Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload

Chapter 46: Chapter 41: Unwanted Company

The boy paces along the void, kicking the vibrant, clear waters, wetting the ankles of his white socks and caramel sneakers. 

The boy named Will looked up at the giant green faces and the tone male made up of space itself. 

"Do you know what I don't get?" The boy locked his eyes on Virgo's White."You're taking this all too well." 

"Made up of a system where life prospers and perishes with or without our intervention is made clear." Sambrina, the face of cunning, spoke. "Even a being below the ladder will grant the same level of understanding." 

"Yet, are there any more of your children I should know about?" The boy covered his mouth with his fingers. "You don't know how much this is doing to me." 

"No." Samuel, the face of kindness, answered. "But, Yes. White, Yellow, and Blue, followed by Pink. They are established because Beyond saw opportunities within them. He gave his will, and we followed, spreading them to our neighbors through the vast universes." 

"But, you fail. You could have stopped the Diamonds when they were killing and forcing thousands or maybe billions." 

"Have we?" Sambrina cuts in. "Have we really?" 

Anthony steps back. 

"You can't be serious?" 

"You should. Know this by now." Virgo spoke, remaining still as a statue. "As you mentioned. We experimented. We helped our lost Daughter and soon Daughters. Some. Live well. Others, not so much." Virgo snapped his fingers, causing the waters below their feet to simmer and ripple. An image of a White diamond stood in vast space. "We made our presents known. Guiding White to her own civilization. You should've seen her eyes. They were brighter than any star we knew. Years passed, and her forever home stood tall among a planet." An image of a small blue planet circled a large grey one. 

"Yova." Virgo continued. "Living among her people and her only sister Yellow. We've come to an agreement. Shattered some. And we will provide protection and resources. They happily do so. We provided more. And then Yellow." Virgo cocked his head. "Tell me. What do you think happened?" 

"Well, I don't know?" Anthony crossed his arms. 

"Neglect." Virgo locked his white eyes into the boy. "Yellow sought White's word and yet refused. Yellow ventured across the universe to get away from our word. And Yova plummets into Eden due to the gravitational shift. The only survivors? Yellow and our firmer believers." The image along the water soon shifts to black. "After every possible solution, we soon agreed to let them fend for themselves." 

"Ok." Anthony breathed out. "Then why are you here? Aren't your purpose to be in the Milky Way? A decipherer like yourselves has the power to go back." 

"I believe. There's a chance we're a byproduct." Sambrina answered. 

"Let's stop this. There's nothing we should discuss." Samuel cuts in. 

"There's. Plenty." Virgo adds, crossing his arms. He cocked his head before facing the giant faces. "We're close. I feel it. We are embedded within Andromeda, meaning Rudea and Maximus are here." 

"They could be the eyes watching us," Sambrina adds. "Or possibly the others?" 

"Then good. Let's ask." Anthony's breath shivered. "I mean Rudea or Maximus. You can find them, right?" 

"It doesn't work that way." Samuel bites his lip. "To come into contact, we must form a bond. To sense their exact point in time and space. Currently, we only have a sixth sense of being watched." 

"Beyond severed contact." Virgo's voice captivates the faceless green figures. "Boy." He looks down on Anthony. "In the meantime, wait for our summon. Or not." The being made up of stars blinded the boy with his white eyes. 

Anthony blinked at the cave ceiling, looking at the sharp cones of rocks before tilting and eyeing the ground. 

"Agh!" The boy quickly maneuvers in mid-air, landing on his feet. He looks up at Sunny with her jaw drop before she snickered into a laugh. 

"I'm so sorry." 

"What did you do?" Anthony squinted his eyes. 

"Sunny here. Believe you would take twenty minutes." A hand grasped Will's shoulder. He looks up to see Garnet. "We should've come sooner." 

"She was balancing you on her head." Blue Pearl looks to the floor, grasping her hands. 

"Hey!" Sunny raised her voice, causing the pearl to flinch. "He weighed like a bag of jellybeans! Don't act like you didn't want a try!" 

"N-no. No, I don't." 

"Sunny. Knock it off." Garnet became the voice of reason. 

"Let's continue to watch the paint dry. Why don't ya?" Sunny crossed her arms. 

Will shakes his head. 

"What did he say?" Garnet questioned. 

"Well-I-uh." The boy rubs his head. "That is where he lives. It's called the Forge of Creation." 

"That splash of paint? Even I can do it with my eyes closed." Sunny remarked. 

"And what do they create?" Garnet cocked her head. 

"Weapons. I don't know what kind Virgo only led on with that." Anthony breaks eye contact. 

"Should we be worried?" Blue Pearl adds. 

"No. No. The forge of creation is on the pacifist spectrum." 

"Yeah. Tell that to Virgo." Sunny cocked a brow.

"Can we? Get past this?!" Will raised his voice before sucking in his lips. "Sorry. I'm sorry...I'm tired. And Uh, thank you, by the way, Pearl." 

"Your gratitude is noted." Blue Pearl gazed lingered after she bowed. "We should be heading back. My Diamonds may be worried." 

"Let's." The boy adjusts his shades. 

They made their way to the crystalized pad, listening to the sound of the rushing waters. They took their place behind Blue Pearl, whose gem in her chest shimmered. 

A beam of light takes them. 

Garnet, Sunny, Anthony, and Blue remained floating upright while the boy remained with his legs crossed. He summoned his notebook with the help of Edge's ink before continuing where he had left off. 

"So." Sunny dragged out by his right ear. "When will you draw me like one of your French girls?" 

"I-uh. It comes down to the time and place." The boy locked his gaze on Sunny, lying on her side, resting her palm on her head. "And this not the time." 

"You know you're a tease, right?" 

"Comes from the family." Anthony looks down on his notebook. 

"You draw?" Blue Pearl snaps her head towards the boy. 

"Yes." The boy cocked a brow. 

"May I?" 

"I uh. Sure." Anthony sighed, watching a grin paint under Blue's bangs. 

He closes his notebook, handing it over to Blue Pearl. 

Her slender fingers caressed the book cover before prying it open. 

Pearl's grin stayed as she flipped page after page. 

Will only bites his lip. 

"Nervous?" Garnet cracks a smirk. 


"Is there a possibility you are willing to show me your art?" Blue Pearl looks up from the book. 

"Sorry?" The boy cocked a brow. 

"She meant you're willing to mentor her?" Garnet clears Anthony's thoughts. 

"Oh, I uh!" The boy looks away, staring at the soaring lights. " I would, but art is subjective. I now just focus on the aliens I need to draw." 

"But, what is this?" Blue Pearl gets the attention of the blushing Will. A realistic sketch of an owl on a branch stares directly at the kid. "I've seen a few of them back on earth. It doesn't have a name." Pearl stared back at the page intently. 

'Your last notebook.' Edge's raspy voice emerged within the kid's head. 'I drew it back on the beach. I figure you didn't want to waste a moment we met.' 

'Edge, What happened?!' Anthony exchanged thoughts. 

'We'll talk later. Your allies are waiting.' 

Anthony raises his eyes to Blue Pearl and Garnet, staring back. 

"It's an owl. That was my first drawing before any of this started." 

"Owl." BP takes in the sketch. "It's wonderful." She said softly. "I, too, want to draw this. If you let me." She looks up to Anthony, who avoids her eyes. 

"Alright. Once this is all over, I can teach you." 

BP flashed a smile before grasping his hand. 

"I'm grateful!" she shakes his hand. "You should do more because I, too, like to exchange mine. So we can improve together." Her white teeth overshadow her large blue bangs, shadowing her eyes. 

"O-of course." The boy smiled. 

The light above the four lost its light. Garnet, Blue Pearl, Sunny, and Anthony appeared on a warp pad in the docking area.

The traffic of the ships was light upon their return. 


"I know they're history between you and the diamonds. And believe me, they've changed." Peridot voiced, walking alongside Max. "You have your right. And allow this to be their first assignment." 

Max remained silent. They passed the guards guarding the door, making it back to the ballroom. 

The three color giant women remained towered over the Crystal Gems and Pink Pearl. 

"Is everything alright?" Blue Diamond raised her chin from her arms. 

The giant blue woman was lying on her chest, watching Steven. 

"False alarm. Albedo has everything under control." Peridot answered. 

"I sense that device is a bomb of sorts. Is there anything I'm missing?" Yellow Diamond eyes burned into Peridot's gem. 

"Your very perspective, Yellow." Peridot clears her throat, sweating. "The Onmitrix was damaged by the outside force. Knocking the transformation modules. Benita's mismanagement created a chip on the dial, exposing the Condon Stream. In short...a bomb." She mumbled under her breath. 

"What?" Amethyst voiced for the group. 

"She said a bomb." Pink Pearl rocked on her heels, keeping her smile. "Bummer. It didn't explode." 

"Pearl, are you hearing yourself?!" Amethyst screamed while Pearl covered her mouth. 

"I love explosion." Pink Pearl shrugged her shoulders. 

"I do, too. But who do you think will be at the center of the blast?" 

"No Explosion?" 

"No!" Amethyst threw up her arms. 

"But I'm bored." Pink Pearl groaned. 

"I'm trying to wrap my head around this." White Diamond lingered her cold eyes on everyone before staring back at Peridot. "What is your meaning behind this? I didn't take you for an opportunist?" 

"That's not-" 

"You have your doubt." Max stood before Peridot's line of sight from the Diamonds. "We didn't grasp the danger then, but now we do." He kept his hands from his holster. "All I asked was if you would give us a chance. And then we will get out of your hair." 

"Max is a good person," Steven adds. "Unlike the situation I'm in now, he would never intentionally put his family at risk. The thought of any of you getting hurt is unbearable to me. Please consider giving him a chance, just as you did for me." Steven's black eyes lock up with White's. 

White Diamond sighs. 

"How could I say no?" She drops her cold gaze. "I'm not ready to lose any of you, not even Steven." She gave a light smile. 

"Thank you, White." Steven gave one back. 

Max eyed the remaining people in the empty ballroom, which included Amethyst, Steven, Pearl, Pink Pearl, and the Diamonds. 

"Where's Sunny and the others?" He lowered his voice to Pearl approaching him. 

"Gwen and Yellow's Pearl still haven't returned; you saw them? They were coming to you." 

"I did, but they were with Ben." Max places his hands on his hips, biting his lip. "She's a little shaken up." 

"Poor girl." Pearl hovered her hand over her mouth. 

"Sunny and the others?" 

"They're with Blue's Pearl. She said she had information on Rudea. And it seemed the Diamonds didn't know." 

"Odd." Peridot joins, making the two snap at the child. "A Pearl keeping secrets is quite an interesting dilemma. Besides her drawing." 

"Do you know when they'll be back?" Max looks to Pearl.

"No clue." 

"Oh!" Peridot yelped, getting everyone's attention. "I've almost forgotten. Yellow!" Yellow remained quiet. "I have a favor." Peridot pressed her fingers together. "Maxwell required your assistance for credits. He, Phil, and I are going to Rogue Gallery to disrupt the bounty placed on Benita and Will. Your help will be appreciated...Please." 

"I heard." Blue Diamond spoke. "Ever since that rule was established. The place is doing well for itself." 

"The Director. Is Orion there?" Max questioned. 

"I'm afraid I can not help." Blue lowered her gaze before looking back at Max. "What is Orion to you?" 

"A friend. He may have an edge to him, but he has a code. If you give me a chance, I want to meet him in person." 

"One moment. Why are you going?" Pearl questioned Peridot. "Aren't you interested in the device?" 

"Albedo won't share any details on the matter. Besides, the destination spoken of is due west. Unless." Peridot checks her nails. "If we could make it before they jump, that would be our true testament." 

"You know where they are?" Max tilted his head. 

"Naturally. I'm a tech head." Peridot places her hand on her chest. "Whatever, Amethyst calls it." 

"I meant fat. Your head looks like a potato chip." Amethyst remarked. 

"Hey! At least I'm recognizable!" 

"Done." Yellow diamond spoke. "What's the price of the children?" 

"You don't have to," Max reassured. "Phil and I have it covered." 

"See this as a gift." Yellow and the other giant color women avoid their eyes on the small plumber. "It was on us that it took millions of light years to understand. That life is absolute." 

Max only nodded before gazing around the room. The cry of the sliding door called to his attention. 

Phil entered the room, holding his Bali sniper rifle strap along his shoulder. His eyes roamed the room before landing on Max. He approached him while Max did the same. 

"I like to talk with you." Max points his hand from the group towards the other side of the room. The ex-plumbers step aside before Max starts his brief. "Peridot is willing to give us a ride. She knows the pin, but Orion is not answering my calls. Do you have any luck?" 

"In the dark." Phil looks over Max's shoulder. 

"That means we should be on high alert. And Yellow is willing to spare credits." Phil squinted his eyes. "All of it, actually." 

"What's the catch?" 

"There is none. I hoped." Max looked over his shoulder to Yellow, slightly glancing before turning to Steven.

"Of course." Phil set the heavy rifle stock down on the floor, releasing a solid thud. 

"I know. I know. But, believe me, we can get out of this." Max locks his green eyes into Phil's black. "I need someone to watch my back. Can you do that?" 

Phil lingers before opening out a hand. Max grasped Phil's forearm, and Phil returned the favor. 

"I washed it. I know, but don't take this to heart." Phil replied with a weight in his voice. 

"I know you long enough to care." Max gave a little squeeze, followed by his partner. 

The two plumbers release their grasps. 


The ballroom doors opened, and Gwen, Benita, and Yellow Pearl approached the waiting party. 

"My Pearl." Yellow diamond spoke. 

"Yes, my diamond?" YP eyes perk. 

"I would like you to transfer fifteen of our shares into Maxwell's account." 


"For their expedition," Yellow crossed her leg over another. "We will aid them, and they will assist us in turn. We're allies, and I hope we become something more." 

"Well, yes, my diamond." YP approached Max, who was rising to his feet. Her gem embedded between her chest glowed its shared color before manifesting as a glass slab plop into her left palm. 

That said slab gave a dark sea blue, giving the floor through the glass its dominant color. 

YP flicked her wrist back, causing the two slabs to form a square. A gentle shimmering light created a spinning cog on the square's face.

"Whoa. Whoa. What's that?" Benita approached the presentation, followed by Gwen, Amethyst, and Steven. 

"It's a Nebula," Max answered. "It's a phone like Gwen has. It does transactions, Maps, Calls, Texts, and even pictures." 

"Wait, and how's she getting service?" Steven looked from YP, tapping on the cube before looking at Max, waiting patiently. 

"Under the company known as Interstellar. They made models like Nebula One and Verse but can only be installed as a command module." 

"I don't understand whatever you said, but I like it." Amethyst cocked her head at the cube. 

"So, you have a few stations at the lab?" Gwen cocked a brow at Peridot. 

"I would like to clear this up now and say that we have established this source of technology way before this Interstellar exist." Peridot crossed her arms. "And logically, they stole from us. And please, keep that name anywhere but here." 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend." Gwen raised her hands. 

"Please. It was only brushing the surface." 

"Ready?" YP raised the cube towards Max's vision. "Do you not have one?" 

Max's left eye unblanketed the blue cog symbol the cube shared. 

A chirp escaped the Nebula while Max only blinked. 

 25,00,000 = Twenty-Five Million Credits Transfer By Yellow 


"Woah. Woah. Woah." Max called out. 

"What is it?" Phil grasps his partner's shoulder. 

"I can't dream how much pain you and the plumbers endured. If Pink was here, she two would voice her thoughts." Yellow Diamond bites her lip while Max only looks up at her. "I still remember the day she snuck one human back to earth. The fifth in her zoo is named Nicocalus Copernicus. I wouldn't have known the reason, but now I do. Take it, and help your children." 

"This." Max breathed out, shaking his head. "This is too much." 

"It's never." 

 Max only stared at the floor with a wide eye. 

"Max?" Phil called once more. "How much?" 

"Enough." He cleared his throat before gazing at the Ballroom door, which revealed Garnet's and Blue Pearl's return. "Good, your back." 

Max turned his gaze to Sunny and Anthony, exchanging glances with everyone in the ballroom. 

"You two, along with Gwen and Benita, will stay here until we return. Phil, Peridot, and I will go out for a while. Listen to the gems, no ifs or buts." 

"Where are you going?" Benita asked. 

"To handle your two situations. The faster we get it done, the better." 

"You're going to rogue gallery-" 

"And you're staying here." Max cuts Sunny off. "You're helpful, but you're better off here." 

Sunny clicks her tongue while Max looks at the four children with mixed feelings. 

He takes a knee, taking Benita's hand. 

"My father had a watch, brown leather, with silver rims. He told me when the clock stopped. Come and find him." Max locks his green eyes with Benita's. "A few days after my eight-tenth birthday. It did, and he was nowhere to be found. For days, I looked for him. After school, after homework, and during weekends. Until I decided to mess with it. Funny thing." He cracks a smirk. "My uncle found it lying around and got it working. And my father came back. He told me the lesson was for me to get it fixed. And How is up to me." Max grasps Benita's cheek. "When you don't understand. Don't be afraid to ask for help."


The plumber opened his right hand, revealing the Omnitrix. Benita's eyes snapped back to the watch and at Max. 

"There's no one I trust. More than you." 

"I-I can't." Benita stuttered, stepping back. 

"It's alright," Max grinned before hugging her. "I'm leaving it with Albedo," he whispered, rising to his feet. 

"Anthony," Max called before looking at the kid looking up at him. "Look after things." 

Max looks at Peridot and Phil, who make way for the door. 

Benita stared at the hairs on her naked wrist, hearing the closing door. 

"Benita." Anthony places a hand on her shoulder, followed by Gwen. 

"I'm fine." She looks at Gwen and Anthony from both shoulders. "I would like my wrist to breathe, that's all. And I just noticed I got a sun tan. And do you see those wrinkles? Looks like a bowling alley." 

"I, for one, am not attending," Sunny remarked, getting a glare from Gwen. "Is there a bathroom anywhere?" She looked to the closest person. 

"Not here, but I know where." Blue Pearl offered her assistance. 

"I've got to go." Anthony gained the eyes of Sunny and BP. 

"One moment." Pearl held up a finger to BP. "Steven?" 

"Uh, Yes, Pearl?" Steven cocked his head before getting closer to the group consisting of The Tennysons, Glover, BP, and Pearl. 

"Do you have to do your human business?" Pearl whispered the last part. "Do you have to go?" 

"Oh! No. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." 

"My Pleasure." Pearl nodded to Blue Pearl, who nodded right back. 

"Right this way." BP made her way towards the door. 

Anthony gazed at Gwen, who swiftly gazed at Benita. The boy followed Sunny and BP, returning to the yellow hall. He glanced at Sunny, who kept her focus on the line leader, and Zed, taking his side.

Listening to their hollow steps and other bypassers. BP passed the intersection of the straight hallway. Sunny takes Anthony's hand, dragging them from the main hall.

Her blue eyes lock into his shades. 

"Go back." Sunny ordered. 

"And watch you do something stupid?" Will remarked. 

"I have, you know, me stealing from grandpa's 'partner,' which is what made me still alive." 

"I'm glad you are. You know about this Rogue Gallery?" 

"Know the place by Rumors." 

"Rumors?" Anthony raised a brow over his shades. 

"All I know is this, Phil; Is shady as fuck. Has it ever occurred that an easy-going old man had the patience of Danielle when it came to us? After pulling needles the size of a sword hilt from Miss Perfect, he went gunning for his lifelong partner? I believe he's part of that trap awaiting us back in that town." 

Anthony took a moment. 

"You have a point." 

"I would kiss you if you go back." Sunny peeked from the wall into the main hall of Blue Pearl, looking for them. "You're going to get me caught."

The boy grabs her wrist, causing her to raise a fist. They became invisible to the eye. 

The hollow steps of Blue Pearl arrived at where Anthony and Sunny last stood. She remained quiet, checking the empty hall leading to the Bronze sliding door. She makes her way with Zed, entering it. 

The door slams shut. 

"I didn't take you being this jumpy." Anthony's voice. 

"Oh. Well! Says the boy, hiding us from prying eyes." Sunny voiced after. 

The door opens, revealing Zed. She pranced her way toward the wall where Anthony and Sunny stood. She frail her nostril. 

"Girl, I'm here." The boy answered, causing the alien dog to flinch back. 

Sunny and Will reappeared within their companion's sight. She wagged her tail. 

"Ugh! Come on." Sunny breaks it back into the main hall, followed by the boy and Zed. 

"Do you know way?" The boy questioned as they passed a Peridot. 

"I do." Sunny's black-and-white sneakers take off the ground before hovering above it. She picks up the pace, followed by her followers. 

They returned to the docking yard, watching Phil make his way up the spaceship ramp at the end of the other room. 

Sunny grabs Anthony's hand, taking off above the gems of the yard. The blue and grey ink erupts from the boy's arm before grabbing Zed. The ink pulls her under his arm. 

Sunny carries the three toward the ship and within before the ship ramp close by a nanosecond. 

The three-eyed the ship's storage room, containing black marble floors with steel plates, leaning up to an opened doorway. 

"I hope we're not too heavy, " Anthony said before his shoes touched the floor, followed by Zed's paws. 

"I lifted heavier things," Sunny remarked, touching the ground. 


Green fingers pressed a few buttons, making the ship appear like a yellow three-D triangle with wings on the points. The shape's visor revealed the cockpit. 

Peridot twists a knob before revealing a thin switch. 

"Ready to take off?" Peridot looks back from the console row. 

Still in usual attire but now battle-ready, Max remained seated feet from Phil on his left within the empty yellow room.

 Max nodded while Peridot flipped the switch. 

The hum of the thruster took them off the ground within a blink of their eyes. The gem ship exits the white energy field of the Space dock. 

The cockpit visor took in the blanket of black and bright white stars; the ship separated from the heart of the station in seconds, taking a few safety distances. 

"Get ready to jump." Peridot grabs the handle of a switch before thrusting it forward. 

The stars stretch towards the cockpit before warping into a tunnel of spiraling blue light. The three passengers recoiled against their chairs before relaxing. 

"How long?" Phil asked. 

"Twenty-five minutes." Peridot looks up to the yellow ceiling with a sigh. "If we managed to get on in time." 

"I hope that's not what you're wearing." Phil's comment made the tech head look around her chair. "You think a few eyes wouldn't attract the wrong group? That stone in your head is implanted in the minds of those who have the gusto to do something about it." 

"I came with a countermeasure. Rest assured." She squinted her eyes before looking back at the tunnel. 

"I have to ask." Max looks at Peridot's egg-like chair rest. "How do you know of their location? Did you do some business?"

"Before the rebellion, I required some materials for ship repair, Kindergarten management, and whatnot. My Job Requirement." Peridot rests her left elbow along the curved chair before resting her head against her green fist. "The last time I made my exit, they scheduled their next jump in your sector." 

"What's there annual?" 

"Earth." Phil cuts in. "Made a trip there a month ago. Looking for your guy. Orion was there, but now I don't know what's up or down." 

Max pondered, watching the space lights. 

"Funny," Peridot revealed her finger from her chair. "Every year on Annual Day, The RG shares that planet's culture; the kicker is that it's generated, so we wouldn't know—until they slap us." The child looked at Max from her chair and frowned her brows. "You don't require their membership?" 

"I did. But I was going on retirement." Max answered. 

"Ah." Peridot's open mouth lingers while she nods and returns to her seat. "So Phil has one, and yet I-" 

"Ah!" Phil raised his voice, sitting up on his chair. 

"What's the Big-" 

Phil closes his open hand, mimicking a mouth. He tilts his head, taking in the ship's humming. 

The plumber rose and pulled the bulk pistol from his holster. Max followed suit, slowly reaching the door and exiting the cockpit. 

The heavy door slides open, revealing a slim hall presenting a small round table, a curved booth, and many other kitchen appliances on their right shoulder. 

Phill shifted his aim at the open doorway on his left, eyeing a bedroom with two steel beams posing as bunks attached to the wall across from each other. 

The trained plumber descended the dark blue scenery they call their stretch corridor. Arriving at their wide door. 

Phill looks over his shoulder at Max, who only nods, and Peridot is right behind him, stretching her fingers. Phill huffed before entering the wide door. 

Phill black combat boots hit the scaffold platform overlooking their storage area. The room was vast and yet empty, leading to the exit ramp.

"Come out! I'm not playing these games!" Phil ordered, snapping his gaze at any potential blindspot. 

Peridot clicked her tongue while Max shifted his gaze to his partner. 

"Ey! Ey!" Sunny appeared from thin air, pacing from the other end of the room. "How do you know we're here?" She cocked her head up at the three, resting her hands on her hips.

"We?" Peridot questioned. 

Anthony and Zed appeared standing within their line of sight. 

"Agh." Phil hissed, holstering his weapon. "Can't both of you follow a simple direction?" 

"I don't know." Sunny shrugs before smirking. " It's in my nature." 

Max hurried down the scaffold stairs before planting his brown steel boots on the ship's steel floor. 

"What are you doing?" Max stared into their souls. "I need you with Ben and the others." 

The boy opened his mouth. 

"I do admit bringing him along is crazy." Sunny cut him off. "But I don't think Ms. Midget and Sore's eyes will provide as much cover as you feel redeemable." 

"Hey!" Peridot throws her arms in the air, approaching the four. 

"I'm not talking to you." Max looks down on Will. 

"I don't like this decision, but you are walking into the hornet's nest." The boy looks up at Max with unwavering eyes. 

"And you being here makes it any different?" 

"Grandpa!" A voice entered Max's ears. "Grandpa! Do you hear me?" 

"I'm here. Gwen." The plumber pressed his gifted earpiece. 

"Will, along with Sunny and Zed, are missing!" Max sighs, resting his hand on his hip. "The Diamonds ordered everyone on the station to search every nook and cranny. I believe someone snuck on board." 

"They're here with me." Max lasered his eyes on Sunny and Anthony, avoiding his eyes. "They snuck on board. Be at the docks." 

"I believe we don't have a choice.Argh." Peridot groans, placing her palm on her forehead. "Returning them, we wouldn't make it in time. Unless you want a trip to the sector? And doing that takes five days, and that five days could mean interference either by Natural causes or the hunting party." 

"Then we'll take five." Max voiced. 

"Can't the kid turn into a species?" Phill adds. "Unlike the girl, he's not carrying any tags. How long can you hold it for?" He looks to Anthony. 

"If I'm not fighting for my life, I believe an hour and a half." 

"And if we do come across any. We have extra bodies." Sunny entered the chat with a raised brow at glaring Max. 

"Hold that thought." Max pressed his earpiece. "Change of plans. They are coming with us." 

"That's insane!!" Benita entered the chat. "And You know it's bad when it's coming from me!" 

"Sunny, did you put him up to this?!" Gwen raised her voice, causing Sunny to click her tongue. 

"I'm a firm believer in choices." 

"Wow, that's rich coming from you." 

Sunny cracks a wide smile before pressing her earpiece once more. 

"If that makes me rich, I'm not sharing." 

"I don't take tainted money." 

"Zip it." Max put weight in his voice. "The plan doesn't change. And Benita, listen to your cousin." 

"Ugh! Ok." 

Max releases his finger from his ear before giving Sunny and Anthony a heated stare. He then turns and walks up the scaffold stairs, putting weight on his steps. 

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