Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Hours went by and another business day came and went. Yugi had gotten off work and eventually was back in his own space.

Although not alone, he found himself with Sam as the two had decided to hang out for awhile once Yugi got off.

Sam sitting on the couch laughing away a bit, as he was wearing a black tank top, and some grey sweatpants.

" haha.. wait .. wait... so you haha wait, so let me get this straight. He tells you something insulting, and just.. slammed the door? " Sam asked again.

" ... yes... Sam ... how many times must I repeat... I mean he literally slammed the door in my face ! If my face was any closer, it would've gotten hit ! " Yugi said angrily.

Yugi was cleaning up his kitchen while also fixing some dinner for him and Sammy. Sammy chuckled once again, hitting his hand against his knee in amusement.

Yugi rolling his eyes at his best friend's behavior, as Sam shook his head and continued to eat his bag of chips.

" wow.. that's insanity. " Sam commented.

Yugi had placed the dumplings into the pot, as the water continued to boil. He reached over to grab some cilantro and onions too.

Cutting them up on the cutting board, and sliding them into another pan on the stove. Sam, chewing away with the chips, tossing himself from the couch.

Walking over towards the kitchen area where Yugi was. Eventually, sitting down on the stool and looking over at him.

" So whats the problem? I mean— It's Friday, you know.... " Sam continued to state.

Yugi remained quiet.

Sam hearing nothing from Yugi, would continued to talk.

" It's 8:00pm sir..... " Sam would remark once more.

Yugi finally placed down the knife and sighed, as he would slowly turn around and look back at Sam with a nonchalant expression.

" Yes, Sammy I know. "

" and? "

" and what ? " Yugi retorted.

" and... have you decided? " Sam asked.

" Ugh! No. Sammy I haven't. Jesus... "

" well you better ! you sound as though, you are leaning more to not going. Damn, you so nonchalant about the whole ordeal. " Sam said with his hand tossed in the air briefly.

Yugi feeling the irritation in his voice, slammed down the knife as Sam jolted a bit and looked at him.

" Drop it ! " Yugi shouted a bit.

The silence between the two grew, before Yugi quickly looked down for a moment, as so did Sam however his face gave more of worry.

Yugi would then retreat into the back room, and close the door. Sam would sigh a bit, as he shook his head, knowing he fucked up with the conversation.

The night would continue to go on, as the time would be now 9:45pm. Yugi had remain inside his room, listening to soft jazz music.

Sam had finished dinner for them both and knocked on Yugi's door briefly before entering the room. He had two plates in his hands, and looked at Yugi.

The other male was sitting on his bed, knees bent while the book was laying against them. His orbs slowly shifted up towards Sammy then back at the book.

" Hey. I finished dinner for you. I figured you could at least have your plate? " Sammy said softly before walking towards his small table to sit it down.

Sam slowly looked at Yugi whom continued to read not responding towards him. The male would inhale with a sharp pain, as he disliked whenever him and Yugi argued.

" I'm sorry. For what it's worth. " Sammy told him before he would turn heel and head for the door.

Yugi hearing him, would exhale, and place a bookmark in his book, before speaking. " ... I forgive you. " he said.

Sam would stop only turning around half way.

" ... I didn't mean to blow up at you. I'm sorry too... " Yugi said with remorse.

Sam smiled a bit and tilted his head a bit with pleading voice. " May I eat with my best friend? " giving Yugi small puppy eyes.

Yugi would giggle a small bit before he would place the book down on his bed and nod towards his friend. Whom immediately smiled and quickly rushed over to Yugi's side.

He sat down on the bed beside Yugi, as he grabbed the remote and Yugi leaned over to grab the plate.

" What were you reading? " Sam would ask him.

" Treachery of the heart by Calvin Mass? " Sam would read the title his head slanted to read it a bit. Yugi would then grab the book and get up from the bed, placing it back on his bookshelf.

" Uh.. yeah. It's.. it's one of my favorites by that author. " Yugi commented.

" Mmm.. " Sammy would reply.

Sam would eat his food, and would speak after he swallowed it. " Your favorite author of all time, or? "

" Mhm. " Yugi would instantly reply.

" I have all his collections. He's such a talented writer for me. I'm also into a lot of poetry, and opera music. I find it to be quite interesting. " Yugi would proclaim.

Sam listening to his friend talk about these things would be typically boring, but since he and Yugi were different in personalities it was normal for him to think such a way.

Although, no matter if it was boring for him, he would still listen to his friend, and his interest. Nodding towards his words, whenever he had food in his mouth.

The shorter male, walked back towards his bed and grabbed his plate. Sitting down, and starting to eat his food.

" mm. so you are a boring guy. got it. " Sammy would tease. Yugi would nudge his friend in a joking notion would reply. " haha— shutup. "

" Opera is not boring, it's an artistic expression of music, that comes from the soul. You should be able to connect with the singer whenever they sing. " Yugi explained.

Sam shook his head.

" I guess I'm not good with the soul then, I still try and cleanse myself from all the bad deeds I've done. " Sammy said.

" oh stop. " Yugi told him.

" Seriously, I think I've done some pretty messed up things in the past— man, maybe I should go to the opera house and cleanse myself with holy singing. " Sammy said sarcastically.

" Oooo okay, Mr. Funny guy. " Yugi said laughing as the two of them laughed at one another.

" no but seriously. I mean— you do have some weird interest, but that's what I like about you. " Sammy told Yugi.

" hm? "

" Yeah! I mean. If you and I were identical I don't think neither one of us would really hangout often. Your mind would be on boys... like mines is all the damn time. " Sammy said.

Yugi hearing his words, once again thought about Yaami in that moment. His face told it — it was deep in thought.

He didn't say nothing however, but his face told the story, before he would look down back at his food. Sammy had finished and placed down his fork to look at him.

" You thinking about him again... ? " Sam said softly.

Yugi would immediately turn his head, mouth full of food, playing dumbfounded.

" Who? "

Sam would give a smug expression with Yugi playing dumb.

" Don't play stupid, you know who, your eye candy man. "

" Sammy... "

" Go. " Sammy would swiftly say.

Yugi almost choking on his food, would cough a bit before covering his mouth with his hand. He would look at Sammy with a dazzling shimmer in his eyes.

" .... What? .... Sammy ... "

" Listen to me. " Sam would say abruptly cutting Yugi off.

" You have one chance with this man. Only one... Yugi... wake up! He's literally giving you another chance. " Sam said with love in his voice.

" What successful, rich, powerful and all around handsome guy will give someone that type of chance? .... " Sam questioned.

Yugi looked down as he placed his finished plate down and stared off in space. Sammy quickly took Yugi's soft hands and held them.

Making Yugi look at him as he talked, Sammy would softly speak and smile.

" ... you deserve to be happy... I mean hello? After the way things ended between you and Austin! — "

" Tch! Sam — "

" I know ! " Sam shouted briefly interrupting Yugi once more. Yugi orbs widened a bit looking at how serious and comforting Sam was trying to be.

" No. you shutup and listen to me.... I'm not going to let you throw away some happiness simply for me. " Sam said trying his hardest not to tear up.

Yugi could feel the passion in his heart, almost making Yugi want to choke on his own tears.

" ... S.. Sammy... "

" ... Go... to New England... " Sam said smiling as he nodded hearing Yugi say his name.

Squeezing Yugi's hand as Yugi nodded and sighed.

" I ... I don't know.... I'll consider it... " Yugi said softly in reply.

Sammy exhaled softly and wiped his face a bit as Yugi quickly hugged his friend. As the two of them sat quickly hugging one another for awhile.

It wasn't long before Sammy was telling Yugi goodnight, as Yugi watched as Sammy got into his car and drove off for the night. Yugi hearing the soft wind howling in his ear.

He listened and understood where Sam was coming from in a way. However perhaps, fear or regret was holding Yugi back in making the decision.

He didn't want to disappoint his boss, but he also didn't want to disappoint Sammy. He knew going to this trip would mean that he wouldn't be able to see Sam for awhile.

He didn't even know how long he'd actually be gone. The thoughts raced in his head, as he eventually walked back into his apartment closing the door.

He glanced out his window and noticed his neighbor Mr. Mike and Mr. Wayne arguing once again about the tree branch leaning on his side of the fence.

Yugi chuckled at their arguments, these small moments Yugi felt he'd miss sometimes. He sighed before leaning back and removing himself from the window.

He knew he had to make a decision, and he felt it would be best to make the decision that — would last for a long time. Losing his best friend, he didn't believe he had the courage to do.

Yugi would walk towards his room, turning off the lights, and heading to bed, calling it a night.

The morning rose on Saturday, it was now 5am as the private jet holding Yaami was ready to take off. One of Yaami's personal bodyguards would approach the jet and walk inside.

He would head towards the back area before he saw Yaami sitting there with his laptop in front of him along with a glass of champagne.

" Sir. " he would speak.

Yaami shimmering mesmerizing orbs would look up at the male not speaking.

" There's no sign of him. "

Yaami inhales a bit before shifting his wrist a bit to get a better look at his watch on his wrist. He checked the time, it being 5:05am now.

" very well. take off then. " Yaami would say, before the guard nodded and headed to the front to inform the pilot.

" Please stay seated sir as we are about to take off, left wing check. right wing check. 0837 code 7 dash 1. We are ready for take off. " the pilot announced.

The engine started up, as the jet started to roll and head towards the runway, as it was doing so, one of the guards came rushing out the building.

Quickly trying to catch the attention of the pilot as the co pilot spotted the guard and touched the other.

" Hey. Look. " he said.

The two of them looked over and noticed the guard waving his arms, and then speaking on his headset as another one quickly rushed over towards the jet.

Yaami sitting peacefully in the back his legs crossed as he felt the jet stop. He immediately opened his eyelids and slowly leaned up from his comfortable seat.

" What is happening? Why have we stopped? " he asked the security guard whom looked confused as well.

" I— I don't know sir. " he said as he leaned over and checked the window. His orbs opened a bit more with a surprised expression and immediately dashed towards the door.

Yaami curious, slowly got up from his chair as well. His long draped black designed jacket and his long elegant boots clicking as he approached the door.

The security guard opened it to find two other guards helping a young man with his luggage. The security guard lowered the door way bridge, as Yaami moved to where he could see as well.

His orbs looked astonished somewhat to spot Yugi and guards assisting him. Yaami standing in the door way as Yugi was speaking towards the guards.

" Yes. You can give me this one. I can carry that, thank you. " Yugi told one of them, as he headed to the jet door.

Yugi and Yaami locked eye contact as Yaami kept silent seeing the young male before him. Yugi didn't know what Yaami was going to say.

He didn't know if he would say anything at all, but Yaami continued to keep his composer, not wanting to seem as though he was delighted that he decided to come.

Yaami squinted his orbs down a bit at him.

" ... your late. " was all the male said.

Yugi couldn't help but smile a small bit before nodding. " ... the bus and train with all this luggage was slowing me down. "

Yaami said nothing for a second, as the wind blew around them both. The loud engine of the plane somewhat drawing out the sound.

" ..... what changed your mind? " Yaami was curious to ask.

" ..... a friend. " Yuugi replied.

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