Chapter 73: 73 SO IT BEGINS…
Sunday Morning, August 9th, 2240 ATE. The Glorian Island's/University of the Phoenix. Day One…..
The rest of the week went how it was supposed to for Claude.
It went well.
He explored the his forested homelands with his animal kin. He trained with Dandelon and the other dryads most days— becoming more adept at mismatched combat scenarios and the use of his (Vigor Blast) skill. And afterwards, he ate with Gil and Ms. Oracle.
It was so good, he found himself not wanting to leave. He found himself angry when Saturday night came.
He focused on the good. His friends. The great professors he'd meet.
And his new travel buddy.
When he'd used SkyHaven's portal room into The University of the Phoenix the first time, he stepped out into cold island wild-land. This time though, he was in the University's very own portal room. It was large and white— nearly identical to the skylight guildhalls very own.
And he made sure to be early— so no one could get the drop on him. So he could plan.
But unfortunately, he was not the earliest bird.
The earliest bird was more of a walking weaponized giant. Even when he wasn't wearing his dark-glass nightmare beetle armor with all his great swords, warhammers and katana's in relation to his master.
Frosty growled at the giant upperclassman who stood in the portal room with them.
"Not the first introduction I had in plan. I swear." Claude thought as he kept a hand on Frosty's spiked fur running down his back.
"You're not the first I expected." Salazar Grimm said— Champion of House Ronin. He wore just his university uniform. A simple navy blue tunic and bottoms with fiery orange accents and a blazing Phoenix insignia. It was tight on him and came with a hood that he wore, casting his bone and burnt flesh fuzed lower jaw in shadows.
"Ouch…. I think." Claude said.
"Calculations cannot offend. Only offer clarity." Salazar said. "You're of no concern to me. You'll find your mentors and professors in the mess-hall. I suggest you tend to your tamed allies before then. Outside on the islands, the predator region is on the north end."
Claude nodded and headed out of the portal room.
The inner contours of the university were vaguely familiar. Dark checkered floors. Gothic architecture with gleaming chandeliers, beautiful artistic depictions on the walls and multicolored lanterns. He could smell the breakfast being made in the mess halls. Meats and fruits imported from all over.
The others could smell it too.
He had to guide Frosty by pushing his leg into him until they reached the massive main doors.
The outside air was familiar as he pushed them open. Salty, crisp, rich. He actually missed it. He led them outside to the surrounding northern island. Where there was less warm tropics of sand and jungle and more cold flatland and stone cliffsides.
"Riptide, you better not take my brother near any water deeper than three feet. Protect eachother, eat some good fish. I'll come out to work with you guys soon." Claude said.
Frosty sat in front of him, seemingly waiting for something.
"And you, protect your sister." Claude took the young gremlin-cat off his shoulder and handed her to Frosty.
The PitWolf leaned forward and carried her by her nape casually. Immediately, she went limp and bounced along in his jaws as he trotted off with the others.
With the sun not even up yet, they were gone from his sight in a few hundred feet.
Claude watched the wilds a little longer before turning around and heading back into the University.
He made his way through the halls with his nostrils flaring as he tracked the scent of cooking food toward the Mess Hall. Along the way he found halls, stairways and corridors leading to specialized rooms. He would've ventured deeper, but a figure found him.
More accurately, they found eachother as he rounded a corner and bumped into him.
He was taller than Claude. By a large margin. And despite his thin build, he was hard all over with almost comically wide shoulders.
His dark skin almost blended with the navy blue university walls. His blue eyes did the opposite.
"Hello, Claude. You're early." Percival said as they departed.
Claude was surprised as Percival slapped him on the shoulder affectionately. Even if Sion did say the gaunt swimmer liked him more than most.
"Yea." Claude managed, "Trying to get a head start on my first day. How about you?"
"Wanted to swim with the fishes. I don't enjoy starting my days on land. Makes my feet hurt." Percival explained.
"Nice. I'm the exact opposite." Claude said, "If I don't get my feet on some grass, I'm already off to a bad start."
"Funny how humans can be so different— even when they occupy similar molds."
Claude nodded. "Have you been to the mess-hall yet, that's where we were all supposed to meet, I think."
Percival nodded, "I was first to arrive behind the upper classmen that came in briefly."
"Oh— what house were you chosen by?"
"House of Domination."
"Really?" Claude asked.
"I do not lie."
"I would've thought you'd be in House Ronin." Claude said.
Percival nodded, "I lack their appreciation of swords…. I also enjoy the presence of people. Friends. Even if I prefer to observe before participating. Ronin and his legacy contemporaries are more…..solitary."
Suddenly Claude understood why he was always with the other surfers.
Percival did a rare thing and continued speaking on his own, "V isn't able to toy with me the same way she does with Samuel…. So, she got bored and kicked me out. The benefit of silence is peace... and knowing that when peace cannot be found, your violence is vindicated."
"That was….. actually really well said."
Percival bowed his bald head, "Thank you, fellow surfer."
"As one of the few chosen in the House of Broken Kings, I hope you make the best of it. Your mentor is present and waiting."
Claude and Percival shook up and then parted ways with him heading for the waters and Claude heading for the mess hall.
It wasn't at all what he expected. His nose told him he'd be met with a massive open room full of tables topped by grilled and seared meats. Legendary fatty fish and freshly picked fruits studded by crystalline water droplets. He was salivating. Realizing how hungry he was after his week of physical exertion with the dryads and dogs at work.
All he was met with was a large open room with nine basic wooden tables that were at least sixty feet long each. No food. Each one had a House Champion at the helm. Their eyes were hard on him.
"Dark-Tamer. You're early." The Dominator's champion noted. She was the shortest among them and twirled her long red highlighted braid of black hair. Her many piercings seemed to hold a cruel glow. She also had the tunic of her uniform unbuttoned, allowing her bra and belly to face the world.
Claude cleared his throat, "I am."
"You're also in for a rude awakening." She smiled. "Someone's coming for youuuu." She cooed excitedly.
"Ignore her. At least until you can't."
Claude turned, "Dahmir."
His House Champion was seated on the floor beside the door. His dreads were tied up in a messy bun at the back of his head. He still wore his brown whool cloak and many mummy-like bandages. He looked tired. Still, he moved gracefully as he stood up.
"It's good to see, Claude Grey."
"Likewise." The last thing he remembered of Dahmir was learning he was missing an arm. Like all of The House of Broken Kings, they were different. Deformed. Forced to be looked at as something else— which gave them a unique perspective from other heroes. Or, slayers, as Dahmir put it. To him, no one in the building currently was a hero. Those words resonated with him.
"How did you spend your week?"
"How else?" Claude asked.
Dahmir smiled and nodded, "Training is good. But so is living. I hope you had a balance."
"Life was…. lived for sure." He shook off the memory of his father in lupine form roaring with the power of some rare magic until a goblins head exploded. Or the appearance of Dark-Eaters. Or the Fae. Or…..
"You alright, man?" Dahmir asked.
"I'm good. Ready to get started." Claude said.
"Well, we don't get started for another hour or so."
"That works for me." Claude shrugged.
Dahmir looked back at the other Champions then back to Claude. They both shared a similar facial expression…. And need to leave, "How about a tour?"
"Sure." Claude suddenly felt like he was a good fit.
The tour was almost the full hour. Which wasn't surprising since the University of the Phoenix was a castle on steroids.
Towards the end of their tour, he found his ears picking up on the sounds of other emerging students. Plus, sunlight was beginning to seep in through the windows speckled along the dark halls.
By the time they reached the mess-hall, it was full and food was being served.
And suddenly, Claude wasn't hungry.
"And so it begins." Dahmir said with a sigh, "Come on, I'll introduce you to your housemates."