Beast Hack: Customizing Beasts and Capturing Beauties

Chapter 108: Kalidorn Misery

A week had passed since Lucius had completed his mission. The Garran city was still in chaos like usual.

Suddenly, a commotion appeared. A frail old man was thrown out of his own home. His belongings were scattered across the stone pavement.

The man who did this soon came out. The people immediately knew who he was. It was Kalidorn Garran, the son of the ruler of this city.

He walked to the old man angrily. He grabbed the collar of the old man. "How can you not know what's wrong with me?"

The old doctor could only shake his head. He tried to calm down Kalidorn. "My lord, I-I have examined you thoroughly. There's no medical explanation for... for this condition."

Kalidorn slammed the old man to the ground. "No explanation? My manhood has shrunk—shrunk—by a full one half-centimeter!"

He gestured wildly at his manhood. "It was already... modest, but now it's even smaller! How do you explain that?"

The doctor paled and scooted back. "M-my lord, such a condition is highly unusual. I can only recommend further study—perhaps consultation with specialists."

Kalidorn finally snapped. "Specialists? What good are you if you can't even solve a problem like this? Useless! Absolutely useless!"

He kicked over a small table, sending papers and vials scattering across the pavement. The old doctor could only watch in silence from the corner.

Luna also watched the scene from the edge. She smirked as she looked at Kalidorn's angry face. "It seems Master's little 'adjustment' is starting to show its effects."

Kalidorn walked toward the old doctor again. "You have three days to figure this out, or I'll have you thrown into the dungeons! Do you understand me?"

The doctor nodded frantically and bowed down. "Y-yes, my lord. I will do everything in my power!"

Kalidorn dismissed him and stormed away. The crowd began to disperse as they whispered about the scene they had just witnessed.

Luna remained still and smirked as she watched Kalidorn retreat into the distance. "Poor litte Kalidorn. He doesn't even realize that in 3 days, his manhood might be already gone before he could even treat it."

Luna turned around and returned to her inn. "But it was not the end. This is just the beginning. There were still other 'adjustments' that had not shown up yet."

She turned around and disappeared into the crowd. She was enjoying the show where Kalidorn Garran was tortured by her master.


The morning had come and Kalidorn woke up from his sleep. He was still frustrated because of the mysterious illness that he had.

He threw the covers aside and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "Let's see if this nightmare has resolved itself."

Kalidorn stood and walked toward the mirror. His hands trembled slightly as he loosened the belt of his robe. Taking a deep breath, he glanced down.

He was shocked to see his own manhood change again. "What in the hell is this?!"

He stumbled back a step. He gripped the edge of the table for support. "It's... it's even smaller! Another one and a half centimeters? How... how can this be happening?!"

Moments later, the door to his room burst open. His father, Dorian Garran, entered his room and surveyed his son's frantic state.

"Kalidorn, what is this commotion about? You're shouting loud enough to wake the entire household."

Kalidorn turned to his father. His face was pale and desperate. "Father, it's worse! It's shrunk even more! Another one and a half centimeters gone! I... I don't know what's happening to me!"

Dorian's expression shifted from irritation to shock. "What did you say? You're telling me... it's shrunk again?"

Kalidorn nodded frantically. "Yes! Look at me! This... this isn't normal! I've done nothing to cause this! How can this be happening?!"

Dorian crossed his arms. He also didn't know what was happening. "Kalidorn, calm yourself. Panic will not solve this problem. Have you spoken to the doctor I assigned to you yesterday?"

Kalidorn shook his head. "That fool is useless! He couldn't even give me an explanation yesterday, and now... this!"

He kneeled down and hugged his father's leg. "Father, I need help. Real help."

Dorian sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I understand your frustration, but this situation is really weird. I will call the best doctor I know, but he can only check you tomorrow. He's not in the city currently."

Kalidorn was surprised. He was in despair. "Tomorrow? Father, I can't wait until tomorrow! What if it gets even worse by then? What if—"

Dorian silenced his son's panicked rambling. He stepped closer, placing a firm hand on Kalidorn's shoulder.

"You will compose yourself. We will address this problem with the proper resources and expertise. Do you understand me?"

Kalidorn could only nod slowly. But still, he was still anxious. "Yes, Father. I understand."

Dorian nodded, releasing his grip on Kalidorn's shoulder. "Good. Now rest. There's nothing more we can do until the doctor arrives tomorrow. I'll make the arrangements personally."

Kalidorn sighed heavily. He dragged himself back to his bed. "This isn't fair. Why me? What did I do to deserve this?"

Dorian lingered for a moment. His gaze lingered on his son before he turned and left the room. He could only hope that the doctor could heal him.


The morning had come again. Kalidorn sat slouched on the edge of his bed. His hands resting on his knees.

He was not the arrogant Kalidorn anymore. His face was pale. Dark circles appeared in his eyes. He had trouble sleeping the entire night. "How did it come to this?"

Kalidorn slowly looked at his manhood. "Let me check... just check." He adjusted his robe and reached downward.

His hand froze. Something felt... wrong. He pressed his fingers to where his manhood should have been. A chill ran down his spine as he felt nothing but smooth skin.

He was shocked. He frantically roamed his fingers over the area. "No, no, no... this can't be happening!"

He staggered back and bumped his leg into the edge of the bed. He looked down at himself. His mind was unable to process what he was seeing—or rather, what he wasn't seeing. "This isn't real... this isn't real..."

However, the truth was there and cold. His vision blurred and a wave of dizziness washed over him. "No... no..."

His eyes rolled back as his body fell down. He passed out on the floor on top of the rich carpet.

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