Because he come back

Chapter 23: Dormant force

Diana had a strange dream. She... Yes, that person looked like her. But she was stronger, yes they had the same eyes, but not the same look. Maybe they lived the same life, but in different ways.

'You... I'm disgusted by you.'

Diana parted her lips, her voice came out without her realizing it.

'And I by you.'

A laugh echoed in that space. So cold, so furious, a laugh that seemed to come from the soul.

From the soul of a demon that wanted freedom.

It was sad.

But all she could focus on were the tears.

They fell down her cheeks and wet her lips.

Diana was laughing like crazy.

Her mouth wasn't hers.

It had disappeared and in its place several tools on the floor scared her.

But she couldn't stop laughing.

She couldn't move, but her mouth could. And it continued, in a silent pain that only laughter and madness could express.

She died there.

When she woke up she was in heaven.

"Are you okay?" Her cheeks were wet. Her mind and her memories were gone, but he was there... "Yes. I am. What happened?"

He looked through her eyes. They seemed to see her madness, maybe he could have heard that laugh.

"You fell and hit your head..."

Her expression frowned. Her eyes widened as he gently wiped the tears from her face.

"... That's what I wanted to say," Nero was beautiful even as he sighed. "But you remember, don't you?"

"The car, the driver... What happened?"

"You were kidnapped," Diana stirred and stood up. "... Because of me. When I found out it was too late. They tortured you..." His expression, his body and speech, everything was rigid and frightening. She looked into his eyes.

"They used a whip and a knife, you had several marks on your chest and back and... they ripped off the fingers of your left hand."

In a panic, Diana raised her hand.

They were there.

Her fingers were in place, without a single scratch.

She felt nothing.

No memory or pain, nothing. Just...

"My ring..."

"Is that what you're worried about?"

She touched her ring finger, feeling the skin instead of the silver. Something was missing. That was her comfort, after all. Turning it around made her feel good.

If she had lost it...

"Here," Nero placed it in her hand.


"What is it?"

"I thought you would give me another one... A different color, maybe?" Diana said, smiling. A little serious, almost amused, but she still put on the engagement ring happily.

Nero knew how to play this game. His expression went blank, then fell into seriousness.

"Huh, that's what I call a sixth sense," he walked over, reaching over her shoulder and picking something up.

Diana's eyes widened at the sight of the box.

Small and elegant. So simple, yet it still sparkled in his eyes.

His lips parted as he slowly opened it. "Wh... W-what?!..."

"Oh, this is a magic ring, not a wedding ring," Nero grinned. "It's a protective artifact... Ouch, Ouch. Wait! Hahaha! Calm down!"

Diana was weak, but she still managed to give him a good beating that was worth every ounce of energy.

"Okay. If you want a hug, just ask. Don't worry, someday you'll find your prince charming and get married..." Nero couldn't take it anymore and started rolling around in bed while receiving a punch or two with every laugh.

"You idiot. A black ring? Do you think I'm going to die?"

"Oh, don't put it on yet."

"Why not?"

"Do you see the ring on the outside?"

"Huh," Diana could feel it. "It's like two rings..."

"Yes. And this smaller ring spins..."

"It's not spinning."

"...Wait for me to finish talking, please."

"It's not spinning."

Nero shook his head. Standing up like the lazy cat he was, he cupped her face and kissed her lips.

First the upper one, then the corner of her mouth, her cheek. Until she was silent. Just staring into those eyes.

There was a world filled with oceans there. As he invaded her mouth with his tongue and wet her lips, she wouldn't mind drowning in them.

"The ring holds your memories... of what happened." He looked serious as he placed the ring on her right hand.

It looked beautiful too. But Diana just wanted another kiss.

"When you want to remember them, just turn the outer ring. Like a wheel, see?"

"And if I don't want to remember?"

Nero smiled softly. A smile she had never seen.

Yes, she really wanted to kiss him.

"Then don't remember. That's why I erased them. To protect you..."

His last words sounded so melancholic that she broke his expression with the longest kiss she could bear.

As she clung to his neck, she could feel his sadness at seeing her hurt.

What was the point of erasing her memories if he still remembered.

"In bed. I'll erase your memories too."


She pulled him into the sheets. Between kisses and laughter, he could only follow the game.

Some time later they had to go down.

There were guests downstairs so the game ended in a draw.

Stepping into the living room, like a faithful puppy, Ema said nothing before hugging her friend tightly.

"I'm the one who gets hurt and you're the one who cries?"

Ema buried her head in his neck as she received pats on the head.

"I'm the one who changed your clothes, idiot! They were all torn and stained!..."

Diana was silent. It was strange to think that she had returned home bloody and injured.

There were no scars, pain or memories.

Just one doubt.

"So you know what happened?"

Ema didn't hear.

"Twice on top of that! What kind of idiot gets run over twice?"

Looking into the eyes of that angry squirrel, Diana felt that something was wrong. There was a shine there that seemed to say that he understood and knew everything. However, Diana realized that there was almost time...

Over her shoulder, Nero made a sign.

'They probably messed with her mind, huh.'

"Okay, if you're going to stand there crying, I'll eat this alone."

"I'll join you..."


The two turned their heads, only to find Nero running away towards the table and Carla, shyly, following him.

Before thinking much, someone's stomach growled so loudly that it made everyone stop in their tracks.

"What, did you hurt your stomach too? It looks like it's screaming in pain!"

"Hahaha," everyone's eyes ended up returning to the table and its contents. It was full. From Italian food to pizza, burgers and sushi. Diana stepped forward, dragging her loyal little dog.

On the way, she received a tight hug from Carla, who looked her up and down before letting her go.

The food was waiting for them.

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