Chapter 54: Blood feud
Contrary to what the invaders had expected, the hall did not seem in despair. There were no screams or commotions. Everything was so silent and terrifying that when the corpses began to appear, the girls had to look twice.
"What's going on?!" Carla rushed to Alice.
"It's an attack. From the looks of it."
"Wow. It's been a few years, hasn't it? How nostalgic," those olive eyes again, so patient as they saw so much blood. Carla was beginning to think that this fairy was not so nice.
"Yes, let's see who has lost the touch of things."
"The Ponteios seem to be doing well."
"Yes. Your father would not let weak children succeed him."
"And those girls over there? Little lapdogs of the royal family, I see."
"Weak," they were direct and effective. The girls found it interesting to watch. Like seeing a dark side of the sun. "Look at those two, not a drop of blood on their clothes. What beautiful brothers."
"Ah! The Lord really knows how to set these parties on fire."
"Lord... Did someone hire them?" Carla closed her eyes when she saw something she shouldn't have. Before Ema could throw out all her sweets, Alice put the two under a spell. "Should we run away?"
"No and no." Alice spoke. "Lord is the one who hosts the banquet. The murderers. He let them in, but he didn't hire them."
"Right. But why can't we run away?!" When Carla seemed on the verge of despair, all she received was a couple of smiles.
Alice and the evil fairy. They were roses from the same garden...
"Are you in danger?"
... and they had the same thorns.
Carla realized this when a group of ten hooded men were simply swept away by the escorts around them.
Not a drop of blood or fear reached them there. Not in the midst of so many monsters.
The two didn't know how to feel. Were they safe or in the most dangerous place?
Meanwhile, Nero was having a hard time.
Diana screamed in his ear.
"Shouldn't they stop the music?!"
With her eyes closed, just as he asked, she was still carried in his arms.
This time in the middle of a carnage.
The pairs seemed to be having fun escaping swords, spears and arrows, while maintaining their charm and mainly... their petty competition.
Nero laughed out loud.
"You dance well even with your eyes closed!", there was no need, but he also screamed.
"Thank you?!"
Their steps were soft and some pairs stood shoulder to shoulder with them.
Hand in hand, the blades passed a palm's width apart. When upset, he chanted spells or landed a kick that sent the attackers to the ground.
"What's going on. There's a lot of screaming!"
"None on our side, miss. Don't worry," Nero greeted as a gentleman joined them. Without even looking, the swords and executioners always seemed to miss him or his partner.
The young woman seemed to smile with each step, as if she had found a new kind of fun.
For those people, risking their lives to get those hearts racing was well worth it.
"Is this her first time?" the young woman asked when the music slowed down. Nero looked closely at Diana's frowning expression, smiled and waved. "Too much excitement for one day, isn't it, girl? Hold on tight!"
The gentleman laughed out loud, mocking her statement. The young woman's trembling lips were a sight that spread that joy.
"What's funny?!" the falling arrows increased, along with them the crystal chandeliers descended like meteors.
The couples didn't care. A few inches from the ground, they stopped, floated and returned to where they were.
"A little chick trying to teach another." The man continued to laugh. "How cute you are, my granddaughter..."
Other couples joined the chorus of laughter upon hearing the conversation. The young woman's face became almost as red as the floor of the room. Nero shook his head. He gave everyone a brief greeting before guiding Diana to the corner of the room.
"I can open my eyes now."
"If you want."
Even after saying that, he didn't allow her to turn around.
"What is it?"
"Nothing. I just want you to look at me."
Ashamed, she stared into those eyes with a fearless gaze. It didn't last long. Her face changed, until Diana's expression became terrified. She looked about to vomit when Nero cast the same spell that Alice had used a little earlier.
A lightness, confidence and calmness came over her. Diana felt like a different person. Stronger and more mature. Her demons were gone.
"Ah!..." Nero sighed, closing his eyes. "What did you see?"
The vision reflected in Nero's eyes no longer troubled her. But the memory was still heavy. She took a deep breath before answering:
"Someone's head... a little far from the body."
Since she couldn't see his eyes, Diana focused on his lips. They were trembling.
"What's funny?"
"Nothing. Bunny," he smiled as always. Not that it was a real smile. "It's just that 'normal' for a human is very different from 'normal' for a supernatural being."
Diana couldn't deny it. She even felt some melancholy in his words. What could those eyes have seen? They were closed now but it was to protect her.
"Different in how?"
"For example... seeing someone's head far from the body is almost taboo. But behind you I saw someone kicking it like an object."
Diana swallowed hard. His words were too threatening and too soft.
"It's like you live in the day. Waking up under someone's wings, living under the mercy of the 'monsters' you fear so much. Protected from the truth and... from scenes like these."
Diana had nothing to say. Even now she was clinging to him, as if she could only rest if his arms covered her.
"Is this bad?"
"This is terrible. Sometimes I feel like you're an alien and strange race."
Even with his eyes closed, Nero easily dodged an arrow. His movements were so fluid. He pulled it aside and shortly after several more penetrated the polished wall.
Even with the spell, Diana's breathing quickened, but he still seemed as cold and calm as ever. Almost like a statue of a knight in that castle.
"You're so fragile. How can you live like this? Without knowing the truth. Without being able to protect yourself." Diana approached him and hugged him. His scent, his warmth, it enveloped her. She hoped he felt the same.
Even though she was fragile, she was real.
"I used to despise that in you... Today I see it as a strength. An evolution."
"Hmm. What do you mean?" She touched his hair. The sound was still loud. Maybe she wanted to calm herself more than comfort him.
"If a child is afraid of the dark, he turns on the light. If there's a monster under the bed, he calls his father. If you don't know the depth of the darkness, you treat it like a shadow."
Diana didn't quite understand. But Nero knew. That was why he showed her. He touched her neck and pulled her dress aside.
Finally, he gently bit her. Their minds connected.