Chapter 6: Ch6:Surprise Encounter
[Po POV]
I made my way through the crowd. More people were now gathering in the streets. I passed by guards unnoticed and arrived at the circus just outside of the village.
It was a good old classic circus. Numerous small tents of different colors with different patterns were scattered within the area. The main tent was placed center at the end, it was a huge dark pink tent that covered a large area.
Many people were looking into the smaller tents, each of them having their own display. One of them had some dancing monkey poodles and another tent was selling fireflakes and firejellies.
I bought myself a bag of firejellies and continued looking around until the main event would start in the big tent.
After a few minutes, and finishing my jellies, I saw two teens a bit taller than me cornering a girl in a costume. She looked to be getting uncomfortable with those guys trying to woo her. So like the good prisoner escapee that I am, I went to help the girl.
I swiftly approached them from behind and swiped their money pouches without them noticing. I then tapped both of their shoulders.
Fire Teen 1: The first teen was bothered that I interrupted him and he sneered at me, "What do you want, peasant!? Can't you see we're having a civil conversation here?"
Fire Teen 2: His friend just butted in, "Yea. You have no right to interfere in our business!"
Snobby brats! Lucky I can't break your legs!
Po: I kept my composure and gave a dead smile, "Right, sorry to interrupt but I saw some guy take your pouches. I just wanted to let you guys know."
Fire Teens 1 & 2: "What!!!" "Where did he go!!!" They both felt around their belts then looked around for the culprit.
Po: I pointed at a random direction, "He went that way. He had blue eyes and yellow hair, you can't miss him."
They both ran in the direction I pointed too and disappeared into the crowd. I chuckled when they were out of sight.
Po: "Heh. What a bunch of idiots." I looked back at the girl and couldn't help but feel like I've seen her before. "They were bothering you, right? You ok?"
She had brown hair in a braided ponytail and her eyes were a sparkling dark grey, almost black. She was wearing a sun shaped head ornament that kind of looked like a crown. Her costume was a beige dress with the skirt part resembling a red, orange, and yellow flower.
Now that I have a good look at her she kinda looks like...
Ty Lee: "Yea, I'm fine. Thanks so much for your help! Those boys just wouldn"t leave me alone! Oh! I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Ty Lee! It's nice to meet you!" She gave me a smile with her eyes shining.
[Insert Picture of Ty Lee here]
Ty Lee! She is more... bright than I thought she would be. And that's saying something because I expected her to be bright regardless when I met her. I didn't think I would meet her this soon tho.
I completely forgot that she was in a circus before joining Azula. It'd be nice to be her friend but I think it's better if I try not to get too close to her for now.
Po: I smiled back at her, "Its nice to meet you, Ty Lee. Glad to see you're alright. I'll see you around so-" I turned to leave but she interrupted me and grabbed my arm.
Ty Lee: "Ooh! Wait! You're not gonna watch my show?" She was staring at me with her puppy dog eyes while holding my arm.
I had to admit that she was very cute but I don't want to get involved with her... right now.
Po: "... I don't know."
Ty Lee: "Please! Come and watch my show! We have time before it starts so why don't we hang out for a bit. Please!? I know we just met but you helped me so I want to thank you."
Po: I let out a sigh, "Okay, I guess I can stay. My weapons won't be finished until sometime tomorrow so I have to wait anyways." I rubbed the back of my head.
I came to the circus to relax a bit, so I might as well stay and watch her show. However, Ty Lee adds a bit of stress to my mind. It makes me wonder if Azula will suddenly show up out of nowhere.
Ridiculous idea but Ty Lee is a main character so who knows what'll happen. I'm reluctant to hang out with her but I could feel she is genuinely a good person and she hasn't done anything to oppose me. So I decided it was fine for us to hang out a bit.
Ty Lee: "Yay! Come on! I know the best foods that we have!" Her eyes lit up and she dragged me to follow.
I also won't deny food.
We walked around the circus until she led me to a small tent selling fried fish. My mouth watered and my eyes focused on the fish.
It smelled soooo good!
My tastes are definitely influenced by the cat part of me. It's no real bother though, I liked fish before but now it seems to be my preference. The foodie in me has sparked and it was showing clearly on my face.
Ty Lee: She saw my face and giggled, "You really like fish don't you!"
Po: "I love all types of food but I think fish is my favorite."
Ty Lee: She laughed, "You think? You're literally drooling!" She poked my cheek, teasingly.
I was a bit embarrassed now. I didn't think I would actually drool. I don't blame the cat part of me for that. I've just always been a foodie.
Po: I wiped off the drool from my mouth, "Sorry, I'm just a big fan of food."
Ty Lee: She waved it off and smiled, "I think its great to express yourself! It makes you look cute! Come on! Let me treat you, it's the least I could do for you since you helped me out."
I insisted that I could pay for my own food but she didn't let up. We got our fried fish and ate it together. We got to talking a bit and she told me about her time in the circus. I told a few stories about traveling and fighting bandits, I also told her my destination with a made up excuse. I showed her the map and showed her where I was heading. I didn't tell her crucial details like how I'm a firebender or how I was not from this nation, among other things. Eventually our conversation somehow ended up like this.
Ty Lee: "Ooh!!! Why don't you travel with me- I mean us. The circus." I noticed that she blushed a little but I ignored it.
What she said got me thinking.
Po: "Are you going to this same area too?" I pointed at the map.
Ty Lee: She regained her composure, "We're not going that far but there's a village right here that's the closest to the place you're going." She pointed to a dot and it was close to the village I was heading too.
I wondered if I should join them or not. There was pros and cons to traveling with the circus but I think the biggest con was time. I don't know how long it would take to travel if I was with them, by myself it would take maybe 4 months since I would travel on foot and I can't fly since I can't expose myself.
Traveling with company might take longer but I asked anyways.
Po: I looked at her and asked, "How long will it take to get here?"
Ty Lee: She put her finger on her mouth, thinking, "We're going to two more villages before heading to that village." I was listening but it seems like it would be better if I did travel alone but she continued, "And we need to cross the gulf so it will take about 2 months."
Two months!? Cross the gulf!?
Her travel is shorter because she can cross the gulf! What great luck! I could arrive at the Temple much earlier than planned and have LOTS of time to train and test out any new abilities I might have.
I couldn't travel across the water because I don't have any proper documents for myself but with the circus the Fire Nation won't even bat an eye in my direction. It's a great cover!
Po: I smiled brightly at Ty Lee, "Alright! I'll travel with you! It should be fun!"
Ty Lee: I didn't notice but she blushed and then she smiled, "That's GREAT! We're gonna have so much fun together!" She gave me a big hug.
I was a little taken aback by the hug but I know she is just a really friendly girl. I also think it'll be fun, however, I'll still have to be cautious and keep myself hidden. I also need to know something else.
Po: Once she let me go I asked one more question, "I know you invited me to travel with the circus, but am I allowed to join you or do I just follow you guys?"
Ty Lee: "Actually, the Ringmaster wanted a few more hands to help the circus. You know things like setting up the tents, taking down the tents, security, help with loading, taking care of animals, and... Help in general basically. You'll get paid for your services too!"
Po: "That's great. I'm good with money for now but earning more won't do me any harm." I only wondered if it'll be general coins money or fire nation specific money.
In this world copper, silver, and gold coins are accepted everywhere as currency. Then there is Nation specific money and depending on the store and/or area it isn't accepted everywhere. I tend to keep the former since it's accepted all around but if I get paid with Fire Nation money I won't turn it down.
Ty Lee: "Oh! The Ringmaster is gonna be so glad to have more helping hands! Now come on! The main event is going to start soon!"
She grabbed my arm again and dragged me to the main tent. She let go of my arm when we arrived at the entrance, "Go inside and enjoy the show! When it's all done go ahead and go home, I'll talk with the boss about hiring you, so meet me back here tomorrow around noon, k?"
Po: "Alright. Tomorrow at noon. Good luck with your act out there." I waved to her and she wave back leaving.
I went inside and saw the show. The Ringmaster introduced himself, he was an elderly man with a thin mustache and soul patch, all his hair was white. Then the show went on!
There was various animals running around some performing tricks, then came some performers juggling, dancing, and performing a firebender act. Then finally came Ty Lee, balancing only on her hands on a rope high above, she waved in my direction and I subtly waved back and then she did some poses and finally crossed the rope.
She was safe from any danger, there was a net at the bottom. She gave a good show and I enjoyed my time here at the circus more than I expected.
With that, I left and proceeded back to the inn. My stay at this village is almost at an end, tomorrow I get my weapons back and I meet up with Ty Lee at noon. I start my travel through the Fire Nation soon, with a circus.
I just hope this nation won't take my escape too seriously, my travel should be fun.