chapter 126
126. New Term (3)
Clearly, their talent was terrifying.
After swallowing the medicine for a while, the reaction slowly came.
It was the same trajectory, but the loading force was different and the speed was different.
From now on, it’s the key.
It is still at a level where you can control yourself.
It gradually grows to a level that is difficult to control on its own.
It’s still holding up well… … .
In a moment, I kicked the ground and rushed into Eden and Wilhelm.
He lifted the Auror and intervened between the two of them.
In an instant, both of their weapons flew away.
The two men, who were drenched in madness, did not stop even if their weapons disappeared.
It’s still at an acceptable level.
He blocked the attack of two people with Leviathan, and interfered with the magic inside using Auror.
It is quite difficult to move the body and operate the auror in a different way, but now you are used to it.
Just as the students worked hard for their own development during the vacation, I did not stand still.
At least, I had thoroughly prepared myself for this lecture.
The two of them soon stopped moving, and they collapsed from exhaustion due to the aftermath of the medicinal effect.
There is no time to comfort them.
I immediately moved my body and moved on to the next duo.
Similarly, as a Levite, he intervenes in the two people’s workshop, and at the same time interferes with the internal magic using the Auror.
It’s a very simple mechanism, but it’s actually quite sophisticated.
When I calmed down about five more teams, I started sweating without realizing it.
Fortunately, the points are still wide open.
Now all that’s left is your team.
Fortunately, Dejan and Torres are experienced, so they are holding up well.
Surprisingly, Louisa is also holding up well.
It’s because he’s a wizard.
As soon as we deal with the other team, a reaction comes from over there.
Seriously, Torres and Jesse duo.
Torres is holding out, but Jesse is the problem.
It was the first time he had officially faced Torres.
Until now, you would have expected that there would still be a gap between Torres and his skills.
However, it is completely different.
After Torres broke the wall, the talent blossomed quickly.
Even if that’s not the case, unlike Jessie, who is drunk on power, Torres is holding on, albeit with a slight difference.
You can control your body as you like.
The difference had a huge impact on the match between the two.
But Torres was also slowly reacting to Jesse’s madness.
I don’t have the confidence to completely stop the talent that has completely exploded between the two talents.
This is the limit line that will stop them from collide.
The moment when the two swords collided with each other, pushing the Auror even further into Leviathan.
The three swords became intertwined.
This bastard, who was drunk with power and tainted with madness, was just busy pushing, but I’m different as I maintain reason.
Pulling his arm, he grabbed the three swords and threw them into the air.
∩! Whoops!
The swords that contained the explosive magic of the two were stuck on the ground as they were.
But still, the madness of the two did not subside.
As the potential is great, the effect of the new drug grows out of control, and it is about to enter the realm of Auror users, even for a moment.
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My inner magic limits the interference of my Aurors.
Levatein was transformed into a glove and worn on his hand.
Grabbing the heads of the two guys and staying-
Auror was put in.
“Turn it off!”
It is a bit of a radical method, but it is an inevitable choice to get the maximum effect.
They laid the droopy ones on the ground and went straight to the next order.
On the side of Deyan, Deyan had already overpowered the opponent and finished the match.
“Deyan, can you keep your mind?”
“… … .”
There was no answer, but Deyan calmly knelt down.
He placed his hand on his head and administered the auror directly as well.
There is no resistance, so it is easier.
Now all that’s left is… … .
“Is it only Luina?”
The Great Mage’s Timber.
The greatest talent in the history of the tower.
True to its reputation, she was solely dealing with her amplified potential.
The war had long since ended.
However, he may be controlling his potential, but he cannot control his mind.
like a drunken injection.
Please, I wish I could sleep peacefully with injections… … .
In spite of my wishes, her loose eyes are looking at me.
‘this… … It would be dangerous.’
When I stepped out of the danger signal I heard instinctively, her rapier pierced my place.
‘What… … .’
Even if she went all the way from the School of Combat – no, the School of Magic, there would be no one who could follow her when it came to controlling her magical powers.
It would be difficult to interfere with magical power using Aurors.
The thing that seemed the most sane and put it off until later was an obvious failure.
However, it is not without a way.
Roll until exhausted.
The Levitein, who had the shape of a glove, changed into the most familiar sword shape.
The part she was most wary of was, of course, magic. Ruina is the character who becomes the most powerful arch mage in <Ah.
However, watching this practice process so far, the most surprising thing is that she never used magic.
It was only showing its explosive potential with swordsmanship.
The magic control that reached her level was demonstrating like an Auror.
But even so, her main sport is still magic.
I don’t know if she used magic, but her swordsmanship doesn’t reach me.
There may be effects of future poetry, but her talent for swordsmanship is so weak that it can’t even reach me.
When she was originally selected for this ‘All About Combat’, she was selected based on her magical talent.
‘And from the beginning, Luina was also a student of the Grasco Combat School from <Ah.
Anyway, her pure physical abilities don’t reach me.
In terms of pure physical abilities, there is no one here to follow me.
Unlike those who have to grow, my physical ability is something that can be invested in.
Of course, the medicinal effect also raised some of her physical abilities, but it seemed that she could not fully handle that part.
The only thing she has complete control over is control over her magical powers.
There is no reason not to subdue her who is limiting her magic.
Just hanging out for a while, she was completely exhausted, and just in case an auror was injected into her head, the effect was completely eliminated.
“after… … .”
There is absolutely no mess at all.
“How about having a power you can’t handle.”
“… … .”
Again, there is no answer coming back.
No, it would be correct to say that you can’t even if you want to.
“Based on today’s practice, write a report and submit it. Eileen, so are you. Based on the research data I gave you earlier, please list the methods to be applied to you in detail.”
It’s been a while, but I immersed my feet in the realm of an Auror user.
If you look back on this experience again, it will definitely help you grow.
They were given assignments clearly and left the classroom.
* * *
‘Bar, what just happened?’
Assistant Professor Victor, no ‘pharmaceutical’ Victor, could not believe what he had seen in the classroom a while ago.
Obviously, the talents of these students were great.
The clash of talents, which exploded as soon as the drug started working, was so great that it was more than the magic painting I saw in Kadane.
It is not an exaggeration to say that in Grasco, this ‘everything about battle’ lecture gathered talents from the continent.
So, unlike amplification by simple magic poisoning, amplification of pure potential is inevitably much more powerful than simple demonization.
Seeing the clashes of those talents, my whole body felt numb.
‘Wait, but how do you calm them all down?’
The problem was in subduing the students who were still in a runaway state for the duration of the drug’s effect.
He only developed it himself, but never thought about its usability.
Of course, there is a way.
Because, like any other drug, he clearly left room for his intervention.
However, those who have been mentalized by Musik and those whose potential has exploded with new drugs have very different concepts.
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Musik designed a mechanism to control the user, but this new drug lacks that.
What one can intervene is the degree of neutralization of the drug’s effect.
It is also possible when the user is conscious to some extent.
Once the runaway starts, you can’t stop it yourself.
‘I believed in Lucas’ words and made it… … .’
It was only now that I had a thought.
It’s like that for you, but for others, the effort is doubled.
Because there is no choice but to overwhelm and subdue the user.
But what happened after Lucas moved made him suspicious of Victor’s eyes.
Starting with those who had just started to take effect, Lucas was incapacitating them in turn.
Although it was clear that Lucas was a great person, he was proud that the effect of the new drug he had created was also great.
A drug that is unaffected by magic, and that explodes its pure potential.
Knowing well how destructive a power that is not properly controlled can be so destructive, Lucas’ divine spirit was an unbelievable sight.
In terms of each one, it was truly a miracle to subdue beings that were comparable to any corps commander-level demons so easily and effortlessly.
Although he had no knowledge of combat science, he had no choice but to judge by looking at it.
It’s not just about Lucas’ appearance.
Lucas’ movement itself was elegant and beautiful, and it was attracting attention.
And, oddly enough, I never thought he would be in danger.
Lucas moved easily and simply, subduing the users one after another.
Seeing people falling like fallen leaves, I thought it was natural.
In an instant, 20 students were subdued.
Aileon, who was watching from the side, didn’t change a single expression, as if it was natural.
Soon after, Lucas gave homework to the exhausted students and left the classroom.
It was exactly when the class ended.
Victor reached out to students who were still exhausted for his role as assistant professor.
This is to remove the remaining medicinal effect.
The moment he drained his magical power and approached the medicinal ingredient, Victor thought he was going to pass out.
‘Uh, why… … .’
It was because someone’s magical power had already been neutralized by scattering the medicinal ingredients in their bodies.
There was only one person.
‘Hell, that yangban is… … .’
Did you say that you were able to nullify the drug ingredients that only you could do?
Victor stared at Lucas for a long time in the direction where Lucas had disappeared.
* * *
Envy finished the second lecture of <Introduction to Combat Science>.
He definitely understood.
Lectures are said to have sucked.
Then I had to choose a different route.
If it weren’t for lectures, what kind of things could make a living as a professor in Grasco?
A clear example of that was in the Faculty of Magic.
There was someone who had the worst evaluation of the course than himself.
Professor Millia.
Contrary to his own, the theory is perfect, but it is said that the students are having a hard time due to the high level.
But her worth was not in teaching.
The research on magic that she publishes is what makes her valuable in this grasco.
If that’s the case, wouldn’t he be able to turn himself into that route?
Also, Envy has a wealth of demonic knowledge that others do not have.
Because you are the demon itself.
Besides, it’s not just about researching yourself.
‘Introduction to Combat Science’ is a basic class in the Faculty of Combat, and it is natural that there are more assistants under the command than other professors.
Wouldn’t it be nice to use them?
Envy summoned her assistants to her laboratory.
“The vision of our lab is simple. Let’s all close our eyes.”
The teaching assistants closed their eyes at the new professor’s words.
“What do you see?”
“Oh, I can’t see anything.”
“okay. It means working overtime from today. Everyone eats and sleeps in this lab, turning the academic world upside down!”
All night research!
It’s a really demonic plan, but Envy is a demon.
That is, it is the devil.
He doesn’t even have a conscience to get stabbed.