Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

By the end of the yacht party the time was going on 2:30am. Eventually the Yacht had arrive at the docks once again.

Allowing people to get off the boat as the crowd continued to talk and gossip about the latest events. Soon Grim along with Yugi and a group of others came down the ramp.

" Wow what a night huh? " Melissa would say towards the group.

" Indeed. I am. Stuff and exhausted. " Grim would reply.

" yeah— I could definitely crash anywhere right about now. " another would chime in and speak.

Yugi's mind was elsewhere but in a way, he was still listening to the rest of the group. His eyes every now and then turned back to the ramp to try and spot Yaami.

However to no avail he couldn't find the male. Soon Yugi could feel someone press against his shoulder in a touch.

" Come on Yugi. I'll take you back home. " Grim would finally say towards the male. Yugi mind was in a blank space for a minute, not hearing what Grim remark was.

" Hey! Plant Pluto? " Grim would speak towards Yugi.

" Huh? — sorry what ? " Yugi would finally respond back.

" man... good God are you alright? You had to much to drink or what? " Grim questioned.

" I didn't see you that much at the bar, so don't tell me you still dwelling about something earlier in the evening huh? "

" huh— I — no, no it's nothing sorry. I just— like I said I'm tired I suppose. " Yugi would remark as Grim stared at him along with Melissa and another co worker.

" well— it sucks considering we all have work in a few hours. However the good news is, we can sleep in for a few more. " Grim stated.

" yes it's going to feel so fucking good, let me tell you. Reaching into the hour not until 9:30am. At least he had the niceness to do that. " another colleague remarked to Grim.

Yugi however was clueless and arched a brow at the discussion in hand. " I'm sorry what? Sleep in? We have work at 7am. "

" pff — no. Mr. Sennen knew we had this yacht party, therefore he had issued an meeting earlier in the day with all of us, and made others send out emails that Tuesday we start work at 9:30am til 7:30pm. " Grim explained.

Yugi was confused and baffled at the fact that he wasn't told nor knew about this at all. " am email? A meeting wh—how? " Yugi said stunned, as Grim shook his head.

" Never mind that. Look, you should've gotten an email about it. Learn to check your emails. I'm aware you weren't in the meeting but trust me the entire office building knew. " Grim stated.

Yugi shook his head briefly, as the two of them continued to talk, as they proceeded to walk briefly down towards their cars, as Yugi walked with them.

However, his eyes locked into Yami once he caught the male coming from the ship. He stopped in his tracks, and watched as the male was walking with one of the board members Alejandro.

Yugi watched them silently, as he remembered the little interaction that both himself and Yami shared. It was nice enough to know that even then, on the deck Yami tried to comfort Yugi.

Though he wasn't very good with conversation in English it dwell on the young male's mind to know more about his boss. Nevertheless, he inhaled sharply for a second, before he could feel someone beside him.

" Watching them too huh? " someone said standing beside Yugi.

Yugi was startled for a moment, as he place his hand against his chest to catch himself. " Jesus... you scared me. " Yugi stated.

" Sorry about that. Jason Miller. " the male stated as he extended his hand out to shake Yugi's.

" Yugi. Yugi Mutou. " the male would reply.

" Oh. Ah. The new recruit. Haha— yeah, I'm actually one of your co workers. I'm not sure we've ever met before. I usually work early mornings 5:30am - 2pm. " Jason would state.

Yugi was slightly puzzled, as he asked the question. " 5:30am? We can come in that time?

" well, only a select few of us. " Jason explained.

" to be honest it really depends on what you're doing in the company and the position you have. Starting at an entry level you will work 7am - 3:30 - 4:00pm? I mean— hours really varies on the level of work you have to do and how many sales you make. " Jason proclaimed.

Yugi nodded.

" However, I wouldn't focus on that too much— sure I leave earlier than expected at the job, because of my work— but I also have to wake up extremely early too. Not the best haha— unless you're an early bird. "

" and I'm guessing you're not? " Yugi asked.

" mmm— in a way I suppose I've grown accustom towards waking up at the crack of dawn. " Jason retorted.

Yugi chuckled a bit as the two shared a laugh for a moment while Grim and Melissa continued to talk beside Grim's car.

" I am pleased that you have such a wonderful taste in music. That is perhaps the eighth thing we have in common. " Alejandro stated towards Sennen as they strolled briefly to the parking lot.

Sennen nodded a bit in agreement. " indeed. It seems we have enough together, yes? "

" yes. " Alejandro chimed in to say.

Yaami got quiet for a moment as Alejandro spoke once more.

" I am glad for you. In your successions. I always knew you would make it. From the moment I first saw you. Young, charming, well-mannered, respectable and witty. " Alejandro said however it was in French.

Yami suddenly stopped and turned a bit to lock eyes with Alejandro whom was much taller than Yami. Hearing the male's words, Yami replied back in French.

" Why if I didn't know any better Mr. Monsieur Jour I'd say you were flattering me, to attempt some sort of flirtation. "

" Attempting? " Alejandro replied in French.

Yami continued to eye the taller male.

" I do not ' attempt. ' to do anything. I simply am flirting with you. " Alejandro continued to speak in French.

Yami soften his purple hues, as Alejandro never broke eye contact with Yami at all. Yami slowly gulped softly to think of his words carefully.

He gently gaze away with broken contact with a soft giggle of sweets, covering his mouth briefly as he did so. " My, My, what a very bold move on your part. " Yami stated in French.

Alejandro got closer towards Yami, the gap between them almost invisible as Yami watched as he carefully stepped closer towards the other.

Staring up at the taller male, who was well fitted along with muscular from how his shirt stretched along with his structure. Yami noticed this even earlier on in the evening, but said nothing.

" And here I thought you love boldness. " Alejandro chimed in to say.

" ..... I do. " Yami replied.

The two of them having some connection between them as they continued to stare at each other even from the after thought. Which Yugi from afar could see them staring at each other.

This is what made Yugi believe that not only was his hunch about his boss was correct, his other hunch about perhaps Mr. Alejandro Jour liked Mr. Sennen romantically.

He wasn't aware if Mr. Alejandro swung that way or not, but he always knew his boss had a little flare and sass about him that was screaming he liked men.

This made Yugi also relieved in a way as well, as it wasn't out of the ordinary for him to feel more comfortable around his boss knowing his sexuality. Yugi would never however, ask Mr. Sennen directly as he didn't wish to get fired.

Nevertheless, Yugi felt something inside his body that was flaring up like the Fourth of July. It was boiling the more he watched Alejandro and Yami flirt with each other.

Seeing how Yami was blushing at whatever it is they were both discussing over there, hit a nerve with Yugi. He didn't comprehend why, until it dawned on him that if he truly did have feelings— he would never have a shot.

Mr. Sennen seemed to be attracted to intelligence of a more mature and older gentlemen. Men that not only had money like himself, but also could speak with him on a more advanced academic level of wits that Yugi couldn't comprehend.

He also seemed to be attracted towards people whom could speak numerous different languages or his language in general which that being French.

Sure he had graduated and gotten a degree, which he was forever proud of, but the remark of not getting a ' master's degree ' now will forever haunt him.

Thinking that perhaps he should continue with schooling, as he could potentially reach that higher knowledge. That would not only make him more interesting to the board, but also to Yami on a more personal level of intellect.

" Hey! Quit drooling Yugi and let's go! " Grim shouted towards Yugi while standing beside his car waving.

Yugi blinked and turned his head quickly towards Grim whom he saw waving towards him. However, his shout attracted nearby stares as not only was Grim loud enough, it was heard from Alejandro and Yami as well.

In that brief moment Yugi and Yami's eyes locked again, as Yami had noticed a shout commotion from afar. Once he made eye contact with Yugi, Yugi felt a hot blush against his cheek.

Time felt like it froze when they both locked eyes once again. The eyes between them two of them felt as though they were both saying words to each other.

Yugi staring at Yami, as Yami would slowly form a smile towards Yugi in his direction. Yugi orbs widened a bit as he awkwardly put his hand up and did a small wave and smile towards Mr. Sennen.

Yami chuckled cutely, placing his hand up towards his mouth from view. Yami in returned used his fingers to do a small indication of a wave back before his head turned back towards Alejandro talking.

Although Yugi couldn't hear the sounds of their voices truly, he could see the expressions of laughter appear on Yami's face. Showcasing he was enjoying his conversation with Monsieur Jour.

Eventually, watching as Alejandro extended his arm towards Yami as an indication to walk him towards his car or whatever they were going. To which Yami gently took his arm and place his hand slightly against his as the two walked off together.

Yugi swallowed hard, and in a shout whisper in his mind was screaming the words ' please— don't go, Yami... '

Yugi in a matter of moments after watching what he observed finally swallowed his own heart and his tone became flat.

" Take me home Grim. "

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