Chapter 5: Escaping the paperwork
Opening his eyes slowly and erasing that mental image, Nero took a deep breath, brushed his eyes with his hand and said in a calm tone.
"You can come in."
A reserved and experienced-looking woman, his secretary, entered the room carrying some papers and a notice.
"Diana would like your opinion on a recent project."
The man showed no sign of leaving his thoughts, but still answered:
"Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes. What about work?", the woman brought the stack of papers in front of him. He finished with a smile. "... More work..." His secretary smiled back and handed over the papers.
Even she was surprised by her new job. She was older than the company's top leaders and had a lot of experience in the position. She had the confidence to support anyone, but she didn't think she would grow fond of her boss so quickly.
'Huh, that charisma is omnipotent.'
"Thank you!" he picked up some of the papers. His expression was not good. The pile was smaller than usual, but the small print was three times worse.
Seeing this, the secretary felt her lips tremble. She knew well the hell that awaited her boss there.
"Carla," he didn't take his eyes off the paper.
"Huh, buy a jar of the most expensive chocolates you can find and... Every time you staple these things..." he theatrically pushed one of them away, holding it with his fingertips.
"Staple a chocolate together, please."
Happy with his own idea, Nero stood up.
The woman's amused smile lit up her face. She laughed before saying.
"At this rate you're going to get fat. Do you know how many of these are on my desk?" she tilted her head. A lock of gray hair fell over her eyebrow and reminded her of her age and position.
She always had to be careful not to fall into that man's natural and peaceful atmosphere. He must be the worst enemy for the younger women in the other departments.
"Well, that'll be my nutritionist's problem, then. I'll be right back."
"Come in."
The door opened and Ema walked in with several notebooks and a tablet.
Diana was about to sigh in relief at not seeing the usual pile of documents. But suddenly someone else walked in carrying her.
Her eyes sharpened a little as she gave her best professional smile.
'There's no point in having a pretty package if the gift is going to kill me with work, Ema.'
The young woman's brown eyes were apologetic.
'This is the last one, I promise.'
Having her moment of telepathy with her secretary, she received the papers from Nero.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome," he replied calmly. His eyes were always scanning hers.
It seemed like they would devour her soul if Diana let them. She smiled.
But maybe she would devour his body first.
'Now that I think about it, he would make a good errand boy.'
"Oh! Thanks too, Ema... For the hard work," the young woman smiled like a fox cub and quickly escaped out the door.
After Diana pointed, Nero sat down. Professional and serious. Diana still felt strange about the change in atmosphere around her, but she wouldn't complain.
Not after leaving him hanging the week before.
"So, what's the matter?"
She liked his respectful tone, but frowned at the distance between them.
"Can't I just invite you for tea?"
A corner of his lips lifted at least.
"That would be nice. But really... What's the problem? I have a pile just like that on my desk," he gestured to the papers, disgusted.
The young woman took a deep breath, slowly clasping her hands together and thinking about what she was going to say:
"Have you ever been to Paris?"
"I have to admit. This isn't a very smart decision. Leaving the company headquarters for a week now when there are two of us, exactly for this reason."
Diana smiled as she heard the voice that filled the room like a soft melody. Diana loved the feeling, but this was a secret kept to herself.
She let herself be carried away by the vibration of the chair, her muscles relaxing as her eyes rested. That massaging blindfold worked miracles; in a few minutes of flight, her tension had disappeared and her body seemed to float.
"It wasn't my fault... It's not like I wanted to travel," she tried to make an innocent and offended expression.
'Oh, this is so good.'
"They need to meet you. We need to show the new face of the company and well... In the future, there won't always be one of us there. And they survive when I travel, so why not?"
She felt his gaze, until she gave up and sat back.
"Well, I can't say much about that."
"Hehe. Oh, how I needed that. A week should be enough to calm this man down."
"It'll be fun."
"What kind of smile is that?" Suddenly her tension was returning.
The question came like a whisper close to her ear. The hairs on her arms stood on end, her blood ran cold and her abdomen seemed to melt.
Her legs moved uncomfortably. That dress was comfortable, but suddenly it seemed too light and thin.
Diana let her guard down too much. One side of her felt in danger, the other felt excited, almost like a diabolical architect.
They were together on the company jet and the flight attendants wouldn't show up without being called. The door was basically locked.
"You won't answer me," her voice became sweet and solemn. Almost vibrating her mind and heart.
"Why should I tell you? Try to find out for yourself." His laugh was light. Diana felt her lips pull back in a simple and elegant way, but inside she was a mess.
'What am I saying?!'
'I think it's better this way, then...', when she became curious it was too late. She felt a pair of soft lips on hers, and a gentle hand on her face.
It was warm. The air left her lungs, she felt herself floating even as she flew.
Touching his face with desire, she sighed wanting more. She moved closer again, kissed the corner of his lips.
'More this way.'
When she kissed him perfectly she felt electricity running down to her waist. It was pure excitement.
Her legs moved as if they had a life of their own and when she became a little more aware of her thighs rubbing against each other, a gentle hand touched her there.
So close and yet so far. The kiss stopped and Diana took a deep breath.
With her eyes blindfolded and being massaged along her body, everything felt even better. Flesh and bone, that was all she was.
Her heartbeat, her breathing, and the warm blood running through her veins.
Every part of her wanted more. Much more.