately spoke as he waved his hand a bit. " Oh! Forgive me sir, I was on my way to wake you. We've arrived. " the guard stated in a Russian voice.
Yuugi feeling his heart race sat up for a moment in shock, before he looked over on his side and leaned over to the window.
Opening the seal he glanced out and saw the towers and the airport. The male looked back up and turned back to the guard to speak.
" I — yeah, you're fine.. sorry for screaming— you just scared me. Thank you- though. " Yuugi told him.
The guard nodded, and walked off as he talked aloud. " Your bags will be inside— if you'd just follow the security guard he'll take you there. "
" please don't forget all your bags on the jet, and thank you for flying with Sennen Inc Airlines " the guard stated.
Yuugi hearing him looked around, as he hadn't seen Yaami. As usually he assumed his boss was already off and ready to go.
He hated being the one behind, as every time he did this, it made him seem unprofessional. However Yuugi wasn't use to waking up anymore as much like he was in college.
He actually got use to sleeping in, when he did graduated and it felt great. However now that he was working this job — his body was still somewhat use to sleeping in, and so he needed to get over it.
Yuugi did end up grabbing his bag the one he took and started to head to the front, as he took one more look at the jet.
He walked off the steps and felt the wind kiss against his skin. It was somewhat warmer than he expected but overall the scenery immediately over took him.
It looked like they landed at the crack of dawn, as it was only merely 7am in the morning. He didn't remember the last 9 hours of the trip which means, he had been asleep for awhile.
The male reached one of the security guards, who was speaking to another. He glanced down at the male and spoke.
" Mr. Mutou, good morning. Follow me right this way, they're awaiting you inside. " he stated as the man walked towards the building to which Yuugi followed.
" They? " he questioned.
As soon as they came inside the airport, multiple other passengers from different airlines were crowing the place. However, the guard lead Yugi over towards a semi-vip section.
Which he soon saw that it was his boss, to which Yuugi had started to smile a bit before that smile disappeared completely.
Seeing as whom Yaami was speaking towards, directly made that pale, faint look lifeless. His eyes darted to and from the other's.
Yaami charming chuckle, as he was mingling with his colleagues from different corporations. Which one of those men were Alejandro.
Yuugi had completely forgotten about this man, even when Yaami had mentioned that he'd be there as well. He didn't expect the male to meet them at the airport however.
A turn of a head, Yaami motioned Yuugi to come over, the shorter male inhaling, and exhaling a bit from his slight irritation tried to be as friendly as possible.
He didn't know why he disliked Alejandro so passionately. While Yuugi walked over in silence, he thought about why that could be.
Perhaps, could it have been that the male was also somewhat young, but older than Yaami. He seemed to have oozing confidence, and professionalism.
It could be that Yuugi was envious of such talents and wanted them for himself? Maybe it was because Yuugi was this introverted person, and Alejandro was more outgoing and optimistic.
Nevertheless, his heart was pounding like a drum, he couldn't stop this feeling of wanting to spit in his face and slap him. He didn't like his arrogance, that Alejandro presented in a way.
What could the male do? He had to listen towards him, as Alejandro in the end was somewhat also his superior.
Running a multimillion dollar companies around the world. It was national and praised throughout, considering he was a fashion business man.
It showed with the nice attire he had on, while Yaami also changed in the morning. Yuugi felt disgusted by himself, as he didn't know he could change and shower on the jet.
He thought that would be something, Yaami would've mentioned, but didn't. This made Yuugi feel dirty, and he slowly and intentionally kept his distance from the others to avoid getting smelled.
" Ah. Mr. Mutou. " Alejandro said aloud.
Yuugi nodded with a nice greet grin.
" We are glad you decided to come, nice to see you again. " Alejandro said, as he extended his hand for a shake.
Yuugi realizing his, screamed in his mind, but his gesture motioned to shake hands back with the individual.
" The feeling is mutual, sir. " Yuugi replied calmly.
Yaami watching their interaction.
" I hope you find the likeness of this beautiful country. It has many, many wonderful and fascinating things. " Alejandro explained.
" And of course, the business meeting that shall be held later on tomorrow night. And I hope to see you there as well, yeah? "
" .. yes... yes of course. Ha.. " Yuugi said struggling a bit to smile.
" You shall be here for some time. So you better get use to the surroundings. I'm sure your lovely boss will help in that matter... " Alejandro said charmingly directing his attention towards Yaami.
" Of course... do you expect me to let him wander. " Yaami teased.
" haha... why of course not. you're one of the best bosses. " Alejandro said in a teasing manner.
Yuugi wanting to break this little flirtatious tension between the two, as his mentality couldn't take it. Something in him, always made him want to speak, but choked each time.
He couldn't allow himself to blow up out of proportion, as that would cause a nasty scene. He simply cleared his throat in hopes of getting their attention.
Which to his surprise worked, as the two of them looked over at Yugi and back at one another before Alejandro spoke.
" Well, my fellow gentlemen friends and I shall leave you two, to get settled in. " Alejandro stated as he spoke in French in a ' good bye ' .
Yaami replied back in French, and Yugi simply waved goodbye towards them all. Yaami turned back at a glance and chuckled at Yugi.
Yugi confused looked over at his boss, whom smelled like lavender and honey sweet pedals. His scent was moving and itching in Yugi's nose, that made him want to sniff him.
His presence every time around the male, made him fumble, and sweat in his palms. Even when Yaami got a bit closer, the other male couldn't help but step back.
To which Yaami caught this, and rose a brow.
" is something the matter? "
Yuugi didn't even realize his notion, as it was an automatic reflex towards Yaami stepping closer. He hadn't even noticed he had done it entirely on his own.
His eyes blinked before realizing, he had been caught and cleared his throat to reply. " I - uh, sorry, I just— I smell, ya know. I didn't wanna— " Yugi tried to say.
Yaami smirked a bit, but it disappeared as fast as it came. " Ah... I see.. perhaps, I shall show you to your suite then. " Yaami stated as he turned heel and proceed to walk.
Yuugi following behind, curiously like a cat wanting to get the sniff of something delectable before devouring it. " m—my .. suite? " Yuugi said wondering.
" Why of course darling, you didn't think I'd let you stay in something less, did you. " Yaami stated.
Yuugi unfortunately got quiet, because in reality he did expect that from his boss. After all it was the same man who ridiculed him about his clothing the last time.
He even went to say that he should go to a ' goodwill ' in hopes of finding something more appealing. Therefore, Yuugi had profound feelings about whenever Yaami was being genuine nice.
Yuugi at first assumed he'd have some heartless spirit that only cared about himself. Although his boss continues to amazing him, whenever they do connect on a deeper level.
The brunch they had together, will always be a fond memory of them towards Yuugi. It was only the best core memory he had of their time together, alone.
Once they had reached the lobby, and obtained their keys, which the hotel that they booked was directly connected towards the airport. The airport itself was massive, and had many floors.
However the exotic expensive and luxurious hotel was adjacent towards the airport itself. A bridge and many elevators connected them both together.
It was highly convenient meaning they didn't have to drive or go far. Both the guards, along with Yaami and Yuugi headed up towards the suite floors which was the 23 floor.
Yaami and Yuugi stepped into an elevator and got quiet for awhile as he was shocked to realize that his boss didn't press him to answer that question he asked him earlier.
Finally, they had reached the suite to which Yaami spoke in Russian towards the two guards who nodded and walked out the suite leaving both Yaami and Yuugi alone.