Chapter 4: Night
Night fell gently over the jade forest, wrapping everything in a soothing darkness. Stars began to twinkle through the branches, and the mana particles danced in the air, creating a faint bluish glow that lit their path.
Bunta and the bird decided to stop for the night. They found a sheltered spot near a large moss-covered rock and began building a small tent out of twigs and giant leaves they found on the ground.
"Look, little nameless one," said Bunta, adjusting a leaf. "A homemade tent. We're survivors, you see? Professional adventurers."
The bird, a little skeptical, eyed the rickety structure. "Are you sure it'll hold up all night?"
"Of course it will! Well, I think so. If the wind doesn't blow too hard. And if it doesn't rain. And if a squirrel doesn't come by. But hey, we'll see."
Once the tent was finished (or at least, something resembling a tent), Bunta rubbed his hands together enthusiastically. "Now, we need a campfire. And that's where you'll see my ultimate secret."
The bird tilted its head, curious. "An ultimate secret?"
"Yep. Sit back and watch."
Bunta took a deep breath, puffed out his cheeks, and opened his mouth. A small flame emerged, flickering but strong enough to ignite a pile of dry twigs. The fire caught quickly, creating a warm, comforting glow.
The bird, impressed, flapped its wings. "That's amazing! You can breathe fire?"
Bunta, proud, puffed out his chest. "Yeah, it's my secret technique. I learned it from a dragon I met once. Well, it might've been a lizard. But hey, it's useful, right?"
Suddenly, the bird smelled something burning. It looked at its wing and saw that one of its feathers had been slightly singed by the flame.
"Oh, sorry!" exclaimed Bunta, noticing. "Didn't mean to do that. But hey, it gives you a unique look. Like, a punk bird. It's cool."
The bird sighed but couldn't help laughing. "I guess it could've been worse."
As they settled around the fire, Bunta studied the bird closely. "You know, I've never seen a bird like you before. You're really unique."
The bird, a little embarrassed, lowered its head. "Really?"
"Yeah, look at you. Your feathers, they almost glow, like they're catching the starlight. And they have all these shades, from deep blue to emerald green. It's like you're made of living jade. And your eyes… they're like gemstones. You're really special, you know."
The bird blushed beneath its feathers. "Thanks, Bunta. No one's ever said that to me before."
"Well, it's the truth. You're not just a weird bird. You're a legendary bird. And one day, everyone will know it."
With the fire crackling, they decided to prepare a small meal. Bunta pulled out some berries he had gathered earlier in the day and lightly roasted them over the flames.
"Roasted berries are the best thing in the world," he declared, skewering a berry on a twig. "They warm your heart and soul. And they're healthy too. I think."
The bird tasted a berry and was pleasantly surprised. "This is delicious!"
"Told you. Go on, eat up. Tomorrow, we keep adventuring."
They ate in silence for a while, listening to the sounds of the night forest. The calls of animals, the rustling of leaves, and the crackling of the fire created a peaceful atmosphere.
Once they were full, they lay down by the fire to gaze at the stars. Bunta pointed a hand toward the sky.
"See that constellation over there? It looks like a frog. Well, if you squint. And that one's a bird. That's you."
The bird smiled. "I see it. And that one's a turtle, right?"
"Yeah, exactly! We're surrounded by stars, you know. They're watching us too."
They stayed like that for a while, imagining shapes in the sky and sharing stories. Bunta told the bird about the time he tried to fly by jumping out of a tree (spoiler: it didn't end well), and the bird talked about its first discoveries in the forest.
As the night deepened, Bunta yawned. "Well, I think it's time to sleep. Tomorrow, we keep adventuring. And who knows, maybe we'll find a real treasure this time."
The bird nodded, its eyes already heavy with sleep. "Yeah, and maybe I'll find my name too."
"Of course you will. And if we don't, we'll make one up. Like… Jade. Or Emerald. Or… Flame. Because of your burnt feather."
The bird chuckled softly. "Flame could work."
They fell asleep under the makeshift tent, the campfire crackling softly beside them. The jade forest watched over them, and somewhere, in the silence of the night, the bird felt that its adventure was only just beginning.