Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 356: Is That Black?

Trunks POV - Dragon Ball Universe(01), Earth, West City - Age 796

Everything happened very quickly and I could only watch as Mai didn't hesitate and rushed toward Him armed only with her rifle before shooting a couple of time, but he easily dodged and casually counterattacked with a Ki Blast which exploded with such force that Mai is sent flying and crashing against a nearby building before she fell and crashed on the ground unmoving.

Seeing her body lying supine on the ground, I do not hesitate to rush toward her while calling out her name out loud, "Mai!"

I lift her upperbody body with my hands, but I can only stare in shock seeing how unresposive it is, then I focus back on the reason behind Mai's current state, so I gentily lie her upper body back on the floor looking at her pale face before my whole being is engulfed in a burning rage.

At the same time, I notice that He landed on a nearby wreckage of a building which lays beyond a wall of flames created by the previous explosion further hiding His figure. 

I glare in His direction and yell, "You bastard...!" before He unleashes a pulse of Ki that blows the flames away, finally revealing his figure.

He looks exactly like Gohan-san, not the one I met in the past of that other timeline, but like my dead master and big brother figure. 

The only difference is that he has a slightly darker skin tone and more "defined" eyes, along with a somewhat leaner physique.

His hair is also a noticeably dark shade of black with the same style as my version of Gohan-san and, now that I think about it, also Goza-san, Gohan-san's twin brother in the past of the other timeline, only the spikes in the front seems a little off from what I remember.

He is wearing a grey dogi, a long-sleeved black undershirt with a turtleneck, a red sash, black pants, and pointy white boots. 

He is also wearing an earring on his left ear that is identical to the ones I saw on Kaioshin-sama's ears.

He is the scruge that suddenly appeared a little over a year ago and that started to lay waste on this world and since he is basically identical to Gohan-san, wears a black attire, and undeniablily evil, we call him Gohan Black, or even more simply Black as I do not want to connect Gohan-san's name to such an evil and ruthless creature.

(Image Here - Black)

While I'm barely holding myself back from rushing at him, Black looks at me and calmly says with a cruel smirk on his face, "Finally... It's the day you'll take your final breath... Saiyan."

I take another look at Mai's unmoving body and mutter in grief, "Mai..." before I gently squeeze her hand, still hoping for some kind of response, but unfortunately, there is no response.

Then I suddenly hear Black chuckle and ask, "Are you done with the farewell, Saiyan? It's your turn now."

Hearing that, I hold Mai's hand tighter while thinking, 'Should I run?' but then I hold back my feelings, let go of Mai's hand, stand up and take a brief look at the Capsule Corporation's building, 'That building is still intact. So, that guy doesn't know about the Time Machine. I only have to buy some time for Mom to start it up then we can ask for help... All right.'

After coming to that conclusion, I glance at an empty spot in the distance that should be perfect for a battle, close enough to rush back to the Capsule Corporation when the Time Machine is ready but far enough to make sure that the battle doesn't implicate the building.

While I'm looking at that area, I hear Black as he hums, chuckles, and says in an amused tone, "Hmm... Heh... Are you going to fight me? You're not going to stop resisting even though you know that you can't win. Saiyans really are interesting."

Shortly after he says that, we both move to that area and face each other standing dozen of meters of distance from one other.

Black looks at me, and in an even tone, he says, "Don't worry... Soon, I'll send you to the same place as that girl. Death is a blessing for fooling human beings."

Hearing that, all the rage I've been bottling up until now bursts out, and with a roar, I immediately transform into Super Saiyan and yell, "Bastard... How dare you? How dare you!? Maaaiiii!"

In the middle of that roar of rage, I rush toward Black at my fastest speed and punch him in the gut before I quickly follow through with a spinning kick that Black blocks by raising his arm making me use the rebounding force to deliver another spinning kick in the opposite direction, but Black blocks this one too before he quickly counterattacks with punch that lands on my guts pushing me back.

I tap the ground with my hand to regain my footing, but then I immediately feel a heavy impact on my side and immediately realize that Black took advantage of that small opening to hit me with a kick.

Black's kick pushes me further back, but luckily this time me feet are on the ground so I'm standing once more, but I immediately see Black's figure rushing at me and attack me with a series of punches and kicks which I hastily block, before I start to counter attack, but all my blows are either blocked or dodged. 

Like that, we exchange blow after blow until Black finds another opening in my defences and lands another powerful kick that sends me crashing against the wall of a nearby building with enough force to create a crater in the wall, but not enough to make my body crash through it.

Then, just as I'm bouncing off the wall, I feel another painful impact to my stomach that makes me spit out blood and sends me back into the wall, quickly followed by another impact to my arm, one so strong that I feel my bones being crushed by it.

Shortly after that, after a very brief moment of relief from the pain, several Ki Blasts explode all over my body, making me yell out in pain while also making my mind momentarily blank out.

When I regain my senses, I find my legs giving out as my knees touch the ground, and I start to fall toward the ground, which makes me unconsciously use my hands to stop my fall, making me stay on all fours while all my body throbs in pain, "Urgh...!"

At the same time, I hear Black's voice as he says, "This is the end. What a miserable end for a proud warrior race."

Hearing that, I can't help but raise my head and glare back at him as he casually raises his hand and gathers a sizable amount of Ki, generating a big black and yellow ball of Ki with the clear intention of finishing the fight.

Black coldly looks down at me and states, "Disappear for good." before he prepares to launch that gigantic Ki Blast with a shout.

Seeing that, I try to get up, but I lose balance and almost fall, which makes me unconsciously use my hand to regain my balance, and luckily, my hand touches a cold, familiar, metallic surface that lies on the ground right next to me.

With a quick glance, I see that it is my sword, and without any hesitation, I grab it and throw it to Black, who is distracted by it, and because of his distraction, the Ki Blast loses stability and thus explodes right next to Black.

The Ki Blast explosion also sends the sword flying back to me which I unconsciosly grab it and put it back into the sheat on my back in one fluid motion, but then I feel a spike of pain coming from my arm that makes me realize that I grabbed the sword with my broken arm which now hangs limply on my side barely able to move.

At the same time, Black lands on the ground in front of me holding the arm closest to the explosion while cursing, "Damn you!"

Realizing that this is my only chance, I don't waste any more time and, ignoring the pain, I move both my arms as I quickly gather my Ki.

Place both hands above the head with the palms facing in my opponent's direction and one hand in front of the other with the fingers going in opposite directions as I concentrate as much of the gathered Ki as possible.

Then I thrust my hands forward and call out, "Masenko!!" firing a powerful beam of yellow energy that quickly flies toward Black, who is forced to defend, generating an explosion and rising a thick cloud of smoke.

At the same time, I take advantage of this brief distraction to sneak into the Capsule Corporation building while thinking, 'The power behind that Masenko is no way close enough to harm a monster like Black. I fought him many times during this year and never was able to beat or really even harm him. In fact, he seems to grow stronger in every single encounter at a really abnormal rate. At first, I was able to battle him for a while before being forced to retreat, but lately, the time it took for him to overwhelm me got shorter and shorter.'

While rushing into the building, I can't help but realize, 'Our only hope is the Time Machine. Only with the help of my friends on that past timeline did we have a chance to defeat that monster and avenge Mai and all the other people he killed!'

I finally reach the hidden section within the Capsule Corporation building where we kept the Time Machine, and once there, I see that Mom has already inserted the fuel into the Time Machine, climbed into it, and begun the start-up process.

Mom immediately notices my arrival and exclaims, "Trunks!! Are you alright!? Where is Mai!?"

I don't answer her questions but simply climb into the Time Machine and say, "We don't have time for that! Quick, start it! Black could arrive at any moment now!"

Hearing that, Mom grimly nods and quickly pushes various buttons, making the glass shell close and at the same time fully starting up the Time Machin, which beings to shake and lift off as I powerlessly lie in the small space behind the seat where Mom is inputting the various commands, barely holding my consciousness.

Mom exclaims, "Alright! We are ready!" before she quickly grabs the controls of the Time Machine and pulls them back, making the Time Machine fully lift off from the ground, easily crashing through the ceiling of the building.

Once in the air, I immediately notice the figure of Black in the distance and exclaim, "B-Black!?" followed by Mom who shouts, "Shit! He noticed us!!"


I see Black chuckle and mutter something before he qucikly cups his hands and drawn to his side and the ever-increasing amount of Ki is concentrated into a single point between his cupped hands to the point that it forms a dark-purple ball of energy, a pose that I can immediately recognize as Goku-san's, Gohan-san's, and Goza-san's signature technique, the Kamehameha.

Then Black's hands are thrust forward, shooting out an utterly massive, streaming, powerful beam of purple energy toward us, but the Time Machine activates right in the nick of time, making our surroundings suddenly disappear as we find ourselves in the shining space-time tunnel. 

At this point, I remember Mai's last words and vows, 'This one-way fuel will not go to waste, no matter what!' before the pains of the injuries I recieved during my brief battle with Black becomes too much making me let out a grunt and pass out, but not before hearing Mom's worried voice as she yells, "Trunks!?"

Son Goza POV - Dragon Ball Universe, Universe 7, West Area, Planet Ndundero - Age 779

As soon as I arrive at Planet Ndundero, I don't waste any time and immediately get out of my spaceship and start to get to work to track down my targets, the Macareni Siblings.

In the end, after quickly sweeping this planet with my Ki Sense I finally find them in an area nearby the rails of the magnetic train whose only purpose is to deliver the freshly mined and raw Para to the processing plant before the processed Para is shipped to a safe, hidden location under the protection of the Galatic Patrol.

It's obvious that the Macareni Siblings were waiting for the perfect moment to ambush and raid the magnetic train so that they could directly steal the raw mineral.

Of course, I don't give them any chance, and without wasting any time, I land a few meters away from them and shout, "Halt! This is the Galatic Patrol. Macareni Sibling, it is better for you all if you simply let me capture you without putting up much of a fight. At the moment, you are only wanted for your previous crimes and the successful escape from the Galactic Prison. Do not worsen your status by resisting capture."

While saying that, I also take a brief look at the three Macareni Siblings, starting with the oldest, Pasta Macareni.

Pasta Macareni is an humanoid alien of the Komugikos Race, and like all the member of his race, he has bright pink skin tone and colorful hair, in fact, he looks very similar to an Earthling, and thus a Saiyan, the only real difference are the pointy ears and the skin tone that seems a little off if compared with them.

Fitting with his criminal stature, Pasta Macaroni has the look of a typical western outlaw, armed with a Ray Gun that resembles a Colt Revolver and a run down cloth that drapes over his upper body, he also wears dark purple pants, a red scarf, white gloves and boots, and a simple belt.

His more defining characteristics come within his long face, pointy nose and ears, his relatively long lime green hair parted to his right side, and on the left side of the top of his head features three horizontal lines.

(Image Here - Pasta Macareni)

After looking at him, I focus on the younger siblings who are around the same age, starting with the only female on the ground, Penne Macereni, Pasta's younger sister.

Penne Macereni is a short but slim woman of the Komugikos Race, and thus she has the same bright pink skin tone of her brother and the usual pointed ears.

She wears an attire similar to her brother, but without the run-down cloth, basically a dark purple sleeveless shirt, dark purple pants, red scarf, white gloves and boots, and a simple belt.

Her more defining characteristics come within her square face, the liliac hair styled in a bowl cut, red eyes, and on the top of her left shoulder she features three horizontal lines just like the ones on her brother's head.

(Image Here - Penne Macereni)

Then I quickly move on and focus on the younger brother, Ghetti Macareni.

Ghetti Macereni is a very short and chubby man of the Komugikos Race, and thus he has the same bright pink skin tone and the usual pointed ears of his siblings.

Just like Penne Macereni, he also wears a similar attire of his sibilings which consist of a dark purple sleveless shirt, dark purple pants, red scarf, white gloves and boots, and a simple belt, only different from them, his shirt is more open showing more of his chest making much similar to the upper part of a male bodysuit.

His more defining characteristics come within his oval face, the liliac hair styled in a very short short mohawk, yellow eyes, and on the left side of the top of his head features three horizontal lines just like his older brother Pasta.

(Image Here - Ghetti Macareni)

Shortly after I took a quick look at the Macareni Siblings, Pasta Macereni chuckles and says in his usual suave tone, "Hehehe. Galatic Patrolman Son Goza, long time no see. I'm glad to see that you are still as healthy as ever..."

Then he points his Ray Gun that resembles a Colt Revolver at me and says, "But as much as I'd like to spend some time talking with an old friend like you, I and my siblings have a train to catch and riches to make, so I'd like to postpone our usual fun to a later date... Would you kindly step aside, or should I make you?"

Hearing that, I can't help but raise an eyebrow and ask, "Pasta... At this point, you should know that your Ray Gun is useless against someone like me."

In response, Pasta smirks, raises his free hand, and says, "And you, my dear Galatic Patrolman, should know that I, Pasta Macereni of the mighty Macareni Siblings, never do something without carefully planning everything..."

Immediately after he says that, Pasta clicks the fingers of his free hand, and at the exact same time, dozens of random rocks all around me start to shine in a bright yellow light.

That instantly reminds me of Pasta's speciality; he can infuse his Ki into inanimate objects, and after the infusion, he can make the objects explode by simply clicking his fingers. 

Obviosly Pasta already prepared for the possibility of the presence of a Galatic Patrolman and thus he set up this kind of trap beforehand, a trap that it would have been quite effective against most of the Galatic Patrolmen, after all, one does not simply escape as many times from the Galatic Prison as the Macareni Siblings did without being very competent. 

Coming to that conclusion in an instant, I then calmly create a barrier around my body using my Ki, and the next moment, all the rocks around me explode with enough force to create a sizable crater in the area but not enough to break through my barrier and harm me.

But of course, harming me wasn't even in Pasta's plan in the first place as he and his siblings took advantage of the explosions and the thick smoke they generated to swiftly put some distance between me and them.

After all, this isn't the first time we have faced each other, and so they know perfectly well that they have no chance of defeating me in a direct battle.

On top of that, even if Pasta, Penne, and Ghetti are certified criminals and can be quite heavy-handed when the situation calls for it, they actually have never killied anyone in any of their heist or during one of their escapes which makes them one of the few criminals that get a more gentle treatment from almost all the Galatic Patrolmen hunting them down.

With a simple pulse of my Ki, I easily blow away the thick smoke clearing my vision, and at the same time, I pull out the Stun Gun issued by the Galatic Patrol from my Space Bag while thinking, 'Considering how weak Pasta, Penne, and Ghetti are compared to my usual opponents, the Stun Gun should be more than enough... It is without doubt the most gentle way of capturing a criminal.'

While I'm thinking that, I quickly use Ki Sense to make sure that there aren't other traps left behind by Pasta before I start to walk toward them, who obviously took advantage of the brief time brought by the explosion to prepare for the confrontation.

At the same time, I hear Penne's voice as she yells, "Mystic Attack!" following that I notice that her arm is quickly extending toward me aiming at my torso with some kind of sticker in her hands, and of course, the sticker itself is full of Pasta's Ki which means that it is another improvised bomb.

Seeing that, I simply bounce back to avoid that, knowing perfectly well that Penne can only extend her arms by a dozen meters at most.

But as soon as I land, Pasta starts shooting with his Ray Gun while shouting, "Be careful, Galatic Patrolman Goza! My siblings and I spent most of our time in the Galactic Prison thinking about new ways to deal with you and Galatic Patrolman Merus!!" 

As I calmly deflect the beams with my free hand, I hear Penne shout, "Now, Ghetti!" which makes the shortest of the Macareni Siblings quickly jump out from behind his sister and shoot an electric beam from his hand while yelling, "Take this! Bind Wave!"

The electric beam hits me and wraps around my body, restraining my movements much to the joy of the Macareni Siblings who exclaim in perfect sync, """Gotcha!!"""

In response, I calmly smile and say, "It's a little too soon to celebrate your victory..." before I emit a surge of Ki all over my body to break Ghetti's technique using pure, sheer power and add, "... After all, breaking such technique is quite easy if the difference in power is just to vast."

Shortly after saying that, I don't waste any more time and quickly take advantage of the shocked state to take aim and shoot them with the Stun Gun in quick succession.

Then I watch as the three electric shocks fly out of the Stun Gun and zap the Macareni Siblings, temporarily disrupting their muscle functions and inflicting slight pain without causing significant injury, efficiently taking them out of combat with little to no effort.

After that, I quickly handcuff them and then I use the Galactic Receiver to connect to my Spaceship and make it arrive at my location and once it arrives, I jump into the spaceship and use the communicator to contact the Galactic Patrol Headquarters and tell them to send someone to retrive the capture Macareni Siblings so that they can be thrown back to the Galatic Prison where they will likely escape once again after some time.

As that last little detail comes to my mind, I can't help but smile wryly while thinking, 'I mean, how the hell is possible that those three seem to be able to always pull off a jailbreak from that prison? I mean freaking Moro was imprisoned there for around 10 million years without him finding a way to escape! Sure, his magic, the major source of his power, was sealed away by the Grand Supreme Kai, but even so, he was still powerful enough that no one in the Galatic Patrol was able to kill him, Merus included. Of course, we are talking about a "mortal" Merus, not the Angel in training. Anyway, despite all that power, Moro wasn't able to find a way to escape from the Galactic Prison. On the other hand, the Macareni Siblings, people so weak that if the weakened Moro accidentally sneezed it would be able to kill them, are able to casually escape whenever they want.'

Talking about Moro, he isn't a problem anymore as once I became strong enough, I made sure to take advantage of his weakened state to get rid of him once and for all.

The reason for that was that I simply didn't want to deal with all that can of worms. I mean, with the right condition, the guy could easily become a truly unstoppable force, and because of that, I ensured that I killed him before we even took care of Majin Buu.

He and Frieza are the only enemies that I don't mind taking a risk and changing the known canon to deal with them. I mean, Black Frieza is a monster able to take out Father in his True Ultra Instinct state and Ultra Ego Vegeta-san on his own with a single move.

Allowing someone like him the chance to reach his full potential is utterly foolish.

As I let my mind wander like that while waiting for my colleagues from the Galatic Patrol to arrive and retrieve the Macareni Siblings, suddenly, someone contacts me on my communicator and shortly after I answer, I hear Bulma-san's voice as she says, "Goza-kun! Come back to Earth as soon as possible! There is some trouble. Trunks and a me from the future just arrived in a Time Machine! Please contact also Cell. From what my future self told me until now, the situation seems to be pretty serious."

Hearing that, I immediately realize that "Future" Trunks Saga just started, and that there are already some differences from the one I have saw in the anime, but after living in this world for so long, I'm already used to these differences which are very likely caused by my presence, so, I simply reassure Bulma-san that I'll contact Cell and arrive as soon as possible.

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