Chapter 8: Ch8: Through the Nation
[3rd POV][Week 1]
Po has been traveling with the circus for a few days now. Everything has been going very well. He bonded with the others very easily and none of them cared to ask his background.
In the circus the workers keep to themselves about their past, it was only Ty Lee that would ask about others past but it seems they all knew she didn't mean any harm so it didn't bother them.
Right now they were on the road traveling to a port town that is next to the gulf where they will stay for a few nights and perform. Po was riding an ostrich horse at the front, he was tuning an instrument called a pipa, it's similar to a lute (a little guitar). The instrument was given to him from one of the musicians since they became good buddies so he was practicing how to play.
He was also given the task of scouting to ensure the road ahead was safe to continue. Next to him was Ty Lee on her own mount, fidgeting a little since Po was about to go ahead of the group to scout.
Ty Lee: "Hey Po, you sure you're ok with being the scout. It doesn't seem right for you to risk your life just because you're new." She was a bit worried about Po. She was happy to have a new friend that was the same age as her even though he was a boy, he didn't try to flirt with her and she didn't want him to get hurt.
Po: He just smirked, "I volunteered to do it Ty Lee. No need to worry, I told you before that I was a mercenary before this. I got this." His blades were sheathed and dangling on his waist so he was prepared for a fight.
With that, he went up ahead of the group to do his job.
Ty Lee grew a bit anxious as the minutes past. After about half an hour the rest of the group caught up to Po and he was on his ostrich horse. He wasn't alone, on the ground next to him was 5 men bound by rope.
The rest of the group exchanged glances at one another
Ty Lee, however.
Ty Lee: "Po! You're ok!" She jumped off her mount and ran up to Po and then she furrowed her brows, "What took you so long!"
Po: He just shrugged, "I found these guys waiting by the side of the road. They were waiting to greet us with their weapons." He pointed at the weapons on the ground which was just a pile of swords. "They weren't that dangerous, it only took me a while because one of them is a runner. Other than that, they were easy to handle."
Ty Lee: She pouted a bit, "Still made me worry, tho."
Po: He just waved her off, "There's no need to worry. This was easy work. Easy gains." He muttered the last part since he pocketed the money from the bandits.
Ty Lee: Ty Lee looked away and muttered, "I could have done it too."
Once everyone was caught up, they all continued traveling on the road. The bandits weren't in any danger and they didn't want to have to carry them so the circus group left them there.
They continued there travel without any worry since the circus group was assured of his strength and abilities.
[3rd POV][Week 3]
The second week passed by rather fast with no disturbances. Po continued to bond with the circus folk and even more with the animals. Po also handled a few groups of bandits along the way, all of them easy to handle, a few firebenders among them. The second week passed by and it was already the third week of his travel. In the middle of the third week Po and the circus group reached the port village. Po helped set up the tents and unload the cargo that they had.
When they finished unloading the ringmaster called Po over and entrusted him to help with the security.
When the circus was setup the people of the town started arriving and everyone was enjoying themselves. Po was walking around the perimeter of the circus when Ty Lee rushed over to him, she was already wearing her sun dress for the show later.
Ty Lee: "Po! Ringmaster said you can take a break now." She grabbed his wrist and started pulling, "Come on, there's this ramen shop in the village! You have to try it!"
Po: He raised an eyebrow, "You've had it before?" He thought to himself, realizing he's never tried this world's ramen so he's interested.
Ty Lee: She nodded, "Mhm. I've been at this village before with my family and this restaurant is soooo good!"
Po: He nodded and replied, "I'm not one to turn down good food. Alright, lead the way." Ty Lee dragged Po into the village, happy to have a friend join her for ramen.
They walked into the village and reached the restaurant and they both enjoyed their ramen bowls. Well, Po had 5 bowls and even though he could eat more he was fine for now. They both enjoyed their meals and chatted for a while until it was time to head back so Ty Lee could get ready for her show.
For the next few days this was the common routine. Ty Lee would go out with Po whenever she had free time, even while Po was working. Po would practice on playing the lute since he remembers a bunch of songs from is last life. He would also hang around the animals when on his breaks, he just loved spending time with them and they weren't hostile towards him, not even the tigerdillo.
After a few days, the circus was packed and ready to travel across the waters on the ship the Ringmaster rented. It was time to travel through the sea.
[Po POV][Week 5]
I was lying down on my back at the deck of the ship. One and a half weeks we've been on this ship. I'm starting to get a little sea sick now.
Po: With a sigh I complained, "Are we there yet?" I am so tired of the rough waters interrupting my sleep.
Ty Lee: She walked up to where I was, wearing her regular pink outfit, looking over at me, "Don't be so glum, it's not like you to be like this."
Po: "We've been at sea for so looooong. I can't sleep properly because the waves keep moving me in my sleep." I couldn't help but complain, I've never been on a ship for this long. A few days is fine but after the 5th day I was starting to get uncomfortable, I didn't even know I had a limit for being on sea.
It also didn't help that my tail is cramping too. I have to hide it and it has been getting hard to do so in the ship. Actually, I've already had a few close calls, about four to be exact.
This is such a pain.
Ty Lee: She gave me a reassuring smile and sat next to me, "I think we should be on a port village by tomorrow." She then put her finger to her mouth as if still thinking, "Or maybe the day after? We should be close, though, that's for sure."
Po: "*Sigh* That's a relief. Is there any more fish?" I stood up and stretched.
Ty Lee: She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "You know, we're in the middle of the ocean, there's always fish."
Po: "Then lets get some!" I ran off inside, my enthusiasm returning, with Ty Lee right behind me.
It's a good thing I didn't get sick of eating fish, this little "cruise" would have been worse if I did.
[Po POV][Week 6]
Yesterday we finally arrived at this small port village. I was relieved to be out of the waters, I never knew I had a limit for water travel but now I know. When we arrived we set up the circus tents at the edge of the village and did the usual performance.
Its now our second day at the village and everything is just fine. I was sitting down on a haystack in the area where the animals resided. I was chillin' and practicing with the lute, I've made lots of progress on playing it since I'm not training at the moment. I've only done basic exercise routines but I can't practice my martial arts. I've been doing image training though at times after meditation.
Ty Lee is getting ready for her show so I am on my own right now. We've bonded a little these past few weeks. She told me about her problem with her sisters and became much more comfortable with being around me. I also shared with her my problem, told her that I don't know who my father is and that my mother won't tell me who he is. Its not much of a problem for me so I focused more on her problems since I'm actually doing fine.
Now that we've bonded I hope she won't be too upset when I have to leave. I'm also a little sad to leave her, she's the first friend I've made after my escape. Some of the other performers here are good buddies too but we're not that close.
Tomorrow is the third and last day of the circus show for this village. The next village we go to will be the town close to the port village I'm going to, which is close to the bottom of the Fire Nation.
It's gonna take close to 2 weeks to get to the village we're going next. Once we arrive there I'm gonna be leaving the circus and proceeding my journey alone.
In other news, my escape actually became a hot topic for about a while, the news reached all the way to this side of the nation. That wasn't the only news though, I heard one other rumor; a band of misfits in the Fire Nation colonies is causing some trouble for the army.
I don't remember their group name but I think its the same group led by Jet.
Po: I frowned and muttered to myself, "He's probably going to attack me the moment he finds out I'm a firebender."
Ty Lee: She started approaching me and I didn't notice, "What was that?"
Po: "Ohh! Geez, don't sneak up on me like that!" She just giggled and smiled at me.
Ty Lee: "I wasn't trying to sneak up on you. So, what were you saying just now before I came?"
Po: "Uhh... I was just... Singing! I was singing a little." I couldn't tell her the truth so I just said what came into my mind.
Ty Lee: She become ecstatic and couldn't contain it and started questioning me, "Wow! I didn't know you can sing! Can I hear it!? Is it a happy song!? Is it your own song!? What is it-"
Po: I tried to calm her down, "Whoa, wait, Ty." She was bouncing right at me, I didn't think she would be this excited about me singing. "It's a song that I just know but I'm still trying to remember it so I'll sing it to you some other day."
Ty Lee: She lost her excitement and pouted, "Promise?" She looked at me with her bright puppy eyes.
Po: I chuckled nervously, "Hehehe, Yea. I promise to sing it to you when I can."
Welp... Hopefully she won't be disappointed with my singing... Actually I wonder if I'm any good, I never tried. In my last life I was decent, I think.
Ty Lee and I talked for a while, she was full of positivity as always, and when it was time she left to prepare for her performance. I wished her luck and I continued practicing my lute until it was time for her show.
Her show was great like always, the people really loved her show. While watching I couldn't help but feel a bit... sad. When I leave I'll be alone until I join the Avatar and his friends, that's assuming they let me join. If I do join I'll meet Ty Lee again but as an adversary.
Po: I muttered to myself while watching her show, "*Sigh* She's definitely going to be mad at me."
She's a good friend so I can't help but feel sad when I leave but I live in this world now. The world is at war. The Avatar is going to bring peace and balance but I have to help him. I'm positive there's more dangers in this world than in canon so he's going to need all the help he can get.
I'm ready to fight alongside Aang and if I don't join him I'm still going to fight.