Avatar the Last Airbender(ATLA): The Jade Dragon

Chapter 4: Ch4:Interlude/Enter the Fire Nation

[3rd POV]

A little boy, about 5 years old, can be seen training in the woods next to the small village he grew up in, at the time he had brown hair and brown eyes. He was only wearing faded greyish green pants with the tunic shirt dropped around his waist as a belt. He was doing push ups, sit ups, climbing up and down on the tall trees, and performing different forms of martial arts.

When he couldn't continue he fell over. He tried to get himself up but he couldn't. He was now exhausted. He let out a roar in frustration and green fire came out as well.

This boy is Po.

Even thought he is only five he has been training since the break of dawn and the sun was just now beginning to set.

Here, he was upset and venting out his frustration.

Po had found out the day before that instead of being an earthbender he was a firebender.

He wasn't upset about being a firebender, he would have been glad to have any element he could bend but was genuinely surprised it was firebending.

His mother is an earthbender and the people in the village were all non benders. So being a firebender was a bit surprising.

When he showed her mother his fire, she was surprised by the color but not the fire itself.

Po asked her mother why he could firebend and that is when she told him her story.

Mother: "Alright my little pebble, I can't tell you everything since you're still too young and some things should be discovered personally but I'll tell you a few things."

"A few years before you were born I lived in this village as its main protector. There is a reason why I'm the only earthbender here but I'll explain that some other time. Everything was peaceful, the villagers lived in tranquility. I myself had a laid back life, we don't involve ourselves in the war, but... everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked."

"They found out how special my lineage was, I don't know how but they threatened the people of this village unless I came with them. So I surrendered myself to them. They took me back to the Fire Nation and there I met a very important figure for their people. He was fierce and had an air of power to him. He was quite handsome as well. It was my first time meeting him so what he said next surprised me."

Mother: "He was forcing me into a marriage with him. I was reluctant, obviously, but I had no choice but to accept. After spending like two or three years with this man I genuinely came to love him but his thirst for power and strength changed him. He was no longer the man I loved, so I left. He is now too far gone to be redeemed"

"With the help of a kind man I was able to fake my death and I traveled all the way back here. They didn't suspect a thing since no Fire Nation troops came here ever since. It was also when I arrived back home that I found out I was pregnant with you."

"So to sum it all up, son... Your father is from the Fire Nation. You are from the Fire Nation."

Po asked more questions but the Mother refused to say anything more then she did.

That is why he was training all day. He was frustrated that his mom wouldn't tell him more. He also couldn't keep his mind away from who his father is. He was just too curious.

So Po decided.

He will run away from home and travel to the Fire Nation to find answers. He has trained well enough and knew how to take care of himself.

A few days passed and he was ready to leave one early morning. The day he left he wrote a note saying how he was going to travel the world and find the answers himself.

He didn't get a chance to say goodbye to his mother or his friends before he left the island. He knew they would either want to go with him or make him stay.

He left the island and when he made it to the Earth Kingdom mainland he traveled up north towards the Fire Nation Colonies in the Earth Kingdom.

On the way he fought bandits and was able to develop his firebending. He was also training the martial arts he remembered from his past life. More specifically, his Wing Chun.

In his past life he was a martial arts enthusiast and was taking classes. He loved martial arts and watched many shows and movies that featured martial arts. That included ATLA and LoK and some other movies and/or anime shows. He also saw the movies featuring Bruce Lee and the Ip Man movies featuring Donnie Yen.

Po didn't want to rely only on his firebending, when he used it he saw the eyes of the Earth Kingdom people... they were afraid of him even though he was still only a child. It was a happy coincidence that he wished for the martial arts knowledge of this world, so he refrained from using fire. With the knowledge of this worlds martial arts he was able to develop his Wing Chun further than what he learned from his past life along with some other forms of fighting. All he had to do was practice it.

Po continued on his travels, helping people when he could, and when he arrived at the Colonies he also decided to cause trouble for the Fire Nation. So for the next few years he stayed in the Colonies doing what he can to involve himself in the war and, if he could, find information that might reveal who his father is.

The soldiers upon waking up would find that their money was stolen, weapons were broken, and supplies missing or burned.

The soldiers soon found out that it was a young boy who was causing so much grief for them. They had tried to capture him and confronted him many times but failed each time.

The boy, which the Fire Nation never knew his name, was given the title of Jade Dragon since, at times when he did use his firebending, the fire he used would be green and he would mostly release it from his mouth.

The boy then encountered a small group of individuals who called themselves the Five Beasts. The group was impressed by Po's talent and offered a place for him in the group. He accepted since they only targeted the bad people and helped the innocent giving the group a new name; The Six Beasts.

Soon, however, the leader changed and so did the group. They became more violent and ignored the innocent or as the leader would call them, the weak. Even Po noticed he was becoming more violent.

Po was about to abandon the group but they were confronted by a large battalion of Fire Nation soldiers. He, by himself, was able to fight off hundreds of men and so was his group but was eventually captured. They were all captured.

He doesn't know what has happened with the rest of the group because each of them were kept seperated.

He was taken to the Fire Nation and imprisoned there for a short time. He was then taken by mad spiritualists and...


[Po POV]

Captain: "LAND HOOOO!!!"

Po: "Welp, that's it for my story fellas! I'll have to tell you the rest some other time."

The group all gave out a groan.

I stood up from the group who were crouching on the floor. We were on top of the deck of the ship and I was telling them a quick backstory at night. I didn't reveal my name or the past life stuff. These guys were prisoners and even though they were nice I didn't reveal my name or the tail, I had the tail wrapped around my waist, Saiyan style, it was also covered by my clothes. I gave them a small backstory that didn't reveal much about me, just some events leading up to now.

First Mate: "Awww come ooonn. You were just getting to the best part."

Some of the others mumbled in approval at what the first mate stated.

Po: I chuckled, "If we meet again maybe I'll finish my story and maybe even give you my name."

Some of them let out a sigh of "Awws".

Po: "I'm gonna talk to the captain before I head out. So this is goodbye for now. I hope you guys don't get into any more trouble, alright!?" I gave them a smile.

They all got up and gave me their goodbyes. One guy even got tearful, he was a big muscly bald dude almost twice my size with tattoos and a thin mustache. I didn't take him for the emotional type but he gave me a big hug, squeezing me tight.

Po: "Al-alright buddy. I'll see you soon." I struggled to get out of his embrace but he eventually let go.


Quick recap.

When I escaped I went down into the ship and took out the soldiers with ease. I found a few prisoners who were supposed to be transferred into the Boiling Rock and I released them.

They helped me stea- I mean borrow this ship. I asked them to take me to the main land and they agreed. They told me how they were going to travel to different parts of the world before selling the ship for parts.

We've been at sea for only two days and we finally arrived close to the Fire Nation.

I walked up to the Captain, she was a little taller than I was, about 5' 9". She had a buzz cut, green eyes and had two scars, a small one over her left eyebrow and another on her forehead. She looked to be around her mid-twenties.

Po: "Alright Captain Jiang, I'll be going now." I extended out my hand.

Jiang: She took my hand and shook it, "It was a short time, but I am forever grateful for you freeing me and my crew. What will you do now?"

Po: "I was planning on finding a quiet place to settle down for a bit and continue my training. Just want a little peace and quiet."

Jiang: "So you're not going to cause trouble to the Fire Nation anymore? Before we met, even I have heard of you and your feats. It was hard to believe that someone your age was causing problems for the Fire Nation. Now you're not going to involve yourself in the war? Thats a little hard to believe."

Po: I chuckled, "That's a little funny coming from a pirate who doesn't involve herself in the war." 

Jiang: She gave me a sly smile, "The pirate's life is for me, but even I help people from time to time. I just don't get involved in the war itself."

Po: "I can respect that." I looked over at the mainland, "I'll help people when I can but when I find a place to rest I'm going to try and get stronger before going back to fighting."

Jiang: She looked at me skeptically, "Will you go against the Fire Nation even though you're a firebender, or will you change sides?" She slowly reached for her sword.

Po: I saw this and replied, "Relax, I'm not joining them any time soon." I smirked at her, "I thought you said you don't get involved in the war itself?"

Jiang: She scoffed, "Please, I'm not involved in sides, but I'll cut down Fire Nation troops when I can. Now, get out of here! It's best we don't stay here for too long on Fire Nation waters." She started shooing me away.

Po: "Alright. I'll be going. Try to stay out of trouble." I waved her goodbye and made my way to a spare lifeboat.

I lowered the boat down the side of the ship and I jumped down once it was afloat. I started paddling my way to the shore and when I looked back at the ship I could see the crew waving goodbye to me. I waved back and continued heading to land.

When I arrived on land I looked back and the ship was already gone. I took out my map to locate the nearest village, I could probably find an inn and sleep on a bed for the first time in, literally, years.


(A/N: For the sake of not being confused, I won't specify random village names and such only when it is related to the main storyline.)

Po: "Its mostly for himself though, he'll have a hard time remembering so its easy for him."

(A/N: Th- thats not true! And stop breaking the wall!)

-Back to Po POV-

I looked at the map and the nearest village is about 5 miles from here. That's right, I know how to read a map! It's not plot armor either!

(A/N: You're doing it on purpose now! *Sigh* You know what, whatever... Just continue with the story.)

I had to learn to read a map since I traveled by myself to the Fire Nation Colonies. It's a good skill to have since there's no technology in this world... yet. I don't plan on making any, I'm not smart enough to do it. So I have to rely on whatever I do know and learn on the way.

I even learned a bit about this worlds herbs and learned how to cook.

I started making my way to the village through the terrain and after a bit of time I finally made it.

I was on high ground and below the valley I could see a small village. From what I could tell, it looked like the village was having a small festival and a carnival was set next to the village as well.

Po: "Ooooh! Right, its the New Year festival, looks like they're still celebrating it."

Just a few days ago I had a vision. That same vision happened on the start of the New Year, which is also during the Winter Solstice.

(A/N: Don't hate me if I'm wrong, it's just a guess. I have no idea how the worlds seasons or calander works. I'm making it up as I go along.)

The year is now 99 A.G. I have one year until the Avatar returns.

Po: "Better make my way to the Temple fast if I want to help Aang." I looked at the village then beyond the land. "Looks like I have a long road ahead of me." and I started walking towards the village, ready for the trip though the Fire Nation.


A/N: Let me explain a bit more. Po has not read any of the comics of ATLA at all. He's only seen the cartoon show which is where he lives in now. That's why he doesn't realize who Jiang is. Its also been years since he has seen the show so he won't remember everything or everyone that was in the show.

For those of you who has read the comics, yes, it's the same Pirate Jiang that Katara met in the comics I just modified her backstory a little to meet Po for this moment.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed it! See ya next time!

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